The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 241 Deliberately arranged changes

Could it be that Rand is crazy again?

But why is it different from usual?

Didn't you attack them? Is this a new symptom?

Two female dragons and one succubus, I couldn't help but think of it.

After a long time.

Rand's maniacal laughter remained the same.

Hindley finally couldn't help but asked:

Rand, you... thought of something interesting? Why are you so happy all of a sudden?

On the other hand, Doris' eyes flashed and she said excitedly: Rand, you must have figured it out and are ready to mate with me, right? Come on! I will definitely be gentler! Even if you do everything give it to me!

Hahaha! Hahaha! I laughed, naturally I thought of a possible way to escape from the black hole!

Rand laughed and glanced at the two dragons and one succubus beside him.

After more than five hundred years in the black hole and decades in the Dragon King's Court, although he is crazy.

But compared to before, there is a big difference.

The biggest difference lies in the understanding of magic!

Magic grows27.

Although compared to his physical growth, it is not worth mentioning.

But this number is actually not weak, it can even be said to be strong.

At least, Rand's talent in magic will not be weaker than Hindley, a rainbow dragon who is good at magic knowledge.

The only thing that can't compare to the other party is probably the time spent studying magic, as well as the interest and consciousness in magic.

27 points of magic growth can make his mind broaden a lot and think of the possibility of breaking the situation.

How to escape from a black hole?

Hindley's eyes flashed and she became excited.

The other Doris became quiet.

That's right! I am currently unable to save myself due to the extreme disability of my body and soul.

But the past and future me are different!

Only they can save me now!

Rand said excitedly.


As soon as these words came out, the two dragons and the succubus next to them fell silent.

They don't quite understand Rand's brain circuit.

I don’t know about Rand’s plug-in either.

Just in the next moment.

Rand's 'smaller' dragon body was suddenly enveloped by the force of time, and his figure began to become dreamlike.

This surprised the two dragons.

Rand! You...

Don't be surprised, I have awakened a new talent of time and will go into the river of time to find a way to save myself.

Goodbye, Hindley, Doris, and Dorothy.

Next time we meet, it will be my true form.

I will fulfill all your wishes one by one!

With the development of the Dragon King's Court, you can change your strategy and focus on protecting yourself...wait for come back...

Rand kept talking until the end, and his entire figure completely disappeared.

Awakened the talent of time... But even so, how to save myself?

Could it be that he wanted to find himself who might have escaped thousands of years, even tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years later, and come to this world to save himself?

But, at that time, could I still be considered myself?

Hindley looked at the disappearing figure of the huge throne and murmured to herself.

Is the consciousness of life immutable?

of course not.

Every moment of life, we are growing or regressing.

No moment is the same.

You today and you next moment may regret the decision you made earlier and make a different decision.

Nor will it always be good, or even evil.

My future self is myself, but it is not myself either.

In two time and space that will not intersect.

Would you help another person unconditionally?

Maybe... maybe not...


As a pillow dragon who had been with Rand for a while, Hindley knew very well what kind of dragon Rand was.

he! You will never help another person for no reason!

Could it be that Rand himself still couldn't see this?

of course not!

So will he seek help from his future self?

In the extremely dark and strange time and space.

A galaxy runs through it.

Its width is immeasurable, its length immeasurable, and it appears to be countless times wider than the universe.

Countless time powers and countless slide-like images flow on it.

This is the flow of time.

Rand's mutilated young body suddenly appeared in it.

When he just appeared, he even saw some magical creatures jumping up and down again in the long river of time.

One of the creatures.

It even looked very familiar to Rand.

The charcoal gray scales on the creature's body and the lack of a distinct backbone give it the impression of smoothness.

Hourglass-shaped black scales covered his eyes like a mask.

Twelve unevenly distributed ring-shaped black scales are distributed on its body in a radiating pattern from back to front, like annual rings.

A pointer-like spur extends from the back of its skull, seemingly doubling the length of its head.

A pair of triangular wings extend from a narrow point on its back and spread out, giving it the general shape of an hourglass.

Two protrusions of different lengths at the end of the tail give it two tail tips.

He is the strongest and most mysterious time dragon among the three legendary dragons!

Rand's eyes were attracted to him, and while he was sizing him up, the other party couldn't help but cast his gaze over.

The moment he saw Rand, he showed a hint of surprise, then smiled, nodded towards him, and plunged into the long river of time.

call! ! !

Without waiting for Rand to think about it.

A fierce hurricane blew in.

The whole dragon that had just appeared on the long river began to float back and forth on the river.

He flapped the dragon wings desperately, trying his best to prevent himself from falling into the river.

Although, this is the first time he has come to the long river of time.

But he is very clear that once he falls into the river, it means that he will fall directly into the corresponding time and space.

Rand didn't even find the landing point where he wanted to land, so how could he enter time and space at will.

He worked hard.

After resisting, he quickly flew towards the direction representing the past!

he! What you have to go to is the past! And not the future!

Rand's entire body was like a bolide, rushing towards the past at extremely high speed.

He didn't even look at the river.

Then he plunged into the lake.

And at this moment.

The scene that appeared in the lake.

Astonishingly, it was the scene of Rand's biological mother, Sapphith Dorom Sophia, a female black dragon, laying eggs in the swamp.

Well... damn red dragon! You're an idiot with only muscles and no brains!

It was only once that I was given birth to such a despicable bloodline!

I, Sephis Dorom Sophia, will definitely take my revenge on you! Wait!

I will knock you to the ground and take all your treasures!

A misty swampy woodland.

A slender black dragon looked at the three eggs and cursed constantly.

Didn't notice at all.

Deep in the mist in the distance.

A dragon the size of a football, exuding dazzling light, was grinning at her and the three eggs.

This dragon is naturally Rand who traveled through the long river of time and came to the past!

he! He came directly to the original place of his birth!

This is the place where I was born!

Facing my future self, I have no ability to persuade, nor do I have any hope that my future self will be merciful and help me.

But if it were me in the past.

Then maybe there is a chance...

Rand's eyes were dark.

He stood quietly, his breath completely restrained.

Although it is only an insignificant part of the body.

But as long as they are not legendary casters, their existence will definitely not be discovered.

Safis kept cursing.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she yawned tiredly and fell asleep.

At this moment, Rand's body slowly sank into the ground.

As he sank, his spirit turned into a beam of light and shot into one of the eggs.

in this way.

Time keeps passing.

Soon, the day of egg breaking came.

The sound of clicking is endless.

An egg with far more red scales than black scales had its top cracked, and a small head squeezed out of the egg.

Then he shouted in a childish voice:

Rand Sapphith Oakburn... Neltharion.

Soon, the two eggs next to it also cracked one by one.

Rand's sister and brother were also born from it.

Fiona, who was dissatisfied with Rand, was severely punished.

Finally, exhausted, Rand fell into a deep sleep.

The dream in his sleep was constantly distorting.


He seemed to be sitting at the computer desk before time travel again.

A new option appears there.

Congratulations, you came to the world in the form of a giant dragon. The whole world will change because of your birth, but the prerequisite is that you must have enough strength.

As a birth gift, you can choose one of the following two options as a strengthening reward.

A: Magic growth +1 B: Physical growth +1

B: Physical growth +1

【Player Panel】

Race: Dragon

Magic growth: 2

Physical growth: 12

Is this my plug-in, my system?

Rand, who was sleeping, couldn't help but instinctively think of it.

Consciousness then began to sink slowly.

That's when.

A voice sounded from it:

Rand Safis Oakburn welcomes you to the world of Io.

I am your system. If you have any questions, you can consult me.

This sentence instantly activated Rand's spirit and made him wake up.

In a half-dream and half-awake state.

System? Is it still a system with self-thinking? Not bad! Not bad!

Rand, who had just arrived, felt happy and kept muttering.

As a person who hangs out on novel websites all year round.

He has read a lot of online novels.

Naturally, we know that systems are divided into systems with thinking, and systems without thinking, which are extremely rigid.

Both systems.

Readers generally prefer the latter.

Because the former is more likely to be associated with conspiracy, and its frequent appearance will also make readers feel uncomfortable.

But seriously.

Among the two.

If given a choice, he believes most people would choose the former.

Because the intelligent system can bring more help to the host.

If conspiracy theories must be involved, then why shouldn’t they be without intelligence?

Little Rand was secretly happy and couldn't help but ask:

Very good, then system, please introduce to me the specific situation of the Io world.

Although he was reborn as a dragon, Rand gained a lot of information from the dragon heritage.

But it's not comprehensive.

Little Rand is not so stupid as to dislike too much information.

Of course, host, the Io plane is a world created by the creator god Io.

There are gods in this plane.

The gods possess extremely powerful power and can easily destroy the planet...

Of course, the current Io continent is protected by the Io barrier, and the strongest ones are only epic-level beings...

Epic level one? How powerful is that?

According to Blue Star's combat power calculations, if a large number of nuclear weapons are not continuously deployed and direct bombing is carried out, the entire Blue Star can be completely wiped out.

Oh, this is so strong! Can I be this strong in the future?

Little Rand asked.

Of course, you will definitely become stronger than this in the future, because you are a dragon! A giant dragon that far exceeds the limits of ordinary creatures!

However, as a dragon, you should also know how to protect yourself better.

In this world, although dragons are synonymous with power.

But it is also the favorite monster of adventurers. As long as you defeat the dragon, it means you can gain huge amounts of wealth and fame.

Drink dragon meat and dragon blood to improve your abilities...and become rich in one day and become a person above all others.

...This is natural. I will never take any risks if I am not careful enough to be invincible in the world. Don't worry about the system.

Little Rand said without hesitation.

In this world, you can't just be stubborn if you want to. Those adventurers are like rats in the sewers. They are everywhere. No matter where you hide, they are likely to find you!

You must have great strength.

Strong power? Of course I need it, but I have just come to this world, and I am still a young dragon. I have no power at all...

Don't worry, as a system, I will help you. As long as your physique is strong enough, you can unlock new talents.

Talents can greatly improve your combat effectiveness.

The generation of talent requires your extreme desire. When you are desperate for power, this system will naturally give you a powerful talent that is enough to protect yourself.

Oh oh oh! What a reliable system!

Rand, who had just entered a different world, had no intention of doubting his system at all, and sighed in his heart.

the next day.

Little Rand woke up from his sleep full of fighting spirit, and when he saw the unconvinced little female dragon, he naturally gave him a good beating.

He communicates with the system from time to time.

The relationship with the female black dragon is cold.

Time flies.

Soon, it was time for the adventurers to discover the Black Dragon Mother.

Both sides fought.

A ranger found Rand.

And Rand, under the command of the system, faced off against the opponent, brought the two dragon cubs down together, escaped into the cave, and started the first round of sleep.

Everything is the same as what Rand experienced in another world.

Soon, because of the greed of the two dragon cubs, he had a conflict with Baron Ackermann and killed them and obtained the spoils.

Because of this, he once again awakened his first natural ability in deep sleep.

Until now.

Different situations occurred.

Your physical growth has exceeded 15, and you have gained a new ability [Calling the Future].

[Call the future]: You can call your future self to appear in front of you briefly and fight for you.

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