The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 243 Super God’s Power

Just at this moment.

A huge terrifying aura suddenly descended.

Snapped! ! !

Weiss, who came from the future, and Little Rand, who had just gotten up, fell to the ground directly under the pressure of this air.

The hunters who were rushing towards here, as well as those who were running away or wanting to check the situation, all fell to the ground at once.

They are not held down by gravity.

But it comes from the fear in the heart.

This feeling seems to come from instinct and from the deepest part of the gene.

They completely lost control of their bodies, causing them to twitch constantly.

It's not just these people.

With the portal as the center, this situation kept happening nearby, and people kept falling.

This range quickly expanded from the original one kilometer to several kilometers.

Tens of kilometers, dozens of kilometers, even hundreds of kilometers, spreading endlessly.

You...this guy, what exactly did you just do?

His eyes were fixed on the sky.

Future Weiss said through gritted teeth.

This sentence was meant for little Rand.

It was obvious that this plan was about to succeed, and it was obvious that the desperate look of this evil dragon was about to be appreciated, but why... the sudden change in front of him?

This has never been encountered before!

I...I don't know...I just called my future self...

Little Rand replied somewhat confused.

But why, it feels different from what I thought. Why does it feel like it's a little too strong? Is it really okay to summon this guy?

Little Rand felt extremely uncertain.

Buzz buzz~

The diameter of the portal at this moment has reached several kilometers.

A huge dragon claw and a dragon arm just stretched out from it!

The dragon claw stretched out five sharp claws, covering the sun in the entire sky. It was so huge that it could completely hold the entire barony in the palm of its hand. It stretched gently, as if it was going to crush the entire barony.

It's so big... Are these really claws that flesh and blood creatures can grow? Is the future Rand Safith Oakburn already so terrifying?

Future Weiss was so frightened that her voice was trembling.

Even if he had already taken life and death lightly, he could not help but feel a little scared.

When the huge dragon claw emerged from the portal, soon another claw was placed on the edge of the portal, tearing hard, and instantly opened the portal's opening.


A huge dragon head poked out from it.

The diameter of the entire dragon head is at least six or seven kilometers.

The two eyeballs are like two blazing red suns. The eyes of those who look directly at them will shed tears involuntarily, as if they are looking directly at a star.

When it appeared, it was clearly thousands of kilometers away from the ground, making it clearly visible to everyone on the ground, as if they were right in front of them.

At the same time, a sense of distortion emerged.

The whole space was writhing.

That's... the reaction after scorching high temperature comes into contact with space.

The distortion is continuously spreading downwards. This is, the heat is rushing downwards!

hold head high!!!!

When the dragon head appeared, the giant dragon roared, and the powerful sound waves tore the surrounding space apart and flew in all directions.

Visually, it looks like the world is collapsing, with dark cracks like spider webs spreading continuously.

My God! What kind of monster is this... actually... actually appears in front of us! Even in myths and legends, we have never heard of such a monster!

A group of citizens were pressed to the ground, many of whom were lying on their backs, staring at the dragon's head protruding from the sky, which made everyone tremble with fear.

Some timid ones would just kick their legs and faint, or they would be so frightened that they would urinate and die on the spot!

further away.

The noble domain of the kingdom.

As long as it's within thousands of kilometers.

Some residents discovered something unusual in the sky in the distance and saw the giant dragon's head.

They all screamed.

Later, groups of powerful spellcasters, professionals, and nobles also discovered the dragon head.

They were all frightened by this.

It feels like something is terribly wrong.

Some couldn't help but turn around and run away.

Some were panic-stricken.

There were even more temple priests hurriedly reporting the situation to their gods...

For a moment, all the high-level officials on the entire island, as well as the group of high-ranking gods, were frightened, but they couldn't help but turn their attention to the giant dragon in the Io plane!

After the giant dragon's head appeared, its entire body began to slowly emerge from it, and finally, its entire body fell to the ground!

Just at this moment.

The dragon's entire body was exposed.

The whole dragon is like a huge asteroid.

The four wings fully extended.

People within Ackerman's territory can't even see the edge.

Only some people further away or the gods in the star world can see clearly.

The body length of this dragon is at least over 110 kilometers!

The wingspan is more than two hundred kilometers!

Completely, surpassing the huge body of the Dragon God...

It goes beyond the limits of flesh and blood creatures, like a celestial body!

Hey, hey, hey! Stop it! Aren't you my future self? Stop it! If you continue like this, I will be dead! Can you hear me!

Little Rand, who was lying on the ground, was extremely anxious and couldn't help shouting.

But Future Rand in the sky ignored him and continued to fall.

This is completely intentional!

This made little Rand's face change several times. Looking at the giant creature that was getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but let out a roar of extreme grief and anger:

The damn system tricked me! You're going to die a hellish death!

Damn it! Did you summon this guy? He didn't take you seriously at all? He is indeed the evil dragon among evil dragons!

Future Weiss cursed.

She bit the tip of her tongue and used the pain to temporarily free herself from the deepest fear in her soul and genes. She used magic to slowly sink her body into the earth!

She wants to run away!

There is nothing she can do about this change, but there are more worlds waiting for her to save!

Although she is not afraid of death, she doesn’t want to die either!

The other residents of the Ackerman Territory howled even more.

But all this.

Nothing can stop the dragon from falling!

When the dragon's entire body landed on the earth.

The entire ground exploded with an astonishing explosion!

This is simply like a meteorite with a diameter of 100 kilometers falling on the earth!

Endless bursts of dazzling white light.

The whole earth is sinking!

The extremely terrifying impact swept across all directions!

Everything is like flying ashes, disintegrating when touched.

The unfortunate little Rand was no exception.

Hiding underground and about to dive into the future, Weiss was directly squeezed into a ball of rotten flesh by the sunken earth.

All the residents of Baron Ackermann died instantly.

But this is far from the end of this disaster.

The gods of the astral world only see.

The middle part of that island was smashed in half, and the two sides of the island couldn't bear it, and they tilted upwards!

It's like throwing a heavy iron ball from a high altitude and hitting a shallow piece of soil floating on the water!

A bunch of buildings and people flew into the air, screaming and howling.

Immediately, they faced the impact and were broken into pieces of dust and blood mist.

This island, which was at least several thousand kilometers in diameter, completely disappeared from the world of Io in a matter of moments.

The impact continued to rage towards the sea, rolling up a wave of destruction for dozens or hundreds of kilometers!

Schools of fish, as well as the Nagas living on the bottom of the sea, were swept up into the sky, and screams came one after another!

this! It will be a crisis that is very likely to destroy the entire world of Io!

And this is just the terrifying crisis caused by Rand's natural fall from the sky!

hold head high!!!

On the broken island, the dragon's limbs were like giant pillars, thrusting straight into the seabed.

The entire seabed barely covered his chest.

He raised his head and roared, his sound like rolling thunder, combined with the surrounding shock waves, broken islands, and chaotic sky, it was like a world-destroying magic power!

The high temperature naturally emitted by his body turned the surrounding ground and seawater into sheets of thick smoke that shot straight into the sky! Blinded the world.

Six hundred years! It's been six hundred years! Damn the Bailegang wizards! Damn the morning sun! I finally escaped from the dark black hole! See the light again!

This time! Your end has come! No one can escape the death that has been doomed! hold head high! !

The giant dragon roared and roared, seeming to be venting its long-term pent-up frustration.

The gods in their respective realms watched as their souls shook violently.

Heart palpitations.

The good gods were all shocked and angry.

I can't wait to go down to the next world and kill this evil dragon immediately.

But... any god with a little bit of discernment knows that facing this dragon, he has no chance of winning...

However... although they have no hope of defeating this dragon, the barrier of the Io world should be triggered at this time, right?

Relying on the power of the god Io, it is enough to drive this dragon out of the world of Io.

The reality soon turned out as they expected.

Rand, in the plane of Io, felt a powerful force that bound his entire body, like an invisible rope tightly wrapped around his body, trying to lift him back into the portal!

Rand knew that this was the power left by the god Io.

This is also the second time he has faced this force.

For the first time, he and Rand, who was summoned by him a hundred years later, were repelled by this force without any resistance and fell into the abyss.

But this time, it’s different from the past!

There is a huge difference between his power and that of the first time!

Even Rand, who last appeared a hundred years later, was far from being able to compare with him!

hold head high!!!

He raised his head and roared, and his limbs suddenly exerted force, competing with the power left by the gods.


A harsh sound sounded from the void.

The entire space is like a mirror, constantly breaking, revealing a chaotic space.

Turbulent currents of space blew past.

The world seems to be returning to chaos.

Ang!!! The god who has disappeared long ago also wants to make me submit? Get out of my way! Cataclysm·Explosion Form!

Rand roared.

His entire body swelled several times, and endless thunder and flames exploded from his body!

Rand's limbs suddenly broke free from their restraints, and a huge force burst out the moment he broke free.

The surrounding space was mixed into a mess.

This scene made the gods watching in the star world even more shocked.

The barrier between gods and gods has actually failed? Has this dragon reached the level of Io?

The answer is obviously not.

After all, this is just the power left by the gods above, but Rand, the dragon, has far surpassed the ordinary powerful divine power and the imagination of the gods.

It's not something they can compete with.

They even suspected that they would all be killed by this sudden appearance of the dragon.

Hmph! Hahahaha! The power of the God above the gods is nothing more than this! Hahahaha! From this moment on, all creatures will submit to me! The great dragon among dragons, Rand Safis ·Under the wings of Oakbourne!

Rand roared excitedly.

Escaping from the black hole and defeating the power left behind by the gods gave him a heart-pounding sense of joy.

All the mortals in this plane, even his own death, were not noticed by him at all.

As an evil dragon, all he cares about is himself and the dragons that have been with him for a long time and are in the same plane as him.

In his opinion, himself in different timelines, or Fiona and other dragons, are just another individual.

In his eyes, the life and death of this individual is no different from that of ants on the roadside.

This is also the reason why he doesn't trust the future or his past self. He never thought of being honest with them. Instead, he used deception to pretend to be his past self and deceived the other party for several years!

While Rand was enjoying this joy.

Another huge force was exerted on his body.

Different from the god Io, this is an extremely abundant power of time, and it is far more mysterious and powerful than Io's power.

There was almost no resistance.

Rand's body began to slowly fade and seemed to disappear.

This shocked him.

Know that the time to call for the future is over.

He is going to return to his own world.

But... Laidu has come to this world.

It doesn't seem to be his style to simply leave like this without causing any trouble to the morning sun of this world, right?

hold head high!!!

He raised his head and roared again.

Open the huge dragon's mouth.

A dazzling white light burst out.

In front of the dragon's mouth, countless chaotic currents and fire elements are gathering rapidly.

He was frantically extracting energy from his body! Gathering on the fireball in front of the dragon's mouth!

This ball of light keeps getting bigger.

From one meter, it became a hundred meters, a thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and finally far exceeded Rand's body, turning into a huge dazzling sphere a thousand kilometers long.

There is endless energy flowing up there.

The extremely terrifying elements were constantly flowing and rolling, as if they were shaking out of the sphere, and a trace of flame that accidentally splashed even burned through the void.

This fireball with a diameter of a thousand kilometers is already an original star!

In fact, the explosive energy contained in it is much more terrifying than that of ordinary stars of the same size!

Until now.

Rand's body was on the verge of disappearing completely, almost transparent!

He used up his last bit of strength to spray out the dazzling spell he named [True Fierce Yang Jade]!

call out! ! !

The entire Fierce Sun Jade shot straight towards the sky!

The speed is as fast as thunder!

In just an instant, it spanned thousands of kilometers, broke through the atmosphere, and shot toward the star realm!

Go! Leave a mark on this world that is unique to me, Rand Safis Oakburn! Let all people! Gods! remember my terror! Then think of my terror every night! Just shiver! Hehehehe~hahahaha~

With one final guffaw.

Rand's figure finally disappeared without a trace!

But his wild laughter kept coming.

Let the gods who have been observing wonder in their hearts.

What does this dragon want to do?

What do you want from the blazing sun that finally bursts out?

They were puzzled.

Watching helplessly, the extremely powerful fireball traced a long trajectory in the starry sky.

Fly hundreds of thousands of kilometers! Millions of kilometers! Even tens of millions of kilometers.

The huge blazing sun never dissipated and continued to fly.

Slowly, watch the flight trajectory of this fireball.

Many gods suddenly woke up.

Especially Chen Xiyang was even more shocked.

The flight trajectory of this blazing sun, and its final landing point, are surprisingly the sun in the astral world!

Does that evil dragon want to destroy the sun? it possible?

Want to use the power of fire to defeat a star?

Chen Xiyang didn't believe it, but when he thought about the changes and changes in the heaven and earth caused by the appearance and departure of the dragon just now, he was frightened.

He didn't dare to bet on what would happen if this blazing sun hit the sun!

As the God of the Sun, the sun of this world is closely related to his godhead. If it is damaged, he will never get rid of it!

As a result, His figure disappeared directly from the Kingdom of God.

Appearing before Rand's giant blast of sun.

His ten-kilometer body looked extremely petite in front of the huge blazing sun, but he completely ignored the high temperature on the huge sphere.

At this moment.

The divine body of the Morning Sun even grew limbs. It stood in the void and put its palms in front of the huge fireball, trying to break it up or push it away.

But the impact force within it pushed him and kept moving backward!

Ooohhhhhh! Stop it!

The morning sun roared.

The body continues to expand until it reaches dozens of kilometers.

It can't slow down Lieyang Jade even a minute.

The Lieyang Jade pushed his body and flew hundreds of thousands of kilometers again!

The distance to the sun is getting closer!

Finally, next to the morning sun, two figures very similar to him appeared again. Each stretched out his arms and pressed against the star, trying to stop it!

These two.

Naturally above the other two suns.

The god of the sun representing noon and dusk.

Pelor and Amaunator!

At this moment, the three powers of the sun, who did not have a harmonious relationship, worked together to resist the advancement of the star.

The three gods worked together, but still had little effect.

Being pushed backwards and backwards.

Like a mantis blocking a car, you don’t know what you can do!

This made the three gods shocked and angry.

Damn it! This can't go on like this! The energy in this spell is too sufficient, and it cannot be resisted by conventional means!

The morning sun roars.

What do you want? the God of Space. Only by using the power of space can you send it to other places!

Idiot! Stop joking! All the energy around this star has been distorted and destroyed a long time ago! All elements and strange energy cannot exist for even a second!

With the energy level of the God of Space, it is absolutely impossible to transfer!

Are we just going to watch this star fall on the sun? In that case, we might be doomed!

As of now, we are the only ones who are one...

Are you kidding me?

The three sun gods were talking and arguing.

But in the end, he was still blasted into the sun!

Together with the three gods, they collide with the sun-centered core!


An earth-shattering burst of energy.

On the plane of Io, this star with a diameter of one million kilometers showed a violent explosion of light, and then the whole thing shook.

This shock is becoming more and more violent and violent.


The entire star burst out with endless brilliance! Cracked with a bang!

star! At this moment, it was completely destroyed!

Under Rand's power!

Fragile as a bee ball...

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