The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 238 Reunion after five hundred years

He appeared on a huge high platform.

Below, kilometers of ground.

It is a world where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, spiritual animals are everywhere, and spiritual people coexist harmoniously.

In the sky, a huge fiery red ball of light hung high.

Spiritual beings and spirit beasts are also different from normal ones. They are all spirit beings.

Directly opposite him, the succubus goddess was sitting on a throne, wearing a dignified white and gold war dress, watching him silently.

This succubus goddess seems to have changed a lot from what she was five hundred years ago.

It gives the impression that it has nothing to do with ordinary succubi.

Rand...Long time no see.

I heard those dragons say that you seem to have been driven into a black hole by wizards from a different plane and have died.

But now it seems that is not the case.

The succubus goddess spoke, her voice becoming more peaceful, which confirmed Rand's guess.

Completely deviated from his succubus nature and turned into a righteous and kind god.


This guy was influenced by the spirits from the outside world, and his mind became even more distorted.

Perhaps he has become a truly good god.

What they said is right, I was indeed driven into a black hole, but... I am immortal!

How could a mere black hole or a mere wizard kill me!



I am Rand Sapphith Oakburn, the great dragon among dragons! How could he be eliminated by those bastards! I am immortal!

As Rand spoke, he suddenly covered his head. The bright star-like light in his eyes turned into blood and became crazy.

He opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of Dragon Flame Jade towards the succubus goddess in front of him.

Then he unfolded his small dragon wings and sprayed out tiny pillars of fire.

These fire pillars are extremely weak and are probably not much bigger than ordinary flames.

He saw a pile of flames shooting towards him.

The succubus goddess also had a look of surprise in her eyes.

He seemed a little confused as to why Rand attacked him in such a joke-like way.

His body sat on the throne, motionless.

When the flame approached Him, it was blocked by an invisible layer of space and exploded.

Boom boom boom!

However, the crazy Rand would not stop because of this, he just kept roaring and increasing the intensity of his attack.

Rand...what are you doing?

He asked.

Rand didn't respond, only seemed more crazy.

The succubus goddess couldn't help but frown and carefully looked at Rand in front of her.

The breath is pitifully weak.

It must be a clone.

But this crazy energy was completely different from the proud, confident, arrogant but always calm and rational Rand he knew.

He was silent and exerted the power of time on Rand's body.

The power of time flows through him.

Not long after.

Rand looked at the succubus goddess in confusion.

Rand, you seem to have a mental problem?

The succubus goddess asked.

Ah... just now, my old habit has returned.

Rand looked depressed.

Then he briefly explained that his body was still in the black hole, and this clone just escaped by coincidence.

You couldn't stand the terrifying loneliness, so you fell into madness...

The succubus goddess secretly thought, looking at Rand with a little pity.

Like a compassionate goddess.

Do you need my help? We are friends. If I can help you, just ask.

He said so.

It's rare that you've become like this, and you actually recognize this evil dragon like me as your friend.

Rand sighed, and then said:

You should still be able to contact Fiona and the others, right?

Of course, after hearing that you were thrown into the black hole, they found me and used the power of time to increase their strength.

Now they are all in an alien plane, forming the [Dragon King's Court] to fight in all directions.

In the past five hundred years, the number of planes conquered has been no less than a hundred.

It's really amazing.

The succubus goddess smiled in response.

Take me to her.

No problem at all.

The succubus goddess nodded and wrapped Rand with divine power.

Then open the space channel.

Disappeared again.

Another plane.

One towers into the clouds.

At least on a giant mountain hundreds of kilometers high.

A spatial rift appeared.

Rand and the Succubus suddenly appeared.

Rand was being held in the palm of the hand by the Succubus Goddess. He incited the dragon wings to fly up and turned around to look around.

Shocking discovery.

On top of the entire flat mountain top, there is a strange and exaggeratedly large throne.

Rand looked carefully and could tell that this throne should be for a dragon to lie down on.

Moreover, it can at least make a giant dragon with a body length of at least two or three kilometers lie down.

On the entire top of the mountain, there are pieces of gold, agate, and gemstones, spread out into a big bed.

This seems to be a resting place for a giant dragon.

Rand had a vague realization in his heart.

at the same time.

He looked down the mountain again.

I found that there were several large mountains surrounding this huge mountain.

He could even see a huge hole from one of the towers.

A little further away.

They are floating cities.

There are groups of strange creatures flying in the sky above.

These creatures are all kinds of strange.

There are dragonmen, mushroom dragons, and magma dragons that he is familiar with.

Of course, these are the minority.

Most of them are hybrids with these creatures.

For example, a creature with dragon scales and a rat-man appearance.

Others have octopus-like bodies with two dragon horns on their heads.

Many creatures have the characteristics of dragons.

Many of them are going back and forth in the portals, either transporting supplies, or rushing into them with a murderous aura.

Or carry out the wounded one by one.

The arrival of Rand and the Succubus.

It soon attracted the attention of some guards living in the surrounding mountains.

They whirred, flew to the top of the mountain at extremely fast speeds, and surrounded one dragon and one god.

Who are you? What do you want to do here?

This group of creatures has a human-like upper body and a lower body covered with tentacles.

These tentacles are also densely covered with many tiny dragon scales.

Moreover, each tentacle holds weapons, such as knives, guns, shields, spears, and some thermal weapons.

Facing Rand and the Succubus, they looked very wary.

Isn't Fiona here? Where has she gone? Is she going to fight in another dimension again?

Instead of answering the creatures' questions, the succubus goddess asked.

Do you know Her Majesty the Queen? What is your relationship with her?

The leading creature of these guards could not help but ask.

Of course we are friends... The succubus goddess seemed very polite and wanted to say something more.

But Rand was a little impatient.

He now wants to see Fiona as soon as possible, and then let her lead her to bring the [Dragon King's Court] one step closer to realizing his wish.

So he shouted directly:

Stop dilly-dallying, call Fiona quickly. If she's not here, ask Hindley, Tara and the others to come over.


Rand's roar drew more guards' attention to him.

Looking at his appearance, the guards were a little amused at first, but soon they showed expressions of astonishment.

This dragon... I seem to have seen it somewhere?

Isn't this the Queen's brother, Lord Rand?

Ah! You are the most powerful evil dragon in history, the true dragon among true dragons, the most powerful evil dragon that all gods fear.

His Majesty Rand Safis Oakbourne?

One of the guards was agitated and said excitedly.

The eyes of the other guards also changed at this time, becoming both fearful and longing.

Go! Let Fiona come see me.

Rand roared again.

There was no answer at all, but it was considered acquiescence.

Yes...yes, yes...but, Your Majesty Rand.

Her Lady Queen has just gone to an alien plane, preparing to complete the conquest... Now...

The guard did not continue.

But Rand already knew that, too.

He frowned and said solemnly:

In that case, then take me to see her!

Yes, please come with us, both of you.

The guard said respectfully, then took Rand and the Succubus, flew to a teleportation gate in the distance, and stepped directly into it.

The Succubus Goddess and Rand also walked directly into it without hesitation.

The scene in front of me was changing rapidly.


A doomsday-like scene appeared in front of Rand's eyes.

The sky turned red.

Thick black smoke billowed into the sky.

There were fires everywhere.

And there are films and films of creatures that are fighting.

The group of creatures with some dragon blood were fighting with a group of ape-like creatures with six arms, five meters tall, and hair all over their bodies.

However, the creatures with dragon blood are obviously much stronger than their opponents.

Wearing armor and holding weapons, they attacked the six-armed apes.

It's like a group of modern people attacking primitive people, with a sense of crushing.

Of course, the combat power displayed by both sides was much more exaggerated than this.

None of these six-armed apes are actually weak, and generally have a strength of more than ten levels.

You can see them everywhere, and some are legendary and above.

There were even a few apes as huge as mountains, roaring and roaring in the distance.

Lift the boulders on the ground and throw them into the sky.


There was a dark red four-winged dragon with a body length of more than 1,500 meters. It slowly flapped its wings and stared at these apes with a playful look.

Hahaha! Ahahahaha! Stupid six-armed demon ape! Do you think you can resist me with your weak strength?

Resist the great Red Dragon Queen! The leader of the Dragon Court!

Fiona Safis Oakbourne?

You are just asking for your own death! Hahaha!

The giant dragon laughed wildly. Faced with a huge boulder with a diameter of at least several hundred meters that was thrown at it, it did not avoid it but was still hit by it.

With a roar, the entire boulder exploded.

Shattered into stone powder all over the sky.

Damn the dragon! Damn the Dragon Court! You bastards! Damn liars!

He actually deceived us, saying he was a friendly partner, and taught us magic and domineering power. It turned out that everything was just for this moment!

The six-armed giant ape on the ground roared angrily, looking ferocious and terrifying.

Damn traitor! Die!

Beside this giant ape, there were several slightly smaller giant apes. With an angry roar, they took a step forward and flew towards the giant dragon through the air.

He raised his pitch-black fist, which was bigger than the villa, and hit the dragon hard.

This giant ape showed extremely superb domineering skills.

But the giant dragon, faced with this iron fist, still refused to dodge.

It still falls on the body.

boom! ! !

A huge burst of energy.

Terrifying black lightning flashed in the void.

This punch may be able to knock down the entire mountain, or even blast out a huge crater hundreds of meters above the ground, and land completely on the dragon's chest.

The corners of the ape's mouth couldn't help but reveal a smile.

He seemed to hear the scream that was about to sound.

But immediately, it was struck hard on the head by a claw protruding from the burst of energy.

There was no time to dodge.

along with.


boom! !

The giant ape let out a wail, and shot out like lightning, crushing a mountain peak on the ground to pieces.

As a result, an earthquake of more than ten magnitudes erupted on the ground.

His entire body plowed a ditch several kilometers long on the ground.

And this ape ended up lying on the ground, with blood constantly overflowing from his body, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

When the other giant six-armed apes on one side saw this, they all looked horrified.

The gap...why is it so big?

This damn traitor didn't even use Haki?

Is it really a secret?

A group of apes were frightened and angry. Keep whispering.

Idiot! I am a real dragon! And you are just a bunch of wild monkeys.

I don’t know how many things I have collected in the past five hundred years for people with your level of strength.

Have you forgotten?

My men bring you information.

At the epic level, there is a clear division of strength.

Your talents are good, with the practice of domineering.

It has even reached the second or even third level of the epic.

But don't think that you can compare with me?

I am the strongest person of the tenth level of epic! In front of me, there is no difference between you and ants!

Give you one last chance! Surrender immediately! Become my slave!


Fiona was extremely domineering, and her voice was like thunder, roaring and spreading far and wide.

Those creatures with dragon blood immediately burst into excitement after hearing the roar, and their attacks became even more vigorous.

The six-armed apes continued to retreat.

Even so! We will never surrender to you despicable guys!

Ouch! ! We will never allow you to occupy our home!

My people! The spirits of our ancestors are with us! Let us defend our homeland to the death!

The huge six-armed ape roared again,

Boost morale.

Above the sky, there were actually rays of light shining down, causing the auras of these apes to surge.

To this.

The dragon's expression remained calm.

He stretched out a paw and said:


Even if I only use one claw, I can easily crush you all. Since you have decided to die, let you see my...

Fiona, compared to five hundred years ago, you have indeed made a lot of progress.

Suddenly, a voice that was both unfamiliar and familiar to Fiona sounded.

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