The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 239 Today is different from the past

This made this arrogant and arrogant female dragon tremble all over.

He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

When I saw the succubus goddess and the little dragon above her head.

The female dragon showed surprise and a little disbelief and said:

You are... Rand!

Of course it is me.

It's really you! Hehehe! I knew you would be fine! You are the strongest dragon! My dearest brother!

How could it be possible to lose to those inferior creatures like witches!

Those damn wizards actually faked the video of you being punched into the black hole, and shamelessly spread it everywhere to slander your reputation!

What a bunch of damn bastards! Rand! quick! Come with me to eliminate those bastards!

Fiona was so excited that she ignored the six-armed apes on the ground who were preparing to fight. She flew to Rand's side, lowered her body, and looked at the extremely small Rand with a look of excitement and anticipation on her face.


Seeing Fiona excited, she looked convinced that she was invincible.

Rand suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It's a good thing that you have so much confidence in me, but it's a pity...

Those wizards weren't lying, he said, trying to look expressionless.


Fiona was stunned immediately. Two huge eyes, hundreds or thousands of times larger than Rand's at the moment, blinked slightly, her face full of confusion.

What did you just say? Did I hear you correctly?

I said, those damn wizards didn't lie. I was indeed driven into a black hole, but I didn't die because of it.

Rand had a tigerish look on his face, wanting to get angry.

But thinking about his current strength, it would be a joke to Tuzeng to start a violent attack, so he could only endure it.

Oh...oh! As expected of Rand! He's not even afraid of black holes! He can't trap you either! Well! The strongest dragon is truly worthy of his name!

Fiona praised again and raised her dragon claws.

That posture seemed to have changed little over five hundred years ago.

Hoar! You damn traitors! Are you despising us? How dare you ignore us like this during battle! Roar!

Below the ground, several huge six-armed apes roared with rage.

They fell into a rage and felt humiliated like never before.

Just after being blessed by the will of the world, their strength surged again.

With another step, electricity shot towards Fiona.

He raised his pitch-black iron fist and struck from all directions.

The entire void was roaring continuously, emitting terrifying black lightning.

This punch is several times more powerful than before!

Irritated ant! Can't you see that this queen has important matters now? You are a stupid person who does not deserve to live in this world!

Fiona turned her head, her eyes filled with anger and murderous intent.

At some point, a small ball like glass appeared in his claws.

This is the dragon soul given to her by Rand.

However, compared to more than five hundred years ago, Rand could feel greater energy from it.

Obviously, over the past five hundred years, this dragon soul seemed to have been transformed a lot and became more powerful.

The entire dragon soul bloomed with a huge amount of brilliance.

Afterwards, a magma dragon, a mushroom dragon, dragon people and some strange creatures with dragon blood were projected into the sky.

Look at the quantity, at least tens of millions.

Among these projections, at this moment, infinite power exploded, all of which merged into Fiona's body.

next moment.

Turned into hundreds of billions of brilliant lights.

He swamped all the giant six-armed apes that were charging towards him.

The bodies of these monsters, which were still fierce just now, are like pieces of paper, being continuously penetrated and eroded.

It's like a piece of paper that has been eaten away by countless ants.

It disappeared in a moment.

This caused the six-armed apes, who had been paying attention to them and regarded them as their only hope, to fall into despair.

He let out a horrified roar and turned around to run away.

But Endless Glory seems to have its own consciousness.

He actually chased these six-armed apes and ate them up one by one.

All the six-armed apes in the world seem to be being wiped away continuously by an eraser.

It looks extremely scary.

However, as the invaders, the owners of the dragon bloodline burst into violent cheers at this moment.

What a powerful force... With the new type of dragon soul, you may have surpassed me in terms of power.

The succubus goddess said softly with a sigh in her eyes.

Even Rand couldn't help but reveal a little wonder in his eyes.

Just this one magic trick.

In Rand's view, it has gone far beyond the tenth level of the epic.

Actually, at the beginning.

Rand knew that Fiona was bragging when she claimed that her strength was at the tenth level of the epic.

As for the energy intensity displayed by the little female dragon at the beginning, it was only eight or nine levels at most.

But combined with the dragon soul, it is stronger than expected.

I'm afraid it's just a little weaker than the King Beast.

It seemed that he noticed Rand's exclamation.

Fiona immediately turned her head again, looked at Rand and said:

Hey! Rand, am I awesome?

This is the super dragon soul that I transformed using the blessing of the will of the world. Based on the original foundation, I opened up a small plane in it.

And there are tens of millions of people with dragon blood gathered among them.

As long as these bloodline people still exist.

Then I can keep borrowing and extracting the power from it! Make it a whole!

The entire Dragon Soul can be regarded as a divine kingdom.

Now, I am not afraid of the powerful divine power of the Morning Sun, or the arrival of those bullshit titled wizards!

You don’t know, if Ed’s bunch of weaklings weren’t much worse than me, I would have killed all those bullshit wizards for you!

Well, there’s also the morning sun.

The plane of Io will also fall under my rule soon!

Fiona kept bragging, her expression full of pride.

Let the succubus goddess on the side show a familiar smile.

As for Rand, his faceplate twitched.

This familiar arrogance, self-praising that does not know one's own abilities.

Sure enough, it is still the same as it was five hundred years ago.


You actually injected the will of the world into the dragon soul?

Rand couldn't help but said.

He felt a bit wasted.

Yes! The will of the world, blessed by the dragon soul, is very powerful.

She continued proudly, not hearing Rand's dissatisfaction and contempt.

Pull out! Give them both to me!

Huh? Oh...okay.

Fiona was stunned when she heard this, but she didn't say anything more and agreed directly.

She immediately activated the dragon soul.

Use strength to forcefully extract pieces of radiant spheres from it.

Seeing this, Rand's eyes flashed, and he rushed forward, opening his mouth to swallow one of them.

But unfortunately, the body is too small to swallow one in one bite.

I can only hold one of them and take a bite.

It is then digested.

This part of the world's will turned into a warm current in Rand's body, nourishing his body, making him seem to grow stronger...

But that's about it.

He didn't get any benefit from it.

Get any potential out of it.

Things seem to be different from what I thought!

Rand's eyes showed surprise.

I took another bite reluctantly, but it was still the same.

This made him a little confused.

He froze in place.

Recalling everything before.

The first time he swallowed the fragments of world consciousness, he used his true body.

But when he invaded the life soul world for the first time, he was a clone. Relying on the clone and devouring the life soul, he could also gain potential, but this time, why not?

Is it because this body is too weak?

Have almost no energy?

Rand made a guess and could only think so.

This made him extremely regretful.

Fiona looked at Rand, whose face was full of regret and loss, and was confused.

What happened to my eldest brother?

Shouldn't we be happy to have escaped from the black hole?

Why are you still so disappointed?

Rand, are you okay? she couldn't help but ask.

My true body is still in the black hole. What you see now is just a clone of me, with almost no power.

Tell me, how good can my mood be?

Rand sighed and glanced at Fiona.

This made Fiona look clear and a little disappointed at the same time:

That's it... I can't even deal with those wizards.

But then again, Rand, how did you escape from the black hole? Is there no way for the main body to escape in the same way?

she asked again.

“Of course not, this time, it’s all luck.

Okay, in this world, you extract the will of the world, keep it, and then go back with me.

Then call Hindley and Tarana.

It’s a gathering.

After that, I took over the Dragon King’s Court and formulated future strategic policies. Rand said.

Since it cannot rely on absorbing the will of the world, the treasure gains potential.

Then you can only complete the achievement tasks quickly.

Oh oh oh, I listen to you.

Fiona nodded repeatedly, then turned and shouted at the group of servants on the ground:

Small door! Call it a day! Come home with me!


A group of creatures with dragon blood roared in response.

Fiona was extremely satisfied with this, and then looked at the Succubus Goddess and motioned for her to open the passage.

The succubus goddess just smiled at this and opened the passage. Two dragons and one god returned first.

Returning to the huge mountain, Fiona threw herself onto the huge throne and lay down on it.

After that, he immediately called a few more subordinates and asked them to go to various planes to call other dragons over.

It didn't take long.

Several dragons familiar to Rand appeared one after another.

Today, Hindley maintains her angelic form, wears a white coat, and looks like a scientific researcher. When she was called, her expression showed extremely strong dissatisfaction.

But after seeing Rand, he was obviously stunned. After a while, he flashed next to Rand and asked about the situation.

However, Rand did not explain immediately, but was waiting for all the dragons to arrive before explaining.

Came later.

It's Ed, the black dragon.

This guy is almost over 1,200 meters long at the moment.

The muscles all over his body are extremely solid, as strong as a super red dragon.

And those female dragons in Tara.

The body length is generally about 1000 meters.

However, Doris, the third blue dragon, and Barbara, the shy green dragon, seemed a little different, and Rand couldn't help but take a few more glances.

He did not ask immediately, but explained his current situation.

After everything was said, he looked at the two dragons whose temperaments were completely different from the other three:

You two also used the Ascension Technique?

As expected of Rand! You have seen all this.

Yes, Barbara and I both used the Ascension Technique! Doris nodded slightly.

What are the consequences? Did you know it before?


This is really beyond my expectation. No matter what, thank you for your hard work.

It's not hard, I just want to help everyone more. Barbara shook her head and smiled, her personality seemed to be quite kind.

All this is for revenge! I thought you were dead! In the past five hundred years, I have been thinking about how to eliminate those damn wizards all the time! Bastard, I thought my wish would not come true. !

fine! Fortunately you are still alive!

Doris said with lingering fear, until finally, she stared at Rand with extremely fiery eyes, which made him feel a little hairy.

Then he probed the dragon's claws and took a shot in the air, trying to capture him.

But at this time, Hindli also moved quickly, using all her strength to block the opponent's power, and glared fiercely and said:

What do you want to do, guy?

I just want to fulfill my wish! Even if I become a god, my mind is distorted.

But my desire to mate with Rand will not change!

Give me up! Give me Rand!

Doris roared and actually burst out with divine power.

Hindley naturally wouldn't show weakness in this regard. She also mobilized her strength frantically and tried her best to stop it.

A clash of forces between the two.

Let the air flow surge and the clouds split within a hundred miles.

Obviously, after Doris, the female dragon, became a god, her power increased dramatically, and she was even able to stand up to Hindley.

Doris, don't do still depends on Rand's own wishes.

Besides, Rand is just a weak clone now. How do you want to mate?

Tarana couldn't help but said.

Her original intention was to break up the fight.

I won't listen! Even if it's just a clone, even if it's as small as an ordinary insect, I will fulfill my wish! Give him to me!

Doris roared again.

It's not the true body, it's meaningless! I still want to mate with the true body.

The originally shy emerald dragon Barbara murmured to the side.

At this moment, Rand was completely stunned.

A dragon's face was twitching constantly.

He felt like he was really screwed up.

Although he is a giant dragon.

Handsome, handsome, domineering, majestic, powerful.

It is also easy to charm thousands of female dragons.

Logically speaking, if you see a female dragon competing for your favor, you should be secretly happy.

But the point is.

There's something wrong with Doris's posture.

Rand had no doubt that if he fell into His claws at this moment.

Will it be inserted directly into the cloaca...

Oh my God!

As a majestic and extremely powerful dragon, would he still have the face to be thrust into a place like that by a female dragon?

And why does this female dragon still behave like this after she became a god?

It seems that not much has changed from before he became a god!

Rand's entire face turned blue and he immediately roared:

Stop it! Damn idiots! Do you know what you are doing?

If you want to mate, when I escape from the black hole, I will definitely satisfy your damn wish!

Now, listen to me!

Perhaps Rand has been accumulating power in their hearts for a long time.

This throat goes down.

These dragons really obeyed and stopped.

Even the two-headed dragon is no exception.

This gave him a little peace of mind and satisfaction.

He glanced at several dragons again and then said:

That's right. Now, tell me, your development over the past five hundred years, and the godhead power system you chose after you two became gods!

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