The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 237 Escape from the black hole and change the world

[Immortal]: With a more powerful body than the body of the real evil god, you cannot be killed in the ordinary sense. At the same time, your recovery ability and energy absorption ability are also greatly improved.

Fortunately, we succeeded this time... As long as we can save our lives, there is still hope! Damn the wizard, the damn Morning Sun, and the damn Bailegang Empire, you all deserve to die!

Hum hum hum ~ ha ha ha ha ~ ah ha ha ha ~

I! Rand Saphis Oakburn is immortal! It is eternal!

One day, I will definitely escape from the black hole! Destroy all of you!

I will enslave your descendants! Be my slave for generations to come!

wait for me! Wait for me! I'll come find you!

hold head high! ! ! hold head high! ! !

Rand roared wildly.

He felt that after the [Immortality] talent was generated, the recovery speed of his body that was adsorbed in the black hole actually began to far exceed the consumption speed, and it began to slowly recover energy.

This made him extremely happy.

He has become immortal.

Swallowing black holes.

This is the fundamental reason why he regained his energy.

Even if he can't escape from the black hole, if the black hole is completely swallowed, wouldn't he be able to get out?

As long as we can get out of trouble, it doesn't matter if it's a thousand years, ten thousand years, millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

He is willing to wait!

He must kill all the wizards from the Bailegang Empire and those bastards from Dawn Sun!

Time passed slowly again.

He keeps devouring black holes.

But this speed is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for the entire black hole.

At the same time, being in the boundless darkness made his old habit come back again.

The whole dragon fell into madness.

He kept yelling, roaring, and cursing in his own conscious space.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

As he continues to swallow the black hole.

Suddenly he felt a force absorbing a small part of his body, and then suddenly exploded and sprayed out.

With a huge force push.

There was a sense of fragmentation in his consciousness.

This allowed him to return to normal again, and in an instant, like a miraculous work, he transferred as much of his consciousness into the severed part as possible.


A wave of inversion and tearing surged towards his soul and consciousness.

boom! !

A soul-shaking roar followed.

I don’t know how far away from the starry sky.

On top of a magic tower.

A witch scholar is observing a black hole in front of a super astronomical telescope.

He is a scholar who focuses on the study of black holes. He keeps observing black holes every day, hoping to get more information and data from this terrifying celestial body.

Today is the same as always.

But it was a sudden discovery.

In the black hole, a torrent suddenly shot out.

This is black hole radiation.

he knows.

But not like usual.

This shaman scholar even felt a sense of difference amidst this intensity.

Different from the past, everything that is assimilated by the black hole is ejected into a thin, pure black matter.

But this time, among the jet black and small objects.

He seemed to see some luminous objects.

These objects appear incompatible with the surrounding materials and emit star-like brilliance.

This made him shout excitedly:

New discovery! New discovery! All the matter swallowed by the black hole does not mean that it will be completely eliminated and transformed into the same kind of matter.

Its interior may be as bright and hot as a star!

a ha ha ha! With this discovery, witchcraft may once again be reinvented! but me! They are the pioneers of these new witchcrafts! I will leave my name in the history of the empire!

The wizard was so excited that he kept roaring.

The material ejected by the black hole is so fast that it is almost several times the beam. It is lucky to be captured for a moment.

But this moment was enough for this wizard.

Next, he will find the luminous object! No matter how long it takes!

While he was working on it.

That bright little substance just now.

When flying with the super beam, the extremely small particles are constantly worn and consumed in the process, but unfortunately, in the process of loss, they are constantly regenerated.

I don’t know how far it flew, but this tiny tiny particle finally stopped.

Then, something amazing happened.

The entire tiny particles began to change continuously.

From an irregular object that was perhaps smaller than an ant, a dragon face, four dragon wings, limbs, tail, as well as the fiery red eyes and scales were slowly twisted out.

This look is exactly the same as Rand!

It’s just been shrunk countless times!

And Xiaolong, who showed this image, also showed his madness, opening his mouth and laughing wildly.

Hahaha! Ahhahaha! Out! I'm out! Wizards of the Bailegang Empire! Wipe your necks clean and wait for death!

This dragon, smaller than an ant, roared.

As soon as the dragon wings shook, they headed towards a nearby planet inhabited by shamans!

But flying, flying, I don’t know how long it has passed.

He stopped.

Looking at the meteorite not far away, he fell into silence.

Just now, you have been flying for at least several hours, right?

But, did he fly over the nearby meteorite with a diameter of no more than ten kilometers?


How is this going?

He was slightly awake from his madness at this time, and he was shocked to remember that he was just a tiny individual ejected from his true body by a black hole due to luck.

This individual is smaller than an ant.

How much energy can there be inside this body? How much speed can it use?

Just like that, you still want to seek revenge from the wizards of the Bailegang Empire?

Stop being funny!

At this moment, he has no ability to rescue his complete body from the black hole.

Therefore, we must find a way to rescue him.

But how to save it?

He was lost in thought.

A long time, a long time.

He suddenly remembered the system prompt when unlocking [Immortality].

Your urgent and strong desire drives you to develop an ability that can help you escape from a black hole.

But unfortunately, the powerful power of black holes prohibits you from using any ability that requires driving energy.

You can't escape from it.

In the black hole, you cannot use your talents to escape because it is banned.

Doesn't that remind him that if he is outside the black hole, he can generate a new talent and escape from it?

This made his mind suddenly flexible.

It seems that I just need to wait until my physique reaches 510!

On the Wizard and Dawn Sun side, I have no ability to intervene, but on Fiona's side, I seem to be able to go over and give her personal guidance to help her speed up!

Let yourself unlock more achievements faster!

That’s right, go find Fiona!

Set your mind and have a goal.

Rand was going to find Dorothy.

He guessed that when these guys went to fight in the outer plane, they would definitely go to this succubus goddess to improve their strength.

If you contact the Succubus Goddess, you can naturally contact Fiona and other dragons.

Think so.

Rand naturally began to burn the teleportation array.

Not long after, everything was ready.

Just when he was transmitting energy and preparing to start, it suddenly got stuck.

He is too small and his energy is too weak!

Although he still has amazing resilience.

But the magic power output at one time is surprisingly small, and it is not enough to activate the teleportation array.

This made his whole head numb.

Stay motionless among the stars.

However, he immediately thought again.

Even so, he didn't seem to be too anxious.

After all, he is indeed smaller than an ant now.

But as long as you give it some time, you can use your abnormal physique to grow well. It is estimated that it will not take long to activate the teleportation circle.

Because of this, he calmed down again.

Start waiting.

However, not long after, he encountered a new situation again.

The whole consciousness gradually fell into chaos.

This is the thought feedback from the main body in the black hole.

Ninety-nine percent of the will that is still in the black hole, and the crazy side, are completely reflected in this tiny body.

He started roaring like crazy.

Launch a ferocious attack on the surrounding meteorites!

Whoosh! Boom boom boom!

Although he is small in body, he is extremely ferocious after going crazy.

After catching a small meteorite, he started attacking continuously.

Pieces of dust-like gravel were continuously knocked down from the meteorite block, which was only a few dozen meters in diameter!

I don’t know how long I have been crazy.

The entire meteorite was blasted out by him into a crater that was tens of thousands times his size and as big as several human fists.

Rand finally recovered.

And this time.

He found that his body had grown somewhat.

Well, it probably grew from being smaller than an ant to being a little bigger than an ant.

He still didn't know the specific time or how long it had been.

However, this still cannot satisfy the energy required for the teleportation circle.

Rand could only wait.

And just like that, he will indirectly go crazy again.

This goes back and forth several times.

He slowly grew from the size of an ant to the size of a human fist.

During this period, he went crazy at least a dozen times.

In terms of time, according to his conscious calculation, at least one or two years have passed.

It has taken so long to actually grow so much?

With today's body, it is probably impossible to have fighting power.

But that's okay too.

Anyway, he already has enough energy limit.

Open the portal and disappear directly.

As for the black hole scholar of the Baile Gang Empire, he would never have imagined that the object he was looking for would turn into a small dragon and fly away from his world completely.

The world of spirit beasts.

It was supposed to be a world filled with tall buildings and streets filled with spirit beings and spirit beasts.

There are actually spiritual beasts everywhere, but spiritual people are much rarer.

A bunch of monkey-shaped spiritual beasts are soliciting business at each store.

Huge millipeded insects, with iron boxes hanging on their long legs, kept wandering on the street. Every time they reached a destination, they would stop and place an iron box in a specially installed grid on the gate. , pressed the doorbell, and then left.

At this time, a puppet-like spiritual beast will usually appear inside the door, or the spirit man himself will appear and take away the iron box.

Of course, there are also huge flying spirit beasts, flying back and forth with a bag of supplies in their mouths.

It seems that most of the labor force in this world has been replaced by spiritual beasts.


over the city.

A small crack slowly opened.

Rand's small body fell from it and looked at this unfamiliar city with a hint of familiarity.

He didn't wait long to think about it.

He saw a group of spiritual beings flying towards him on a group of big birds.


Rand was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood.

After all, the world has become like this, no matter how many years have passed.

The entire city's defense projects and exploration capabilities will naturally be greatly strengthened.

He even had the mood to look up at the sky.

The barriers of the entire plane seemed to be many times wider than before.

Is that you? A spiritual beast that suddenly came using space abilities?

As the spirits riding on the birds approach.

they asked.

There is magic in the words used, which can be naturally understood by all living things.

Is it a type I haven't seen before? Is it from our world or from another dimension?

Someone also asked this.

But the local language is used.

But Rand had fixed the spell of understanding language in himself, so he could understand it easily.

Wait... wait... I seem to have seen this posture before somewhere...

A spiritual man suddenly spoke, with a look of shock and horror.

Seen it? Where?

The god-level information map from more than five hundred years ago, as well as the development history of the spirit beast world.

The history of the development of the spirit beast world?

Others muttered to themselves, showing doubts, but immediately, someone else said in shock:

I, I seem to have remembered it too!

This appearance seems to be somewhat similar to Fiona Safis Oakburn from [Dragon Court].

This is definitely that one! The president of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce, the brother of the legendary Red Dragon Queen, Rand Safis Oakburn!

Oh my God! Has this person from the legend actually come again?

However, this seems to be different from the impression, right? The legendary person is as big as a mountain...

Idiot! Doesn't this kind of existence have the ability to change the size of its body as it pleases?

A group of spirits were noisy.

But soon, his body started to tremble a little, and he looked at Rand tremblingly.

Obviously, realizing Rand's identity still made them feel uneasy.

Rand remained silent, instead muttering to himself:

Five hundred years ago? Five hundred years have passed?

Your Excellency! Hello, I am the Sheriff of this city, Yamada Arimoto. Excuse me, you are the president of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

The legendary His Majesty Rand Safis Oakburn?

A spirit man who was facing Rand asked cautiously, with a very low attitude.

Go and call your goddess Dorothy. I have something to ask her. If there is no other way, I will inform the people of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Rand came back to his senses, glanced at the spirit man, and said.

Yes! I'll make arrangements right away.

Rand did not respond, but the spirit man recognized that the person in front of him was the one in the legend, and did not dare to say anything. He immediately took out a communication device and seemed to find his boss to communicate.

It didn't take long.

Rand felt a force of space surrounding him.

Then everything changed before my eyes.

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