The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 236 Immortality


Fiona and the other dragons had already come to a strange plane and hid.

They waited for time to pass slowly.

This wait will be a few months later.

Hindley, the rainbow dragon, felt that the war should end, so she told Fiona to wait for the dragon and continue to stay here.

He returned to Dordoros.

First, she was extremely vigilant and constantly observed the situation in Dordorus.

Then he returned to Rand's previous habitat.

But Rand was not seen.

This gave her a bad feeling.

Could it be that the war is not over yet?

But it’s been a few’s simply impossible.

With an uneasy heart, she secretly kidnapped several strange beasts nearby that had considerable wisdom.

Finally, I learned the general situation of the matter from their mouths.

After the wizards took care of Rand, they spread the information throughout the empire, which naturally spread to the ears of other forces.

And these other forces naturally include some foreign beasts outside, as well as the subordinates of the king beast.

After learning that Rand was driven into a black hole and died.

Hindley was a little dumbfounded for a moment, a little unbelievable.

But after searching for several other strange beasts and getting some video footage from them.

She still had to accept 'reality'.

Somewhat confused, she returned to the unknown dimension where Fiona and the other dragons were hiding, told all the dragons, and showed the video to them.

At this time, all the dragons were also dumbfounded.

Rand... was driven into a black hole by a group of wizards? This... how could this happen? That's Rand's monster. A dragon can't be afraid of nine powerful gods.

A female dragon said in a daze.

Rand is dead...what should we do?

Several female dragons headed by the blue dragon Talana were also dumbfounded.

I never thought about it.

I feel a little uncomfortable. I have never mated with Rand... Damn it!

I don't believe this is true!

Several female dragons had different reactions, and some even roared angrily.

Even if he enters a black hole, so what? I believe Rand will never die in the hands of such a thing!

The third blue dragon, Doris, roared angrily.

The boss, Tarana, and the little black dragon Ed, who had studied a lot of magic and got along with many Blue Star people, immediately looked at her like she was an idiot.

Black holes are the ultimate terrifying celestial bodies that are born in large planes. As far as I know so far, no living thing can escape from them.

Perhaps, but it must be a creation-god-level existence, right?

Even Rand at this moment is completely different from the existence of the God of Creation.

I don't care! I don't believe it! Doris, the youngest of the blue dragons, remained stubborn.

I don't believe it either! Huh! It's just a video, it's not like it can't be faked! I don't believe this boring stuff!

Fiona, the little female dragon, spurted hot air from her nostrils, but she also didn't believe it.

The dragons became somewhat silent after that.

Until a certain dragon suddenly said:

What on earth should we do next?

do what?

The other dragons were stunned.

I had always followed Rand before, and this problem never occurred.

Just listen to Rand's orders and wait for Rand to give the orders.

Sometimes it's boring to wait all the time, but I'm not particularly confused.

Because they firmly believe that as long as Rand is given some more time, the day when they will become king will come soon.

But what now?

After facing the reality that Rand may 'die', what should they do?

At this moment, they felt unprecedentedly confused.

Are you going to continue waiting here?

Some people couldn't help but said.

Isn't that a waste of time?

I think we should do something, whether Rand is dead or not, we shouldn't waste time like this.

We are obviously very strong, so why don't we use this power to do something?

A female dragon said.

Would that be dangerous?

Some female dragons were also worried.

There is definitely danger, but we are very strong!

Another female dragon confirmed again.

Hindley didn't say much at this moment, but kept listening.

till the end.

She couldn't help but look thoughtful.

She recalled Rand's previous battles with the wizards and felt powerless.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think about it.

If before, their power could be stronger and provide some help to Rand, would the ending be rewritten?

Keep waiting like this.

Maybe nothing will change.

but if.

Have you also started to fight in another dimension?

Rely on the endless alien planes and combine your own strength to develop and strengthen yourself.

So will one day their powers expand so much that they can do something together?

For example... revenge on the wizards?

Although this is difficult, if you try your best, there is at least some hope, right?

After all, their potential, enhanced by Rand's blood, is now extremely terrifying.

Hindley thought of this and told her plan.

The other female dragons heard this and thought it was good.

They had received Rand's blood again not long ago, and their potential had been greatly enhanced again.

Still somewhat confident.

Before that, let's find Dorothy first.

Let Him use the power of time to strengthen us again.

That's a good note.

Right, except for this.

I have another way to strengthen it. As long as I have this method, I might be able to kill all those wizards.

The little female dragon spoke mysteriously.

The dragons couldn't help but cast their eyes on her.

If we have something to say directly, it's already at this time, so why bother with it?

You should know that Dorothy was a succubus before, right?

Her ability to become a god is all due to me and Rand. did you do it?

The art of ascension!

The art of ascension to the gods? The art of ascending to the gods of Karthus?

No, it's different from that one. This one is much simpler. As long as it's done properly, anyone can become a god!

At this moment, intense colors burst out in the eyes of all the dragons.

“However, this ascension technique also has some flaws.

Your own personality will change as a result.

Similarly, it will also be bound to the world of becoming a god.

If the world dies, you will also die after becoming a god.

The little female dragon suddenly said seriously.

So what? As long as you can get stronger power, avenge Rand, and distort your consciousness, there's nothing wrong with it?

Doris, the youngest of the blue dragons, was the first to say.

After failing to successfully mate with Rand, Rand died, which obviously made her extremely angry.

But the other dragons fell into silence.

Twisted will.

Is that still you?

The dragon is proud and free.

Although the five sisters of the five-color dragon have always been under Rand's command, they seem to have no freedom at all.

But that's what they're willing to accept.

They have the right to choose.

If they are really unwilling and want to leave, Rand will not stop them.

They have the right to make their own choices.

And twist the will.

This kind of magic has always been taboo.

Even villains like Five-Colored Dragon would basically not use it.

Think about it.

If a group of evil five-color dragons were twisted into good dragons like metal dragons, even if it was only temporary, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing them!

This will be spread among the five-color dragons forever and become a laughing stock.

Is this really okay?

Youlong couldn't help but look at Doris worriedly.

But there was also a dragon who corrected:

Rand is not dead. Don't keep saying stupid things like that!

Those bastard wizards have completely failed my wish. Doesn't that mean half of the meaning of my life in this world has been lost?

How hateful! I will destroy them.

Doris had an itchy look on her face.

The other dragons were speechless about this.

Isn’t your wish to overthrow Rand?

Although they also want to, isn't this too persistent?

If you can't complete the task, you don't even care about distorting your consciousness.

However, the little female dragon said with admiration:

Good will. As long as you become a god in the future, after Rand returns, I will definitely speak for you and let you mate with him.


The other dragons were silent for a while when they heard this.

This reason is very tempting, but the key point is that Rand is gone!


The dragons found Dorothy and were blessed by the succubus goddess.

Strength has improved again.

At the same time, he also entered the long period of conquering another world.

However, due to her experience with Rand, the little female dragon Fiona actually already has some special skills.

She first went to those worlds that had already been infected before as a springboard. After occupying them, she set off to other worlds.

With their power.

Ordinary planes cannot resist them at all.

After occupying these planes.

Because Hindley, the rainbow dragon, knows that even if her power alone reaches its extreme, it will inevitably be restrained by the reasonable control of many people.

Therefore, let the team headed by the dragon people bring together geniuses from all planes to develop new technologies or the use of composite powers.

In this way, time passes quickly.

In the black hole.

Rand persisted.

But in this boundless darkness.

There is no one to communicate with or interact with.

It's like being locked up in a dark room.

Even if Rand is a dragon at this time, he is going crazy with boredom.

But unfortunately, at this moment, he was stuck in the black hole and was unable to control his body. He couldn't even close his consciousness.

I can only bear it silently.

This made him more and more uncomfortable and crazy.

You can't even help but have the thought that maybe it would be better to die?

But every time, the dragon's strong desire for revenge will drive him to persevere and then ruthlessly retaliate against the other party.

In such a contradictory situation.

Rand's mental state became increasingly unstable.

Time passes slowly.

I don’t know how long it has been.

[Fame] XIV is unlocked, once again bringing 18 potential points to Rand.

The physical growth also reached 403.

This made his spirit, which was almost crazy from boredom, bring some light again, which made him extremely excited.

As long as he continues to unlock the next [Fame], he can get out of trouble!

But for the next [Fame] to be unlocked, he was asked to wait and wait.

This made Rand even more impatient.

He felt that the energy in every part of his body was almost exhausted.

At most, only about 5% is left.

Is he really going to die here?

Under this situation, his thoughts became more and more abnormal and crazy.


Another system prompt.

Only then did he regain his true nature from madness.

[Force] VII!

Your sister, Fiona Safis Oakburn, formed the [Dragon Court] in your name, leading your men to fight in other worlds, while constantly expanding territory, power, and subduing your men.

Yours also unlocks new achievements.

You gain 7 potential points from this.




Rand was stunned for a long time when he heard the system prompt.

But soon, I felt overjoyed.

Fiona, this idiot, finally did something right again! Very good! Very good! Great! With her development.

Upgrading your physique to 420 is easier again!

I can definitely get out of trouble before I run out of energy! Then, wipe out all the wizards!

wait for me! wait for me! I will be back!

He kept roaring in his heart.


Physical growth has reached 410.


Rand was looking forward to it.

Facts have proved that the little female dragon Fiona did not disappoint him too much, when there was still about 4% energy left.

[Force] VIII is also unlocked.

Physical growth has reached the level of 418.

Now, only the last 2 points are left.

Whether he continues to unlock [Power] or [Fame], he can exceed 420, complete the target mission, and obtain new talent points.

The final wait is long.

Rand, who was in the boundless darkness, was even more anxious and crazy.

He could only rely on hatred and calculate the remaining energy to get through each day.

Rand, who estimated that the energy had dropped from 4% to 3% and then 2% without being prompted by the system, went crazy again.

until it drops to 1%.

The wonderful sound of the system finally sounded again.

[Force] IX is also unlocked.

Physical growth has reached 427 points.

While gaining heart talent points, he also awakened Rand again.

Rand wanted to add some immediately.

But immediately, I was confused again.

Because in the past, he could only add points when he fell into sleep.

But now, he is in a black hole and has no concept of dormancy.

How to add some points.

But fortunately, his plug-in doesn't seem to be stupid enough.

When such an idea emerged in his mind.

The prompt also sounded directly:

Your urgent and strong desire drives you to develop an ability that can help you escape from a black hole.

But unfortunately, the powerful power of black holes prohibits you from using any ability that requires driving energy.

You can't escape from it. could this happen? Am I really going to die here?

Just after receiving the message, Rand went crazy again.

He didn't know how long he had been crazy, until he felt that the energy in his body was almost exhausted, and he returned to normal due to his strong survival instinct.

Turn the desires in your heart into the motivation to live.

Driven by this desire.

The only 1 talent point was invested in [Immortal Body] again.

Your [Immortal Body] will be upgraded to [Immortality] from this.

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