The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 231 One to Six

Everyone? What do you think?

In the conference room, a figure shrouded in silver light spoke lightly.

As he spoke, the energy in the void seemed to be humming and trembling slightly.

This is a near-extreme manifestation in a certain field.

Of course, this kind of manifestation only applies to this world.

Regardless of whether the information about the Dawn Sun is true or false, this dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn has shown other amazing talent potential.

He is a guy with more potential than the first king beast of Dordoros.

It is enough to be regarded as the enemy of the empire.

Another one, with a fiery red figure and flames wrapped around his body, spoke with dignity.

This is naturally a strong man who is close to the ultimate in a certain field.

There are several other people, but compared to these two, they are almost the same.


Several people here are all ultimate wizards.

They are titled wizards who are comparable to king beasts!

To deal with this kind of enemy, I suggest that everyone who can free their hands attack together, and be sure to kill with one strike! Another figure with a cold body and a cold current spoke.

“This is natural, but the question now is, this dragon is hiding in Dordorus, how should we kill it?

If a full-scale war breaks out with those king beasts, those little mice hiding in the corner may do something unpleasant again.

A figure surrounded by khaki said.

“That’s really a problem.

However, I have a solution.

The figure who spoke first said again.

Oh? I wonder what the eternal star's crown has planned?

It's very simple. Share the information about this dragon with those king beasts.

you think……

“Not all of these king beasts are monolithic.

Normally, they would naturally be our enemies.

But now, that dragon has offended the blood bat. We just need to let the blood bat convince the other king beasts not to participate in the battle between us.

Those guys can tolerate beings whose strength is equal to theirs.

But he will never tolerate an existence whose strength has surpassed, or is about to surpass, his own.

makes sense.

If I were one of those king beasts, I would do everything possible to let that dragon with unlimited potential die.

As expected of His Majesty the Eternal Star, a wise man of the empire, this plan is very good!

Several other titled wizards praised him one after another.

Afterwards they discussed some details.

One of the titled wizards suddenly said:

According to the information, this dragon seems to be somewhat related to the iridescent dragon under the eternal star crown.

Oh? When you say that, it seems that there is indeed something.

That dragon seems to have something to do with Alice Ocdom Della's sister, Hindley Ocdom Della.

Hindley Okdom Della has also been hiding in Dordorus.

Unexpectedly, there would be an intersection between the two.

They seem to be a couple?

Perhaps, we can ask Alice Oakdom Della to persuade them to let these two dragons become the power of the empire together. Another titled wizard also said with a smile.

Okay... don't make such silly jokes.

How could that dragon be the power of the empire?

Even if he is willing, can we accept it? In other words, do you dare to accept it? Eternal Starlight looked solemn.

Hahaha... Sorry, sorry, I just think the atmosphere is a bit off, please liven it up a bit.

But Hindley Oakdom Della's iridescent dragon is pretty good.

If things work out this time, this female dragon will be mine.

Do you have any objections? said the figure covered in fiery red.

It depends on what kind of reward the Endless Fire Crown is willing to pay.

You will definitely be satisfied!

A few days later.



Rand, who was soaking in the hot springs in the magma pool, suddenly looked up at the sky, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

I saw several rays of light suddenly falling from outside the atmosphere.

These are several huge elemental spears capable of cutting through the planet.

Like a stream of light, at nearly ten thousand times the speed of sound per second, it brings a long tail flame towards the ground, no! It should be said that it was shot from Rand's location!

Under these giant spears, the space revealed traces of deep darkness, constantly breaking apart.

Along the way there are some strange beasts living in the atmosphere.

Those within a hundred kilometers of these giant guns were blown away by powerful hurricanes.

The weak ones had their bones damaged and fell towards the ground.

His body was twisted for dozens of miles, and he died tragically on the spot.

Seeing this power, Rand couldn't help but become solemn.

His mind was thinking about countless questions in an instant.

Who launched the attack?

This kind of attack is no longer weaker than the blood bat from a few days ago.

It's another king beast.

Or some other powerful existence?


These attacks cannot be allowed to fall.


The dragons that are about a hundred kilometers away from him will probably be wiped out in an instant!

However, the energy of these attacks is so condensed that even with his current strength, he probably cannot easily eliminate them.

At least, it cannot be erased remotely and in a very short time.

Although the dragons are still weak to him at present, at least they are the ones he spent a lot of effort to cultivate.

In the future, I can still make some mistakes in my plans, so how could I just ruin it here?

He immediately shook his dragon wings.

All limbs jumped with force.

boom! ! ! !

The ground beneath his feet shattered.

Countless pieces of gravel exploded under the power of this kick.

Like a broken meteorite, it shot out in all directions.

This moment.

The shock wave began to spread wildly.

And Rand Benlong.

The giant gun that has dragged a long flame and rushed towards the sky at hundreds or thousands of times the speed of sound!

Until a few seconds later.

About a thousand kilometers above ground.

Rand finally had a close encounter with several giant guns.

【The Silent Realm】expands!

Invisible fluctuations swept towards several giant guns.

These giant guns trembled slightly because the energy was too huge and solid.

The energy attached to it has only been partially reduced, but has not completely disappeared due to the domain.

Still falling at an extremely fast speed!

Sure enough, it can't be eliminated...then we can only resist!

Rand thought to himself, his expression showing no trace of surprise.

He suddenly spread his dragon wings.

The dragon's claw struck one of the giant spears hard.

Before it could explode, the dragon wings and tail swept across, shattering all the giant guns.

All of a sudden.

An explosion of brilliance more dazzling than a star.

Endless impacts began to rush in all directions!

And until now.

The group of dragons on the ground in the distance realized something was wrong.

Watching the sky burst into dazzling white light.

And the impact of Rand's original area a hundred kilometers away.

The little black dragon Ed shouted:

Something's wrong! Run!

Roar and wait for the other dragons to react.

The ground beneath the little black dragon quickly dissolved.

The whole body quickly got into it.

He has already mastered the earth escape spell to perfection!

The other dragons saw this.

They also followed suit.

But it's different from the little black dragon's self-centered escape.

The little female dragon and several other dragons activated the dragon soul when they were escaping.

With a group of dragon people and pseudo-dragons, they dived underground together.

Contrast with the sky, or escape into the distance.

It's definitely safer underground.

And after the dragons left.

The impact caused by Rand's just leap also roared past.

When it's completely over.

Centered around Rand's leap.

A crater with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and a depth of more than ten kilometers appeared around it.

This is because the geology of the entire Dordoros is hard.

If it were replaced by the moon of Blue Star in the previous life.

Rand's kick can directly crush it! No! Even smaller planets cannot withstand the power of this kick!

The explosion in the sky was even worse than this kick.

The power even affects everything tens of thousands of kilometers away.

After this impact, the ground sank for dozens of kilometers!

The other creatures wailed and screamed in an attempt to escape, but as they did not know magic, they could not escape at all. This kind of impact was more terrifying than a planet explosion.

It was swept away directly, turned into flesh and blood, and even turned into gas!

Under such a degree of impact.

Even creatures below the fifth level of epic are difficult to survive!

The roar was loud.

In the underground space.

The dragons survived because they were not in the center of the explosion and were extremely skilled in controlling the earth escape method.

Feel the constant shaking of the earth.

They were both curious and frightened.

However, after sensing the location of their companions, they gathered together first.


The little female dragon Fiona couldn't help but said:

Damn! We seem to have been attacked! Those guys are looking for death! Let's go out together and see who they are! I'm going to chop them up!

I advise you not to be impulsive.

The aftermath of the battle just now was obviously more terrifying than the battle between Rand and the king beast a few days ago.

This time the enemy will only be stronger.

With your ability, if you are targeted, all I can do is collect the body for you.

The little black dragon grabbed the little female dragon.

Although he hates this female dragon.

But after we have been together for a long time, we still have some feelings for each other, although not much.

But I don’t want to watch the other person die inexplicably.

The most important thing is.

If Fiona dies and Rand takes the blame, what will he do?

Being a smart dragon.

The little black dragon Ed knew that Rand treated Fiona far better than he did.

This is mainly because of decades ago.

The reason why Fiona was forced to leave the world of Io and enter the abyss with Rand without hesitation.

At that time, Fiona was bragging in his ears every day that she had saved Rand's life.

Therefore, the little black dragon also knows the seriousness of the matter.

If Fiona really dies, there is a high probability that he will be abandoned by Rand.

What happens after that.

If it were an ordinary dragon, with his strength, he would naturally be able to live a good life.

But here's the thing.

Ed is Rand's younger brother!

Even if you don’t recognize it.

But Rand’s enemies don’t cause trouble for him?

Can he, Ed, deal with an enemy of that level?

The answer is obviously no!

The little female dragon was obviously a little dissatisfied and unhappy when she heard what the little black dragon said.

Still want to say something.

But the little black dragon immediately said:

Use the Dragon Soul to contact Hindley and ask her to check out the situation. We will then make plans.

When the little female dragon thought about it, she could only do this.

And outside the surface.

Above the sky.

The center of the explosion.

In the middle of the endless chaos and turbulence, even some powerful beings cannot see clearly.

A group of king beasts further away were indifferent to everything they witnessed from a distance, with indifferent expressions.

They watched silently.


boom! !

In the center, a fierce hurricane fanned.

Blow everything away.

Rand was revealed to have been hit hard.

At this time, his body seemed to have no wounds.

But the infected liquid, shining with the light of stars, slowly dripped on his scales.


The explosion just now injured him, but that was all.

The injuries suffered have also been recovered in this moment.

He looked up at the sky and scanned it carefully.

Suddenly, he discovered that there were six shamans there who were shrouded in various colors of light. Their auras were like gods and king beasts.

this moment.

Rand finally understood the origin of the other party.

The titled wizard of the Baile Gang Empire.

However, these guys actually came to Dordoros with great fanfare, aren't they afraid of being attacked by other king beasts?

He turned his head again and looked through the void, looking at the king beasts at least 100,000 kilometers away.

Everyone just stared silently and showed no reaction.

Among them, there was the blood bat, a king beast, facing him, showing a sinister smile with its ugly face, exposing its sharp fangs.

At this moment, Rand seemed to have some enlightenment in his heart.

He turned back to look outside the atmosphere.

There was no fear in his eyes.

“Is that so…very good.

It happened that I had to deal with a king beast before, which was a bit unsatisfying.

This time, six came directly.

It's just a good time to verify that my real strength is now better!

Welcome to the wizards of the Le Gang Empire! Be proud of it!

hold head high! ! !

Rand muttered to himself, until finally he let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

The dragon body once again rushed upward like a stream of light.

outside the atmosphere.

Six titled wizards overlooked the entire planet.

Look at the giant dragon that turns into a stream of light and rushes towards you.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't run away?

Hmph! He is indeed an extremely arrogant beast.

This idiot doesn't think he can defeat six of us with one dragon, does he?

Since he wants to die, let's help him.

I appreciate his bravery, but I have to say, this is stupid.

Several titled wizards sighed softly.

Then they each took action.

The titled wizard known as the Endless Fire raised his hand, and a sun with a diameter of several kilometers appeared above his head. He waved it and dropped it towards the giant dragon.

The other one breathed out gently, and endless cold current surged downwards.

Another one simply snapped his fingers and actually opened a huge portal, from which giant beasts several kilometers in size jumped out, roaring and spitting out torrents of elements.

There was even a titled wizard with his hands held empty.

Rand, who was flying into the sky, suddenly felt the space around him shrinking, as if trying to restrain him.

But the next moment, he was released by his [Field of Silence], and then he quickly turned around to avoid attacks one after another.

His wings spread out.

There, streaks of red and blue flames, and thunderous brilliance flashed.

Then it turned into thousands of light pillars and blasted away at the six titled wizards!

This was an attack he had been preparing for a long time.

Shockingly powerful.

Under this attack, cracks appeared in the void.

Chaotic turbulence and the strong winds of time and space blew out, mixing everything around him into a mess.

It looks so uncomfortable that it makes you want to vomit.

Hmph! Useless resistance!

The titled wizard Eternal Xinghui, whose whole body was shrouded by the bright moon, snorted coldly, his expression unchanged.

With his arms spread out, two huge mirrors were summoned from the void.

These mirrors move quickly, blocking the light beam.

Absorbed nearly half of it.

Nearly half of it was blocked by the other two titled wizards, who each separated the space in front of them.

The three titled wizards worked together to completely block Rand's attacks.

The other three took action together again to attack Rand.

However, Rand once again relied on his extreme speed to avoid it.

Although his defense ability is extremely strong.

But the spell power of titled wizards is far beyond what ordinary creatures can match.

It can still cause him more or less damage.

Energy is needed to recover from injuries.

Therefore, even if he could avoid it, Rand chose to avoid it.

After all, it was one against six, and he was ready for a protracted battle.

But even so.

There are still a few attacks that can fall on him.


There was a constant roar in the atmosphere.

One wave after another.

But these few attacks don't pose much of a threat to Rand.

While flying, he waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

Small suns and thunder slurries were spit out from his mouth. Under the double blow, they were all blocked by the opponent.

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