The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 232 White-hot

Among them, the wizard wrapped in flames was the main force in dealing with Rand's flame power.

This guy has the ability to absorb and transform his fire energy.

Even if Rand increases the output beyond its limit, the power of the skill will be greatly reduced, and it will not have much impact on these wizards.

As for the power of thunder?

Compared with the power of fire, it is still much weaker, so it is naturally less of a threat to wizards.

Rand finally understood.

Using energy to fight is not beneficial to him.

hold head high!!

he roared again.

This time, after avoiding several attacks, he rushed straight towards these wizards.

boom! boom! boom!

Occasionally missed attacks would be ignored by him.

This guy! He wants to rely on close combat to fight us.

Idiot! He doesn't think we are the mages from the world of Io, does he?

Since he wants to fight, let's fight!

Ha ha ha ha!

Several titled wizards laughed.

During this time.

The monsters summoned by a titled wizard before screamed and swarmed forward.

The strength of each of these monsters is extremely strong, at least above the sixth or seventh level of epic.

And has some unique abilities.

But when facing Rand, it's all a matter of getting a claw, a tail, or a dragon wing.

The weak ones are like strong little ants.

As long as you touch it, you will definitely die!

But in an instant, more than half of these monsters were killed or injured.

Only some with extremely strong life-saving abilities can survive.

Afterwards, fear showed in their eyes, but they still did not run away, but tried their best to stop Rand. .

Rand knew.

These monsters.

Maybe they were some strange beasts before, but they were controlled by the titled wizards in front of them using certain methods.

When facing him here, I will act as cannon fodder...


Rand showed no mercy towards such strange beasts and quickly eliminated all of them.

Then it flew up again.

Until closer.

The six titled wizards all opened their realms.

Rand was also prepared for this. The [Realm of Silence] collided with the opponent's six major domains. The void was violently distorted, and terrifying cracks appeared.

But one against six was ultimately too disadvantageous for him, and his field was constantly being squeezed.

Until he breaks into the opponent.

The six major realms suddenly fell on Rand's body.

At this moment, the temperature of his body, as hot as the blazing sun, dropped drastically, and patches of mist appeared all over his body.

The energy in the body is being rapidly extracted at a speed of tens to hundreds of times.

At this time, it was like entering a quagmire, and the speed slowed down more than a hundred times.

The elements in the cosmic starry sky gathered into large blocks of soil, locking his body one by one and spreading towards his whole body.

There were also countless space blades. At this moment, they all exploded from his body, cutting his entire body.

Just for a moment.

Rand took tons of damage.

Unable to move.

Blood shot out and floated in the starry sky.

Idiot! Although your domain has the effect of eliminating all spells and miracles, it is also the power of rules, which will not have an overwhelming effect on our domain.

How can you resist the combined power of the six of us domain rules?

Even the strongest king beast of Dordorus is just a lamb to be slaughtered in front of six of us, let alone you?

The titled wizard who was covered in fiery red cursed with a sneer on his face.

The sound surged in the starry sky and reached Rand's ears very clearly.

Another titled wizard suddenly laughed and said:

It's over. Under the endless fire crown, look at the surface. The dragon seems to be looking at us. Don't forget the agreement we made before.

After hearing this, many wizards turned their attention to the surface of the planet.

Looking across hundreds of thousands of kilometers, he suddenly saw it above the ground.

Hindley, the iridescent dragon, is looking up at them.

There was astonishing hatred in his eyes.

This dragon seems to have always held a grudge against us for subduing her sister. A titled wizard said.

It doesn't matter, anyway, she will soon become the object under the endless fire crown. Then she will be trained properly.

on the surface.

The expression of the iridescent dragon Hindley keeps changing.

She had just received a notification from Fiona, the little female dragon, and knew that Rand was fighting the enemy again.

So he appeared on the surface to explore the situation.

But she didn't expect that this sight immediately shocked her.

The clothing these wizards wear, and the power of the spells they use.

The rainbow dragon can tell at a glance what level these guys belong to.

What force does it belong to.

The titled wizard of the Baile Gang Empire!

When the rainbow dragon saw these guys, he couldn't help showing hatred in his eyes.

It is also a secret passage.

What is Rand doing?

A pair of six titled wizards?

Is he crazy?

But having been with Rand for a long time, she knew that Rand should not be such a reckless dragon.

Although he is usually arrogant and arrogant.

But most of the time, he is still very cautious, especially when facing opponents who are stronger than him or of equal strength.

Why is this happening now?

Could it be that his thoughts were affected by the banned wizards? Or maybe his great improvement in strength has changed his personality?

Face the situation at hand.

What should she do?

Even now, because of Rand, his strength is one step closer to the ninth level of the epic.

But it is one level away from the titled wizard and king beast.

The gap is still too big.

She hesitated.

The situation in the starry sky has changed again.

The trapped Rand suddenly closed his eyes when his entire body was about to be surrounded by soil.

at this moment.

He cast a spell on himself that caused him to fall asleep quickly.

He wakes up again the next second after falling asleep.

hold head high!!

he growled.

The body shook again, and the six realms of the titled wizards all collapsed at this moment.

and his domain canceled each other out and disappeared.

At this moment, the entire starry sky suddenly became clear.

The faces of the six titled wizards showed confusion and surprise, and some couldn't help but exclaim:

What happened? The domain power of the six of us disappeared? Did you do it? How did you do it?

They were extremely puzzled by the situation in front of them.

hold head high!!!

Rand roared, without any intention of responding, and charged forward again.

Offset the opponent's field.

The reason is actually very simple.

That is, he once again added some of his talent points to the realm of silence.

The entire [Realm of Silence] became [The Territory of Finality].

[Final Territory]: High-level domain power. Within your domain, all spells, energy and other phenomena will no longer exist. This is the space of nothingness, the final place of all miracles. (Note: Domains cannot completely eliminate other domains, but advanced domains can greatly eliminate or weaken the effects of the other domain.)

The final territory, from the description in words, cannot tell how much better it is than the Silent Domain.

But the word high is most vividly reflected when fighting against the six major fields.

call out!

Like a ray of light, he finally came to the front of several titled wizards without any obstruction.

The dragon wings cut across and were about to knock a titled wizard into bloody mud.

But right now.

The titled wizard actually roared wildly.

The whole body turned into a monster in an instant.

It was a monster with nine heads and a body length of nearly ten kilometers, like a dinosaur.

This monster poked out its nine heads and bit fiercely at the dragon wings that swooped towards him.

Unfortunately, in the end, the entire head was knocked crooked and flew sideways.

At this time, Rand wanted to attack several other titled wizards, but at this time, the other ones roared again and again.

One by one, they turned into inhuman monsters.

A giant dog composed entirely of flames, condensed like a solid body.

A titan-like giant made entirely of brown earth.

There is also a two-headed moon-white rabbit.

A monster made entirely of ice crystals.

And a silver-white phoenix-like monster.

Each of these monsters has extremely strong vitality and blood, as if they are facing a king beast.

Each monster's body length ranges from several kilometers to dozens of kilometers.

The largest among them are the white rabbit and the earth-brown giant.

However, for an existence of this level, bigness is no longer completely linked to strength.

Want to fight hand to hand? Do you think we will be afraid? All wizards have already combined themselves with the bodies of some powerful beasts.

We have no shortcomings! Whether it is physical strength or our own energy, we are the strongest! Roar! !

The titled wizard who transformed into a giant flame dog roared.

He rushed directly towards Rand, instead of using flames to attack, he bit into the dragon wing.

As a result, Rand slapped him and sent him flying backwards.

But at this time, several other monsters transformed from titled wizards had also taken action.

Rand couldn't avoid it, nor did he want to.

His dragon claws, dragon wings, and dragon tail were waving constantly.

Each time, it attacks these monsters with the power to shatter an asteroid.

The beating made them scream again and again.

But at the same time, it was difficult to defeat the opponent's numerical advantage. The beaten dragon's scales cracked and blood flowed.

The two sides seemed to have turned into pure beasts, fighting in the most primitive way.

However, in this decisive battle between few and many, Rand was in an extremely disadvantageous position.

Trading injuries for injuries, he wanted to use his own energy and recovery advantages to fight the enemy in a protracted battle.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

There are constant battles between flesh and flesh, and every aftermath destroys all asteroids and meteorites within a radius of a thousand kilometers.

The earth-brown Titan's fist hit Rand's head hard, denting his entire head.

As for the earth-brown giant, while knocking Rand away, he was whipped hard by the dragon's tail, and his entire arm exploded.

But in an instant, his arm began to slowly recover.

Rand's head also began to recover.

But at this time.

Several other monsters added many wounds to other parts of his body.

Large pieces of dragon scales were directly crushed and peeled off.

Even the chest and abdomen were pierced.

Although Rand also fought back again, injuring the opponent as well.

But the earth-brown Titan laughed heartily:

“Rand Safis Oakburn!

Feeling hopeless?

Your recovery speed is simply not enough to sustain this one-on-six battle.

I admit, you are really powerful. In one-on-one, no one here is your opponent!

But he wants to deal with the six of us! It's so stupid!

Today, this place will become the place where your soul will be annihilated!

Rand's expression turned cold after hearing this.

He immediately roared again. Wild storms, lightning and thunder began to appear in the starry sky within thousands of kilometers around.

His entire dragon body also swelled several points at this moment.

Countless flames and thunder surrounded the entire dragon body.

[Catastrophe·Explosion] mode is activated at this moment!

His abilities have been enhanced in all aspects!

When the giant flame dog bites, the dragon's wings make a powerful sweep and cut the entire body of the giant dog in half!

Facing attacks from several other monsters.

Roared again.

A burst of red shock erupted from the body, knocking several monsters upside down.

On the body, the lightning surged, and in a short-distance burst, it came to another giant rabbit as if teleporting. With one claw, it pierced the rabbit. When the opponent wanted to hug him, when he counterattacked, more He made a fist with his claws, blasted his entire stomach, and sent it flying backwards.

Afterwards, one after another erupted, and Rand appeared next to several other monsters, killing them one by one.

The monsters these titled wizards turned into.

Even if the body explodes.

But it still has little impact.

Countless energies connected the scattered bodies and reassembled them.

At their level, the immortality characteristics are already extremely strong, not weaker than Rand at all.

Even if part of it is bitten off by Rand when it explodes, it can still be regenerated by consuming energy.

The banned wizards have little impact.

But I felt extremely humiliated.

once Upon a time? They need six people to deal with one enemy?

This is undoubtedly a great shame and humiliation for a being who stands at the apex of the entire wizarding world, or the entire Antoli plane.

The titled wizard who transformed into a giant flaming dog was even more furious.

The body also swelled several points.

Grow a few more heads.


What are you still doing? Why don't you use all your strength? How long will you keep it?

Isn’t it that the beast that continues to mess around with this dragon makes Dordorus laugh out loud?

You don't need to lecture me! I will kill this dragon too! Roar!!

The other titled wizards were also furious.

They all used explosive abilities to greatly improve their body functions, and once again stood together with Rand.

But compared to before.

Although these six titled wizards still have the upper hand.

But it doesn't seem to be as obvious as it was at first.

Obviously, Rand's explosive skills are even better than theirs.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The stars in the sky are mourning.

One day passed quickly.

But a battle of this level is nothing at all to beings of their level.

Instead, the starry sky suffered another disaster.

Pieces of asteroids and meteorites were destroyed.

Everything within tens of millions of kilometers has been cleared.

But the war is far from over.

In this way, another few days passed.


The powerful alien beasts on the planet looked at the battle between Rand and the six titled wizards with their mouths agape.

They were all amazed at the power of the dragon.

While I was shocked, I was also extremely envious.

Many strange beasts were born uncontrollably.

As long as the war is over, I will immediately take refuge in this powerful dragon.

But those king beasts felt particularly wise in letting the wizards and dragons fight.

If this kind of powerful enemy continues to grow, will Dordorus still have their place in the future?

Except for the thoughts of most of these strange beasts.

There are two more beasts.

In other words, a dragon or a beast, but they seemed particularly anxious and different.

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