The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 230 Am I too strong, or are you too weak?


The center of the explosion.

The screams kept echoing.

The giant dragon pinched the blood bat's neck and pinned it down in a deep pit with a diameter of a thousand kilometers.

The wingspan of the dragon is larger than that of the blood bat.

The strength is also far beyond that of the other party.

The contrast between the two bodies is like a strong man and a slender girl.

The explosions continued.

But in the center is a dragon and a beast.

But their eyes met.

Almost unaffected.

The giant dragon's eyes stared closely at the blood bat's eyes.

What was revealed was indifference and disappointment.

You are much weaker than I thought... Is this the so-called king beast? Are you too weak? Or am I... too strong?

The dragon spoke slowly.

The sound rumbled.

In the center of the explosion, it was still clearly transmitted to the blood bat's ears.

This made the opponent's eyes almost bleed. As a whole, Dordorus, no! Even the absolute overlord of the entire Antoli plane.

He felt humiliated like never before.

Quack, quack, quack!

The blood bat let out a shrill scream, and he wanted to curse the dragon.

Unfortunately, his neck was strangled so hard that he could only make an extremely unpleasant neighing sound.

On the bat's wings, blood-colored light balls emerged, like a rain of arrows, suddenly shooting at the giant dragon.


Endless explosions sounded one after another.

The energy impact of the explosion and the turbulent flow of elements were unable to block the sight of the two ferocious beasts.

The blood bat looked solemn.

His attack just now was enough to blow a planet with a diameter of nearly ten thousand kilometers into pieces and turn it into rubble in the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

But it fell on the giant dragon in front of me.

Apart from blasting holes one after another on his armor-like scales, which were instantly restored, there was no use for them anymore.

The giant dragon pressing on Him didn't even move.

This dragon dragon has ridiculous strength and resilience.

Your attack is really weak?

Could it be that the king beast is nothing more than this? doesn't seem right either.

I remember Hindley telling me.

Among all the king beasts, you are ranked last and your strength is limited.

The dragon's cold voice sounded again.

The contempt in his eyes became even stronger, making the blood bat so angry that it was about to explode.


The blood bat roared like never before in this life.

We must continue to fight back.

But the next moment.

Click! bump! ! !

The giant dragon's claws suddenly exerted force.

The blood bat's neck suddenly exploded as it was being pinched!

The head was hit and shot out into the distance!

A large amount of blood surged from the headless neck. The amount of bleeding could definitely submerge a human city! The whole land seemed to be dyed red.

Is it over?... Sure enough, I am too strong.

The giant dragon slowly straightened up, standing upright with its wings spread out and its forelimbs wide open, as if it was embracing the sky.

His eyes looked up at the blazing sun in the sky.

Showing a touch of intoxication.

Powerful enough to explode a star with one strike.

Inexhaustible dragon magic.

The surging vitality of the advanced True Sun Dragon Queen.

The ability to recover from all injuries almost instantly.

All of these are combined into a perfect real dragon!

it is me! Rand Safis Oakburn!


Infinite planes of life! No matter you are a mortal or a god!

Get ready to be ruled by me!

Ha ha ha ha……

The giant dragon laughed wildly and could be heard from afar.

But right now.

The whole body of the blood bat, whose neck was crushed beneath him, actually started to move strangely again. It turned into countless blood and shot up into the sky.

The dragon stopped laughing.

Looked over.

Countless blood lights re-condensed into the huge body of the blood bat.

This guy.

It looked the same as before, without any signs of injury.

However, his expression was even angrier than before.

You really pissed me off! You bastard!

The blood bat's roar was earth-shattering.

The entire atmosphere was stained with blood.

Then, the huge bat opened its mouth and sucked in all the blood within a thousand kilometers.

His body actually underwent astonishing changes.

It swelled several times and grew thick and long tentacles one after another.

The blood bat roared and rushed towards the dragon on the ground.

As a king beast, it's really not that easy to kill. This way, you can continue to verify my strength. I allow you to show your strength as much as possible.

The dragon roared.

Go straight ahead without fear!

In an instant.

The two giant beasts collided in the sky.

At this time, the two were already about the same size.

Boom! !

An extremely violent roar sounded.

A blinding white light exploded.


The bodies of both beasts were shaken.

In this impact, the dragon fell backwards for dozens of kilometers.

The blood bat flew directly backwards a thousand kilometers away!

There is still a considerable gap in power between the two.


But this cannot scare the blood bat. The sanity in his eyes is no longer what it was before.

Like a furious beast, howling.

Continue to attack the dragon!

The giant dragon also came forward again.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The collisions in the sky came one after another.

Many Blue Star people and dragons hiding in the distance couldn't help but swallow secretly when they saw it.

This evil dragon... is too strong.

Isn't that big bat the king beast of this world? Doesn’t it mean that he has power that rivals powerful gods?

Why now, looking at it, it seems like I was being pressed down and beaten by that giant dragon...

One of the many Blue Star people was trembling with fear and looked extremely ugly.

This evil dragon's current strength seems to be at the level of a true god.

Then...who is stronger compared to Chenxi Sun? A Dolan Star person couldn't help but ask.

Everyone was silent and did not dare to say anything.

Yes, at this time, who is stronger, this evil dragon or the crown prince?

They couldn't help but look up at the sky again.

The blood bat roared again and again.

But the giant dragon seemed to be able to do so with ease and nonchalantly, constantly hitting the opponent, knocking the opponent further and further away.

Even if the blood bat uses other tricks.

They were all easily resisted by the dragon.

Where is the current limit of this evil dragon's strength?

Don't worry... I've heard that... the wise men have already researched antimatter, and they have introduced new ones and developed many incredible magic technology creations.

We will never be inferior to this dragon.

After being silent for a long time, the Blue Star man finally spoke up and encouraged the others.

Say, that's right...

Others agreed with some difficulty.

The other side.

The dragons looked at the extremely powerful Rand with their eyes shining brightly.

The little female dragon roared even more urgently:

Strong! So strong! Too strong! Is this Rand? Is this my big brother? He is actually pressing down on that king beast to fight!

This stance feels like hitting me! This is crushing!

Like hitting you?

When the other dragons heard this, they were all stunned and turned to look at the little female dragon.

Yes! A long time ago, when I was just born, I was like this too. I was dissatisfied with Rand, and ended up being educated like this.

Well, now that I think about it, I’m still pretty good.

I couldn't beat Rand and was severely educated.

This king beast couldn't defeat Rand and was severely educated.

So, can it be concluded that I am equal to this king beast?

Well, that's pretty much it.

Except for my eldest brother Rand, I, Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne, am not weaker than any creature in my life!

The little female dragon murmured, and at the end, she nodded repeatedly.

The other dragons felt ashamed for a while.

Can this be equalized?

Can I have some facial expressions?

In the distance, the fierce battle above the sky continued.

It almost exploded the atmosphere for hundreds of thousands of miles around, creating a large hollow area.

It even directly hit the territory of other king beasts.

This level of fighting.

It will naturally attract the attention of other king beasts.

But no one came to intervene.

Rand caught the blood bat and beat him violently.

From day, to night, to day again.

Finally, the big bat couldn't bear it any longer and turned into countless bloody rains, fleeing in all directions.

Rand, on the other hand, just watched the other party flee silently, with no intention of pursuing him at all.

He stood on the earth for a long, long time.

Like a huge dragon god statue, motionless.

He was recalling the battle just now and feeling his body after the battle.

A battle with the blood bat.

He didn't use all his strength at all, he only used about 70% of his strength, and he was completely at ease.

Until this moment, the energy in the body has almost remained at a full state.

Consumption and recovery are completely equal.

I almost don’t feel tired either.

He can continue fighting at this level almost indefinitely...

Until his spirit or body couldn't bear it anymore.

And this may be measured in years.

far away.

There were dragon roars one after another.

The little female dragon led the dragon army and flew over from a distance while roaring.

Just getting closer.

The little female dragon placed a defensive barrier around herself.

Then he flew to Rand's side, hugged his thigh, raised his head, looked at him with admiration and shouted:

Too powerful! Rand, you are definitely a hundred times more powerful than that bullshit Morning Sun!

Walk! go back! Let's kill that bastard together!

Then unite all the evil gods, destroy all the good gods, and dominate the plane of Io, as well as many blue stars!

You will be crowned the god of all dragons!

A group of dragonmen, with the blessing of the dragon soul, also arrived shortly after.

One of the glasses rolled his eyes.

Immediately shouted:

Boss Rand! Invincible in all battles! Invincible in all attacks! Civilized martial arts! Eternal! Live as long as the sky! Unify all realms!

As soon as the words came out.

The dragon man behind him was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted.

Boss Rand! Invincible in all battles! Invincible in all attacks! Civilized martial arts! Eternal! Live as long as the sky! Unify all realms!

The slogans are neat.

But because there weren’t enough people, it wasn’t loud enough.

So the leading dragon-man glasses turned his attention to the other pseudo-dragons.

When these pseudo-dragons saw this, they immediately shouted.

Millions of people, the roar of the pseudo-dragon.

Plus the conduction of magic.

Even hundreds of kilometers away, you can hear it clearly.

Rand's eyes fell on these dragon-men, showing great satisfaction.

These guys are talented people.

He nodded slowly and looked at the dragon glasses and said:

Glasses, right? You are very good! I like this slogan! If you can come up with such a slogan, it means you must be a talent.

He praised.

Then he glanced at Rainbow Dragon and said:

“Now I wake up from sleep again, and the power of my blood is strengthened again.

It's also time to strengthen your body.

This dragon man should also be included.

But his body cannot accept the power of my blood.

Hindley, you can think of a way to strengthen his body, can you do this?

no problem.

It shouldn't be difficult to spend a little time, change some of his body organs, strengthen the body a little, and dilute your blood.

The iridescent dragon responded.

Hearing this, several dragon people on the side cast envious glances at the glasses.

They knew very well how powerful Rand's blood was.

Not only can it break through the limits of living things.

Even the life span will be greatly improved as a result.

This can almost compete with being a god of some gods.

After all, according to the standards of the Io world.

Gods with low divine power and medium divine power are not considered to be at the level of true gods.

Just high level epic level.

With Rand's blood, they may not be unable to reach this point in the future.

The group of dragons quickly returned.

Of course, what I returned to this time was not the cave hundreds of thousands of kilometers deep.

But on the nearby surface.

He began to give blood to the dragons.

The other side.

Because the war is over.

On the Duolan Star side, they finally communicated again.

In the conference room.

Many high-level officials and the Morning Sun gathered together again.

This time.

All their eyes were focused on the big screen directly in front of them.

There, the battle between Rand and Blood Bat was being played.

Many senior executives and Chenxi Yang watched silently, somewhat silently.

a long time.

One of the congressmen finally couldn't bear it anymore and spoke.

Your Majesty... are you still confident in dealing with this evil dragon now?


A sigh came from the statue.

The battle between this evil dragon and the king beast obviously did not use all his strength, but even so, the combat power he displayed, if I didn't use my full strength, I probably wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Are you saying that even with your existence, you are no longer his opponent? The congressmen were shocked.

Right now, I'm not sure. Chen Xiyang said honestly.

We can't give him another chance to grow. This dragon is too strange.

His growth potential is already more terrifying than the Hatred Dragon.

He is somewhat similar to Plutonium Dragon, but seems to be stronger than Plutonium Dragon... and his potential is unlimited.

We must find a way to eliminate him! Within five years, no! It should be as soon as possible!

The voice of the morning sun was full of solemnity and determination.

That's what it is.

But that plane is too hostile to a being like you. Some members expressed concern.

“It’s better to think differently.

Didn't that dragon in our intelligence also offend the Baile Gang Empire, the strongest force in that plane?

If we give the current information about this dragon to the Baile Gang Empire, what do you think they will do?

No matter who it is, they will have trouble sleeping and eating if they are hostile to such a monster, right?

Several congressmen, you say something and I say something.

Finally, after hearing this, Chen Xiyang said:

That's all it can do. If the Bailegang Empire ignores that dragon, it may be destroyed. No force can ignore this ultimate evil.

Shortly after.

Antoli plane.

A certain star field.

On a huge planet with a diameter of five to six hundred thousand kilometers.

There are countless magic towers towering into the sky, at least tens of thousands of kilometers long.

Countless machines and wizards are flying in the sky.

It looks extremely prosperous.

The energy tide was so intense that it was almost visible to the naked eye.

The top of one of the magic towers.

Huge conference room.

Several majestic figures floated entirely composed of energy, staring at each other directly in front of each other on a virtual screen.

There, the scene of Rand fighting the blood bat was also playing.

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