The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 229 The power of exploding stars

Say it.

The giant bird flapped its wings and turned into a stream of light to escape.

The speed was so fast that the little female dragon and others could not pursue it at all. They could only watch the opponent quickly leave at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

The little female dragon looked a little nervous, but she said she would not admit defeat:

Bah! You're an incompetent guy. He's defeated, so he can only go home and call the boss, you loser! If you have the guts to stay, we can continue to fight for three hundred rounds!

You can save it! If we go back and call our boss, why are we still here? Are we looking for death? Or do you want to go practice with the king beast?

The little black dragon roared from the side.

Having lived in Dordoros for so many years, he has long been familiar with the general situation of this world.

Naturally, there won’t be any thought of showing off.

Get in touch with Hindley quickly! Let her come up with a solution.

The little black dragon Ed added.

The little female dragon was a little dissatisfied with the little black dragon's attitude and glared at him fiercely.

But she also knew that what the little black dragon said was reasonable, and now was not the time for her to get angry randomly.

So she quickly used the communication tool that Rainbow Dragon Hindley had left for her.

Information can be transmitted instantly across hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

After a while.

After more than forty years of growth, the rainbow dragon's body, six to seven hundred meters long, appeared directly next to several dragons. Without saying anything, they looked into the distance.

The little black dragon Ed on the side said quickly:

Sister Hindley, I remember you said before that every king beast has its own alliance and power.

You are in this territory, so you must have something to do with that magic bat, right?

“This may disappoint you.

I am obsessed with research and do not deal with other strange beasts at all. I usually live in a simple way and have nothing to do with magic bats.

Iridescent responded.

Then...that strange bird goes back and summons the king beast. What should we do? The little black dragon became a little nervous.

The little female dragon also looked gloomy.

Do you want to run away? I heard that the king beasts are all existences with powerful divine power.

It seems too early for us to fight this guy, right?

Tarana, the female blue dragon, couldn't help but say.

“[Wings of the Wind] is a beast that likes to cause trouble most in this territory.

However, he has good strength, and he works for the magic bat, so he is very respected.

It's not your fault that you provoked this guy this time.

In this case, just wake up Rand, and let him decide whether to escape or stay.

Please wait a moment.

I'll come back as soon as I go.

After the rainbow dragon finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

A group of dragons are waiting in the sky.

But at this time, they didn't feel any pleasure or joy at regaining their freedom.

On the contrary, my heart was full of anxiety.

One by one, they kept looking in the distance, in the direction where [Wings of Swift Wind] disappeared.

Although they couldn't see anything because of the distance, it didn't stop them from looking in that direction.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Something unusual happened in the distance.

A thick stream of red light almost covered the entire sky and burst towards this side.

There were many flying beasts along the way, and when they touched these red streams of light, they all exploded.

It turned into pools of blood mist, and was then sucked into it and shot out together.

This scene looked extremely terrifying, as if the blood-red sky was falling.

The expressions of the little female dragon and other dragons suddenly changed.

Inspiring the dragon soul, it also stimulates countless torrents of elements.

However, after encountering the blood-colored stream of light, it was vulnerable to a blow and collapsed upon contact.

What...what is can it be so strong! The dragon soul can't even stop it!

The little female dragon screamed.

Damn it! This is blood! It's the blood of countless animals! The energy band attached to it is amazing, and it's not at the same level as the spells we use.

The little black dragon's eyes were very sharp and he could see everything from a long distance and screamed in surprise.

This is Lord Mephit's blood rain, run!

Not far away, there was a powerful alien beast that was originally watching the show. At this time, it couldn't help but scream.

The roars emitted by these strange beasts were translated into common language by the giant dragons in an instant, and then they understood everything.

After understanding it, it did not make them relax, but made them even more nervous.

Is the king beast's attack coming?

And we are actually naked in the sky, defenseless?

Damn Hindley Okdom Della! This stinky Bichi! This is going to kill me! Rand save me! I don't want to die!

The little female dragon was frightened and roared loudly.

At this time, Blood Rain was only about the last hundred kilometers away from them.

In less than a blink of an eye, these bloody rains appeared directly in front of the dragons.

Maybe, just the next moment.

It will really fall on the dragons. What will be the result then?

Can it be resisted by the excellent defense capabilities of dragon scales?

Or is it like those unlucky eggs before, being penetrated directly, and then the body exploded and the flesh and blood was sucked from the body?

They don't know.

Facing the powerful king beast, they seemed very unsure of their bodies.


That's when.

An invisible wave swept through their bodies.

The bodies of the dragons, which had been floating in the air relying on magical power, suddenly fell towards the ground.

this moment.

They were surprised to find that they had lost control of their magic power.

But they were not shocked by this.

Instead, he showed a relieved smile.

Because they knew who was coming.

And as long as he comes, then all dangers will surely be resolved, right?

Long-term trust makes them think confidently.

And the blood rain that was about to fall on them also confirmed their thoughts.

These rains of blood dissipated one by one at this moment and disappeared completely.

The entire sky was completely clear at this time.

You idiots, why don't you get down and stay in the sky as living targets?

Behind him, a powerful dragon roar sounded.

The dragons twisted their necks excitedly and looked over.

In a cave filled with hot air.

A huge real dragon is slowly rising into the sky.

His body is extremely large and extremely long. According to preliminary estimates, his body length should be about ten kilometers.

The four wings on the back are fully extended, and it is estimated to be more than ten or twenty kilometers away.

The scales all over the body overlap like fish scales, and are as thick as armor, blooming with a unique, star-like brilliance.

In the process of rising.

The hole in the ground is continuously burned and dissolved by high temperatures.

The cave entrance, which was originally only five or six kilometers away, has now been expanded to at least twenty kilometers.

Rand? Is it Rand? We haven't seen each other for forty years, and you have grown a lot.

You must be able to blow up that bastard Chen Xiyang right now, right?

The little female dragon excitedly rushed towards Rand's location.

Intense heat.

This made a powerful red dragon like her unable to bear it and had to use the dragon soul to protect herself.

Fiona, who were you scolding Bichi just now?

A voice sounded suddenly from behind Rand.

Attract the attention of the little female dragon.

That was the rainbow dragon Hindley. This female dragon stared at her with a hint of evil in her eyes.

Did I say anything just now? I just said Rand save me and nothing else, right Ed?

The little female dragon quibbled and looked at her brother.

Of course I did. Didn't you just scold Sister Hindley? I heard it clearly. The little black dragon sneered.

Ed, you bastard...I... The little female dragon was furious and opened her mouth to curse the dragon.

Okay! Stop arguing. The troublesome guys are coming. You all should stay away from me. Rand looked into the distance and said in a solemn voice.

The dragons looked at each other and backed away obediently.

And thousands of kilometers away.

A group of agents with many blue stars.

He looked at Rand who appeared in astonishment.

This guy looks like that evil dragon.

What does it mean? It's obvious to me!

Isn't it possible... This dragon has grown to such a terrifying level in just over forty years?

The growth of a giant dragon becomes slower the further back it goes... Why is this dragon still so long?

No wonder even powerful gods like the Dawn Sun are extremely afraid of this evil dragon. This growth rate is indeed too scary. seems that compared to dragon gods like Bahamut and Tiamat, it is still far behind?

In this case, it should not be a match for a god of the level of Dawn Sun.

No matter what, let's run a little further. It feels like it won't be safe here.

A group of Blue Star people said and began to retreat again.


The distant horizon.

A large piece of blood-colored mist floated in quickly.

A huge bat with a wingspan of more than ten kilometers and a scarlet body flew slowly towards the center of the blood cloud.

Next to him was [Wings of the Wind] who had just left.

This huge bird and beast, which was originally huge, looked as petite as a small bird next to the bloody bat.

The two strange beasts paused after being about a hundred kilometers away from Rand.

These two strange beasts stared at Rand closely.

Are you... the true dragon of the Io world?

A sound came from the mouth of the bloody bat. The sound was extremely sharp and harsh, giving people the illusion that their brains were shaking.

Obviously, you are the king beast here?

Rand replied calmly.

Since you know that I am a king beast, how dare you stay here? Don't you know whose territory this is?

Your strength is good, I will give you two choices.

Become my servant or be killed by me.

The bloody bat looked Rand up and down and spoke again.

Servant? Are you worthy? I should be the one to say this to you.

Rand did not respond to the other party's question, but asked instead.

The expression was very contemptuous.

He slept for more than forty years.

As the power within his body continued to grow, Rand's self-confidence also skyrocketed.

I have already developed some thoughts of wanting to fight the king beast.

Although he knows that his current size is not as good as the two dragon gods in the world of Io.

But the strength of a real dragon does not solely depend on its size to determine victory or defeat.

It was a competition between ordinary beasts.

As a cheating dragon with many abilities, how can his combat power be easily measured?

The changes in race and the increase in natural abilities are constantly increasing his strength.


The Scarlet Bat was completely angered by Rand's attitude.

A shrill, angry scream.

The big bird who was originally beside him saw something bad and immediately ran away.

And the next moment.

On the body of the bloody bat.

Red aura erupted.

Hundreds of kilometers around him were directly dyed in blood.

All surrounding creatures had already evacuated at this moment.

But there are still some low-energy creatures that still remain.

Under the bloody mist.

Above the body, bright red mist is constantly flowing out.

The weak ones were turned into mummies even in an instant.

This is the blood realm of mephits.

Rand had learned about it from Hindley a long time ago.

It can continuously drain the enemy's blood and replenish itself.

It is a field that can continuously reduce the opponent's combat power and improve one's own.

Talk about whether you are strong or not, talk about whether you are weak or not.

But the field is after covering Rand.

Even with Rand's magic resistance ability, there is no resistance at all.

Wisps of blood were drawn out of the body.

Compared with other creatures, these blood energy is much brighter and even glowing continuously.

After it appeared, it brought terrifying high temperatures, evaporating the blood of other creatures.

Is this the domain power of the king beast? What does it feel like to have blood drawn out?

As expected, it is a rule-based ability that even I can't resist. amazing.

Rand did not rush to attack, but instead spoke in praise.

The magic bat in the distance was not in a hurry to attack. He seemed to be admiring the wails of dead creatures in the field as their blood was being extracted.

After hearing what Rand said, he screamed:

Under my domain, low-level creatures like you can only die miserably and wailing.

Of course, if you are fast enough, you might be able to escape from me.


At this very moment.

The aura on Rand's body spread.

Open the [Realm of Silence] again.

Invisible fluctuations spread, constantly blending with the bloody mist.

Let there be abnormalities in the entire field.

Strange energies overlapped and entwined, and lightning and cracks exploded in the void.

The bloody aura began to slowly fade away.

This is a actually have a domain? You are obviously just a creature from the outer plane, but you actually have the power of the domain?

The magic bat was extremely shocked.

“It turns out that when fields collide with each other, they will cancel each other out.

It feels pretty good. Now, let us use our purest strength to give it a try and see who is stronger between us!

Rand growled.

The moment the words fell.

Under the dragon wings, two roars suddenly erupted.

A huge burst of energy.

The raging flames pushed Rand's huge body towards the magic bat with impact!

Like a flare erupting, the sky and the earth are completely eclipsed.

Everyone watching the battle from a distance almost lost their light at this moment.

Even many Blue Star people have high-tech armor.

The world in front of me became blank.

When this blank space disappears.

Visible only to users.

The dragon that was most likely Rand Safis Oakburn had appeared in front of the magic bat.

Then, it was like a strong man facing a thin man.

He grabbed the magic bat's slender neck with one claw, and with an extremely violent gesture, he poured it viciously into the ground!


No one had time to be surprised that the powerful king beast in their eyes was abused by the giant dragon in an instant.

The screams and roars sounded at this moment.

boom! !


Mushroom clouds soared into the sky.

The impact raged.

Roll everything up.

The earth began to fall apart, spreading into the distance.

The spies from Dolan Star quickly headed into the distance again.

As they fled quickly.

Suddenly, he heard a horrified scream coming from the communication equipment around him.

Looking back.

From the previously secret portal leading to the world of Io, several Dolan Star people and the subordinates of Dawn Sun emerged from it.

This may be the person who was just sent to confirm the intelligence.

But unfortunately, as soon as they got out, they encountered this shock.

The entire body was torn apart at this moment.

Many Blue Star people couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

They had no doubts.

If this kind of power were exerted on a smaller planet, it might be able to blow up the entire planet!

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