The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 228 Finally found it

Strong! Strong! Calendar!!

An unpleasant cry sounded from the sky.

A huge eagle-like creature with a wingspan of more than six kilometers and a silver-gray body came to the top of the pit and hovered, looking into the bottomless dark cave like an abyss, showing extremely strong hostility.

Many other strange beasts were affected by its aura and all moved out of the way.

Is it it? One of the most powerful existences under the King Beast of Dordorus? Can it be regarded as a monster of the ninth level of the epic?

Nearby, spies from multiple blue stars were delivering information.

It's it, the monster named [Wings of Wind] and [Death Tornado] in this world. Legend has it that it has extreme speed and can kill without sight.

Many of our spies died because of it.

The wind blowing is enough to cut everything into pieces, like a crack in space.

Unexpectedly, the movement this time was so big that it directly attracted monsters of this level.

Let's retreat further away. If we're not careful and get blown by its wind, it will be over.

Several Blue Star spies said with lingering fear, retreating again and again.

Hard! Harsh! Harsh!

The monsters called [Wind Wings] and [Death Tornado] are still screaming.

It seems to want to make the creatures in the cave appear.

But there was no movement in the cave, which gradually made it annoyed.

A fierce flap of wings.

Countless wind blades like space cracks all shot towards the cave!

The entrance to the cave was cut into pieces and large pieces were broken.

Then they continued to fall.

And at this moment.

Those mushroom dragons that live in the cave walls, at least ten thousand kilometers away, were originally absorbing nutrients from the soil of the cave walls.

Each one is as stable as an old monk sitting cross-legged, harmonious and peaceful.

Where to think.

Disaster comes from heaven.

Wind blades descended like space cracks.

Many mushroom dragons were cut in half and roared one after another.

Their bodies fell deeper.

The group of more than 200,000 mushroom dragons suddenly became chaotic.

The extremely sharp space wind blade continued to fall downwards, and soon cut the magma dragons and magma stone dragons in half.

Spilling extremely hot magma.

The space wind blade eventually traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers, went straight to the bottom, and shot into the magma pool, making some weird noises before disappearing.

Whoa whoa whoa!

These dropped creature tokens roar.

The sound was extremely loud.

Seeing that the situation was not good, several of the leaders quickly passed through the short-distance teleportation gate that the previous female dragons had built for them.

The figure disappeared immediately.

Appeared in another huge underground space.


A giant dragon with a body length of almost five hundred meters and a dark red body lay on its back, staring at the ceiling blankly.

He murmured:

One hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven sheep, one hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight sheep...ahhh! So boring! So boring!

How long will Rand sleep? Besides sleeping, what else would he do?

At the end of the sentence, the dark red dragon couldn't help but growl.

This is of course the little female dragon Fiona.

Her eyes glanced to the side.

Not far from her, there were several dragons with a length of 300 to 400 meters.

Naturally, there are a few female dragons and the little black dragon Ed.

They were all lying on the ground, seemingly sleeping.

But the little dragoness knew.

These guys are not sleeping at all!

They are just pretending to sleep!

The purpose is to make her relax her guard and get bored.

Then get out of here! This way, these bastards will have a reason to report her! Thus taking away her dragon soul!

The little female dragon understood the thoughts of these cheap dragons very well.

Because, once, she almost got fooled!

At that time, she saw that all the dragons were sleeping and wanted to sneak away.

But when the magic circle was finished, she was about to leave.

Perhaps because of excitement, the dragon's tail swung slightly, and its breathing became turbulent for a moment. Only then did she realize that something was wrong!


She completely understood why these cheap dragons always slept in front of her.

This is deliberately trying to make her feel bored and force her to run away!

This evil thought deserves to be damned!

But when she thought that the other party was spying on her under Rand's order, she didn't dare to beat them.

This made the little female dragon feel extremely frustrated!


The short-distance teleportation array next to it moved abnormally.

A bunch of tokens emerge from it.

He screamed at her.

The huge body of the little female dragon immediately jumped up from the ground like an agile cat.

He roared with excitement:

What? An enemy actually attacked? How brave! This is a provocation to our real dragon! A provocation to Rand!

It’s even more heretical behavior to disturb Rand’s sleep!

These damn things! I'm Fiona Safis Oakbourne! I must make those idiots look good today!

Ed! Tarana! You guys should join me and teach that blind guy a lesson!

After the little female dragon said that, she immediately hit the earth wall on one side, cracking it, then vibrated the dragon's wings and flew directly upward!


One of the several dragons pretending to sleep smacked its lips.

He opened his eyes with an unhappy expression.

Damn it! You actually attacked at this time? What kind of blind bastard is he?

It's obviously going to succeed! I had a premonition that Fiona, this idiot, was reaching her limit...but because of this, my plan actually failed!

I must kill that bastard! Take out its soul and stuff it into feces to turn it into a feces elf!

The little black dragon Ed roared furiously.

The opportunity to surpass the little female dragon was right in front of him, but it was destroyed like this, which made him extremely angry.

Immediately he also shook the dragon's wings and followed him.

Several female dragons looked at each other and could only follow.

Now, the little black dragon Ed is the boss and think tank among them...

He is also the leader of the Anti-Fiona Alliance!

Well, the Anti-Fiona Alliance was formed when the dragoness was released to the plane of Io.

At that time, Fiona was too arrogant, scolding the dragons at every turn, and even resorting to physical violence. In order to compete with her, the dragons had no choice but to form an alliance.


When the dragons break through and fly upward.

Another swarm of space wind blades attacked.

They were so densely packed that with the huge size of the dragon, there was no way to avoid them.


They don't need to hide either.

The little female dragon just sneered and held up the dragon soul, and a dazzling brilliance bloomed from it.

A defensive shield rose.

When the numerous space wind blades hit it, they seemed to fall on the extremely slippery circular shield and shoot to the side.

There is no way to hurt the little female dragon at all.

Sure enough, you are so brave! Now! The bastard above has another way to die! It has angered the great Red Dragon Queen Fiona!

hold head high! ! Kids! Come with me! Slaughter the offal above!

The little female dragon roared.

The magma dragons and mushroom dragons that had been hiding because of the space wind blade also appeared one after another, flapped their dragon wings, and followed them together.

Outside the cave.

Hard! Harsh! Harsh! Harsh! Harsh!

[Wings of Gale] kept chirping, flapped its wings, and dropped countless space wind blades.

Quite a while.

It just stopped.

He fluttered his wings and flew higher into the sky, looking at the cave with vigilant eyes.

not far away.

When the spies from Duolan Star saw this, they couldn't help but feel moved in their hearts and said:

It seems like some monster is coming out!

“To actually make an epic ninth-level monster like [Wings of Gale] feel solemn, this must be an extremely powerful monster.

I feel like we have to retreat further.

These three thousand kilometers are simply not enough! Further away!

Agent Duolanxing said and retreated again.

After a while.

A giant dragon with a body length of more than five hundred meters and a dark red body rushed out of the cave with several three to four hundred meters long and millions of pseudo-dragon species.

Densely packed.

The momentum is extremely strong.

The leading dark red dragon raised its head high, glanced at all the nearby creatures, and roared:

Ang!!! Just now! Who threw the wind blade?

I want it! Tear to pieces! Damn bastard! Completely offended the great Red Dragon Queen Fiona Safis Oakburn!

The little female dragon's roar sounded like thunder.

With the blessing of magic power, the roar spread far away at an extremely fast speed.

Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne? Is this dragon Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne?

Thousands of kilometers away, everyone on Duolan Star looked shocked and said in disbelief.

But soon, he showed a look of ecstasy again.

Found it! Finally found it! Forty years! Forty years! We finally found them!

Now that Fiona Saffith Oak has been found, the main target, Rand Suffer Oak, should also be in the cave! quick! Hurry back and report it to the superiors!

Wait! Don't go back all at once. Leave a few here to continue monitoring. If there is an empty space while we go back, it will be bad for the opponent to move their positions!

Several Blue Star people discussed it and took action immediately.

And in the distance.

The little female dragon's question was made using magic, so all the strange beasts present could naturally understand it.

Involuntarily, a group of strange beasts turned their attention to the [Wind Wings] high in the sky.

This move was naturally telling the little female dragon.

It’s this guy! The wind blade I just threw!

The little female dragon also cast her gaze over, and fire loomed in the dragon's eyes.

How brave! Are you such a bastard? How dare you challenge the great Red Dragon Queen?

she asked.

Flapping the dragon wings, he rose into the sky, looking down at the other party with an arrogant attitude.

Provocation? You weak dragons dare to talk to me with such an attitude?

Where do you think this is? Even Hindley wouldn't dare to talk to me like that!

Sharp! ! I happen to be a little hungry! Just use you to satisfy your hunger!

[Wind Wings] chirps.

A bird's face was full of anger.

Unlike the first time when the little female dragon did not respond to the message, this time it was purely irritated by the little female dragon's arrogant attitude.

As a monster that can be rated as an epic ninth level in the world of Io.

There is no doubt about its strength.

In this territory, apart from the king beast, it can be regarded as one of the strongest beasts.

This kind of existence is feared by all beasts.

Have you ever been so despised by other beasts?

In particular, this beast seems to be just a dragon from the world of Io, which is not particularly powerful?

As a strange beast that comes into contact with the Rainbow Dragon, [Wings of Gale] naturally has some ability to identify the strength of its opponent.

In its eyes, a few dragons hundreds of meters long are nothing.

As for the millions of pseudo-dragons behind them?

Isn't that a swarm of ants?

No matter how many ants there are, what's the use?

[Wings of Gale] thought of this.

The wings flapped suddenly.

The wind elements in the entire world seemed to be violently waving with it.

All the wind elements gathered together at this moment.

Forming a terrifying tornado that connects the sky and the earth.

The tornado is at least thousands of kilometers high and covers at least hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

Countless wind blades like space blades were dancing crazily.

He flew towards the little female dragon and other dragons.

Along the way, everything is being cut.

There were even some strange beasts that couldn't open their eyes or didn't have good brains. They were instantly cut into pieces and mixed in among them.

Forming a terrifying bloody tornado.

Looking for death! How dare a mere bird or beast dare to be arrogant in front of a real dragon? Let's experience the power of a real dragon!

The little female dragon roared wildly and activated the dragon soul again.

It also spawned a tornado that was not much different from the opponent's and hit it.

At the same time, she proudly said to the dragons behind her: You don't need to take action! Watch me crush this guy who doesn't know what he means!

But immediately, the little female dragon's tornado was destroyed by the opponent's tornado.

This made the little female dragon look a little surprised, but she still said firmly:

Hmph! I have some abilities, but I want to be the enemy of the great Red Dragon Queen! I'm still far from it! Get out of here!

she roared again.

Activate the dragon soul.

Countless elemental spells were blasted towards the tornado!

Boom! !

After these elements got close to the tornado, they were cut by the power of wind and exploded one after another.

One after another impact fell on the tornado, but it did not defeat it, but only stopped the opponent's advancement.

However, after [Wings of Gale] flapped its wings again, the tornado continued to advance slowly.

This made the little female dragon's face look a little ugly.

The mission was to activate the Dragon Soul, but in the end it still fell short.

The little female dragon saw something was wrong and quickly said to the dragons behind her who had not taken any action:

You idiots! Why don't you take action quickly!?

Didn't you tell us not to take action?

The little black dragon muttered.

I told you not to take action, but you won't take action? Do you have any discernment?

No wonder I am the most favored among Rand's men, not you! He doesn't even have the ability to observe words and emotions.

After you get out, don't say he's my brother, throw the dragon away!

The little female dragon roared again.

The pseudo-dragons behind her were the most obedient.

One by one, they opened their mouths and spewed out streams of breath, falling towards the tornado.

When the little black dragon heard this, the scales on its body jumped wildly.

He was so angry that he almost rushed up to fight with the little female dragon.

But thinking of Rand and the current enemy, he still held back and took action together.

Countless spells and breath bursts.

The power of the tornado was finally stopped and dissipated. .

[Wings of Gale] I saw something was wrong.

The wings vibrated, like a ray of light, heading towards the dragons!

It's too fast.

If a team usually wants to rely on numbers to win, they will be killed by it in an instant.

But the little female dragon and her dragon army would not.

Her dragon soul exudes radiant light.

At this moment, all the dragons are linked together.

When [Wings of Gale] wanted to kill the dragons at high speed, the huge energy turned into an extremely thick shield, blocking the dragons.

The impact of [Wings of Gale] caused it to bounce hundreds of kilometers away, making the entire bird feel dizzy.

After that, it was greeted by endless spell fire.

However, [Wings of Gale] quickly adjusted, and after avoiding it, began to fight with the little female dragon.

The two sides were fighting for a while.

But overall, the dragons relied on the dragon soul to absolutely suppress [Wind Wings].

Not long after.

The big bird flapped its wings and fled.

When leaving, he shouted:

“You damn guys, in the territory of the great king beast Demon Bat, you actually dare to create such huge potholes at will and destroy the foundation of the planet.

The great king beast, the demon bat, will definitely suck all of you beasts into bones!

As soon as these words came out.

Immediately, the color of the little female dragon and the expressions of other dragons changed drastically.

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