The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 227 Time flies

However, these hot air evaporated the soil layers leading to the ground, turning them redder and redder, and some even fell off.

For now, this situation is not a big problem.

But as time passed again, several years later.

The temperature of the entire underground world quickly rose to above 100 degrees!

A crater hundreds of thousands of kilometers deep and several kilometers wide, the temperature inside has been raised to over 100 degrees!

This is an extremely exaggerated situation.

It was as if an ultra-high-temperature substance was delivered to the blue star, and then the temperature of the entire blue star was raised to one hundred degrees.

Moreover, the rate of temperature increase is still increasing!

Just because, while Rand was sleeping, his body continued to grow and become stronger!

The high temperature naturally emitted is also becoming more and more terrifying.

Moreover, as this heat continues to accumulate, it will naturally continue to rise.

At the same time, he was affected by the magnetic field of his life.

New life is constantly being born.

These new lives are similar to ordinary magma dragons, but they are very different.

Their bodies look more solid than ordinary magma dragons, and the energy contained in their bodies is also more powerful.

When it was first born, it had legendary level of combat power.

These special magma dragons, named magma dragons by Rainbow Dragon, are only born in number of about 10,000 each month.

After birth, they will be transported by the rainbow dragon to the little female dragon Fiona, and let her teach these guys.

In this way, several years passed quickly.

The temperature of the underground world has even been raised to over three to four hundred degrees.

If it weren't for the dragons here, who were either very powerful or of the fire element, they would have all been killed by the heat.

But that's it.

The dragons couldn't bear the heat, even though these guys were fire creatures.

But after all, he was transformed from a human form, so he couldn't be exposed to such high temperatures all the time.

As a last resort.

They could only dig a new tunnel next to it to isolate themselves from the extremely hot underground cave.

A group of dragons were sitting in an underground space that was at least several hundred meters long, wide and high.

One of the dragon men sighed:

Boss Rand, it's really getting more and more terrifying! He actually turned this pit, which is bigger than many blue stars, into a steamer box just by relying on his body temperature.

With this ability, you don't even need to take action. You can just lie down in the enemy's world. In a few years, the former Duolan Star will be extinct.

Now, it would probably be easy for Boss Rand to take action.

But, then again, Boss Rand must be too cautious. With such invincible strength, he is still developing. It is simply beyond my comprehension.

So you are just a pawn!

Hahahaha! That's right!

A group of dragon people were chatting and enjoying themselves.

a long time.

A dragon man suddenly yawned and said:

I feel a little tired. I have lived in this underground world day and night for a long time, and I feel like I have no rest at all.

Then go and rest, I'm going to rest too. Another one said.

The other dragons dispersed and left.

Only one dragon man was left, staying where he was.

Soft incandescent light shines in this underground space.

The draconian sighed softly.

He took out a pocket watch from one of his scales and opened it.

There was a family photo inside.

A family of three nestled together happily.

There was a hint of complexity in the dragon man's eyes, and he put away his pocket watch again and held it tightly in his hand.

Wait for me! My dear! The opportunity has finally appeared. As long as I take advantage of this opportunity, I can come back to you. Wait for me...

He said silently in his heart, quietly returned to his room, and began to burn the teleportation circle.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the magic circle is halfway burned.

The mud door was broken open directly.

The dragon man turned around and looked in horror, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

Master Phillip! You...why are you here?

As he spoke, he moved his body, trying to block the underground magic circle.

“I’ve seen it all, Casio, there’s no need to hide it.

In fact, I already knew that you might be a spy.

I didn’t expect that after so many years, you still don’t give up? Do you still want to go back? Return to Dolan Star to be your spy?

Philip sighed at the sudden appearance of the Dragon Man.

I, I can't help it, you didn't give me a chance to be alone before.

I didn't find the opportunity until now.

My lover and my children are all waiting for me...

Casio wanted to say something else, but Philip interrupted him and said:

Do you really think that going back like this is a good thing? See yourself clearly, right? Now, you are a dragon! Do you want to die when you go back?


Even so, I still have to go back. Casio was stunned for a moment and then said.

Go back to die? Then let your lover and children die together?

Wake up, you are a dragon now!

What would happen if the Dolan Star people found out?

Are you sure your lover and children will not be executed?

No... I have to go back... I haven't seen them for a long, long time. I miss them...

Casio looked a little crazy.

But the next moment.

A stream of light flashed in front of him. Accompanied by a roar.

Casio's whole head exploded.

Like a bursting watermelon.

Afterwards, the entire headless corpse collapsed to the ground.

An extremely strong dragon man gently shook the blood on his hand and said:

“This guy who wants to betray us, wants to betray Boss Rand, it’s really better to kill him as soon as possible.

You actually think we can move him?

This bitch! If you let him go back, it might ruin Boss Rand's big business!

Boss Rand must be gathering strength now.

Until everything is safe, he will attack Duolan Star.

By then, the entire Duolan Star will be our world.

After the dragon man finished speaking, he patted Phillip on the shoulder and left.

Alas! You brought this upon yourself.

Phillip finally shook his head and sighed, and left.

that's all.

A spy who might have exposed Rand and caused unnecessary trouble died without letting the real dragons know...

Many blue stars.

In the conference room.

The senior management here have no idea about Casio's situation and have long forgotten about this person.

Come together again.

Just because I got a lot of new information from the Antoli plane.

It's confirmed, that terrifying world of giant beasts is called Dordorus. A member of parliament said in a deep voice as he glanced at everyone.

“The power system of that world has also been confirmed.

Unexpectedly, among the strange beasts, there is an existence like a king beast that can rival a true god like Dawn Sun Crown.

The wizards in that world are very similar to the spellcasters here.

They are all using magic.

But on their side, the powerful titled wizard is on the same level as the king beast, which is really terrifying.

The number of titled wizards in that world is extremely large, and their overall strength is not inferior to that of the Io plane at all. They may be stronger, and they are extremely hostile to the true god of the Io plane...

“It is true that the true God cannot enter that world.

However, as long as they are not gods and do not take the initiative to provoke wizards, then we are still safe. want?

Continue to send more people, try to blend into the wizards, and at the same time investigate as much news about the evil dragon as possible.

We must find that dragon as soon as possible... More than ten years have passed... In the past ten years, I don't know how strong that dragon is now...

A group of congressmen discussed, and finally turned their attention to the statue of the morning sun on the table.

“That evil dragon must be found as soon as possible.

Although there is a limit to the growth of living things, no one knows where the limit of that evil dragon is.

Even I can't see through his potential...

I will send as many heroes as possible to go to that plane together.

The voice of the morning sun is still full of vigor, but also solemn.

More than ten years have passed.

Rand has not been found, which has cast a layer of gloom in the hearts of all the senior officials present and gods like the Morning Sun.

Although the senior officials of Blue Star are extremely confident in the speed of development of their own technology and magic, they still feel uneasy when they think of the explosive growth curve of that evil dragon every few years or more than ten years.


Antoli plane.

A series of portals from other worlds are opened, constantly transporting existences from other worlds.

This situation.

For the entire Antoli plane, it is not worth mentioning at all.

As a world that has been connected to the alien plane a long time ago.

This plane is also filled with many beings from other worlds.

However, the vast majority of existences are too weak compared to wizards and cannot make any waves at all.

Only a handful of powerful beings can occupy a corner of the star sea.

But for the entire Bailegang Empire, it still poses no threat to the wizards.

No wizard would care how many visitors from other dimensions came to the entire star sea today.

This is the inconvenience of detection, as well as the confidence in one's own strength.

This also gave many Blue Star people and Chenxi Sun's men a great opportunity to explore the world.

Time passed quickly and several years passed.

In the underground cave where Rand sleeps.

The temperature has even exceeded six or seven hundred degrees.

The soil covering the cave was dry and cracked by this high temperature, and it continued to fall rustlingly.

The entire soil layer has even decreased by tens of meters in the past ten years.

Of course, these tens of meters are nothing compared to a thousand kilometers of soil.

Life in a cave is extremely boring.

The little female dragon likes to show off her character, which is especially uncomfortable in this situation.

If Rand hadn't warned her before, she would have run away long ago.

But at this time, the other dragons were staring closely at her, and even if she wanted to go to Dorothy, she would be stopped.

Fiona completely lost her freedom...

Because of this, the entire underground world is at peace.

So, another few years passed.

The temperature in the underground world has even approached a thousand degrees.

The cracked soil layer is at least several hundred meters long.

A cloud of smoke fell towards the bottom of the bottomless depths, where Rand rested.

All the dragons noticed the situation in the soil layer, but they didn't take it seriously.

So, another few years passed.

The temperature in the underground world directly approached more than 1,500 degrees.

Under this terrifying high temperature, the soil began to continuously dissolve, turning into viscous magma and dripping continuously.

However, the dragons did not notice it at this time.

Because all dragons have been isolated from the high temperature world of the cave.

The dragons need not say much.

Even the little black dragon Ed and the other female dragons felt a little uncomfortable facing this high temperature environment.

A few dragons are naturally not afraid of being exposed to high temperatures for a short period of time, but if they are exposed to it all the time, even an iron man will feel tired.

It is most appropriate to isolate yourself to another underground space.

Although the little female dragon is not afraid of this high temperature.

But he was also forced to be placed with the dragons.

The reason is naturally that he is worried that she will do something stupid if she is left alone.

The Rainbow Dragon also hid and began his own research.

The mushroom dragon, magma dragon, and the newly born magma dragon are not afraid of this high temperature and have never been isolated.

However, their IQ is somewhat low.

The order given by the little female dragon Fiona to them was just to stay where they were and not to act arbitrarily.

It will attack only after discovering the enemy and notify the little female dragon.

That's why.

Without the dragon's attention.

The soil layer began to dissolve at an extremely fast rate.

The drops fell into the abyss.

I don’t know how much time has passed.


The entire soil layer is dissolved.

The heat that originally had nowhere to go finally found an outlet and spewed out, straight into the sky!

This abnormal noise quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding creatures.

Some ran away directly, while others ran over curiously.

Among them are the Dolan spies who are still staying in Dordorus.

They wear stealth suits.

Quietly avoiding one huge beast after another, he came closer.

Although the effect of Duolan Star's invisible suit is not as good as the Void Clan's innate ability.

But there is no problem in hiding it from ordinary strange beasts.

Several Blue Star scouts flew in the sky and arrived at their destination.

Looking at the huge pit with a diameter of several kilometers, the bottomless cave and the inner wall like lava.

As well as the heat rising straight into the sky, his eyes couldn't help but become serious.

This is it...the temperature has suddenly increased a lot, almost a thousand degrees...there may be some amazing monsters in the pit.

Of course, it might be some incredible treasure.

A multi-Blue Star person transmits signals to several others to communicate.

Want to go in and check? someone asked.

Enter? Check? Do you want to die? I haven't lived enough yet. We are here to explore information, not to die.

Entering this pothole, I have a hunch that the mortality rate will definitely exceed 90%!

If you dare to go up, I have nothing to say.

Just the hot air spurting out is so amazing, let alone the depths of the cave?

I...I was joking...

The Duolan star who just spoke smiled awkwardly and said.

Hold the grass, the time to post is wrong, I will do it.

I will need to use the leave request form tomorrow or send it in advance.

Depressed...I forgot that it's not even 0 o'clock yet...

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