He is extremely confident.

After the words fell, the whole person disappeared again.


Antoli plane.

Dordorus belongs to the world of giant beasts.

Among the mountains.

A small portal opened and quickly disappeared.

Tras Aipir Void, in a state of emptiness.

Unable to be sensed and observed.

Its originally floating body almost fell to the ground under the pressure of gravity.

But fortunately, he stabilized his body the moment he was about to land.

It looked around silently.

Apart from the mountains, the huge monsters still shocked him a lot.

“This world, judging from the information gathered under the crown of the morning sun and the Dolan Star people, can be said to be extremely dangerous.

The former Armitok died here after possessing the divine armor given by the Morning Sun.

The use of force is the worst option.

And although my strength is not worth mentioning compared to those stars, my ability to hide in the void is unmatched.

This task is the most suitable for me.

snort! Sure enough, this kind of rare reconnaissance mission requires heroes like me!

Tras Aipier Hollow thought to himself.


A roar sounded not far away.

A monster like a tyrannosaurus with a body length of nearly a hundred meters roared and chased a red-haired monkey that was no more than ten meters tall, and crashed straight towards Tras Epil Empty.

Tras Aipel Empty saw this and did not move.

Let the red-haired monkey more than ten meters high hit the invisible body.

The next moment, in a world that only it can see.

The body rippled like water waves.

It's like an illusion that doesn't exist, but the red-haired monkey still passes through the body.

Then, it was trampled by a nearly 100-meter-long Tyrannosaurus rex.

When the Tyrannosaurus rex raised its legs and feet again, it ran away after the red-haired monkey.

Tras Aipel Empty's body seemed not to be damaged at all.

It silently looked at the monster that was far away.

Gently raised the corners of his mouth:

Physical touch has no effect on me.

Not even this world can change this.

I have confirmed this.

Then, only powerful spells that hit me head-on and cause chaos in the surrounding void elements can cause harm to me.

However...most of the monsters in this world are from the physical faction. Even with spells, I can easily escape the explosion in the center.

Sure enough, the innate abilities of our Void clan are invincible, far superior to Armitok's spatial abilities.

In the invisible space, Tras Apil Void gently touched his body with his hands, showing a narcissistic look.

It took a while before it returned to normal.

Looking solemnly into the distance.

“It’s almost time to get down to business.

Well, according to the intelligence, the place where those guys often hang out should be 300 kilometers away in the northwest.

If we rush there now, it will only take an hour or two!

It was determined to pay attention.

Floating towards the destination.

It drifted for about two hundred kilometers.

Tras Aipier Void paused.

Ten kilometers away in the sky, a giant dragon caught its attention.

This dragon looks huge.

It's at least three to four hundred meters long. It was dark red all over, had four wings, held a glass-colored egg in its claws, and laughed wildly with its mouth open.

Beside him, there were a group of other dragons, which looked huge in size, but compared to this four-winged dragon, they were much smaller.

“Four wings… are really rare.

Is it the goal?

I remember Rand Safis Oakburn as the Four Wings.

and his sister, Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne, also four wings.

Their other brother, Ed Safis Oakburn, is a relatively strong black dragon.

Is this dragon Rand or Fiona?

Rand's evil dragon, if I remember correctly, I heard it was three to four kilometers long, which was obviously much larger than this dragon.

And his sister, Fiona, if I remember correctly, should only be over a hundred meters tall.

It is extremely simple for the true dragon clan's spells to reduce the body size.

But it seems extremely difficult to increase the body size so many times.

Well, looking at it this way, this dragon should be Rand Sapphire Oakburn!

Sure enough, he is an extremely evil dragon. This can be heard from his laughter!

He was surrounded by dragons he had never seen before.

I got closer to get more information from them, and by the way, I found out why the people sent by the guys from Duolan Star failed.

Tras Aipier Kong thought secretly in his heart and chose to get closer again.

Until there are still several kilometers to go.

The dark red four-winged dragon in the sky.

The glazed dome he was holding suddenly burst into beautiful brilliance.

next moment.

Countless huge fireballs, lightning, ice, and aurora pillars shot out from it.

It blasted downwards overwhelmingly.

Tras Apil Void discovered that there was actually a thousand-legged centipede that was over a kilometer long on the earth. It opened its mouth and screamed, as if it was provoking the giant dragon in the sky.

Right off the bat, though, it took a toll.

Submerged by the endless torrent of elements.

A series of screams sounded from his mouth.

Tras Apil Void was frightened when he saw it from a distance.

I thought to myself.

As expected, he is indeed the legendary evil dragon. When using the spell, it seems that no magic power is needed.

The thousand-legged centipede on the ground looked like it couldn't hold on much longer.

It would be better for me not to get close for now.

Wait...why is there an attack directed at them? Dodged... No! Is this coming at me?

Oops! Could it be that I was exposed?

So fast! Can't hide!

boom! ! !

Until finally, a beam of light covered the original position of Tras Apil Void.

Hahaha! This is the sixth level epic monster? How dare you invade my territory?

In front of me, the Red Dragon Queen, Fiona Safis Oakbourne, she is not worth mentioning at all!

Ha ha ha ha! The Dragon Soul is really a perfect artifact. As long as I have it, I believe it won't be long before I can defeat the seventh and eighth levels of the epic.

Um! By then even Hindley will be trampled under my feet!

I want all dragons to know who is the best dragon under Rand! Who is his most effective assistant!

Ha ha ha ha!

The four-winged dragon in the sky was laughing wildly.

Combined with the screams of the thousand-legged centipede below, it looks extremely evil.

On one side, a slightly stronger black dragon was staring at the laughing dragon with an evil expression.

Fiona! What was your consciousness just now? Why did you attack me?

Hmph! Why are you attacking? Don't you have any idea?

These days, who comes to Rand every day to chew his tongue? Are you attracted to my Dragon Soul?

Not satisfied with your secondary treasure?

Are you worthy of spying on my dragon soul with your level of strength?

I didn't deal with you directly because of our brotherhood and Rand's face!

I advise you not to be ungrateful.

The four-winged dragon, Fiona glanced at the little black dragon with a sneer.

The little black dragon was shocked, as if falling into an ice cellar:

You...you all know...how do you know everything...I obviously secretly went over and talked to Rand alone.

Idiot! Many of the magma dragons bred by Rand were born directly from him. Do you think you can avoid all this? the little female dragon said scornfully.


The little black dragon figured it out instantly. His face was full of unwillingness, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

The other dragons didn't say much and just pretended not to hear anything.

None of the dragons noticed that a few kilometers away, a character entrusted with important tasks by the Dawn Sun and many Blue Star forces died quietly.

Until a few months later.

Many blue stars.

Still at the conference table.

A group of high-level parliamentarians and Morning Sun gathered together.

The congressmen looked at the statue on the table with extremely solemn expressions and said:

Under the crown of the morning sun...has there been any news from your subordinate Tras Epil Void?


The morning sun is silent.

After a while he said:

“Truss Apil Void must be in trouble.

As expected of the world of Ragnarok, it is indeed difficult enough.

He sighed.

Did you fail again...

I believe that Tras Apil Void must be in some kind of trouble. Maybe we can give him a little more time.

Time...time...if you give that dragon a few more years, it may grow to an exaggerated level.

Don't worry, that dragon's current strength is still under my control.

Although powerful, compared with Tiamat, Bahamut, and these dragon gods, there is still a big gap.

We still have time, waiting...

Then... everything will be as your Majesty wishes.

MPs have no choice but to accept it.

Although they really want the Dawn Sun to destroy Rand, what they want more is for the Dawn Sun to be stationed on the Blue Star to protect them on their behalf.

Because their research speed on magic and technology is also changing with each passing day.

Now, let's see whether they are developing faster or the evil dragon is getting stronger faster.

Antoli plane.


No dragon knows.

Because of Fiona's relationship, they inadvertently gained more time.

So, another few months passed.

Rand soaked in the magma pool and looked at the groups of magma dragons.

They lined up and headed towards the area where the little female dragon Fiona was.

The rainbow dragon Hindley suddenly appeared next to him at this time.

Rand, the time for the Emperor's Serum to explode is coming in the last half year. Should we get ready?

Emperor's juice...

Rand whispered to himself.

It seems that he recalled his greed for this kind of treasure more than ten years ago, after he had just obtained the emperor's liquid.

But today is different from the past.

With the improvement of strength and constant thinking.

He suddenly had other ideas.

When the emperor's liquid breaks out.

The titled wizards of the Bailegang Empire should also compete, right?

he asked.

Of course, no creature can refuse a treasure of the level of Emperor Jian.

Until it breaks out, whether it is a king beast or a titled wizard, they will all rush forward and fight for it.

How long does such a fight usually last?

Rand asked again.

About half a year.


That's enough? What other ideas do you have?

Yes, I have a better attention and choice for me... Now, you just need to tell me...

Time flies again.

Within Dordoros, a large number of king beasts flew away, as well as powerful beings close to the strength of the king beasts.

But Rand remained unmoved.

Wait until half a year later.

Baile Gang Empire.

On a huge planet made entirely of gold.

There are many tall magic towers.

The top of one of the magic towers.

A great wizard with one eye and long snake heads growing out from his left and right shoulders silently stared several kilometers away.


Under a wide underground cave, there are gold deposits.

A group of alien slaves move in and out, mining gold deposits and transporting them to the magic tower.

One of the alien slaves, whose movements were slightly slower, was whipped to the ground by an overseer wizard using an energy whip, and let out a shrill scream.

“What a bunch of despicable guys.

Without witchcraft, he can only rely on brute force to mine gold.

Doing such simple tasks is horribly inefficient, and raising them like this is a waste of food.

The one-eyed wizard said softly.

“A race of sin, descendants of sin.

All of this is mainly about punishment and is just a waste of some food resources. It is nothing to the great Bailegang Empire.

Next to him, there was a great wizard with a white beard who spoke softly.

In my opinion, it would be easier to kill these guys directly. Just looking at them makes me feel sick.

The one-eyed wizard revealed traces of disgust.

“This only shows that you are still too immature.

It is still too early for you to become a great wizard in less than five hundred years.

Under the eternal ice crown, I really dote on you.

This is grandpa's love for me, are you envious of it?


Hmph~ This time the battle for the emperor's liquid has begun again. Grandpa will definitely be able to gain a lot of emperor's liquid. I might be able to make another breakthrough by then, and I might reach the same level as you.


The white-bearded wizard was silent again, suddenly feeling tired and not wanting to speak.

He turned around and wanted to leave.

But beside him, the one-eyed wizard's exclamation rang out.

Enemy attack!

The one-eyed wizard roared.

The white-bearded wizard turned around and saw with surprise that several dragons had appeared on the sky.

Several five-color dragons from the world called Io, the world where true gods exist!

These dragons hold giant glazed eggs in their claws.

Endless spells burst out from it, covering everything on the earth.

And the mage tower where they are located is one of their main targets!

Boom! ! !

The defensive barrier of the mage tower resisted attacks and continued to vibrate.

But on the earth, there are vast areas of land, as well as alien races and witches that have been completely evaporated.

Hahahaha! Hahahaha! This is the Bailegang Empire? Is this the wizard?

Scumbag! They're all scum! Let them all turn into ashes under my endless power!

Surrender to the power of the Red Dragon Queen!

In the sky, a giant dragon with dark red body and four wings roared and clamored.

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