The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 223 Dragon Soul

Is this the magic crystal I need? I can feel that it contains a breath that is unique to me.

Rand returned his body to the level of tens of meters and gently stroked the glazed egg.

To prevent its own high temperature from burning it.

“Energy is something that is extremely difficult to store. It will cause damage to the stored objects. It is also easily lost and difficult to preserve for a long time.

This magic crystal is different.

Maybe it’s because your dragon scales are so special.

The magic power it stores is surprisingly high.

If measured by the standards of multiple blue stars, it can store almost 10 billion units of energy.

At the same time, this magic crystal is stored in a somewhat special way, requiring the storer to inject a drop of blood from the body and a part of the soul into it.

After that, as long as there is a storage person within a thousand kilometers, the magic power of the storage person can be continuously absorbed and the consumption is restored.

A treasure of this level is enough to be called a true artifact in the world of Io.

Hindley, the rainbow dragon, introduced confidently.

It sounds very good. It has almost half of my energy. Thank you for your hard work. Rand praised.

But he immediately said:

Can this kind of thing be mass-produced?

That's not possible for the time being. In addition to your scales, it also requires some extremely rare materials. Most of these materials are within the sphere of influence of the Bailegang Empire.

When the Rainbow Dragon said this, Rand couldn't help but show a little disappointment.

But immediately, the rainbow dragon said again:

Of course, this level of magic crystal is indeed difficult to make, but the next level magic crystal, which stores 100 million energy, can be mass-produced.

Very good! I really saw you right. You are all rare geniuses.

Rand beamed.

The other participants who followed us all had happy faces, and even said that this was what they should be doing.

“However, while these magic crystals have superior performance, they also have certain negative effects.

It can only store energy with dragon properties. The Rainbow Dragon said again.

It doesn't matter. Apart from dragons, are there any other races here?

Whether they are dragon people or those mushroom dragons, they are all pseudo-dragons formed by my power.

As long as their power can be stored in it, it will be the most successful work.

Okay, now come with me to Fiona's side and give this magic crystal a good test.

Hmm... Magic Crystal, Magic Crystal screamed, feeling a little unworthy of such a powerful treasure.

I have to think of a new name.

Rand pawed at his chin with interest.

The treasure that stores the power of the dragon is called the Dragon Soul!

Soul of the Dragon... Not bad! I like this name, it's Soul of the Dragon!

Rand's eyes lit up.

Immediately took the dragon soul and flew directly to Fiona's location.

This female dragon is currently on the top of a mountain, overlooking the earth from a high altitude.

On the ground, a group of mushroom dragon bodies colonized the ground. While absorbing nutrients, they looked up at the little female dragon on the top of the mountain.

One by one, they shouted at the top of their lungs:

Fiona Safis Oakburn, the great Red Dragon Queen! A great being who is both beautiful and powerful.

You are as bright as the sun and as powerful as the true God.

Your wings cover the earth, bringing darkness and death to all enemies!

Your majesty makes all things surrender!

You are the dragon among dragons! The great dragon that will surely rule the plane of Io in the future! Your life span is eternal and endless!

Hahaha! Ahahahaha! That's it! Louder! Louder!

On the top of the mountain, the little female dragon Fiona looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, extremely excited.

Tara, the other female dragons, and the little black dragon Ed looked at her with some contempt.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

Today is different from the past. Now the little dragoness is the strongest among them, and the most respected by Rand. She is also related to the succubus goddess.

Much more powerful than them.

You idiot, I asked you to take these guys, and this is how you do it?

Rand's voice suddenly sounded, making the little female dragon tremble all over.

Seeing the shrinking figure next to him, he immediately licked his face and said:

Rand, you're here.

a ha ha ha! Am I not doing this to enlighten these guys?

These idiots before could only whine, but not wow.

Only by letting them understand language can we better control and command them.

I'm doing this all for their own good.

What you said makes sense.

Rand nodded slightly at what the little dragoness said.

I didn't care about these things.

Instead, he held the dragon soul and slowly flew between the mushroom dragons.

These little things, after seeing Rand, immediately screamed Daddy, Daddy.

Rand is really a bit over the top.

He ordered these little things to come closer one by one and inject his blood and soul into them.

Magic power began to pour into it.

There are a total of more than a dozen and nearly two hundred thousand mushroom dragons.

Without completely draining the magic power, it took a day to collect nearly 20 million energy.

Inside the glazed dragon soul.

The magic power is constantly flowing, like a stream of light, a beautiful dream.

However, there is still too much vacant energy.

Rand, what is that in your hand? A magic crystal? The little female dragon had already flown down the mountain and came to Rand's side and asked.

Several other dragons also flew over.

Looking curiously.

You can think of it as an advanced version of magic crystal.

However, I call him Dragon Soul.

Now, it's yours.

After Rand finished speaking, he gently threw the giant egg. After the little female dragon caught it, her smile became even more unrestrained:

Hehehe~ Thank you Rand, don't worry, I will definitely use the Dragon Soul and work hard to do things for you!

Hey hey hey! I felt that it was full of dragon magic.

oh! I even felt that this magic power was slowly blending with me.

The little female dragon said in surprise.

The dragon's mouth suddenly opened.

Countless sparks danced.

The streams of fire are turning.

A fireball appeared, then expanded.

Until finally, it turned into a fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters, and suddenly shot towards a strange bird in the sky!

call out! ! !

The fireball was extremely fast, crossing a red track.

It landed straight on the strange bird.

Dazzling white light, roar, and impact erupted.

Even hundreds of kilometers away from the ground, you can feel the strong wind blowing.

Scrape dirt, leaves, and ground everywhere.

Hoohoho~ What an amazing power! With the blessing of this dragon soul, the power of my Dragon Flame Jade can be greatly improved!

The little female dragon said in surprise.

Don't use it casually if you have nothing to do. You just took away nearly one million energy from the dragon soul.

It takes a lot of time to restore these energies.

At least until the number of mushroom dragons doesn't continue to skyrocket, use them sparingly.

But don't be so stupid that when you fight the enemy, you will have no energy.

I know, Rand, don't worry.

The little female dragon said with a smile.

Rand! My dear brother, as a biological brother, I think you must have prepared another dragon soul for me?

The little black dragon Ed said with some enthusiasm.

With the blessing of the dragon soul, the strength of the little female dragon can be said to have skyrocketed.

If you wait until the energy inside is full, the strength may be enhanced to an extremely terrifying level.

There is absolutely no problem in killing him instantly.


Rand glanced at the little black dragon.

He glanced at the other female dragons again, all looking at him eagerly.

Of course you do too.

However, there is only one Dragon Soul level for the time being, and your level is inferior.

Hindley is still producing.

Okay, I'm leaving first. After the secondary dragon soul is completed, I will have it delivered.

Rand flew away immediately after speaking.

Fiona's wild laughter began to echo throughout the mountain.

Rand, on the other hand, has decided to live hundreds of kilometers away from the little dragon.

Only in this way can he reveal his true form with peace of mind.

A terrifying high temperature emerged from his body.

The ground dissolved.

Turn into a pool of magma.

Rand's body slowly sank into it.

Time passed slowly again.

Rand's life magnetic field began to act continuously.

In the magma pool, red dragon lotus flowers bloomed.

These dragon lotuses, like the mushroom dragon and the blazing sun element, gradually took on the breath of life with the passage of time.

When fully mature, they grow between six and seven meters in length.

The whole body is composed of magma.

When it was first born, it had near-legendary power.

Of course, these derivatives are extremely powerful when they are born, but it is much more difficult to improve them than ordinary dragons later.

These new creatures were named magma dragons by Rand.

The number is around 50,000.

When they were born, Rand asked the little female dragon to take these little things away.

At the same time, the secondary dragon soul was also completed and sent to Ed and other dragons.

However, the dragon soul in the little dragon's hand is not fully charged with energy. The secondary dragon soul in Ed's hand can only be looked at now...

This improvement in strength is noticed by everyone.

Especially a group of dragon people who had just arrived from Duolan Star.

In just two months, there were nearly 200,000 mushroom dragons and about 60,000 to 70,000 magma dragons.

Everyone couldn't help showing a look of amazement:

Boss Rand is too exaggerated. He can send unlimited troops without paying any price.

Every mushroom dragon is around level fifteen.

Magma Dragon is even closer to legend.

Combined with Queen Fiona's Dragon Soul, it's so powerful!

With this power, why worry about those idiots from Duolan Star being immortal?

That's what I say... But when will Lord Rand return to Dolan Star? There's no way to delay it...

When I think that the bastard who killed me is still alive and well, my heart feels like it's about to burst.

Among the dragons, one who was only about two and a half meters tall, obviously much shorter than the other dragons, couldn't help but say, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He is naturally the former Dolan star, Casio.

Although he was a Dolan Star before, but after hanging out with a group of dragons and with the presence of Rand, this guy could not help but become a dragon.

However, because the time was too short, the dragon's bloodline seemed not to be fully stimulated.

Therefore, he appears to be extremely unique and short.

Alas...this is Boss Rand's order, can we still resist him?

But now, I can see some of Boss Rand’s intentions.

He is obviously wary of Duolanxing!

This is fully prepared to take action against multiple blue stars!

I used to be too narrow-minded and didn't consider this.

Phillip sighed with a look on his face.

But... I heard that people on Duolan Star are about to research antimatter. If the time drags on for too long, real antimatter weapons will appear.

I'm afraid it will be very detrimental to Mr. Rand...

Casio couldn't help but said.

Who knows when the Blue Star people will be able to research antimatter.

Perhaps Boss Rand has already made assumptions about how to fight if his enemy possesses antimatter.

These mushroom dragons and magma dragons are his vanguard and artillery fire.


It's nothing! Cassio, you've been very strange lately. Why do you always want Boss Rand to send more troops to Blue Stars as soon as possible?

I, isn't this all for the master... I hate those bastards from the Kosma family!

I feel the same as you, but my father is dead!

We must learn to be patient! Until the day when Boss Rand leads us into the Dolan Star, I will definitely kill all those bastards from the Kosma family and spread their ashes!

I...I understand, Master. Casio said nothing in the end.


Many blue stars.

A secret base, in a conference room.

It's been two months! It's been two months! Why hasn't that evil dragon attacked yet?

A senior Blue Star executive sitting in the main seat roared angrily and slapped the table frantically with one hand.

Others also looked a little bad.

Congressman Teqi! Your plan seems to have failed? That guy Casio, could he be the loyal dog of the Philip family?

Absolutely impossible! That guy's family is all in my hands, and he has been repeatedly investigated by my people using magic. He is definitely a guy who can be 'trusted'. An accident must have occurred due to other problems.

A group of senior MPs were noisy.

Finally, he couldn't help but cast his gaze to the center of the conference table.

The small statue representing the morning sun.

I will send my men to that plane to check what is going on. Please be patient.

Finally, the sound of the morning sun sounded.

Press everything down.

Do you have a suitable candidate on hand? If possible, can you let us see it? After all, we are dealing with that dragon, and we must gather the strength and wisdom of all of us! Only in this way can we be safe.

said one council member.


Morning Sun said.

The void ripples gently at this moment.

A translucent blue figure appeared like a wave of water.

This figure has a human appearance, but has no nose, mouth, ears and other organs. It only has two empty eyes that stare at everyone.

Who is this?

My name is Tras Apil Void.

The current hero of the Void Clan, everyone, this is our first official meeting.

Nice to meet you.

This strange humanoid creature's voice seemed to come from the throat, vibrating the air, and was somewhat unclear.

The moment the words fell, the figure disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was called out when a councilor pointed to the opposite side in surprise.

It appears and disappears like a ghost.

To be able to hide in this special room with anti-magic and investigative abilities is indeed worthy of being a hero of the Void Clan. The ability to hide is really an eye-opener for us!

One congressman flattered him.

“The Void Clan’s hiding ability makes it difficult for even the true gods to detect their traces.

Being able to make one's own sense of existence and breath disappear completely.

It is considered a race-specific talent. Its abilities come entirely from itself, and anti-magic power has little effect on them.

Introduction to Morning Sun.

If a person like this goes to investigate, everything will be lost! the congressmen said one after another.

The hero of the Void Clan did not seem to resist this kind of flattery, and a smile appeared on his strange face:

Everyone! Leave everything to me! In the world of heroes, failure and disappointing those who trust me do not exist!

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