The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 225 Big move, big gain

Behind this giant dragon, there are a group of strange dragons flying in the air, breathing towards the ground.

Balls of light followed by a rain of lava.

Damn it! It's really the envy of the dragon. The energy stored in the Dragon Soul is so abundant that it allows her to squander the energy unscrupulously. She doesn't have to be as careful as we are, for fear of wasting energy carelessly.

And that group of pseudo-dragons... why did they only listen to her?

Dozens of kilometers away, the little black dragon Ed, holding the secondary dragon soul in his claws, was blasting everything on the ground.

Equally powerful.

But compared to the little female dragon Fiona, it is far behind.

There was a strong look of envy in his eyes.

If I also had a real dragon soul, would I be so majestic? Damn Fiona, why do you always bully me?

He is angry!

Damn the true dragons of Io! Are you seeking death? How dare you provoke the great Bailegang Empire?

Even the true god of your world would not dare to do such a stupid thing!

Get out of here, we might be able to save you!

A great wizard who appeared out of nowhere suddenly appeared in front of the little female dragon, intercepted some of the spells, and cursed angrily.

Huh? Where did you come from! How dare you say such things to the great Red Dragon Queen?

Decided! I want to kill you first! Then eat your heart out!

Fiona, the little female dragon, smiled ferociously.

The dragon soul in the claws bloomed with a light that was several times more dazzling than before.

Countless lasers suddenly aimed at the great wizard!

Be bold!

The great wizard was furious.

After shouting wildly, his whole body expanded rapidly and turned into a hydra with four pairs of dragon wings.

This monster is also huge, nearly a thousand meters in size.

Each snake head raised its head to the sky and hissed, opened its mouth and spit out beams of light, blasting endless beams of light at the little female dragon.

In the sky, the beams of light from both sides collided together, causing distortion and almost tearing the space apart.

Until the end, causing a terrible explosion.


After all, the energy of the little female dragon was much greater than that of the great wizard, and there were also many aurora beams that blasted through.

Hit upon sight.

A nearby magic tower burst into glory.

Shooting out energy beams, trying to block the attack of the little female dragon.

It's a pity, compared to Dragon Soul.

The Magic Tower is still not enough.

Not to mention that behind the little female dragon, there are still hundreds of thousands of dragon troops.

Soon he was suppressed again.

Even the great wizard was blasted into the ground, erupting in shrill screams.

The other great wizards were able to hold back the little black dragon Ed and other dragons.

But the little female dragon is uncontrollable.

The entire situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable to the wizards of the Bailegang Empire.

This made them extremely anxious.

You dragons, do you really want to make things happen? Aren't you afraid of the Baile Gang Empire's revenge?

A great wizard threatened with words again.

Hahaha! Idiot! If we are afraid, why come here to attack! Go to hell!

The little female dragon roared again.

Dragon Soul's firepower increases again by a few points.

She had almost destroyed everything within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

And at the same time.

On another ruby ​​star.

Rainbow dragons and deer-headed monsters are also wreaking havoc on it.

Among the dragons and beasts, the rainbow dragon also possesses the soul of a lesser dragon.

This treasure, in the hands of the rainbow dragon, is much more powerful than dragons like the little black dragon Ed.

The rainbow dragon holding the secondary dragon soul is almost as powerful as the ninth level epic.

Cooperate with the elusive deer-headed monster.

Against the forces of the Bailegang Empire, where all the top officials participated in the Imperial Battle, they also had an absolute advantage.

The other side.

On a purple gemstone planet.

A wizard is supervising the slaves mining ores.

There are also some wizards who actually have a lot of leisure, flying into the sky and flying around.

Broncis Follett was such a person.

Although he was assigned to this purple gem planet to become a supervisory ruler.

But actually he had no interest in it.

All of this is just the family's request.

Ask him to come here and become a controller who controls the resource planet.

Contrast this with the dull environment here.

He actually prefers to exchange spells with some scholars and wizards, as well as fly high in the sky and enjoy the high distance of the sky.

this day.

He was as usual, maybe he was sitting in the mage tower for a long time, and he flew into the atmosphere.

Thin air and cold air blew against his body.

But as a high-level wizard close to a great wizard, his body can easily resist this level of wind and cold.

He even enjoyed it and roared with joy.

He is as happy as a bird flying in the sky.


A terrifying aura appeared.

It made Broncis Follett shiver unconsciously.

This is the scent from the upper levels of the food chain!

He turned sharply.

I was surprised to see one with a body length of three to four kilometers and four wings.

The giant dragon, exuding the brilliance of a star, burst into the planet's atmosphere.

Everything in the entire atmosphere began to twist under the terrifying aura of this giant dragon, and an area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius became chaos.

Your Excellency broke into the Bailegang Empire planet. What is your purpose?

From a distance, Broncis Follett suppressed the fear in his heart and let the sound spread.

This caught the eye of the dragon that burst into the atmosphere.

The dragon eyes that seemed to be more dazzling than the stars glanced over.

The throbbing in Broncis Follett's heart was even stronger.

However, his good family education and his status as a senior wizard of the Baile Gang Empire did not allow him to show any cowardice.

What's the purpose?

Of course to receive this planet!

Such a magnificent gem star is really a waste if it is left to useless people like you.

Weak wizards, give you a way to survive. If you want to survive, leave this planet.

A thunderous dragon roar sounded.

Broncis Follett's face changed drastically.

This dragon is indeed coming with bad intentions.

He actually set his sights on this gem star!

No, I can't leave it to him easily. I have to find a way to convince him to get him out of here!

Broncis Follett secretly thought at the same time, he couldn't help but say:

Your Excellency, the Bailegang Empire has a titled wizard who can rival the king beast and is the ruler of the entire plane.

As a resident of the Io plane, you should know how powerful the titled wizard is...if...

His words have not yet completely finished.

The dragon sneered.


On top of the dragon's body, endless magic bursts out!

at the same time.


The top of a certain magic tower.

A great wizard was sitting in the study, reading silently.

But suddenly, there were screams one after another outside the tower.

The great wizard was slightly startled.

He quickly appeared outside the tower.

Immediately, everyone was stunned.

What did he see?

The sky was completely obscured.

The whole world is dark.

It's like the sky is falling.

But, this great wizard knew.

This is not what is called the sky falling.

Instead, a palm pressed down!

As a great wizard who is proficient in magic.

He could clearly observe that the giant thing falling from the sky was the product of magic.

Plus there are huge lines in it.

He could even identify the spell.

It was the hand of a mage that usually had almost no effect in his eyes!

But...this mage's hand is too big, right?

Around him, several other great wizards and other wizards soon appeared.

They all looked at the sky with shocked expressions and were in a daze.

Your Majesty, the Witch King, what is this?

The hand of a mage? No, no, no! This can't be the hand of a mage...

No! This is the Mage's Hand, the improved Mage's Hand!

A group of wizards screamed.

No matter what! Let's destroy this mage's hand first! Everyone, attack with me!

A great wizard yelled.

The sound spread throughout the world.

All wizards responded.

Countless wizards and spells blasted towards the giant hand in the sky.

But these terrorist attacks that can even cleanse the entire planet's surface in normal times fall into the hands of giants.

But when the stone cow entered the sea, it could only make waves, but it was completely unable to block the giant hand!

It's impossible to stop it! The caster is too strong! The magic power is too abundant!

The moment our spell is destroyed by the mage's hand, it will be filled by the opponent's magic power.

All this is in vain!

Damn it! Although the energy in the magic tower is sufficient, the one-time effort is not enough to defeat this mage!

The great wizard roared in horror.

call! ! !

While these great wizards were talking.

The huge mage's hand in the sky is getting closer and closer to the ground.

Quick! Run! Get out of here! If you are crushed, you will definitely die!

quick! Get away from here...wait! Not good! The space leading to the outside world here is blocked!

Go to the other side of the planet! No matter how huge this mage's hand is, it is absolutely impossible to cover the entire planet!

A great wizard shouted.

A shocking truth was discovered.

They quickly performed a space jump.

Come to the back of the planet.

However, something even more frightening occurred.

The back side of the planet is completely covered.

What's going on? Why are we being attacked to this extent? Today is obviously the day when the emperor's liquid breaks out.

The guy who can use this level of magic actually didn't fight for the emperor's liquid, but came to attack us! Is he crazy?

Who is it! Damn it! If you let me know, I will never let him go! No! The entire Baile Gang Empire will not let him go!

A group of wizards roared with rage.

Until now.

A voice sounded.

I...know who did it.

You know? Many wizards cast their gazes over.

The one who speaks.

It was Broncis Follett.

Yes... I was wandering in the atmosphere before and happened to encounter the attacker.

That's a dragon.

I don’t know if it’s a dragon from the plane of Io or another world.

And right now, what covers the entire Gem Star is indeed the hand of the mage he used...

Damn it! It's actually a dragon? These guys are so bold!

Greedy guy!

This must be the time when the imperial jelly will explode, and while the powerful wizards are away, they want to steal the treasure in the Gem Star!

Since his goal is treasure, he will not destroy the planet! Hide in the planet first and find an opportunity to escape! Wait for the return of the titled wizards! This is the time for this dragon to die!

A group of wizards quickly use their minds to communicate.

Then they hid in the earth.

But despite this, they still extend their thoughts outward.

Witnessed ‘with my own eyes’.

The huge and boundless hand of the mage fell hard on the gem planet!

Then slowly disappeared!

The surface of the gem planet was originally uneven.

At this moment, it was directly wiped out.

The magic tower, the mountains, some wizards who had no time to escape, and the slaves were all compressed into a pool of pictures of different colors, imprinted on the earth...

in the atmosphere.

Rand stared down.

The diameter of the entire gem planet is probably only slightly smaller than that of the Blue Star, at least eight to nine thousand kilometers.

But it is such a huge planet.

The whole half.

All covered by his mage's hand.

The same goes for the other half.

Two huge mage hands covered the gem star, just like a human hand covering an iron ball.

After being thoroughly attached to the gem star.

The entire mage also began to slowly dissipate.

Revealing everything that was smoothed out.

Rand looked at his handiwork.

Showing a faint smile:

The effect is pretty good, but it's a pity that it consumes too much magic power.

Just such a short period of time actually consumed nearly a quarter of my magic power.

It's flashy, but it's good for fun.

He commented like this.

Then, it began to slowly descend.

Until it hits the ground.

Then he roared loudly:

hold head high!!!

Huge dragon roar.

Let a group of wizards hiding underground to observe the situation hear clearly.

They looked at the dragon with greatly changed expressions.

Then they gathered together and quickly escaped from this place of right and wrong.

And this moment.

Rand wasn't blocking either.

But these people still all retreated.

Then continue to the next destination.

the other two sides.

The dragon army led by the little female dragon, as well as the rainbow dragon and deer-headed monster combination, also followed closely behind.

They crazily invaded the Bailegang Empire and snatched gold stars and gem stars one after another.

This incident spread to the Bailegang Empire and directly aroused public outrage.

However, all powerful wizards have already participated in the battle of the emperor.

The remaining wizards wanted to fight Rand and the other dragons head-on, but it was a bit too much after all.

Of course, that's not to say they can't do it.

These wizards, all gathered together, naturally have combined attack spells and even other means.

But for them, the price will be high.

Totally worth the loss.

The most important thing is.

They found out.

Rand's side did not immediately destroy the treasure planet after taking it away.

Only a small number of pseudo-dragons were left behind, and after occupying them, they continued to rush to the next location.

In doing so, the strongholds and armed forces on the planet were temporarily destroyed.

But for the Baile Gang Empire, it didn't hurt at all.

They believe that the most correct thing to do is to wait for the return of the titled wizards. Only in this way can the dragon army be easily dealt with.

So... five months passed quickly.

Rand robbed the Bailegang Empire and thousands of treasure planets.

And at this moment.

Including Rand, all the dragons returned to Dordorus, the world of giant beasts.

The dragons snatched as much treasure as possible from the treasure planet.

These treasures were an astronomical figure to them originally.

But what was stolen from the Bailegang Empire was only a drop in the bucket.

It's not that they don't want to take more away, it's just because they can't take away more.

Back to Dordorus.

The dragons were extremely puzzled that Rand spent so much effort but could only take away a small part of the treasure.

Youlong asked why.

Rand, on the other hand, kept silent and showed no intention of paying attention.

Instead, he slowly closed his eyes to himself.

Until this moment.

Rand's five months of hard work finally paid off!

“You captured thousands of treasure planets from the Bailegang Empire.

Among these planets, there are planets made entirely of gold, gems, pearls, agate, emerald, etc.

They are extremely precious.

Even the Dragon God has never owned it.

Although this may only be yours temporarily, you have owned them.

You have unlocked [Wealth] VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV.

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