The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 222 Life Magnetic Field and Life Creation

Lady Fiona, the top priority now is to invite Boss Rand here as soon as possible. Only he can avenge my father!

Follow me, I will take you to see Rand.

The little female dragon replied.

After that, he led a group of dragon people, shrunk his body, and entered the rockery.

It's been a long walk.

Only then did he come to Rand.

The little female dragon also told Rand all the news she had just received.

Rand looked at the group of dragons silently for a while, and then said:

Your father is dead?

Yes...yes...Boss Rand, please make the decision for me! Philip said with a sad face.

The great Dragon King Rand Safis Oakburn! Please avenge my master! He has devoted himself to you and has been persuading many Blue Star executives to accept your kindness.

Damn those bastards for completely ignoring his kind words and actually killing him!

Cassio cried.

“As expected, they are a bunch of bastards who want to die.

I also understand your appeal.

Let's do this, you stay, I will let Tara and the others teach you well, and strive to make you stronger as soon as possible and have the power of revenge.

Rand said after pondering for a moment.

Wha...what? Don't you take action yourself? If you do, the entire Duolan Star will be destroyed in an instant.

I, we...can't do it at all.

Cassio stammered.

I took action, how can you take revenge?

One is the Son of Man, and the other is a minister.

Do you only want to take revenge through the hands of others?

Such a guy is really enough to make Long laugh.

Why don't you want to take revenge? Rand glanced at the human and said.


You have no self-confidence! But you must know your identity! You are my subordinates, Rand Safis Oakburn!

Stay here well and I will give you new strength.


Of course it's true. How could I lie to you... Go and wait aside, I will give you stronger power.

After Rand said this, he sent the group of dragons away.

You don't seem to trust what they say at all?

asked the iridescent dragon beside him.

I don't believe it at all! Even if I use lie detection and identification and they are all telling the truth, I don't believe it.

The most likely thing now is that Dawn Sun has obtained information about me and wants to lure me out.

As for me, as long as I stay here honestly, it's enough to wait until I'm strong enough to crush the opponent to death before taking action.

They are the ones who are anxious now.

I'm glad you think so.

I haven't seen this group of dragons for more than ten years, but their strength is still so low...

There are more than a hundred, but there are only two legendary ones in total. What a bunch of rubbish.

You go and give them a good makeover, that should be fine, right?


Rainbow Dragon readily agreed.

After forming a clone, he walked towards the dragons.

In the days that followed, she took one or two with her from time to time and disappeared from everyone's sight.

when it appears again.

The appearance and appearance of these dragon people will change a lot.

Some grew a third hand.

Some grew a second pair of dragon wings.

Some even have dozens of eyeballs.

Some even softened their bodies, possessing a strong ability to withstand blows.

This change made the dragons resist and fear them at first, but after discovering that their own strength has exploded, it has risen to the level of legend.

The highest level was even the sixth or seventh level of legend, and he happily accepted it.

It seems to have turned out pretty well.

Rand said as he looked at this group of new dragonmen. .

These guys, in the final analysis, can be regarded as dragon-blooded creatures, and their organ transplants have gone smoothly. But even if they are legends, for us, there is still not much need for them to exist.

Yeah... Legend is still too weak... for us.

Rand sighed.

His thoughts were a little racing.

I think back to the time when I went from being weak to being extremely powerful now.

It only takes a few decades.

All this is too short-lived for a dragon.

But his own strength has grown to such an extent.

The speed is so fast that no other creature can match it.

His former partners will eventually be left behind one by one.

He was silent for a while and then said again:

“Can’t these guys, and Fiona, have some role to play?

If these weak forces are gathered together, they will be somewhat effective.

Just like those who cast spells.

Spell casters... there are not many spell casters among these dragon people.

But they have extremely good energy in their bodies! If these energies are gathered together and controlled by one of them, it may have good effects.

Are you talking about the magic crystal ball?

Something to store magic power? Although this kind of thing can store magic power, it has extremely high requirements for materials.

I know that there is extremely outstanding magic crystal technology in the Baile Gang Empire.

It's a pity that the materials for production are all in their hands.

As for the materials, they can all be substituted. Nothing is unique. Think of a way. Hindley, I believe you can do it.

I'll do my best... the rainbow dragon said after hesitating for a moment.

I'll find some helpers for you. Those guys are quite talented.

After Rand said this, he spit out a lich phylactery from his mouth.

This is Yakus's.

This guy was killed a long time ago and has been waiting for rebirth.

Because of Rand's great strength, his requirements for spells were too high, and Yakus' talent could no longer keep up.

This made him almost forget about the other person, so he kept the other person in the life box.

This time, I finally thought of this lich.

Black air flowed.

Gradually transforming into the appearance of Yakus in front of him.

This guy appeared with a confused look on his face. It took him a while before he came back to his senses and said with a wry smile:

Has Lord Rand finally remembered me?

Ah...I was actually in a deep sleep before, and I just woke up recently.

I see.

Yakus nodded to express his understanding and had no intention of asking further questions.

So, Lord Rand, are you looking for me this time?

Research a magic crystal that can store nearly infinite magic power.

I understand, leave it to me. I will definitely do my best to complete your mission. Yakus bowed slightly.

“Maybe it will be faster if you work with Hindley.

Well, there are also those dragon people, who are from the Blue Stars. One of them is called Glasses. I remember him.

He is also a guy with good talents.

Just pick some of them, people who may be able to help you.

Yacus glanced at the rainbow dragon and nodded, then headed towards the dragon people. After a while, he selected a few people and left here under the leadership of the rainbow dragon.

Rand was at ease again.

Either eat or rest every day.

Occasionally I go to watch the little female dragon train the dragon people.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Because of Rand's power, many derivatives of the life magnetic field once again grew throughout the underground base.

Those mushrooms.

They all grew up surprisingly fast and surprisingly big.

But for more than half a month.

Some of them grow to one or two meters tall.

Rand even felt the rich breath of life in it.

I started staring at these dragon head mushrooms every day and carefully observed their changes.

The dragon-headed mushroom quickly sprouted uneven, scale-like marks.

The soil on the ground is cracking.

Until another ten days passed.

One of them grew to about five meters in length, with scales all over its body that were almost dragon scales, and a pair of originally dull eyes shone with aura.

this moment.

Rand felt the light of wisdom from it.

It opens its mouth.

Make a wow sound.

This sudden cry.

Let Rand attract all the dragons and dragon people who are practicing.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The newly born little thing quickly ran to Rand, hugged him, and screamed non-stop.

Rand could understand what they said, just like the sun elves.

At this moment, Rand had a realization.

The Sun Elves are indeed beings born through the magnetic field of life.

The same goes for the creatures born from these dragon-headed mushrooms.

The lives that are born are different just because they belong to different regions.

Moreover, the strength is also very different.

Rand could clearly feel the creatures these dragon-headed mushrooms had transformed into.

The energy in the body is only about fifteen levels.

He stretched out a claw and gently poked the body of the dragon-headed mushroom monster.

It was found that their scales were far less hard than dragon scales, and even far worse than those of dragons.

At best it can only be regarded as hard bark.

Is this becoming a spirit? An ordinary plant actually gave birth to spiritual intelligence? What on earth is going on?

One dragon man was amazed.

Oh! Rand! How did you do it? They came to life! You created a new race!

Have you become a dragon god? Are you going to create a new dragon race like that old guy from Tiamat?

The female dragons exclaimed.

His expression was full of shock and surprise.

Rand! If you can create a race, can you make me stronger? I feel like I can be stronger.

The little female dragon also yelled.

The abnormality here, for some unknown reason, actually attracted the rainbow dragon.

After she appeared, she stared blankly at the dragon that the dragon's head mushroom had transformed into.

He said in shock:

Life creation...the energy level is around level 15. This is not something that ordinary gods can do, etc.

Was this little thing born like those blazing sun elements?

The rainbow dragon seemed to remember something and couldn't help but ask.

That's right.

Rand nodded slightly.

Amazing ability...but at level 15, it's still useless to us.

she commented.

What about the thing I want you to create?

The progress is pretty good, but I have been hesitant about replacing the materials. Should I go to the stars to find them and try them, or should I go to the Le Gang Empire to rob them...

What are your requirements for materials?

It is sturdy, has extremely strong enchanting ability, and is resistant to magic. It can perfectly store magic power, and at the same time, it allows me to open up a small world for it.

This material is so rare. The rainbow dragon sighed.

What do you think of my scales, which are strong, extremely enchanting, and resistant to magic? Rand suddenly asked.

Your scales?

The iridescent dragon was stunned for a moment, then stared at Rand's scales with a thoughtful expression.

“Perhaps, you can give it a try.

Give me your scales! quick!

The Rainbow Dragon looked a little anxious.

Rand didn't mean to hang her up, and directly took out a scale from his body.

The scales, which were originally no more than the size of a palm, transformed directly back into their original form after leaving Rand's body.

It became several meters long and wide.

The iridescent dragon disappeared again with its dragon scales.

The next few days.

Rand did not pay too much attention to the rainbow dragon, but focused all his energy on the dragon-headed mushrooms.

these things.

One after another, everything is slowly transformed into life.

The speed is amazing.

After the first one matures, nearly tens of thousands of them complete the transformation every day.

The energy intensity in the body is between level 13 and level 16.

They are much weaker than the blazing sun elements, which may be why they can transform so quickly.

Nearly ten thousand creatures transformed from dragon-headed mushrooms were screaming in the underground base, making it extremely noisy.

The little female dragon, the other dragons, and a group of dragon people were not bored by this, but were particularly excited.

The expressions on the faces of the many Blue Star people who had been kidnapped were extremely ugly.

Oops...Rand Sapphith Oakburn is really a terrifying dragon.

Not only is his strength extraordinary.

Now it is possible to create something out of nothing and mass-produce groups of powerful monsters.

If he is not dealt with, Duolanxing will really be in danger.

They murmured in their mouths, their eyes full of confusion.

These guys will be called mushroom dragons from now on.

Fiona, you and the dragons, take these guys with you and go live on the surface.

They need nutrients from the land to eat.

The land here is almost being sucked dry by them.

It's time to change places.

Rand told the little dragoness.

At the same time, he ordered these newly born little lives to obey Fiona's command.

In this regard, the little female dragon showed great interest.

He walked up to these mushroom dragons with his head held high and led these little things to the ground.

The next few days.

That is about a month.

Rand finished cultivating the first batch of mushroom dragons.

A total of about 150,000 mushroom dragons were obtained.

As a result, the land in the entire underground base became extremely dry and cracked in patches.

to this end.

He also traveled to the surface.

The purpose is obvious, to cultivate more mushroom dragons.

These things have low IQs.

You cannot grow by learning.

Although it seems that it is of little use at present.

But at least he can produce them in batches without spending any money. It is a bit weak, but as cannon fodder, it is still somewhat useful.


The rainbow dragon Hindley appeared in front of Rand again with Yakus and several draconians.

At this moment, the rainbow dragon is dragging a giant egg several meters high, oval-shaped, and as clear as glass.

This is?

What you want.

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