The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 221 Go to Rand

Many blue stars.

In a certain prison.

In the completely enclosed room, incandescent lights are as bright as day, illuminating everything.

In a row of cells.

A dragon man who was three or four meters tall and had a somewhat ferocious face was imprisoned.

Some of these dragon men were lying boredly on wooden beds, while others were sitting on a wooden chair, looking either sad or angrily staring at the aisle.


A Dolan Star man wearing a guard uniform was looking at them with a sneer:

You bunch of Duolan Star scum! Are you regretting it now? Do you regret betraying the Duolan Star people, your motherland, and the planet?

You bunch of blue-star scum!

They should all extract their souls directly and light the sky lanterns!

But no matter what... no matter what... there are always some traitors protecting you.

But in the future, you will definitely stay here forever, until you die of old age!

Regret for what you have done for the rest of your life! Scumbags!

Asshole! You're done! Are you tired of saying this kind of thing in front of us every day?

Get out of here! Disgusting guy! I don't want to see you!

Are you envious of being a dragon? We have several times your lifespan! We are still extremely strong, and a group of girls like us! You are jealous, right?

Those girls used to like people from the Black Continent, but now they all like us. You are jealous of us!

You envy us for our big roots, right?

let me guess! Could it be that the reason why you are so angry and mock us every day is because your wife is in love with one of us dragons? Have you been cheated?

A group of draconians countered.

The last words are even more sharp.

The guard outside looked annoyed and shouted:

I envy you to stay in jail and die, right? You are a bunch of scum. Now I am going out to find beautiful girls. What can you do? You can only pick up soap and stare at the hunger and thirst of your own companions every day!

Damn it! You bastard!

At this time, the dragon people also broke through their defense. They ran to the iron railings excitedly, grabbed them hard, and wanted to tear them into pieces, but these iron railings did not move at all.

The guard even sneered:

You scumbags, don't even think about shaking these bone charcoal alloys. These things are super materials made by wise men combined with magic.

Even if you are real dragons, it won't make any difference.

Ho! If it's a man, come here and let's fight!

Coward! Come here, let's have a nice chat!

A group of dragon men shouted, which only made the guards laugh even more wildly.

Deng Deng Deng~Deng Deng Deng~

A series of footsteps sounded.

Another guard ran over anxiously, shouting as he ran:

Chief Hart! It's not good! It's not good!

What's going on? In such a hurry? the officer known as Hart asked with a frown.

Go to the conference room first, everyone is waiting for you!

The guard said this and left with Hart.

Seeing this, all the dragon people in the prison screamed and cursed again.

It wasn't until these two people left completely that the dragon people turned off the flames.

Tell me, did something happen outside?

This is the first time I've seen this happen in this prison.

Hehe~ Maybe our big BOSS is coming to kill us.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't tell me, it could really be because of this!

I don't even have hope anymore. Don't give me hope and give me despair!

A group of dragon people said.

In fact, most people don't pay much attention to this unexpected situation.

Until the next day.

Hart, who usually came to mock them every day, actually didn't show up.

This surprised many dragon people:

That bastard guy didn't come today?

Maybe it's time to rest.

No! I remember clearly that it was definitely not his turn to rest today.

Take a break!


Everyone still didn't take it to heart.

until around noon.

The person who was supposed to bring them lunch didn't show up at all today.

This made them a little restless.

What's going on? You didn't even bring lunch today. Are you planning to starve us to death?

It is inhumane to torture prisoners!

Asshole Federation, do you want to starve us to death?

They clamored until another day passed.

They completely realized something was wrong.

Something must have happened in this prison.

It's been more than a day, and a guard can't see or say anything, and he doesn't even bring food. Everything is so abnormal.

Perhaps there is really a war outside.

The BOSS is here to save us!

A group of dragon people cheered excitedly when they thought of this.

But this happiness did not last long.

All that's left is hunger.

This group of dragon people had no choice but to escape and couldn't escape, and they couldn't destroy the prison door.

You can only eat everything in the prison.

They chewed off the bed board and ate all the porcelain and iron in the single bathroom, barely holding on.

And at this moment.

In a certain conference room.

The top management of Duolan Star still gathered together.

In the center of the conference table, there are two statues representing the morning sun and the Mother Earth.

The energetic voice of the morning sun sounded:

Are you sure...that evil dragon will attack this plane? Why has it been ten days and there is still no movement?

It shouldn't be wrong. I think everyone here knows the character of that dragon best. Every anger must be repaid.

We've all sinned against the dragon.

He had no reason to give up such a good opportunity.

Maybe, the person on the other end might know that we contacted Dawn Sun Crown and ambush him on Duolan Star.

This shouldn't happen. He went to that world under the morning sun and was ambushed. From the perspective of the dragon, his life or death was unclear. How could he give up this opportunity?

No matter what, we must lure that evil dragon over as soon as possible.

Do you have any idea?


Another day passed.

Inside the prison where dragon people are imprisoned in Duolan Star.

A group of dragon people had thin faces and almost lost their appearance due to hunger. They were lying on the ground limply, without saying a word.

There is no energy left in their bodies.

Every day I rely on consuming the original fat.

Although I have survived to this day.

But many people feel that they may be dead!

A dragon man with a scar on his left eye looked at the prison opposite with some reluctance and said weakly:

Philip...where is your father? He is a high-ranking official in the Federation.

We traitors are alive today thanks to him.

Why don't you care about me now?

I...I don't know either! Damn it, he will never leave me alone. Even if I become a dragon, he will still love me the most...

He must have had an accident.

On the other side, the dragon man who still had a few yellow hairs on his forehead glanced at the opposite door and responded softly.

There is no hope, just wait to die.

I think my glasses have been prosperous for a while. I didn't expect that after being forced to become a dragon, the ending would be so bleak.

On the other side, a dragon man suddenly said.

Glasses? Were they the ones who, along with War Wolf and Huang Mao, first discovered the Black King's City? That master craftsman?

On the other side, someone suddenly asked.

Yes, it's me.

Idol! I used to like watching your videos! By the way, why didn't you tell me your identity before?

You're talking bullshit. Are you going to be targeted by those bullshit if you say it?

A group of dragons talked quietly, consuming the little energy they had.

He seemed ready to die.

The whole prison was filled with confusion and indifference.

Until, there was another sound of footsteps in the aisle.

The dragons in the entire prison suddenly became excited. They climbed to the railings and looked as far as they could.

Only a man from Dolan Star wearing a suit was seen running towards here in a hurry.

Master Phillip! Master Phillip! Are you here?

The man shouted loudly.

I'm here! I'm here! Are you...Cassio? The dragon man with a few strands of hair also shouted.

It's me! Master! It's me!

Casio...we haven't seen each other for seven years, you've changed a lot.

How did you get in? How is your home?

Master! It's not good! Something bad is going to happen!

Now the people of the entire Blue Star have moved to the secret realm for fear of being attacked by Rand Safis Oakburn.

Because I have always protected you, I offended too many people, and was tripped up and killed by people headed by the Kosma family...

I also took advantage of the opportunity when everyone moved out to come to see you, Master!

Only a dragon like you can avenge my master by finding the great dragon of the end, Rand Sapphith Oakburn!

The intruder from Dolan Star said excitedly.

What! How dare you bastards from the Kosma family! Cassio, let me out! I'll go find Rand Safis Oakburn immediately and kill those bastards!

Philip shouted.

Casio quickly took out a strange card from his arms and opened the door.

It's opened! Is this a master key card? As expected of a federal high-level official, he even has this kind of card! Quick! Open the door for us! Let us out!

The other dragons said quickly.

The dragon people here are all old acquaintances, and busy Phillip will naturally not refuse this.

Open all cell doors.

A group of dragon people came to the outside world in a mighty manner.

The Duolan Star at this time was completely different from what they remembered.

The high-rise buildings of the past still exist.

But more of them are floating cities floating in the sky, even above the clouds.

The prison they were in was an underground base in the suburbs.

The whole world is strangely quiet at the moment.

There was no one else to be seen on the usually bustling streets.

All of them are gone.

Secret realm? I once heard my father talk about it.

This is a small plane created based on the main plane.

Existing in the cracks of time and space, it is like the kingdom of the gods, and there are also some sub-planes.

Unexpectedly, people from Duolan Star have already implemented this technology.

Philip sighed.

The dragon people on one side were already crazy with hunger. They quickly ran to the side and crazily stuffed everything they could eat into their mouths to fill their stomachs.

Watching them, Philip joined in.

Until everyone is full.

Only then did Philip open the plane portal with the help of Cassio and prepare to rescue his father.


Within the mountains.

A plane portal opens.

A dragon man walked out of the portal first and couldn't help but scream. Without paying attention, he was crushed to the ground by gravity.

The same goes for those who come after.

Cassio, who is not much stronger than an ordinary person, can only move reluctantly under the protection of a few dragon men who can use magic.

The other dragon people, after adapting for a period of time, got up from the ground and said with difficulty:

Damn it, is this the plane where Rand Safith Oakburn lives? What an exaggerated gravity!

I feel like if I stay here all the time, my bones will fall apart.

The gravity here is more than ten times that of Dolan Star.

Without legendary strength, it would be really inconvenient to move here.

Oh! My God, look at the sky. The birds there are so big, and they can fly in such an environment. I can't even imagine how powerful these birds are.

Damn, the creatures in this world must be ridiculously strong.

If we don't find Rand Safis Oakburn soon, we'll all die!

A group of dragon people murmured and analyzed the terrible truth.

For a moment, I was a little overwhelmed.


A giant dragon with a body length of 300 meters and a height of about 150 meters, with dark red scales all over its body, suddenly appeared in front of them.

The giant dragon looked at the group of dragons in surprise and said:

No wonder Rand said he sensed a familiar aura, it turned out to be you guys!

I remember that one of you, glasses, right? I used to make videos with that Wolf Warrior and Glasses guy. He seemed to be somewhat famous and had good scientific research capabilities.

There is another one named Philip. Well, his father seems to be a high-ranking official in Duolan Star. I remember that you were all caught. are...

Phillip looked at the giant dragon in front of him in shock and stuttered a little.

The little giant who was originally three or four meters tall suddenly turned into a small insect in front of the giant dragon. The strong dragon aura hit his face, making the dragon people nervous.

Me! Fiona! What? I don't recognize your Red Dragon Queen anymore?

Yes, after all, I haven’t seen you for many years. I have indeed changed a lot and my strength has improved a lot, hahahaha! I can’t blame you for your poor eyesight!

Fiona looked down at the group of draconians and laughed.

The roar of laughter caused many dragon people who were still not used to the gravity here to fall to the ground.

Fei... Lady Fiona?

All the dragons were shocked.

These dragon people had seen Fiona a few years ago, or even more than ten years ago, but at that time, how could this dragon be so big?

How long has it been since we last saw you? Did you take hormones to grow?

Hahaha! It's my queen! the little female dragon laughed.

Tell me, how did you escape and how did you get here?

the little female dragon asked.

This group of dragon people immediately explained everything in detail.

Oh? How many Blue Star people were so scared that they all ran away? It's no wonder. After all, Rand is the opponent, and there is no hope of winning.

If it were me, I would have run away long ago.

The entire planet is empty? hey-hey.

There must be a lot of treasure up there, right?

When the little female dragon said this, she couldn't help showing greed.

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