The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 220 Improving the Strength of Dragons

One of the men even roared:

What a joke! You evil dragon! Do you want to humiliate us? Just kill us if you want! Do you think we will be afraid?

Come on! Kill us!

How could I kill you? You are my babies now. The little black dragon Ed laughed and couldn't help but lick his mouth.

Damn it! Kill us! You disgusting dragon!

If you don't kill us, you will be our grandson!

Several Blue Star people shouted and continued to provoke.

However, the little black dragon Ed ignored them and dragged several Blue Star people away.

Rand looked at it silently for a while, then threw a picture stone over.

The little black dragon's eyes were quick and he caught it with a look of confusion.

“Record everything that happens later.

How dare you one by one pretend to be a hero in front of me?

These guys seem to have forgotten the terror I felt back then, and now I will let you recall the experiences of certain teachers in the early years.

After these words, the expressions of all the Blue Star people changed drastically.

These people's magic power was blocked at this moment, and they were locked by a chain from the iridescent dragon, making them almost unable to move.

I can only bite my tongue and kill myself.

Looking at the blood spilling from their mouths, Rand said:

Foolish behavior, bite your tongue and kill yourself? This won't happen in a short while.

Tarana, you must have learned healing spells in the past ten years, right? He will be treated later.

He gave an instruction and ignored it.

The little black dragon Ed smiled indifferently and continued to drag several Blue Star people away.

Several female dragons began to treat the wounded.

This was supposed to be a heartwarming scene of saving lives and healing the wounded.

But it was accompanied by the screams coming from not far away.

There is also that unsightly scene, but it is like a heavy hammer, constantly hammering into the hearts of many Blue Star people.

this moment.

These Blue Star people finally recalled the disgusting fear of being dominated by the evil dragon in front of them!

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Little black dragon Ed is done.

Next to him, there lay a Duolan Star man with a dull face, as if he was demented.

He didn't look at these guys, but looked to the other side.

Looking at Rand who was still stacked with the rainbow dragon.

The little black dragon Ed showed a look of reverence.

As expected of Rand, no matter what he does, he is ridiculously powerful. I don't know when he will stop.

in this way.

Until five days later.

Rand finally stopped.

Resting comfortably on the earth wall.

The Rainbow Dragon was lying down with a satisfied look on his face.

Until then.

The little female dragon ran over impatiently and said with a smile:

Rand, you are done with your work, it's time to do other things.

Hmm... Do you think you can share some of your blood with us so that we can improve our strength? There is also Dorothy, I have to call him here.

When the other female dragons and the little black dragon Ed heard this, they immediately came over and looked at Rand expectantly.

You said should really improve your strength.

After Rand said that, he divided some of his blood among several female dragons.

After drinking the new blood of Rand, the strength of these female dragons has improved a lot.

The most important thing is that the potential and limits have been raised to a higher level.

In fact, based on Rand's current vision, it was based on what he had seen before.

You can almost see the limits of these guys.

Female dragons like Tarana, without the blood of Rand.

The body length is estimated to reach 70 or 80 meters even if it is stretched to death, and it may not reach the epic level in its lifetime.

But with Rand's blood, their growth has been greatly improved.

before this update.

Rand could even roughly estimate that the body length of these female dragons could reach two to three hundred meters.

But after this update, this data should be raised to three to four hundred meters again.

As for the little black dragon Ed and the little female dragon Fiona, they were originally just ordinary true dragons.

But because of his age advantage and Rand's blood relationship.

The limit of growth may be raised to six or seven hundred meters, or even higher.

However, these all take time to grow.

Ho ho ho! It is indeed Rand's blood! Every few years, it always brings me new surprises! I feel that I am a lot stronger.

The newly strengthened little female dragon is full of energy.

Several other dragons also looked delighted.

This look.

Let the many Blue Star people on the side see it.

There was surprise in their eyes.

He whispered softly:

“It is said that the blood of a true dragon has the ability to transform mortals.

We have verified this a long time ago, but the effect is not particularly exaggerated.

But the blood of the dragon Rand Safis Oakburn seems to be particularly powerful.

Actually, the whole clan can be reborn as a result... and their strength is greatly increased.

These dragons may have been ordinary dragons before. It was only because of the blood of Rand Safis Oakburn that they could grow to this point.

It's amazing... What would happen if we took his blood?

There was a little desire in the eyes of a group of people.

You bastards! What nonsense are you talking about? If we drink his blood, we will definitely turn into dragons!

Do you want to become that kind of monster?

Commander Eric, who had been listening in, couldn't help but reprimanded.

Let others dare not say more.

Okay, now it's just Dorothy. Fiona, go and ask him to come over.

If I move, it will cause a lot of noise.

I don't want to hear that succubus whispering and complaining to me.

Rand lay down and said casually.

Fiona, the little female dragon, couldn't wait any longer. She burned the teleportation circle and immediately got into it.

Not long after, he appeared in the underground base with the succubus goddess.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw everything here, but he didn't ask what was going on with those Duolan Star people.

He just stared at Rand silently for a while and then said quietly:

“You have become stronger…again beyond my original expectations.

You guy, where is your limit?

Isn't this inevitable? I must have understood the meaning of calling you here, right?

Rand lay on the wall and glanced at the succubus goddess.

Of course I know, but right here?

You and Fiona, go to the surface and watch them.

You're not going?

No need, it's only been a few years, and your power of time is too weak for me now, so I'd better use it on Fiona and the others.

These pieces of trash will really be useless if they don't improve their strength.

In that case, what else would I do?

Rand said bluntly.

This made the expressions of several female dragons even more depressed.

The little female dragon also sighed helplessly.

My eldest brother is growing so fast that all the dragons can't understand.

They were all obviously born to the same mother, so why?

You were a little older than me before, let’s not talk about it.

Later you were several times, dozens of times older than me, but now? This damn thing is hundreds or thousands of times more...

The little female dragon didn't even dare to think about when she would grow to a thousand meters in the future.

How far will Rand, this monster, grow?

That's right. You really don't need the power of time to catalyze you. The Succubus Goddess nodded.

Soon he left with a group of little female dragons.

It wasn't until three days later that he appeared in front of Rand again.

The group of dragons at this time have actually grown a lot compared to before.

The body length of the little female dragon has now reached three hundred meters.

Little Black Dragon Ed is 250 meters away.

The other female dragons were two hundred meters away.

Each one of them has made great progress in strength and momentum.

As soon as he appeared, he released his dragon power towards those Blue Star people like a show off, knocking out a large number of them.


The weakest female dragons are estimated to be about two epic levels in strength.

The little female dragon may have reached the third level.

Although the difference in size between them and the Rainbow Dragon is not particularly large, the difference in strength is huge.

After all, when they grow, they only grow in their physical bodies and the strength of their magic power.

The knowledge itself is not much.

There is no comparison with a magic genius like Rainbow Dragon and a body transformation faction.

However, several female dragons themselves did not seem to notice this situation, and actually went to provoke the rainbow dragon, only to be beaten severely again...

The heads of several female dragons were inserted into the earth again in familiar postures. The funny posture made Rand almost laugh out loud.

Even the succubus goddess couldn't help but curl up her lips:

Okay, I've completed this mission, and it's time to say goodbye again. I hope you can become stronger when we meet again next time.

At the same time, defeat the Morning Sun as soon as possible.

He sends blessings.

In response, Rand nodded slightly and watched the other party leave again.

Afterwards, he glanced at the group of Blue Star people and found that their expressions were even worse.

You can understand it if you think about it.

When you find that your enemy uses bug-like methods to improve your strength in extremely outrageous ways, you will definitely feel more uncomfortable than eating Xiang.

Many blue stars.

In a conference room.

Several senior executives from Duolan Star in formal attire looked solemn.

We just received information about the soldiers who escaped from the world codenamed Behemoth. What do you think?

I... find it hard to believe that our team, which possesses our most advanced technology and magical equipment, was so easily wiped out...

According to the intelligence, the energy value of that dragon has reached 23 billion?

Twenty-three's really believable.

This dragon must have become a god. Only after becoming a god can the power of faith and energy gained be so amazing.

The storage of the power of faith will make the energy of living beings inflated.

But it's really shocking.

It's another dragon god, but it's our enemy. It's really difficult to deal with.

Especially that dragon's domain. I heard it can eliminate energy and is extremely restrained for us.

So, what should we do? Fight to the death? With a monster of that level, even if we attack with all our strength, it will be difficult to win.

I think we should avoid it for the time being. Time is on our side. As long as the wise men study antimatter, I believe we can kill that dragon!

In this case, we have to leave the home where we were born and raised...

Perhaps, we should continue to try to get in touch with Morning Sun.

You're right, then keep trying.

Several people discussed for a while.

One of the top executives with a bare head took out a small, round red sphere from his arms.

He opened his mouth and said:

Located in the plane of Io, he represents the dawn, the glorious god of rising sun, youth, vitality and justice!

Your followers, collaborators hereby request your presence.


Still no response.

Isn't that guy dead?

How could a powerful divine being die so easily? Keep trying and tell the information directly. If that guy remains indifferent, we can only evacuate.

Located on the plane of Io...

Great morning sun, are you just silent?

That evil dragon now has power comparable to that of a being like you. Don't you intend to destroy him?

Do you want to continue to watch him grow up and completely trample your existence under his feet?

Dye the entire world black?

The moment the words fell.

Buzz! ! !

The sphere placed on the table finally no longer remained indifferent, but began to vibrate.

A bright light shines, and a magnificent will descends.

The entire room was lit up with soft and bright light at this moment, making people feel comfortable.

Everyone from Duolan Star, is the information you just reported true?

A warm, energetic voice sounded at this moment.

Under the morning sun, you have finally appeared! A senior executive smiled.

Your Majesty, everything we just said is true.

The dragon's growth has completely exceeded the limits of normal creatures.

Can you imagine? His current body length is already three to four kilometers.

I think your Majesty, you must know best what this means.

Moreover, the energy in his body is dozens of times that of a normal tenth-level creature...

Your Majesty, we believe that this is an existence that can threaten you.

Rand Safis Oakbourne...did I underestimate him again?

He is indeed a more evil being than the Mother of Evil Dragons.

The morning sun sighs.

Your Majesty! We have the coordinates of that plane, which is XXXXX.

Please also work with the Mother Goddess of the Earth and other gods of justice to kill that evil dragon, otherwise it will continue to grow and the entire world will be shrouded in darkness.


The morning sun was slightly silent.

“To be honest with you, that evil dragon is on a plane, or even a planet.

I already knew it, and even took action to kill it.

But that world is a restricted area for the gods. As long as gods like me get close, they will be surrounded and killed by the powerful men of that world.

In that world, I simply couldn't kill him.

You...are not joking? A group of senior Blue Star officials were dumbfounded.


I think the great morning sun will not joke with us in this way.

“That world was inherently scary.

It seems we can only think of other solutions.

Since it's impossible to invade directly, there's no need to be afraid. Didn't the intelligence tell you?

That dragon should be attacking soon.

If we attack it, as long as our two servants, the Dawn Sun and the Mother Goddess of Earth, are waiting here, we can definitely kill it completely.

But in this case, our home planet...

There is no way around it! For victory and justice, this is a necessary sacrifice.

After that, a group of senior Blue Star officials focused their attention on the sphere where the morning sun had descended.

I understand, if that's the case, there's no problem.

So be it.

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