The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 191 Capture Him

This battleship is filled with a sense of combination of technology and magic. It is shrouded in layers of magical brilliance, giving it a sense of mystery.

The destination has been reached, Sir Ouchen!

Inside the battleship, command room.

This place is filled with strange humanoid creatures whose heads are as big as their bodies and about two meters tall.

One of them, who seemed to be a weirdo controlling the battleship, said.

Well, then according to the original plan, we will send a capture boat to the rock star to collect some materials and bring them back for study.

Haha, weird things happen every year, especially this year.

Who would have thought that the wizard named Douxing the year before last would actually publish such an academic paper.

Forcibly raising the rock star, a material that was exempted from waste, to a medium to high level, it makes us even have to come to such a remote place.

A strange humanoid creature dressed in silver and blue with three blue suns embroidered on his chest said slowly.

But immediately, he couldn't help but frown his hairless brows, stared at his blue eyes, and looked at the picture on the big screen directly in front of him with some surprise.

The area that should have been chaotic and full of small meteorites was now empty within a radius of more than ten kilometers. Even further away, dozens or hundreds of kilometers away, only a few small meteorites could be seen.

This situation is extremely common in this galaxy, as if it has been fundamentally wiped out by some powerful force.

Not even Sui Mo was seen.

What's going on? Has a star beast ever passed by here? Forget it, it's not important. The purpose of my coming here is just to complete the task assigned to me by the empire.

Mu Li, move the battleship towards the destination.

The man who seemed to be a general frowned and gave the order again.

Then, the kilometer-long battleship turned into a stream of light and flew towards a light blue planet.

During the flight, if some debris occasionally blocks the front, it will be destroyed and shattered by the shield on the battleship.

The journey was smooth.

But when passing through a certain meteorite belt.

Inside the battleship, the entire command room shone with a red light.


Alert! Alert! Alert! Ultra-high energy level biological reactions have been detected within a thousand kilometers around!

Dudududu, lock the target...

The sirens in the command room kept blaring.

On the screen, a picture suddenly appeared.

In that picture.

A red monster with four pairs of dragon wings, strong limbs and a tail was holding a huge meteorite, resting with its eyes closed, and its body was slowly floating in the starry sky with the meteorite.

Is this a star beast?

the commander exclaimed.

Didi, didi, detected the target creature, searched the database... Didi, didi...

After examination, there is no data on this creature.

Didi didi, check, there is similar information in the database.

Real dragon.

It can also be called a giant dragon.

Egg-laying creature.

Comes from a world called the plane of Io.

The characteristics of this plane are magic, combat skills, gods...

In the command room, the electronic sound continued to broadcast, slowly telling all the origins of the monsters in the picture.

This made the big-headed man in the command room look a little solemn.

Is it actually that world? I have seen it in some textbooks. It once wanted to invade our plane, but was later defeated by the titled wizard and the great Witch King Tezorobo.

It is considered an extremely powerful plane.

I heard that the gods there are all magical creatures with extremely high research value.

Real dragon? Is it actually a real dragon? I heard that this race is naturally extremely powerful, and it is divided into gem dragons, five-color dragons, metal dragons and so on.

Even if these dragons do not need to study, they can grow up naturally and have the power of wizards. Many of them can become intermediate wizards if they study hard, and even the best among them can become high-level wizards.

I heard that there is also a legendary dragon species.

Oh~ I remember it was a rainbow dragon, right? On Dordorus' side, there is one whose strength has reached the level of a great wizard, close to the level of a titled wizard.

Hehehe~ I heard that those high-level wizards are very fond of this kind of creature. If they can catch it, they should be able to sell it for a big price.

In the command room, a group of big-headed weirdos immediately became very excited when they talked about the True Dragon Clan.

It was like a group of hunters who discovered an extremely precious prey while hunting.

But at this moment.

On the screen, the detection of this dragon is not over yet.

Didi didi~ After testing, the actual length of this creature is about one thousand meters...

Wait a minute! A real dragon with a body length of one thousand meters! This seems a bit extraordinary!

If it's one thousand meters long, it must be at least a high-level wizard-level real dragon, right?

If you sell a dragon of this level to those titled wizards, you might be able to get a small planet.

Then aren't we more developed this time!?

Hurry! Act quickly! Don't let it get away!

In the command room, a group of weirdos became obviously more excited.

Even the commander is no exception.

Facing the temptation of high wealth, his face was full of greed.

Quick! Before he wakes up, approach quietly! Then launch the star lock! Shoot out all of them! Be sure to catch this dragon!

After the event is completed, each person will be rewarded with 1,000 wizard blood crystals!

he yelled.

Wizard Blood Crystal.

It is their empire, or the high-end currency of this world.

One wizard blood crystal is equivalent to a month's salary of a battleship crew member and a year's living expenses for ordinary people.

1,000 wizard blood crystals is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

But compared to the reward that can be obtained by capturing this real dragon, it is just a drop in the bucket.

But even so, the crew members were extremely excited and yelled.

One of the operators immediately started operating on the operating system.

The entire battleship was rippled with aqua blue ripples, as if it had entered another world. It passed through meteorites one after another and came within a few kilometers of the sleeping dragon without disturbing it.


Outside the entire battleship, gun muzzles appeared in many places, accompanied by silent roars.

Silver-white ropes shot out, like spiritual snakes, quickly touching the body of the real dragon, and then clinging to the real dragon, tying it up.

The meteorite he originally held in his arms also shattered in an instant.

See this scene.

The commander jumped up excitedly and shouted:

Successful! Successful! As long as it is trapped by the Star Lock, a real dragon with only the strength of a high-level wizard will never be able to break free! Even a great wizard can escape under the binding of the Star Lock. In the history of the empire, , there are also very few!

This baby! It's ours!

Now, immediately inject things like hypnotic hormone and weak hormone into the body of this real dragon through the star lock! quick!

The commander's voice fell.

At the muzzle of the battleship, something strange and gas-like spread along the silver rope like an electric current.

It didn't disappear until it touched the body of the real dragon.

In the battleship command room, on the big screen, the real dragon's figure and expression at this moment were magnified in front of all the weirdos.

But at this moment, everyone felt happy.

The sleeping dragon suddenly opened his eyes.

The originally dark starry sky seemed to be a few minutes brighter at this moment.

It was a pair of eyes that were brighter than flames, like small stars, staring at them.

Wake up! Wake up! This real dragon wakes up!

What's going on? The hypnotic substance we used just now can knock down even a high-level star beast. Why is he okay?

True dragons are extremely intelligent creatures, maybe they use some magic.

Don't panic! Even if he wakes up, so what! He has been trapped by the star lock and it is absolutely impossible to break free!

Even if he is not hypnotized, he cannot escape other negative states. He continues to use negative elements, and at the same time uses Thunder Star Thunderbolt to paralyze this real dragon!

In the battleship command room, some people were panicking, and the commander calmed everyone down with a faint smile.

From the battleship's gun muzzle, another series of strange gases and purple thunderbolts hit the trapped real dragon's body.


Although there is no sound.

But the lightning flashing on the real dragon's body still made people seem to hear the sound.

With a smile on their lips, they wanted to see the pain and weakness of the real dragon.

But it took a while.

The dragon on the screen was still staring at them calmly.

There seemed to be some confusion in those eyes that were shining like stars.

This look is like that of an adult who met a few naughty children and kept playing around him.

Does this real dragon think their actions are ridiculous?

The commander was a little angry.

The real dragon on the screen endured everything silently. After a while, it finally exerted strength on its limbs, as if it wanted to break free of the star lock.

Seeing the true dragon like this, the commander showed a disdainful smile:

This real dragon doesn't seem to know the star lock, and it actually wants to rely on brute force to break free.

What a pathetic guy! He had no idea how much power this required.

Reporting to the commander, it takes 10 billion tons of force to break free of the star locks... The target has six more star locks, and the required power will increase exponentially. At least...

The brain in the control room responded to the commander's question.

Making all the weirdos laugh happily.

At this moment, the real dragon on the screen also began to exert force, stretching the layers of ropes on its body a little and then being tightly bound.

This made the real dragon look a little annoyed.

hold head high!!!

He opened his mouth and roared, and even if the sound was not heard, people could still feel the power in it.



The real dragon exerted force again, and all the star locks that bound him broke in an instant!

this moment.

The voice of Zhinao in the command room sounded again.

Based on preliminary calculations, breaking away from the six star locks requires at least 150 billion tons of force.

The electronic sound is still cold, but it makes people feel a chill to the bone.

150 billion tons... The dragon in front of me has more than 150 billion tons of power? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can there be such brute force in such a body!

Does he think he is that kind of star beast with a body size of nearly 10,000 meters? This kind of power ratio is simply impossible! Damn it!

This guy! Is he a legendary dragon like that rainbow dragon?

What now? Do we want to continue to capture this real dragon?

Damn! Miscalculation! Let's retreat temporarily!

The commander frowned and shouted.

He quickly ordered the broken star lock to be taken back.

Be ready to turn around and flee.

But at this time, the real dragon grabbed the broken star lock with one claw, and then pulled hard!

Peng! Boom! Boom!

In the battleship command room, many of the weirdos were thrown away, either hitting the top floor, hitting the wall next to them, or hitting the command panel directly.

For a time, wailing sounds continued to sound in the battleship.

Only a few weirdos shone with silvery-white light, and their bodies remained motionless.

But their faces turned livid!

Just because they watched helplessly, the spaceship they were in was pulled by the dragon and actually hit the real dragon!

The battleship wanted to resist under the control of Zhinao.

But this kind of resistance was too weak, like the contrast between a three-year-old child and an adult strong man.

There was no resistance at all for even a second!

He flew towards the opponent as if flying!

at the moment of impact.

The real dragon stretched out its claws and grabbed the entire hull of the battleship to remove the impact.

Then he slowly poked his huge head toward the battleship's detection port.

In the command room, a star-like eye occupies the entire screen, making people feel even more frightened.

Hateful! This true dragon is far more powerful than we thought! At least it is a monster at the level of a great wizard! Quick! Zhi Nao, send a signal to the nearest force in the empire, requesting rescue!

We must hold back this real dragon as much as possible here.

The commander shouted excitedly.

Zhinao responded calmly.

Outside the battleship, at the rear.

A beam of light invisible to the naked eye suddenly shot out and headed toward the northeast.

At this moment, the giant dragon on the big screen suddenly moved his head away from the detector and turned to look to the other side.

that side.

Surprisingly, this is the direction from which the distress signal was just sent!

Damn it! He can't see the distress signal, can he? If so, we will be dead!

The commander said extremely nervously.

Zhi Nao, tell us how long it will take for the signal to reach the nearest force.

The distress signal is sent by beam and it will take at least 48 hours. Commander, please wait patiently.

Damn it, 48 hours! I have to stabilize this real dragon!

He took a deep breath.

He quickly said:

Zhi Nao, convert what I want to say next into brain wave information and send it to this real dragon. I must have a good talk with him.

Use my wisdom to hold him back!

Copy that, Commander.

Hello, dear, Your Excellency True Dragon from the world of Io, this is the Bailegang Empire resource collection ship No. 98515.

I am Captain Ou Chen Wu Xing. I am honored to meet the great and wise Lord True Dragon in the vast starry sky.

There seems to be some small misunderstanding between us.


Outside the battleship, the real dragon looked stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank, as if he had seen the inside of the battleship, and he fixed his gaze on Ou Chen Wu Xing.

This real dragon can see me?

Captain Ou Chen Wu Xing's heart froze as he couldn't help but have this thought.

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