The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 190 Ten Years

The seventh level of hell.

The whole hell is in shambles.

In the central area of ​​​​the God War, the earth was almost completely destroyed and melted, and it was at least dozens of kilometers lower than it was at the beginning.

The bright yellow sun hangs high in the sky and shines on the earth.

Next to Him, there is a rock giant hundreds of kilometers high, as well as several gods shrouded in divine light.

In the seventh level of hell at this moment, there is almost no trace of the devil.

This war.

It was the side of the Morning Sun that won.

After the Evil Dragon God, Tiamat, retreated with Sarafini, the devil side lost its strongest combat power and was naturally no match for the gods. They were beaten back and forth, and finally a devil monarch fell. Only then did he escape from the seventh level of hell.

As for Chen Xiyang, they also lost the possibility of continuing their pursuit.

the reason is simple.

These devil monarchs have already fled to other levels of hell. Continuing to pursue them will attract more and stronger hell monarchs.

Similarly, this time, they have achieved half of their goal.

Destroy evil.

Kill almost most of the devils in the seven levels of hell, as well as a devil monarch and the evil dragon named Rand Saphis Oakburn!

These results were enough to satisfy Chen Xiyang, and they were worthy of joining him in the crusade against the evil gods.

This thought reaches one of His thirty-eight stars.

A user with super space power appeared in front of him.

Seeing the disappointed expression of this capable man, Chen Xiyang's soul was slightly shaken.

He asked with some uneasiness:

Armidock, do you seem to have something you want to say to me?

Great Morning Sun, I... have committed a great crime. Morosik, Cooper, Agarshado, Terry Anghuis... who fought with me against the evil dragon... they... all died in the evil... In the hands of Dragon Rand Safis Oakburn.

I have no power to protect them...I am the one who harmed them.

A user of the power of space, Armitok lowered his head like a defeated rooster, looking extremely depressed.

This is impossible!

After Chenxi Yangyang heard the words, he immediately said in shock, and the flames that had been restrained all over his body jumped violently and leaked out.

He forced some of the weaker ones around him to retreat.

Armitok faced the temperature of at least hundreds of thousands of people, even if it was just leaked, he had no resistance.

The water in the body was drained out in an instant, becoming shriveled and shriveled, almost killing him instantly.

This scene made Chen Xiyang quickly calm down, and at the same time, a magical spell was shed, restoring Amidok.

He was a little surprised and said:

The evil dragon Rand Saffis Oakburn was only slightly stronger than Leonius more than a year ago.

How could he be the opponent of more than a dozen of you?

No matter how amazing this evil dragon's growth is, it is impossible to achieve this.

There was so much certainty in His voice.

Until the void twisted, and a mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shantia, who transformed into a rock giant hundreds of kilometers high, said gently from the side:

My dear Chenxi! Don't be angry or lose your mind because of this.

It's easy to know the real answer, just look at this mirror of the void.

It brings everything Armiddock has experienced before to us.

As Shantia's words fell.

A clear picture slowly appeared in the Void Mirror.

In the picture, Armitock ducked in front of the evil dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn and launched a fierce attack on him.

The gods watched as Armitok used the power of space to cut large incisions out of Rand's body, causing the opponent to bleed continuously without revealing any trace of abnormality.

Rand didn't show any surprise at how quickly he could recover from his wounds.

But when he saw that his head had been cut open and his brains were leaking out, but he still seemed to be fine as if he had suffered ordinary injuries, and taunted Armitock with his backhand, he couldn't help it anymore:

An evil dragon actually had a recovery ability comparable to that of a god before he became a god? Sure enough, as Chenxi Taiyang said, this guy has the potential to become the second evil dragon god.

Some gods marveled.

I knew he had strong resilience, but I didn't expect him to be so exaggerated. From this point of view, this evil dragon has no so-called fatal weakness at all.

However, the strength he showed at the moment was only suppressed by Armitok...

Yes, under the great morning sun, I am not afraid of this evil dragon normally, but...what I didn't expect is...that he can transform into a blazing sun just like the great morning sun. …

The power that exploded in that instant was simply not something we could resist head-on.

Most of my friends died due to this move.

Incarnate into the blazing sun?

The surrounding gods were stunned.

As the picture on the mirror shook, a scene appeared directly of Rand transforming into the sun, vaporizing nearly half of the surrounding masters, and pursuing them wildly.

See this scene.

All the gods looked towards the morning sun again:

Under the morning light, can you explain to us what is going on?

I remember what you told us before, right?

In the abyss, you almost killed the evil dragon with one move, but you were unlucky and were stopped by two gods of the abyss and the evil god, but you also seriously injured the other party...

But now it seems that what you said may be very wrong. A dragon that can transform into the blazing sun, I don't think he will be afraid of your solar power.

...He can actually turn into the blazing sun. Was he just pretending before? Is he deliberately showing me weakness? The damn evil dragon is so cunning! I must admit that I underestimated him!

Dawn Sun's voice revealed annoyance.

I had known this! I should have personally taken action to kill this evil dragon!

No! If you take action yourself, I'm afraid you won't be able to kill him within a period of time! His attributes are exactly the same as yours, and his resistance to high temperatures will be terrifyingly high.

Plus, look what that is! Shangtia's gentle voice sounded again.

Remind all gods and powerful beings around you to continue looking into the mirror.

Amydock was still attacking and containing the evil dragon.

But a piece of strange energy appeared on the evil dragon's body. After wrapping the evil dragon, it disappeared instantly.

As a god, the morning sun is naturally very familiar with this strange power.

That is the power from the abyss!

That evil dragon actually directly used the power of the abyss in hell, and transferred itself away with almost no spellcasting.

This kind of thing.

He couldn't help but exclaimed:

This evil dragon! He is the selector of the Will of the Abyss! He is the reserve of the Demon Prince!

Damn it! The potential of this evil dragon may exceed our expectations!

He may be a more evil and terrifying existence than Tiamat's daughter!

We must kill him!

But what to do next? That guy is the selector of the Will of the Abyss. We can't use any power at all to get the information we want from the Will of the Abyss.

No matter what, we will issue a wanted order to all our forces! As long as someone can provide information about the evil dragon.

I am willing to give two real artifacts and the blood essence of a demon that I once collected as reward.

Finally, the morning sun said so.

Soon, wanted orders were issued in hell, the world of Io, the abyss, the star realm, and the alien plane where the power of the gods spread.

Unknown plane.

In the endless and deep starry sky of the universe, messy 'tiny' meteorites can be seen everywhere.

Floating, looking a little confused.

Endless distant stars exude light.

Bring a little light to the dark universe.

A red portal appeared in the sky above a bright yellow planet that looked like it was made of dust.

A giant dragon with a red body, more than five hundred meters long, two pairs of dragon wings and a wingspan of nearly a thousand meters slowly emerged from it.

This dragon is of course Rand.

According to the coordinates provided by Tiamat, Rand came to the Antoli plane.

He looked around confusedly, with a look of confusion on Long's face.

what's the situation?

What the hell were the coordinates given by Tiamat's old female dragon? Why do you appear in this place where there is no place for birds to poop?

Look at the space around you!

The rubbish planet beneath him looked like it was made of dust, standing out as a piece of waste and useless.

There are some other planets around, but with Rand's evil eyes, there is no sign of living things at all.

Even some useless things.

Didn't that Tiamat guy want him to go to Dordorus and find the iridescent dragon Sindry Okdom Della?

Can't you just give him the coordinates of Dordorus?

Or is there a hidden barrier around it, hiding Dordorus?

But this shouldn’t be possible! What kind of barrier can deceive his evil eye?

He was a little confused and yelled loudly on the spot, but still didn't find anything unusual or get a response.

Instead, the constant roaring and the battle just made him feel a little hungry, and he was going to add some food.

But there was no suitable one around, so he could only spray flames, push his body closer to a meteorite, and use them as food to fill his stomach.

After eating a meteorite with a diameter of about three hundred meters, Rand felt that his energy was almost restored.

Then he began to think.

What should I do at this moment?

But after thinking for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Follow Tiamat's words and seek out Dordorus?

Please, how does he know where the destination is?

To find a living creature and ask for directions?

It's better to sleep in here!

After all, this world is what Tiamat calls a restricted area for the gods.

The powerful beings inside should at least not be weaker than the gods.

And this plane is huge!

It's not an ordinary small plane at all.

It is not as special as the world of Io. The bright star world is only as big as the solar system.

But the total number of the various divine kingdoms and attached alien planes is much larger than the solar system. This also makes the strength of the Io world abnormally exceed his own strength.

The plane in front of him, even with his Evil God Eyes, could not see the boundary.

In this case, it is not safe to search randomly.

After all, his own strength is indeed infinitely stronger than that of ordinary creatures.

But having just witnessed the power of the gods, Rand also knew that there was still a big gap between himself and those guys.

If that's the case, then why should we face the risk of encountering a strong person and look for some bullshit Dordorus?

Wouldn't it be nice to stay here?

Anyway, living in the starry sky, he can't starve to death!

Prepare to pay attention.

Rand flew to a nearby meteorite and cursed in his heart:

Damn Dawn Sun Lathander! Just wait for me! Wait for me to sleep for a thousand years, then I'll go back and slap you to death with my paw, you bastard!

While thinking to himself.

He closed his eyes and began to rest.

So, one month passed quickly.

In this short period of one month.

However, Rand received a message that surprised him in his sleep.

[Fame] VIII!

Your fame spreads across countless planes due to wanted orders from Lathander, the Morning Sun, and some gods from the good alignment.

Life on countless planes knows your name.

Proclaimed by Lathander, the Morning Sun.

Rand Safis Oakbourne.

An evil dragon among evil dragons, it likes to eat all intelligent creatures alive, likes to kill everything and enslave everything. It is the ultimate evil dragon with heinous crimes.

You are the archetypal villain.

Countless lives are afraid of you.

These will all turn into your potential.

Potential +8”

Physical growth: 210

Your physical growth exceeded 210, and you gained 1 point of talent.

Will you use 1 talent point to enhance an existing talent, or unlock a new talent?

Rand was confused when he received this message. After cursing that bastard in Lathander for a long time, he felt that this was not a bad thing?

At least that idiot in Lathander helped him gain 8 potential points, gained new talent points again, and enhanced his strength, right?

As for the extra talent point, Rand was not in a hurry to use it this time.

Instead, he chose to keep it for now.

After all, according to the urine properties of the system, he can guess that unlocking new talent points next time may require 270 physical points.

This is no small sum of money.

Talents cannot be added randomly. It is best to return to the world of Io, integrate the technological planes such as Duolan Star, refer to the opinions of some scholars and spellcasters, and choose the one that is most suitable for him in a direction.

Anyway, Rand is not in a hurry now.

Just keep taking your time.

But this month.

He consumed a lot of food, or rather meteorites.

Perhaps because he was in the starry sky of the universe, Rand discovered that although there was still energy around him in this environment, compared to some planets with active life, the energy absorbed by the body of the evil god and the catastrophic field was really pitiful.

This will increase the amount of food he needs to eat.

Just one month.

He eats almost every three days.

Each meal requires the consumption of a 300-meter-diameter meteorite.

After a month, the consumption is really not small.

So, half a year passed quickly.

In the past six months, he has actually unlocked new achievements!


Gain 9 potential points.

Increased physical growth to 219!

This is also the credit of Lathander!

This guy really went to great lengths to promote his terror!

Faced with this situation, Rand's hatred for Lathander suddenly decreased a lot, and instead found the idiot cute.

He even wanted to sing a song in front of Him.

Listen to me thank you!

because of you!

Warms my heart!

Make me stronger!

In this regard, Rand just wanted to say to him! Work harder!

And Lathander lived up to Rand's expectations.

Three years later, he helped him unlock [Fame] X.

Let his physique increase to 229!

However, the next stage of unlocking may not be so easy.

But time is still passing.

Soon, it has been ten years since Rand came to this world!

On this day, it was a silent no-man’s land.

An unexpected guest appears.

A thousand-meter-long airship made entirely of cold white metal suddenly slowly emerged from a dark wormhole.

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