The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 192 This Monster

Misunderstanding? Is that so? Hehe hehe...

An inexplicable sound came into the command room.

The sound is loud and loud, and there is an inexplicable sense of oppression. After hearing it, people can't help but feel frightened.

They understand that this is the sense of oppression coming from the huge gap in life levels.

Just like a cat meowing at a mouse, the mouse will be instinctively afraid.

Who is speaking?

Ou Chen Wu Xing was shocked and looked at the big screen.

The real dragon was looking at him with strange eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. it you who is talking?

Ouchen Wuxing's heart skipped a beat. .

The battleship obviously has anti-magic measures, which can prevent ordinary extraordinary power from extending into the interior of the battleship, but why...

Sure enough, the monster in front of me is too strong.


At this moment.

The door to the command room was opened.

A somewhat dissatisfied voice came:

Captain Ouchen Wuxing! Tell me what happened just now? Why did it cause the entire battleship to shake?

Sure enough, a waste without wizard talents can't even control and command a battleship! snort!

The words fell.

A strange man with the same head and body slowly floated into the battleship.

This strange man was wearing a jet black robe.

Various patterns and symbols are engraved on it.

Especially the runes on the chest are the most eye-catching.

This is the text of the Bailegang Empire, which means intermediate.

This is an intermediate wizard certified by the empire.

Captain Ou Chen Wu Xing couldn't help but look at the visitor's chest after the visitor appeared. A trace of envy flashed in his eyes, but at the same time, he was very dissatisfied with the visitor's arrogance. He frowned and shouted:

Your Excellency Tole Fanxing! This is not the place you should be! Pay attention to your identity! I am the captain of this battleship!

When facing Captain Ou Chen Wu Xing's question, Tole looked disdainful.

With a condescending aura, he drifted forward slowly, minding his own business.

However, after he saw the giant dragon on the big screen, he couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face and said:

You actually met a real dragon? Well done, Captain Ou Chen Wu Xing! As an incompetent apprentice, you are quite lucky!

When I capture this true dragon, the Fanxing family will record your achievements.

Tuole said to himself, and the strange power in his body spread.


In the command room, some weird guys appeared on some split screens.

Each of these weird guys were wearing silver-blue armor and leaning towards the real dragon.

Wait! Tole Fanxing! What are you doing? You actually ordered the escort to leave the battleship without authorization? You are defying the laws of the empire! You are defying me, the captain!

Damn it! You idiots! Come back to me quickly!

The captain looked angry and yelled.

The Tuole wizard on the side said disdainfully: Your Majesty, Captain, your cowardice shocks me. You would actually face a beast with such an attitude?

I should be the Imperial warriors! Beat that beast hard for me! Then capture him and bring him back to the empire!


The captain was suffocated and wanted to curse

But none of this can stop the outside world. Those armored monsters in the starry sky attack the real dragon.

Almost in an instant, these dozen figures sprayed out a layer of air, and they came to the real dragon with great momentum!

Next comes the attack!

Wizard Tole thought.

But the result was very different from what he thought.

These dozen figures did not launch attacks at all. Instead, they were like flies, spinning around the body of the real dragon at extremely fast speeds. Their speed was so fast that layers of phantoms appeared, which made people feel a little bit confused. Can't see clearly.

But why not attack?

This scene made Wizard Tole stunned, and he immediately cursed:

You idiots! What are you still doing there? Attack quickly! Get rid of that beast!

Finish scolding people.

Wizard Tole himself was stunned first.

Because he also discovered something was wrong.

The picture on the screen jumped again, perfectly integrating the real dragon and the dozen armored figures on the same screen.

Therefore, Tole Wizard can compare the gap between the two more intuitively.

The armor, which should have been five meters high, looked like a little fly next to the real dragon. big...does this real dragon have the blood of a star beast?

Wizard Tole murmured a sentence with a bit of shock in his voice.

So you idiot, do you still have to deal with this guy?

The captain said angrily.


The real dragon's eyes on the screen turned slightly, as if he felt a little unhappy because of the sudden appearance of flies around him.

Suddenly the four wings spread out.

The starry sky within tens of kilometers around him actually started to shake.

Layers of black material began to appear, like dark clouds.


boom! ! !

All of a sudden.

A bolt of purple lightning appeared out of thin air and struck one of the armors.


The entire armor was glowing, and the whole body was wrapped with electric light.

It looks extremely scary.

But soon, these lightnings disappeared, and the movement of the armor didn't even stagnate.

This scene made the real dragon frown slightly.

In the command room.

Wizard Tuole was stunned for a moment, then immediately changed his words and said with a smile:

It seems like this real dragon isn't that good either.

Although his body is bigger, his strength is not.

The power used was also too primitive.

Actually using ordinary thunder witchcraft to deal with the Imperial Sorcerer Armor?

Doesn't this idiot know that every battle armor comes with a five-element energy decomposition, absorption and transformation device?

If the intensity does not exceed the intermediate level of witchcraft, oh, it is a 10th-level spell, but it cannot cause any damage to the armor.

The drag wizard smiled smugly.

Then he said:

3542, 3543, 3544...

Stop hiding and attack this beast!

The empire's battle armor cannot be shaken by a beast using low-level magic!

Finally, he gave the order.

Wait! Stop it! the captain on the side yelled.

However, none of the dozens of armored soldiers outside paid attention to him.

Instead, he immediately launched an attack on the real dragon.

One piece of armor removed the wrist of its right arm, exposing the muzzle.

The next moment, a burst of blue energy blasted out.


The energy beam directly blocked a meteorite in front of him, with a diameter of at least about a hundred meters, and finally landed on the real dragon's eyeball.

The power of this blow will definitely not be lower than that of an ordinary ten-ring spell!

Another armor raised its right arm high, and a long sword suddenly poked out, vibrating at a frequency invisible to the naked eye. With a gentle swing, it shook some small stones that accidentally fell onto it into powder.

The entire figure turned into an afterimage and struck hard on the real dragon's head.

Several other mechas opened their chests and fired out rays of different colors.

The effects of these rays are also different, some are weakening, some are dissolving, some are hypnotic, some are doubling the pain, etc.

They seemed to see the target appear in pain under these attacks.

Unfortunately, the result left them disappointed and even a little shocked.

The energy cannon that hit the eyeballs couldn't even penetrate the real dragon's eyelids. It only caused some color changes and wisps of smoke to appear on his eyelids.

But the sword blade that struck him was broken directly.

Half of the sword blade floated slowly in the void.

When the real dragon faced this attack, the look on its face became more and more impatient.

next moment.

Among the four unfolded wings, blazing white spots slowly lit up.

Seeing this, the captain was horrified and shouted:

Wait! Your Excellency Zhenlong! This is all a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! Please don't be impulsive.

You actually want to fight back? How brave!

But do you know who you are facing?

Blessed by the Legang Empire! The greatest empire on the Antoli plane!

He is also the master who occupies 60% of the resources of the entire plane!

Are you sure you want to take action against us? In that case, you will definitely die!

Wizard Tole was still proud, with a hint of warning in his voice.

Asshole! Shut up! There are no titled wizards in this area of ​​influence! How dare you say such harsh words!

Are you really not afraid of death at all?

The captain shouted, almost crying.

You have no right to yell in front of me! It's you who should shut up! A fool who is over fifty but is still a wizard apprentice! You have no right to speak in front of me!

Wizard Tole was furious, and the energy in his body exploded.

The captain was suppressed to the ground in one fell swoop, leaving the other party as embarrassed as a mad dog.

This made the captain so angry that he fainted without even taking a breath.

Among the stars.

The dragon completely ignored the two people in the battleship who were fighting among themselves.

It was only after the wings accumulated full energy that they suddenly exploded.

Tens of thousands of bright rays of light flashed together, and endless beams of light rushed towards the armors like flies.

In an instant, these armors that were constantly dodging were submerged in endless brilliance!

On the armored body, the shield originally used to absorb, transform and decompose the energy of the five elements was shattered after resisting for no more than one second. The dozens of armored bodies flickered as if they wanted to escape.

But facing tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of light beams, it is still powerless.

He was hit quickly and then died.

Boom boom boom boom!

These dozen humanoid battle armors exploded into balls of sparks.

The endless beam of light did not disappear.

Instead, it continues to spread toward the distance. This spread is extremely fast, nearly a hundred times the speed of sound.

All meteorites swept away are being annihilated.

The whole scene was horrifying.

Wizard Tole's face twitched when he witnessed everything in the battleship.

Is this real dragon stupid? If you have such a powerful move, just use it! Why hold it in! This makes me talk a lot, it’s so embarrassing...

He wanted to say something.

But the real dragon once again set its sights on the battleship. After that, Wizard Tole felt that the cab began to vibrate and compress.

“Didi didi~ Warning! Warning!

The outside of the battleship is under tremendous pressure and is suffering damage!

Preliminary estimates put the force index at more than 300 billion tons...


In the command room, on the console, buttons, speakers, and screens began to flash, sparks, and even exploded.

“Didi didi, warning! Warning!

The control circuit is damaged, the defense engineering is damaged, and the energy panel is damaged... The battleship is expected to be completely destroyed and exploded in 38 seconds. Please leave the internal staff as soon as possible... Please leave the internal staff as soon as possible...

Power exceeds 300 billion tons? Damn it! What the hell is this?

How could a dragon have this power?

Is he a 10,000-meter star beast? Damn it!

Hearing Zhinao's report, Wizard Tole's heart trembled.

He didn't dare to speak anymore. The energy in his body surged and disappeared immediately.

Among the stars.

Rand stretched out a pair of forelimbs and bent the kilometer-long battleship from the middle. Then he grabbed both ends and exerted force suddenly, causing the entire battleship to continue to squeeze and become smaller, with a sickly smile on his lips.


A series of sparks kept jumping around the entire battleship, as if they were about to explode.

But Rand didn't care at all.

Until outside the battleship, figures wearing armor and a few weirdos shrouded in shields appeared. After these guys appeared, they ran wildly around.

Maybe it's because of the vacuum.

Each of these guys is incredibly fast, at least twenty or thirty times the speed of sound.

But Rand sneered at this.

He didn't pay attention, and just continued to exert force until the entire battleship was crushed into an iron ball about a hundred meters away, and then he watched it explode with a bang.

Just started taking action.

The four wings spurted out tail flames with a length of more than thirty kilometers, and suddenly sprang out!

At this moment, his body almost truly turned into a ray of light, a light that could not be seen with the naked eye!

At this moment, his speed suddenly reached more than a hundred times the speed of sound!

The next second! Two hundred times! Three hundred times! Five hundred times! A thousand times!

In the vacuum environment, his speed increased dramatically! It has reached a level that was previously unimaginable!

Within a moment, the streamer of Rand's incarnation came into contact with a fugitive.

At this moment, the steel armor and body worn by the fugitive exploded into powder, floating in the starry sky.

As for Rand himself, his head also exploded into a twenty to thirty meter hole at this extreme speed.

Countless blood was spilled.

The whole body continued to hit the distance without slowing down!

It hit an asteroid not far away.

This small star is at least several thousand kilometers in diameter, comparable to the moon in previous generations.

Rand's entire body hit it directly!

huge explosion erupts

This planet, which is comparable in size to the moon, is completely shattered!

Large chunks of gravel shot out at dozens or hundreds of times the speed of sound!

In the distance, the weirdos who were still on the run also discovered the situation of the real dragon that had just been chasing them.

Everyone was a little stunned.

I don’t know what this dragon is doing.

But this does not prevent them from being happy.

Wizard Tuole looked at the center of the explosion and laughed:

Where did this idiot real dragon come from? Don't you even know the function of force? How dare you hit objects at such a speed! It's so damn good! Hahaha! Ahahaha! This is the fate of the enemy of the Baile Gang Empire!

Not even the will of the world will protect you! Ha ha ha ha!

etc! he! He... what's going on?

Half laughing.

Wizard Tole felt that something was wrong.

The center of the explosion.

The giant dragon's body looked full of scars at this moment, and even half of its head was missing.

But he still slowly twisted his body and looked over!

That one eye was particularly conspicuous in the dark starry sky, watching him silently...

This guy...isn't even dead?

Wizard Tole couldn't help but gasp, and the chill in his heart increased greatly.

Something even more terrifying happened immediately.

The body of the real dragon quickly recovered, and its other eye also appeared.

Then, he chased them again!

One hundred times the speed of sound! Two hundred times the speed of sound!

He seemed to have learned the lesson, just maintaining about two hundred times the speed of sound and kept advancing!

The stones he smashed into pieces could no longer cause him any harm!

This monster!

Wizard Tole was shocked and angry.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The red meteors were like the grim reaper, constantly passing through the space, taking away the lives of one escapee after another.

These guys, whose speed is only twenty or thirty times the speed of sound, cannot easily escape from Rand's hands.

Soon, there was only one survivor left, and this survivor turned out to be Wizard Tole.

He stood blankly on a floating meteorite

There was no intention of continuing to escape.

A face that was originally full of pride was now as uncomfortable as eating.

He knew that with his own speed, he would not be able to escape from Rand. In that case, why should he escape?

He slowly raised his hands and made a surrender gesture common to most planes.

call out! !

It was only at this moment that the beam of light formed by Rand began to decrease, and finally stopped in front of him.

The monster, which was a thousand meters long, and the little man, who was only about two meters tall, stared at each other.

After a while, Wizard Tuole swallowed his saliva and said with some embarrassment:

Dear Lord True Dragon, I would like to say hello to Tole Fanxing of the Bailegang Empire. I think there must be many misunderstandings between us. The voice was transmitted to Rand's mind through magic.

The words were filled with a feeling of spring breeze.

Mortal, I still like you who were so unruly just now, please recover.

The real dragon looked at him and said something strange.


When Tuole heard this, his face twitched. He felt that the dragon in front of him was playing tricks on him!

I felt a little angry.

But in the spirit of a good man not to suffer immediate losses, he still smiled and said:

You're kidding me. No matter how unruly and rebellious he is, he will always maintain due respect when facing a strong person like you.

I think you are so powerful that you are approaching the title of wizard. Why don't you join me in the Bile Gang Empire?

We, the Baile Gang Empire, are the strongest force in the Antoli plane. In the endless planes, there are tens of thousands of affiliated alien planes with endless resources.

Just join me and wait.

Maybe you can become as powerful as a titled wizard, and then you can travel across the universe and endless planes.

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