The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 189 Sudden Acceptance and Parting

But at this moment, Rand discovered that something seemed wrong!

Threads of red and bright yellow flames turned into countless threads and continued to enter the body of the burning man in front of him.

This guy is absorbing the power of his fire!

This made Rand within the sun determined to deal with this eyesore first.

Immediately a thought came to my mind.

The catastrophic field that was moving along with him suddenly erupted with endless thunder in the sky, drowning the burning man.

But after Thunder disappeared.

Pyro remained unscathed.

The attributes of thunder and fire are too similar, and they both rely on high temperature to kill enemies.

Obviously, this fireman is the least afraid of high temperatures!

At this moment, Pyro's bright eyes and curved mouth seemed to be mocking the stupidity of Rand's behavior just now.

This can't help but make Rand inside even more annoyed.

However, Rand is not completely helpless against this kind of guy.

A hole will be opened for the sun.

The powerful wind pressure of more than ten or twenty times the speed of sound suppressed the burning man, pushing the unsuspecting man directly into the sudden gap!

Almost instantly, he fell into a dark tunnel!

This is Rand's mouth!

After falling into the dragon's mouth, the burning man immediately realized that something was wrong. A terrifying power of decomposition enveloped his whole body, seeming to disintegrate him.

He roared angrily, exploding all his strength in an attempt to burn the space where he was, but it had no effect at all.

He is immune to flames, but he is far from capable of erupting as terrifyingly high as the sun's fire...

In just a few moments, Pyro ushered in his own end and was completely digested by the Abyss Furnace.

The only thing left was his unwilling roar, echoing in Rand's stomach.

After digesting Pyro.

Rand felt a huge power of fire, which was replenished throughout his body, restoring most of the magic power he had consumed in about ten seconds when he transformed into the sun.

He continued to pursue the fugitives.

However, he also found that he could not catch up easily, so he rationally gave up the pursuit and began to burn the portal.

But at this time, the former spatial ability user once again appeared in front of Rand without fear of death, destroying his work like a fly!

Rand was furious, but also helpless.

Just when he was wondering whether he should continue to mess with this fly.

A voice sounded in his mind.

Rand! Call to the will of the abyss and let him send you back to the abyss!

I can see, Rand, that you are a reserve demon prince chosen by the will of the abyss! You have this ability.

The fighting here is not good for me, and I have to protect Sarafini.

Now it’s time to give up hell and return to the Kingdom of God! You also leave here immediately!

After arriving in the abyss, immediately go to the Antoli plane with the coordinates of the XXXXXXXX plane, and go to Dordorus to find the rainbow dragon Sindry Okdom Della. She will teach you how to survive in that plane.

That lunatic in Lathander has gone completely crazy! Even if you continue to stay in the abyss, no matter where you stay, He will never give up hunting you!

The only way is to go to the alien plane Antoli! That is the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods!

It was the voice of Tiamat's old female dragon.

Rand's heart was shocked, and he suddenly looked back, looking across hundreds of thousands of kilometers to the battlefield where the gods were.

The divine light there almost drowned everything, and countless space cracks filled the air.

He saw that the old female dragon Tiamat was constantly besieged by the Morning Sun and Chantia in order to protect Sarafini, and she actually shed traces of the dragon god's blood.

But this kind of injury goes away as quickly as it comes.

As the dragon god, Tiamat's resilience does not seem to be much worse than Rand, who has the body of a primary evil god.

The real battle between the two sides will inevitably be a protracted battle.

However, this old female dragon needs to protect Sarafini...

Tsk tsk tsk.

Rand was miles away.

The user of the power of space is still using space rifts to add insignificant wounds to him.

At the same time, he continued to curse and provoke:

Damn evil dragon! Do you think you can defeat justice like this? Don't even think about it! If you have the ability, kill me too! Come on! Kill me! This way I will recognize your power!

Stupid bugs! I don't have time to play with you right now.

Rand glanced at the other party and growled.

At the same time, he initiated communication in his heart with the will of the abyss that has been lingering in his mind.

Send me back to the sixteenth level of the abyss!

The moment this message was delivered.

Rand's dragon body was completely wrapped in a strange, warm energy.

He did not resist this force, but continued to be run by it.

In just a moment, he disappeared with his dragon body.

The space power user who was still attacking Rand on the spot was stunned for a moment.

Several spatial cracks crossed the space after Rand disappeared and fell to the ground, cutting out bottomless cracks silently.

He actually ran away? Leaving this plane? How did he do it? If he could do it from the beginning, why not just run away?

Could it be that everything before was a trap for him? He seduced me into teleporting my friends to him and killing them together?

I...I killed my companion?

When the user of the power of space thought of this, his mentality became a little jumpy.

He breathed one after another and shook his head:

No! That's not it! It's not my fault! Everything is the evil dragon's fault!

Damn Evil Dragon, the city is so deep! He cheated on me and got my partner killed!

Ah ah ah ah ah! Rand Safis Oakburn I can't spare you!

he roared furiously.

The spatial ability above the body is constantly surging.

But a few seconds later, his figure was still in place, motionless.

His expression became very strange:

What's going on? Is that space rejecting my ability? Has the evil dragon left the Io plane? Has it gone to a different world?

I...I failed after all...

I betrayed the trust under the morning sun.

A look of deep annoyance appeared on his face, and he knelt on the ground with a dejected expression.

The sixteenth level of the abyss.

A certain devil city.

There are many houses made of bones and mud here.

The whole style is ferocious and bloody.

Thousands of demons live here.

Demon City.

Grassland area.

A group of bull-headed trolls ranging from 1.5 to 5 meters in height gathered together, sitting on benches made of giant beast skulls, drinking red blood and looking at the center.

There, there were two bull-headed trolls, only about three meters tall. It was obvious at first glance that they were minors, using huge battle axes comparable to their own heights to attack each other.

Their battle axes were each wrapped with flames and deep darkness, unlike the normal power from the abyss.

The sound of clang, clang, clang, clang kept echoing.

This is a competition held every five years within the Minotaur Troll clan to demonstrate their own strength and obtain the highest priority for mating with females of the same clan.

Hahaha! Ah Man's fire elemental power seems to be practiced very well. Look! Every strike is like a thunder and fire explosion. It is extremely powerful, comparable to a third-ring fire spell, right?

It seems that as long as you reach adulthood, you might be able to enter the legendary level!

Aman is really powerful. He can be regarded as a genius that our family has rarely seen in hundreds of years.

Heijiao is not bad either. He practices the power of the dark element and dissolves Aman's fire element. For a genius like Aman, it is not easy to win.

The bull-headed trolls who were watching were commenting and laughing, appearing to be enjoying themselves.



The sky split open at this moment.

A huge figure suddenly appeared from the sky and fell to the ground!

The huge figure loomed over the heads of these bull-headed trolls, making their bull's eyes almost pop out of their sockets, and each of them shouted:

Something fell! Run!

Just yell.

These bull-headed trolls each show their own special abilities.

The elemental power in his body surged, and each of them ran wildly in all directions.

But the shadows falling from the sky were not too high from the ground. Several bull-headed trolls did not escape the scope of the shadows at all, and things in the sky fell down!

These bull-headed trolls who had not yet escaped from the shadows were extremely frightened.

Boom! ! !

What is in the sky falls on the earth.

The entire land was vibrating, and cracks several meters wide spread in all directions.

Almost covering the earth.

Not...not dead...we...not dead?

A very young bull-headed troll, only two meters tall, trembled all over.

Next to him, there was also a bull-headed troll. The two of them were only twenty or thirty meters away from the light world at the moment. At some point, a huge red pillar appeared next to them.

This surprised one of the bull-headed trolls, and he looked up at the sky.

The red sky obscured his vision. He didn't know what it was that just fell, and he was a little curious.

So he and another companion beside him ran towards the bright world.

When they completely left the scope of the shadow, they were shocked to see the elders of the same clan looking at them with horrified expressions... No! Should they be looking behind them to see what just fell from the sky?

What did the elders see? Why are you so scared?

The two young bull-headed trolls became even more curious, turned around slowly, and then looked at the huge shadow behind them.

That's...a giant dragon?

Are there any dragons that big? How high is this height? Two hundred meters or three hundred meters?

he does not know.

Looking at the other party's pair of scarlet eyes that were looking at him lightly, which were much larger than their entire bodies, the young bull-headed troll's legs couldn't stop trembling.


Next to it, there was a strange sound.

He knew that his companions were frightened and fainted!

Great...great giant...

He opened his mouth to say something.

But at this time, a piece of fleshy tumor actually fell off from the giant dragon's wings, and with a swish, it shot directly into him.

After that, the tumor turned into thousands of strands of flesh and penetrated into the pores on his body.

No! Don't come in! Get out quickly! Get out! What do you want to do, Mr. Dragon?

He yelled in horror.

The roars of the same race also came from behind.

This powerful True Dragon Lord! Please let go of our people...

People of the same clan kept talking, sounding anxious in their voices.

But the giant dragon didn't seem to pay attention, and the elders of the same clan... didn't do anything further.

Just yelling over there.

Until the young minotaur's will completely disappeared.

The giant dragon, Rand, listened to the noisy sounds of the minotaurs around him and showed a hint of impatience.

He glanced at the group of bull-headed trolls.

There was a killing intent in his eyes.

Raise your paw, and the void will be struck with one paw.

Air bullets visible to the naked eye ejected and landed on a bull-headed troll.

Boom! ! !

Among the horrified expressions of all the bull-headed trolls.

Air bombs explode.

It is directly enveloped by hundreds of meters in radius.

When the space bomb completely disappeared, only a few of them fell to the ground covered in injuries, looking at Rand in horror.

The others had already been bombarded into minced meat.

In the distance, other demons in the demon city noticed Rand's sudden appearance, and flew over one by one to investigate the situation.

But when there were still several kilometers or even ten kilometers away, after seeing what Rand had just done, he didn't dare to move forward, and even turned around and ran away.

No matter how stupid the devil is, they all know that the dragon in front of them is not something they can mess with.

In hell, Rand, whose life was drained, had already exceeded the 500-meter mark.

Coupled with his extremely strong muscles and limbs, its strength is no worse than that of a 700-meter dragon, and it is even more powerful visually.

For most demons, dragons of this level have never been seen before and can only be heard of in some legends.


This kind of dragon can reach heights that only some legendary dragons or some Dragon God guards who have been specially cultivated by the Dragon God can achieve.

They are powerful, at least level 3 or 4 of epic level.

This kind of strength is beyond the reach of most lords in the abyss.

How dare they provoke these demons?

Seeing the recognition of these demons, Rand's bad mood finally improved a little.

He quickly opened the portal.

Controlling the young bull-headed troll, he stepped into it.

At this moment, Io world, Black King City.

Compared with before, there are many fewer players here.

Aboriginal people are still numerous.

Near the castle.

A red dragon with a dark red body and a length of more than sixty meters was lying on the ground with its eyes narrowed.

On top of her body, there were four dragons massaging her with all their limbs as if stepping on her breasts.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Then, Emily, be stronger! Did you not eat or something? Yes! Just be stronger like this.

And that someone, Emily's mother, push it up for me!

Emily's father pressed down.

Well, Grandpa Emily, you are a bit too strong! what you up to? Rebellion?

The dark red dragon lying on the ground muttered, but his voice couldn't help but become a little louder at the end.

The silver dragons behind him, which were all shining with silver, were startled and said quickly:

Dare not! Dare not! Great Red Dragon Queen, Your Excellency Fiona, we obey your orders.

Hmph! I'm sorry you little scumbags don't dare to resist this queen! Give me a good thumbs up!

The dark red dragon, Fiona, muttered again, lying on the ground and closing her eyes, trying to take a nap.

But that's it.

The magic power surged in front of her, and a plane portal appeared, awakening the little female dragon, and she quickly looked over.

Then he saw a bull-headed troll slowly emerging from the portal.

This bull-headed troll was very small, only over two meters tall. It looked like he was underage. After appearing, he looked at Fiona and the dragons on her back, and showed a hint of surprise:

Eh? Isn't this Emily? The other ones are your parents? I remember that you were not rescued by your grandfather when I left the Io plane before? Why are you here again?

You...who are you? What are you talking about?

Behind the little female dragon Fiona, a very beautiful silver dragon with bright silver all over its body showed a look of astonishment and asked.

She didn't remember her relationship with this kind of demon, nor did she think her name could spread into the abyss.

And what is this bull-headed troll talking about? Why can't I understand it at all?

Silver Dragon Emily looked confused.

Rand? Are you Rand? I feel a familiar aura on you.

The little female dragon stretched her neck and sniffed the bull-headed troll vigorously and said.

it's me.

He nodded slightly.

Are you Rand? How did you become a minotaur? Wait, did you use mind possession?

Silver Dragon Emily said in shock.

Shut up! You idiot! Rand is asking you now! Why are you talking so much nonsense?

The little female dragon was a little unhappy when she heard what Emily said. She flicked her tail extremely domineeringly and threw the silver dragon off its back.

Compared to more than ten years ago, the size of this silver dragon has not changed much.

So is strength.

Facing the little female dragon Fiona at this moment, she was no different from a weakling.

I, I understand.

Emily pursed her lips like a frustrated little daughter-in-law and said with a sad look on her face:

My father, mother, and I used to live in the Central Continent. We met the undead there. They swarmed us, defeated us, and then kidnapped us here.

Hehehe~ These cheap dragons escaped from our hands before, how could I let them go?

This time I returned to the world of Io and just issued a wanted notice.

I won it easily, how about it! Rand, am I awesome?

The little female dragon chuckled, looking like she was begging for praise.

Well done, you are already a better dragon than Tara and the others.

Rand nodded and glanced at the dragons again.

Ah ha ha ha... Sir Rand, it's been a long time no see. You brothers and sisters seem to be getting stronger and richer. Congratulations, congratulations.

Emily's father said with an embarrassed smile.

He's getting more and more handsome...hehehe... Emily's mother also laughed.

But Rand's face was twitching.

I'm using the body of a bull-headed troll now, and you praise me for being handsome? Have you seen what I look like now? Just bragging, right?

Who is the other old dragon?

Rand did not respond to the two silver dragons. Instead, he looked at a strange silver dragon.

I am Emily's grandfather.

Lao Long responded in a deep voice.

His body length is nearly thirty meters, and he is at least an old dragon or an extremely old dragon. The strength of this kind of dragon actually depends on more than just its size.

They survive for extremely long periods of time and are generally proficient in many spells.

So how did you get caught? Rand asked.

I was not captured by those undead people! But I heard Audrey say that Emily was captured by you again. She wanted to rescue her, but she was defeated by you, Bu Guo Long De!

Lao Long said expressionlessly.

You old thing! What do you mean by swarming me? Are you trying to put money on your face?

This red dragon queen will beat you until you scream and almost wet your scales.

You, an old guy, don't have much strength, but you have a lot of ability to escape. In the end, you were caught by my men. Is this called a swarm?

The little female dragon was disdainful and knocked the old dragon off its back with another tail.

If you fall into a trap, you will be beaten.

The angry old dragon's silver scales were filled with blood at the roots, as if he was about to transform into a red dragon.

Hmph! A five-color dragon like you is simply unreasonable!

Old Long said angrily.

Hmph~ I really didn't expect that after going around and around, all of your family is here. Forget it, go away now. You have nothing to do here for the time being.

Rand sneered.

When the little female dragon saw Rand's words, she summoned a group of dragon men and turned the silver dragons into elves and pressed them down.

It wasn't until there was no one around and Rand set up a soundproof barrier that he solemnly said:

Fiona, something happened on the other side of hell.

That guy from Lathander led the gods to attack the seven levels of hell, targeting me and Sarafini.

Now, I must leave the world of Io for a while.

Ah? Leaving the world of Io? Isn't this too sudden? Why on earth? That bastard Lathander! Why do you want to attack hell and cause trouble for you, Rand?

the little female dragon asked.

“With my relationship with Him, do I need a reason?

The fundamental problem of everything is still the lack of strength.

He sighed somewhat.

After all, I am still too young.

Even so, I'll go with you!

The little female dragon said quickly without even thinking about it.

No! You stay and settle the world of Io for me. This is also a time to test you. Don't refuse, if you can do it.

When I come back and find Dorothy, I will give you part of my share of divine power so that you can become stronger.

Far more powerful than Ed.


The little female dragon rolled her eyes when she heard this, and after a moment of silence, she said:

I...I understand, leave the world of Io to me! Don't worry about me taking care of things.

Time waits for you, dragon. Goodbye then. When I come back, I will send another clone to find you.

Rand said as he returned to the portal and disappeared.

at the same time.

Rand's true body, located on the sixteenth floor of the abyss, after recovering his own flesh and blood, also traveled to another world according to the coordinates given by Tiamat.

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