The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 188 The Big Sun

The speed of the gray space rift was beyond Rand's imagination.

Even with his evil god's eyes, he could only vaguely see that a large area of ​​gray color appeared on the void it passed through, followed by a pain in the chest and abdomen.

He lowered his head and looked, and saw that the scales on the chest and abdomen were cut open, revealing the flesh and blood inside, and wisps of blood slowly spilled out.

However, for Rand, this kind of injury went away as quickly as it came.

It only healed in an instant.

But it was enough to shock him.

This space rift invasion can be regarded as a spatial slash.

Space spells are indeed powerful.

But this does not mean that everything should be cut off.

To put it bluntly, any spell has different energy levels.

Just compare it with an ordinary flame.

Ordinary flames are only the lowest energy level.

The temperature of magma is generally lower than that of flame, but because its thermal conductivity is much higher than that of ordinary flame, it can be regarded as a median energy level.

Dragon Flame is a flame, but it has magical properties and its destructive power is far beyond that of ordinary flames. It can also be classified as a medium energy level.

But when the energy level is the same, the magnitude of the two will be compared.

And its temperature.

The temperature of dragon flames is far higher than that of ordinary flames, and its natural destructive power far exceeds that of ordinary magma.

And if the temperature of ordinary flames far exceeds that of magma and crushes magma by magnitude, it will naturally win in terms of destructive power.

And like Rand's own dragon scales.

As a solid scale armor, it has extremely high magic resistance, and it is at most a medium-to-high-level defensive material.

As for the power of space currently cutting his scales, in terms of cutting ability alone, its energy level is already comparable to or even surpasses divine power.

This is also the fundamental reason why Rand's scale armor was easily cut open.

However, although its energy level is high, its magnitude is very small, so it only cut open his scales and saw blood.

After cutting part of the muscles, the space cracks eventually disappeared due to exhaustion of energy...

Different from ordinary creatures.

Rand's muscles are not much stronger than scale armor.

Every muscle fiber in his body was trained through [Strength of Muscles and Bones], and its hardness far exceeds that of steel.

The weirdo who had just rewarded Rand with a few Space Rift shots showed a hint of surprise when he saw that his move only caused Rand to draw a little blood, but he recovered immediately.

Chi chi chi~ chi chi chi~

This weirdo with the power of space made a weird sound.

But at this time, Rand had no interest in using magic to distinguish what the other party said.

He raised his paw and slapped it towards the opponent!

Huge power, with terrifying energy, was shot directly.

Boom! ! !

The claws covered the ground fiercely.

The ground with a radius of dozens of kilometers was shaking under this force.

The impact, like a small nuclear explosion, lifted up several to ten meters of ground, spreading and wreaking havoc.

There was no trace of joy in Rand's eyes.

Because the feeling of the blow just now told him that he was empty-handed!

His gaze fell into the distance and he glanced lightly.

Rand saw that his attack target had appeared dozens of kilometers away.

The other party looked at the raging impact with a look of shock and solemnity. Just when the shock wave was about to hit him, he disappeared again and appeared above Rand's head.

Then, a 100-meter-long spatial rift struck at Rand's head!


Rand's head was completely cut open, down to his neck.

Some red and white things slowly flowed out from it.

Seeing this, the space monster in the sky couldn't help but smile.

But immediately, his heart beat heavily!

What did he see?

That evil dragon's head was completely cut open and split into two halves!

His brain was overflowing, and he actually slowly turned his head and gave him a mocking smile.

Chi chi chi~ chi chi chi~

What's going on? Why is it completely different from the information? Why is this evil dragon still fine after its head was chopped off?

This time, Rand used magic to hear clearly what the other party said.

Idiot! With a guy like you, you want to kill me?

he scoffed.

The body of the evil god is least afraid of this kind of cross-cutting damage.

Recovery from this level of damage consumes the least amount of energy.

What he fears the most is the kind that directly destroys his body so that he has to use magic power to regenerate strange limbs.

However, Rand has a huge amount of magic power and is still not too afraid of this kind of damage!

hold head high!!!

He sneered and let out a loud roar.

The Cataclysmic Domain is activated!

In an instant, the blood clouds in the sky were stained with darkness.

Thunder roared, the wind howled, and the earth shook.

The entire land cracked open, and the moment the pillar of flame erupted, the dozens of kilometers covered by the catastrophic field turned into a dazzling white light!

That was the endless thunder erupting in the sky!

Thousands or even tens of thousands of thunderbolts descended in this instant! The weirdo who blasts the power of space!

The speed of lightning is almost that of a beam, and even gods cannot avoid it if they are not prepared in advance.

The space power weirdo didn't expect Rand's move at all.

Naturally, I couldn't react.

The whole person was submerged in the ocean of thunder!

Be an absolute luminary!

Boom! ! ! !

When thunder resounds across the sky.

Rand's eyes narrowed.

The user of the power of space slipped away in the countless seas of thunder!

In that time, it may not even be 0.00001 seconds.

Rand saw that a thin film blocked the thunder, and then he was able to escape!

Appearing thousands of kilometers away from the disaster field!

This made Rand realize.

The guy in front of me is so difficult.

Like the big devil, he has space talent, but his ability is far stronger than that of the big devil!

This guy's comprehensive ability may be even more difficult to deal with than the resurrected Sword Master...

They are all at least level 5 epic warriors.

If a creature without the ability to recover is encountered, it is very likely to be killed by Chu Jian!

Especially the dragons under Tiamat. If they are not extremely proficient in magic, they will rarely be able to escape this guy's first kill!

This made Rand couldn't help but look in the distance at the dozen other guys approaching at extremely fast speeds.

Could it be that the strength of these guys has all reached this level?

Are they the thirty-eight stars under the god Lathander, the morning sun?

If every strength is as expected, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

Rand didn't want to get too involved.

He turned around and wanted to run away.

But at this time, the user of the power of space clung to him like shit again and attacked Rand.

Space cracks seemed to cut towards him without consuming energy.

Although it didn't hurt him much, it made him a little annoyed.

This guy is as annoying as a fly!

He suppressed his characteristic violent temper as a true dragon, turned around and flew away with full firepower!

call! ! !

A tail flame of twenty or thirty kilometers long spurted out.

Sonic boom clouds bloomed, and the ground several kilometers below was cracked by the strong wind pressure.

Rand rushed towards the distance at nearly forty times the speed of sound!

This kind of extreme speed cannot be matched by a dozen other guys except for the users of the power of space.

He could only watch Rand go away.

Only the user of the power of space kept moving his position, pursuing Rand and attacking continuously.

But this kind of attack could never stop Rand.

The other person was a little anxious.

He actually started yelling.

Evil Dragon! Is this all you can do? Stop! Fight with me!

Evil dragon! Do you know how to bully the weak? Is it your nature to be humble and weak? Do you only run away when facing the strong? Weak! Coward!

These words were meant to anger Rand.

But Rand wanted to laugh after hearing this.

I couldn't help but secretly wonder, which world is this bastard? Can't even curse?

After all, I am a dragon who has experienced the 21st century and the era of the Internet. If you take credit for this, why don't you go home and feed yourself?

As he flew, he turned back and shouted:

Where did you come from as a bug? How dare you bark in front of this dragon? If you want to fight alone, come with me to another world. I will fight with you!

You bastard who lives by licking the morning sun! Besides barking, what else can the user do with some stupid tricks that only tickle the dragon?

Can you use some force to move? If it doesn't work, go back and drink Nima's milk! I XXXXXXXX!

Rand's words were conveyed directly to the other party through magic.

At first they were talking nicely, but then they just greeted each other's family in a very rude way.

This kind of scolding from a completely different dimension immediately made the other party jump.

Rand could even clearly see the veins popping out on the opponent's face and his eyes red.

Obviously, these words directly scolded the other party until his defense was broken.

Asshole! How dare you insult me ​​like this! Insult the great morning sun! You are contemptuous of justice! I can't spare you!

Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!

The user of the power of space kept teleporting, and space rifts rushed towards Rand. These space rifts were more violent than before.

But for Rand, who has the unparalleled resilience of the evil god's body, it is still nothing.

Smelly bitch! Use a little more force to tickle your Grandpa Long? With this strength, even if I stand and let you hit me, you don't want me to be really hurt at all!

You also said that you are not licking the cow's tail for the morning sun? A real man is not as weak as you!

Rand scoffed again.

A vein burst open on the opponent's angry forehead, spurting out dark green blood.

Ahhhh! Evil dragon! I will kill you!

He roared, and the figure disappeared again.

Rand grinned in a mocking smile.

Can't stand it? You actually imitate other people's ridicule and provocation? It’s simply courting death!

In my previous life, I often used the Internet to chat with others, and I was proficient in 108 different skills. Who the hell are you?

However, his smile froze before it lasted long.

Just because the user of the power of space appeared again.

Moreover, he is not the only one appearing this time!

A dozen other people also showed up!

This made Rand couldn't help but curse in his heart, you have the ability to directly teleport people, why didn't you use it earlier? Isn't this neurosis?

However, Rand immediately realized something was wrong.

After the user of the power of space appeared with more than a dozen accomplices, his aura was obviously weakened.

Obviously, this ability to lead people tens of thousands of miles in an instant with almost no forward preparation is extremely draining for him.

Evil Dragon! Your end has come! I said so! I will kill you!

The user of space power yelled.

The dozen or so people who were brought did not waste any time and immediately performed their own unique skills.

For a while.

Huge sword energy, space rifts, endless frost energy, pure energy tides, unparalleled pressure, and a mysterious ray technique that zeroed out microorganisms invisible to the naked eye in the air.

Another person kicked his legs together, stepping on the air, and ran towards Rand!

After getting close, punch directly.

The entire fist expanded to hundreds of meters in an instant! Hit it on the head!

This made Rand's pupils suddenly shrink.

He felt a little crisis from these attacks.

hold head high!!

he roared.

But not afraid either.

Raise your paw and slap it against your swollen fist.

boom! !

The moment the two collided, Rand's body was suppressed by the huge impact.

The entire earth cracked open and sank hundreds of meters.

A terrifying shock wave erupted.

But the few people around him were extremely powerful people, and they didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Heavy pressure followed, pushing Rand's body down another thousand meters, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground!

The majestic sword energy tore through the impact at this moment, slashing on his body, cutting a half-meter deep mark on his scales.

The terrifying energy tide overwhelmed him, and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Endless cold air poured in, and in the eyes of everyone who could see through all obstacles such as impact smoke and dust, the evil dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn was frozen!

In just a moment, a layer of ice tens of meters thick was added to his body.

Strange rays spurted out immediately.

Passed through the thick ice and landed on the evil dragon.

For a time, the evil dragon's blue energy representing magic power, red energy representing life, and white energy representing physical strength began to flow out continuously.

Seeing this.

One was wearing a gray robe and had the head of a bird.

The monster whose left hand turned into a four-eyed gray snake laughed loudly:

Hahahaha! It's over!

Our invincible cooperation has been completed!

The evil dragon was frozen by Morosik's absolute zero.

Cooperate with my life adjustment, Cooper's magic power absorption, and Xander's physical strength extraction.

In this world, except for gods, no creature can resist!

Amydock! You guy! They should have brought us here a long time ago!

Then we would have killed this evil dragon long ago! Go help the great morning sun to kill more evils!

The monster laughed and complained a little.

Agarsha, please shut up! Your laughter always disgusts me! We are messengers of justice! Pay attention to your speech! And your image!

Sword Master Terry Angus frowned.

Agashado's expression suddenly changed after being named.

Others thought he was angry.

As a result, he saw sweat on his forehead and said:

Okay... something seems wrong! My life is withering and I consume too much energy...

Idiot! Didn't you hear what the great morning sun said?

Most of the true dragon clan in this world have super strong abnormal resistance. It is normal that your life withering effect is not good.

Wait a minute! Look at the evil dragon in the ice. Has it grown a little bigger?

A monster exclaimed at this time.

Everyone took a closer look.

Something does seem wrong!

Even at this moment, the body of the evil dragon in the ice is slowly expanding, squeezing the ice inside and filling it with cracks. But soon, with the surge of freezing power, these cracks will be repaired.

But it is undeniable that in this case, the body of the evil dragon in the ice is really expanding!

Wait a minute! Agashado, you idiot! Stop it! Withering of life is indeed miraculous in dealing with ordinary creatures, but it is not a bad thing for some monsters that are still young and growing!

Are you an idiot helping the evil dragon inside to grow?

Someone yelled at this.

At this moment, many people discovered the evil dragon in the ice, and there seemed to be a hint of disappointment in those eyes.

Damn it! Look at this evil dragon! He actually looks disappointed. Sure enough! He just wanted to use Agashado's withered life to grow!

Hmph! Cunning evil dragon! How could I not do what you want!

The face of the person named Agashado showed a hint of surprise and a hint of embarrassment.

With sweat on his face, he cursed and stopped immediately.

But the cost of embarrassment seemed to be still great for him, and his bird's face turned a lot greener.

At the same time, at this moment, he saw the huge face of the evil dragon in the ice, and the look of regret became even stronger!

Life stops fading.

But the physical strength and magic power are still passing away.


At this moment, the ice layer on the evil dragon's body was nearly two hundred meters thick. Cracks continued to appear and repaired, and so on until the ice layer became thicker and thicker.

This made the birdman on the side show a hint of joy and said with a smile:

Hahaha! Are you in a hurry? Want to break free? It's useless! It's useless!

No matter how powerful you are, it's impossible to break free from Morosik's frost!

This is infinitely close to absolute zero, the power that can freeze everything!

You can't break free now!

It will be even more impossible after that!

As time goes by, Morosik's frost power will become more and more powerful. Evil Dragon, just stay in it peacefully until eternity.

She seemed to have heard what he said.

The evil dragon in the ice was emitting red light.

Wisps of fire poured out of his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

In an instant, the entire ice cube turned into fiery red.

You still want to resist? But no matter what efforts you make, it will be ineffective!

Birdman smiled disdainfully.

Beside him, the cold air on an ice crystal creature surged wildly, constantly replenishing the ice.

The two sides actually slowly froze like this.

Until a moment later.

The fire in the ice disappeared.

Give up? It seems that it can be recycled! Hurry up! We have to support the Dawn Sun Crown! We must clean up all the evil in hell! Someone else urged.

That's when.

The thunder in the sky sounded again.

Countless thunders fell.

But at this time, the user of the power of space was well prepared. He actually spread his arms at this moment, and a space barrier appeared, protecting him and everyone around him, and at the same time, it also protected the ice cubes.


Thunder kept falling.

But these thunderbolts are just ordinary thunderbolts after all, and their effect is too little when facing a strong person who is on guard and whose strength is at least the fifth level of epic.

No matter how hard it keeps hitting, it can't be shaken at all.

This caused a look of disdain on the faces of these dozen strong men, as if they were laughing at the evil dragon for using such a small trick.

Very few people noticed that the faint mark of the sun on the evil dragon's chest was completely revealed! In an instant, endless brilliance bloomed.

Buzz! ! !

A blinding white light burst out.

The body of the evil dragon instantly turned into a bright yellow miniature sun!

This sun looked very familiar to the dozen or so strong men around it.

Astonishingly, it is a divine sun that is as powerful as the morning sun!

This is! Chen...


this moment!

Without further ado, a dozen strong men looked horrified and roared.

Terrifying high temperatures at the million-degree level radiated around.

All the ice that originally enveloped the sun was vaporized!

The void twisted, and the earth disappeared in pieces.

The entire area of ​​tens of kilometers has turned into a distorted and unsightly high-temperature zone.

Within a dozen kilometers, there were many demons and men sent by Lathander. Some of them were fighting, while others wanted to escape.

But after the sun exploded, it was all vaporized!

The bodies of devils or other creatures within dozens of kilometers began to dissolve!

The water in the bodies of the creatures that are hundreds of kilometers away is constantly evaporating, and they are like haggard, climbing up and trying to escape from this karma fire purgatory.

There were more than a dozen strong men surrounding Rand.

Half of it disappeared.

At this moment, the user of the power of space is thousands of kilometers away.

Half of the body of the ice-crystal alien creature was dissolved, floating in the magma pool.

Several more people appeared hundreds of kilometers away at this moment, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The sword master who could be resurrected once again had the phantom cry of a phoenix on his body.

Within dozens of kilometers, only one guy who had turned into a burning man at this moment was still unscathed.

Just when they thought they had escaped.

A horrific scene happened!

This bright yellow sun actually hit the burning man directly!

The speed is not as fast as when Rand is flying at full speed, but it is still more than ten times and nearly twenty times the speed of sound!


The entire Pyroman stuck to the bright yellow sun, sweeping over the resurrecting Juggernaut, turning him completely into ashes!

Then, he chased the survivors a hundred kilometers away!

This is an extremely terrifying scene!

These survivors feel like they are being hunted by a sun!

All the earth that is close to the earth that the sun passes through will be vaporized, and the earth that is slightly farther away will become a magma pool!

A forbidden zone of life, madness spreads towards the survivors!

Thanks to [Tuen Lao Pao] for the 100-coin reward.

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