The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 184 Evolution, True Fierce Yang Dragon

The two small suns in the sky were hotter than the one Rand had resisted before.

The temperature was at least several percent higher.

Even though Rand had initially changed his dragon species and became a Sun Dragon, he still felt bursts of heat when he got closer.

The terrifying high temperature made the red scales all over his body look like red-hot iron, constantly emitting streams of white smoke.

But even so, it was much better than the first time.

Lie down on the miniature sun.

Rand began to devour it bit by bit. He did not appear as impatient as before, but became much calmer.

When he is not facing a death crisis, he prefers to play it safe.

In this way, every time Rand lies in the small sun for about half an hour, he needs to get away slightly to let his body cool down. This way the swallowing process will be much gentler, but it will take a lot more time.

According to preliminary estimates, it would take about two to three months to swallow a small divine sun of Lathander.


Tiamat looked up at the small sun in the sky and smiled:

He is such an impatient child, but I am a little surprised that you can really swallow the power of the sun. Rand! I am looking forward to it! I look forward to how far you will grow in the future.

He whispered to himself softly, but his voice was still like thunder, causing several female dragons and Ed around him to avoid it.

further away.

Many giant dragons realized something was wrong and flew over quickly.

This batch of dragons is extremely numerous.

At least hundreds of them.

Among them, five of them were close to or even surpassed Rand in body length.

The others are all over fifty meters.

Apparently the elite who live in hell.

A group of black giant dragons stirred up their huge dragon wings and flew towards them with astonishing momentum.

In this battle, even if they knew that these dragons were their own dragons, they still scared several female dragons and Ed.

Especially the dragons, except for the little female dragon Fiona, who had just received the blood of Rand and whose strength had greatly increased, were somewhat complacent.

As a result, after seeing these giant dragons, I felt a little confused.

The strength of these seniors is somewhat beyond their imagination.

To deal with them, I am still too young and weak.

Among the flying dragons, the one at the front was one that was eight to nine hundred meters long and had a red dragon head and a blue dragon head.

After approaching, he took the lead and asked:

Your Majesty, Your Majesty Tiamat! May I ask what is going on here? Above the sky is the divine sun of Lathander, the morning sun, right?

How do you bring something like this back? Are we about to go into full-scale war with Lathander?

Oh~ Dear Doluk, you think too much.

This is indeed the divine sun of Lathander, I just borrowed it from that idiot.

My beloved boy, Rand, needs this power.

You don't need to worry, just keep doing your own thing.

A fool like Lathander would not have the guts to attack Hell.

The old female dragon Tiamat replied gently.

Let Fiona, Tara and the dragons on the side feel that the relationship between the two parties is unusual.

At this moment, they couldn't help but look at the green dragon behind the dragon.

Well, the green dragon that just walked out of Tiamat's lair not long ago.

The green dragon looked up at the sun in the sky. He had seen Rand flying towards the sun before.

Now that the old female dragon said that she had borrowed two small suns from Lathander specifically for Rand, her expression became a little strange.

Many dragons can understand this look.

It’s called jealousy!

When the huge two-headed dragon heard Tiamat's answer, he nodded calmly, turned around and left without saying much.

It was the green dragon's look that was noticed by the old female dragon.

The old female dragon was not a fool. She immediately saw the green dragon's thoughts. She caught the green dragon with a smile, like catching a little chicken, and then put it in front of the huge dragon's mouth that could swallow the green dragon in one bite. He kissed her gently and said:

My dear Moses! Why do you look so bad? Are you jealous?

Are you jealous that I favor other children?

Don’t worry, there will always be a place for you in my heart, you are my little sweetheart!

Come on, come back to the nest with me, and let me continue to pamper you.

After the old female dragon Tiamat finished speaking, she headed directly towards the lair as if there were no other dragons around.

The huge green dragon in His claws showed a hint of shyness, tilted its head and rubbed the scales of the old female dragon to show its closeness to Him.

The other dragons seemed unfazed by this situation.

The female dragons of Tara looked at this scene, their eyes sparkling, and the green dragon Andrealu sighed:

As expected of the mother of evil dragons, the great evil dragon god Tiamat!

There are not a thousand male dragons on the crotch, but hundreds, right?

The green dragon just now is obviously as strong as Rand, and he is also handsome and handsome, but in front of the evil dragon god, he can only be obedient, raise his belly, and still be favored. He is really a role model for female dragons of our generation!

That's right! If we also had this kind of power, we could use our strength directly against Rand! There would be too weak to even mate! Damn it! I'm so envious!

Doris, the youngest of the blue dragons, had a look of envy on her face.

The other female dragons heard this and nodded in unison.

Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!

The little female dragon was on the side, spitting five times in a row on the face armor of the five female dragons:

Despicable things! Besides lusting after my elder brother Rand's body, what else can you do?

Several female dragons felt the spit on their face armor, with angry expressions on their faces, intent on getting angry.

But when they think about the fighting power of the little dragoness, even though it is now strengthened by Rand's blood, to be honest, they still have no confidence in defeating the little dragoness.

So I could only endure it in the hope that the evil dragon would not suffer the immediate consequences, and did not dare to fight back.

But she was still a little dissatisfied, so the blue dragon Doris said:

What's wrong with Rand's health? What's wrong with his lowliness? As a female dragon, I like Rand who is so strong. Is there anything wrong with her?


The little female dragon spat on the blue dragon's face again.

You make me proud when I say you're despicable? Have you rebelled? If you dare to talk back to me again, let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart!

correct! You have lived so comfortably in the Io world before, now it is time to shed some blood! Hand over Jintar.

I don’t want much, just ten thousand per dragon.

We have no corruption at all! No Jintar either!

What? Do you want to give it?

The little female dragon sneered, and immediately clenched the claws of her forelimbs together, pretending to beat the dragon.

Don't go too far! Fiona! Don't think that now that you are stronger than us, you can do whatever you want! At worst, we can fight again!

The female dragons were a little annoyed.

The little black dragon Ed said at this moment:

Jintal can give it to you, but the secret technique you used to turn the dragon body black and enhance attack and defense must be given to me!

Are you still bargaining with me?

The little female dragon stared at the little black dragon.

Seeing his determined expression, he smiled and said:

It's not impossible. After all, we are siblings. You pay and I will teach you, and I will teach you how to do it!

The little female dragon finally agreed.

After all, even if she doesn't teach this player, Rand will teach him in order to improve the strength of these dragons.

The other female dragons looked at each other, hesitantly.

But Doris, the blue dragon among them, gritted her teeth and said:

Okay! I'll hand it in too!

What? Doris? Are you crazy? Give all this to her Jintar? several female dragons asked in shock.

I'm not crazy! Think about it! We are too weak now! We can't withstand Rand's hot body fluids, but what if we learn this secret technique to strengthen defense and use it directly on the inside of our own bodies? Then maybe we can That’s okay, isn’t it?”

There was a gleam of wisdom in the eyes of blue dragon Doris.

When the other female dragons heard this, their eyes immediately lit up.

As expected of Doris, you are so amazing! You can actually think of this!

Several female dragons immediately handed over all the money to the little female dragon.

The little female dragon was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but think that these stinky Bichi and Greed Rand's body could actually come up with such a bad idea!

But...will I have less money?

She regretted it slightly.

But I immediately thought that this armed energy can also be taught in stages!

10,000 for beginners, 10,000 for intermediates, and more for seniors...hehehe~ She made a clever calculation.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, half a year passed.

The two miniature suns obtained from Lathander were devoured by Rand.

He felt that his whole body was filled with the power of thick and surging flames.

At this moment, the system's beep sounded again.

You absorb the rich power of the sun and digest it completely, and your body undergoes changes.

Your [Elementary Sun Body] has been strengthened and will be upgraded to [Intermediate Sun Body].

Your body will be greatly strengthened and mutated, and you will be forced into deep sleep to adapt to the new body strengthening.

After hearing the last reminder, Rand's heart skipped a beat.

Forced sleep?

He felt something strange.

Before, he evolved into the Fierce Sun Dragon and got [Elementary Sun Body] without sleeping. Now he just upgraded it to [Intermediate Sun Body] and actually needed to be forced to sleep.

Were the previous racial changes fake?

Or is it that [Elementary Body of the Sun] does not count, only intermediate ones do?

He complained in his mind.

But immediately, a strong feeling of sleepiness invaded him, making him feel like he was above the sky, so he closed his eyes.

Then, a huge burst of fire energy surged out of his body.

These fire energy were like strands of silk thread, slowly wrapping around Rand's entire dragon body, and finally slowly turned into a small sun.

Endless brilliance shines down.

After Rand devoured the divine sun, the hell that was supposed to be peaceful and dark once again lit up with dazzling light.

Several dragons on the ground noticed something unusual and flew into the sky one by one to check the situation.

But when it got close to several hundred meters, even the little female dragon Fiona couldn't get any closer!

The other dragons were even more unbearable and stopped after one or two kilometers.

This is naturally because, unconsciously, Rand's entire body was like a sun, emitting terrifying heat.

This high temperature is not as terrifying as the morning sun in Lathander.

But it reached at least 100,000 or 200,000 degrees.

The female dragon could only watch from a distance and shouted:

Rand! Rand! Are you okay?

They shouted loudly.

But Rand didn't respond at all.

Until a huge black shadow covering the sky appeared.

Tiamat and Sarafini slowly approached.

Your Majesty Tiamat, do you know what happened to Rand?

A female dragon asked anxiously.

This... I'm afraid it has evolved. The old female dragon looked at the miniature sun transformed by Rand, with a look of surprise on the dragon's face.

He actually changed his form into the sun in Lathander's realm. This is incredible!

Although Lathander is an idiot, the power of the sun is still powerful. If the body of the true dragon had not given me extremely powerful power, as well as some secrets from other worlds, even I would not be able to resist his power of the sun.


Yes, Rand at this moment has broken away from the limitations of the five-color dragon species and evolved into a brand new dragon species. Perhaps in the future, there will be a brand new race among the legendary dragon species and the hateful dragon species in this world.

Tiamat said slightly thoughtfully.

Oh oh oh! So awesome! As expected of dad! No! I have to be stronger! Mom! Give me more food! I want to be stronger! I want dad to recognize me!

Sarafini's five pairs of dragon eyes were glowing and she shouted.

Don't worry, baby, mommy will give it to you as much as you want. The old female dragon smiled slightly, full of doting.

Tara and the other female dragons were instantly shocked when they heard this.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Tiamat said:

Don't take it too seriously. It's a good thing that Rand can evolve. Now go and do your own business! I also have to prepare food for my baby.

After saying this, the old female dragon flew away.

Several female dragons immediately asked Fiona what happened to the father and mother Sarafani mentioned just now.

The little female dragon didn't hide this either.

After hearing that the product was made using Rand's blood and Tiamat's own blood, several female dragons breathed a sigh of relief.

Time continues to pass.

The miniature sun shines brightly in the sky.

It attracts the attention of a large number of dragons and demons every day.

Even Tiamat will watch from time to time as long as she is still in hell.

Another half year passed quickly.

The sun's brilliance gradually dimmed and disappeared completely after a few days.

It was only at this moment that Rand's figure appeared in the sight of all the dragons again.

At this moment, he has changed and grown up a lot compared to half a year ago.

The scales all over the body looked brighter and fiery red compared to before. On a pair of red dragon wings, some dazzling white flames surged.

On the chest and abdomen, the originally flickering red light was more conspicuous than before.

Like a sun pattern that is constantly shining and radiating light.

At this moment, every time Rand takes a breath, a large stream of white mist will spurt out.

It makes the surrounding kilometers become hazy and unreal.

Rand's body slowly fell from the sky, and he didn't open his eyes until he landed.

The somewhat dim world immediately became a little brighter, and a pair of dragon eyes were clearly visible in the hazy world.

Congratulations, your [Elementary Sun Body] has evolved into [Intermediate Sun Body]. You have completed a real change in your race, and you have become a real Sun Dragon.

You have completed true biological evolution, with physical growth +10, magic power growth +5, and flame control ability, strength, and resistance greatly improved.

【Player Panel】

Race: Dragon (True Yang Dragon)

Magic growth: 17

Physical growth: 202

Rand quietly admired his changes and felt the surging power of fire.

After a long while, I realized that there were several figures in the distance rushing towards here.

These figures were familiar to Rand.

They are the former genius magic researcher Yakus, and Rand's mother Saphis.

These two guys were actually called here?

Rand had almost forgotten them.

At this moment, Saffis is using an elf body.

As for why the dragon body is not used, on the one hand, it may be that the elf body has been used for a long time.

On the other hand, it’s shameful!

You read that right! Just ashamed!

I think she, Sephis, also established a powerful figure in a small country a long time ago. As an adult dragon, her strength is not very strong, but she is not weak either.

The huge size has always been one of the sources of the dragon's oppression and power.

Appearing in huge size and intimidating some weak people is one of the joys that dragons enjoy endlessly.

It’s also the best way to show off your strength and beauty.

But this kind of happiness of Saffis obviously cannot be shown in front of other dragons around him!

She would even feel a little ashamed as soon as she took on her dragon form.

The reason is that compared with the dragon around her, she is too thin and petite.

Tara's female dragons are all older than her, and their bodies are bigger than hers.

But what happened to her two kids, Ed and Fiona?

Rand had developed abnormally as a dragon before, so if she was beaten, she could tell herself that Rand was a monster and could not be generalized.

But who is Ed and Fiona? Although the strength is good compared to the average dragon, it can't be as exaggerated as it is now, right?

Why are these two bastards so much older than her after not seeing each other for just over ten years?

To the point where she could be beaten to death with just one slap?

Even Isaphis's shamelessness couldn't bear to expose his smaller body in front of these two children!

But it's okay.

Fortunately, I came to hell through some chance coincidences, and later I found out the fundamental reason why these two dragon cubs grew so huge!

Sapphire's eyes shone with wisdom.

The moment Rand landed, he ran straight over like a puppy that saw its owner!

Its speed even surpassed several other dragons!

He opened his voice and shouted:

Rand! My dear child! It makes me so happy to see you growing up so healthy! My baby! Let me hug you!

Her appearance made Rand and several other dragons look shocked.

When did Saffis, the old Bitch, stop being afraid when he saw Rand? Not only are you not afraid, but you are also so happy?

Saphis? Are you out of your mind? Or have you been manipulated by the caster and lost your mind?

Rand asked with a weird look on his face.

Breathe as he opens.

Another large area of ​​blazing white air spurted out.

Oh! Baby! I just figured it out! We are mother and son! We shouldn't be so hostile!

I think we should be like metal dragons and love each other! my child! It was all my fault before! You didn’t feel the mother’s love well! Please forgive me!

Sapphith yelled, breaking into the foggy world around Rand.

The distance to Rand got closer and closer until it was within a thousand meters.

The thick fog here is almost solid. Countless plasma sparks are jumping in the air, and the space seems to be distorted.

Mother Dragon, who was still running wildly just now, had a slight change on her face.

But she still didn't stop and continued to move forward until she was only 500 meters away from Rand.

Sweat was dripping from inside Sapphith's dragon scales.

She seemed to be holding back and ran for nearly two hundred meters.

She finally couldn't help but apply a sudden brake, making two small ditches on the ground, and then retreated behind her, shouting as she retreated:

It's hot! It's so hot! Why is it so hot around you, Rand? Quick! Get rid of the heat! You should become normal!

Thanks to [Jintai’s Goda] for the 500-coin reward.

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