The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 183 Opportunity for reunion and re-evolution

Baator Hell.

The seventh floor.

Near Rand's temporary lair.

A red portal appears.

The little female dragon Fiona slowly came out with a few dragons, feeling the huge mountain that blocked the light. They were all stunned for a moment, then raised their heads, and they all looked shocked.

The third blue dragon, Doris, opened her mouth and exclaimed:

so big!

It feels so familiar! Are you... Rand? Tris, the second blue dragon, kept looking up and down at the dragon in front of her.

Rand? It's impossible, right? He doesn't look like this! Rand has black scales! And he doesn't have a second pair of dragon wings! It's just that he couldn't have grown to this point in the past ten years. He can't be Rand.

The blue dragon boss Tarana was still reasonable and shook his head.

They should be seniors from other dragon clans.

The green dragon Barbara couldn't help but shrink her head. The dragon in front of her was too huge, which made her a little scared.

He is obviously over thirty meters long.

In front of this giant dragon, she felt her own insignificance.

Maybe this is how ordinary humans feel when facing them?

The green dragon Andrea licked his lips and looked at the lower abdomen of the dragon in front of him with gleaming eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Only the little black dragon Ed frowned slightly:

You...are Rand, right? Although your appearance has changed a lot, it feels so familiar.

Long time no see, Ed, Tarana, Tris, Doris, Andrea, Barbara, you seem to be doing well.

The giant dragon in front of him spoke with a loud voice that shook the dragon's mind.

However, this opening allowed Jilong to completely confirm that the monster in front of him was Rand.

However, it was confirmed that they still felt a little unbelievable.

Are you really Rand? Dragon God! You have changed too much, haven't you?

Why is it that everyone is a dragon and you can grow from more than 100 meters to more than 400 meters in ten years?

Three hundred meters longer in ten years?

Were Tiamat and Bahamut so exaggerated when they were young?

The dragon scales on Tara's face were beating, looking extremely shocked.

Ouch! It's really Rand! In the past ten years, you have grown too powerful, haven't you?

By the way, Rand, you should be a teenage dragon now, right? hey-hey! You must be very hungry right now, right? Do you want your sister to help you?

The blue dragon Doris ran up to him and hugged Rand's thigh. While gently rubbing it, she stuck out her tongue and licked his scales.

Ahem! Seeing how strong Rand is, how can a dragon be enough? I'm joining in too.

The green dragon Andrea coughed slightly, attracted the attention of all the dragons, and said immediately.

Then, I want to join too.

Green Dragon Barbara lowered her head slightly and said softly.

The other two blue dragons did not speak, but their eyes flickered towards Rand, revealing desire.

Mating with a powerful male dragon is the instinctive desire of a female dragon.


Rand sneered and immediately shook his head:

Let's forget it. Although I don't dislike mating now, I don't want to cause dragon life.

You have been following me for a long time, and I don’t want to collect your bodies.

Huh? Rand, what are you talking about? What brings about the dragon's life? Although you are big, but if you learn the transformation technique and shrink your size, won't everything be solved? How can you get the dragon's life?

Doris, the blue dragon, was puzzled.

In my humble opinion! You guys are too weak for me now.

None of my bodily fluids can be tolerated by you.

Rand said again. don't have to make excuses like this if you don't like us, right? We won't be able to withstand your bodily fluids?

Although you have the blood of a red dragon, your body fluid temperature is indeed higher than that of ordinary dragons, by one or two hundred degrees, but just like this, will we not be able to bear it? Who are you looking down on?

The green dragon Andrea was a little dissatisfied.

Rand didn't respond to Andrea's words, he just spat out.

This spit is red in color, like a pool of lava.

The moment it touched the air, it made a hissing sound and erupted into a large amount of thick smoke.

Until it landed on the scales of Andrea, the green dragon.

Tsk la la la~

The green dragon's scales actually turned red like heated iron, and even began to slowly dissolve...

This startled the green dragon, and he swung Rand's spit away with a strong swoop.

Spit fell to the ground.

The land was burned and dissolved into a pool of nearly half a meter of magma before it cooled down.

Look at the green dragon's scales just now, they were almost burned through!

This temperature far exceeds that of magma many times!


When several dragons saw this scene, they all gasped.


Just a mouthful of spit actually made them, a legendary dragon, somewhat unbearable. What level is Rand's strength now?

At the same time, they couldn't help but think about what would happen if it really broke out inside them.

Doesn’t this directly burn the belly?

That's pretty much the truth.

Rand, as the true dragon who initially transformed the dragon species into the Sun Dragon, has undergone many changes in the internal structure of his body compared to ordinary five-color dragons.

The bodily fluids in the body have a little bit of the power of the sun and are extremely hot.

If it breaks out inside the body, if one person is not good, it will burn a dragon to death. It is not a joke.

I...we believe it...

Damn it! It took so long for Rand to grow up! In the end, he is not even qualified to mate! Damn it! Why did I wait so long?

The blue dragon Doris was extremely angry and slapped her claws on the ground, creating a crack in the ground.

The other dragons don't look very good either.

Okay! Okay! Why do you female dragons think about these things every day!

The little black dragon Ed spoke. He stared at Rand with burning eyes and said:

Rand! My dear big brother! We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, and it feels really good to meet again!

The Black King City in the Io world has been developing well under our governance.

By the way, why did you wait until now to summon us? Could it be that you encountered some trouble before?

We did encounter a little trouble.

Rand didn't explain much, just nodded lightly.

Afterwards, he asked Black Dragon Ed to report on the development of Black King City.

When hearing the report.

There are hundreds of thousands of players in Black King City.

When nearly half of them reached level fifteen or above, he was quite satisfied.

Although he is still cannon fodder to him, he is still somewhat useful and can be directly sent to other worlds as a powerful bodyguard.

Of course, the most important thing is.

The technology in Black King City is also pretty good.

There are a bunch of missiles, fighter jets, intercontinental missiles, and some even directly invented space-based weapons and solar bombs.

If it weren't for the existence of the Evil God and the Multi-Blue Star Federation, it is estimated that we could slowly start to unify the world of Io.

Rand rewarded several dragons for their actions.

He pulled out one of his dragon scales and let the red crystal-like dragon blood roll down the scales.

Each drop of dragon blood is almost the size of a human fist, and emits extremely terrifying heat when it leaves Rand's body.

Turning the surrounding area hundreds or thousands of meters into a world of fog.

Pieces of land were boiled into magma pools by the dragon's blood.

However, dragon blood is not compatible with these magmas because its density is too high.

This astonishing scene shocked several dragons.

The little black dragon's eyes flashed:

Can Fiona become so strong? Is it because she took Rand's blood many times? The effect of this blood seems to be increasing as Rand's power increases.

Hmph! Ed, you don't think that you can reach my level by drinking Rand's blood, do you? Don't be naive! I am born stronger than you! I will always be stronger than you in the future!

To be able to reach this point, my own talent is also the top priority! This is not what you can imagine at all.

The little dragoness sneered.

Then he licked his face and smiled at Rand again:

Rand! Give me some more of your blood! I feel I can become stronger.

Hearing this, Rand nodded. It was time to renew the blood power in her body again.


The little black dragon Ed on the side snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to this annoying guy.

Wait for Rand to bleed again.

After the heat of the dragon's blood decreases.

Several dragons lowered their heads silently and swallowed the blood in the magma pool along with the magma. Then they screamed and rolled on the ground.

At the same time, the body size began to expand.

Except for the little black dragon Ed, all the female dragons were close to or even over forty meters away.

Fiona, the little female dragon, didn't grow much. She probably only grew to a little over sixty-five meters.

The little black dragon Ed has grown from less than thirty meters to over thirty-five meters, and his strength has improved greatly.

They ate the dirt hungry for a while before they recovered.

Then he yelled in great surprise.

The power of Rand's blood has indeed given us greater power.

I feel like I can at least beat the two previous me's!

So strong! I'm so strong now... But the gap between me and Fiona is still too big... Damn it, is it because she drank Rand's blood first? After the baptism of time, she completely digested this power? Or did she get more?

The little black dragon Ed looked at the little female dragon's slender, strong and huge body, with a trace of envy in his eyes.

Okay, let's stop talking about old times for now.

Don't wander around here, and don't go to other planes except the world of Io.

See that there? Within that pillar is Tiamat's lair.

Rand pointed at the Tianzhu more than 20 kilometers away and said.


There happened to be a long dragon roar coming from Tianzhu's cave.

Later, under the gaze of Rand and the other dragons.

The huge green dragon, which had been unfriendly to Rand before, slowly walked out.

This green dragon didn't look very good, with a tired face and panting heavily from time to time.

As if sensing Rand's gaze, the green dragon immediately straightened its body and held its head high.

She showed him a provocative smile again.

Then he slowly flew away.

Tiamat also slowly walked out of the cave at this time.

At this time, the size of the old female dragon has shrunk to the point where it is almost the same as the green dragon and Rand.

The faces of the five dragons all showed a look of satisfaction and looked energetic.

He turned his head slightly and saw Rand and the other dragons.

Waving the dragon wings with divine power, he flew over in a few breaths, landed on the ground and said with a smile:

“My proud daughters Tarana, Tris, Doris, Andrea, and Barbara! And little Ed.

Welcome to the seventh level of Baator Hell. It is mine, yours, and the territory of all dragons.

Your Majesty, the great Tiamat, I offer you my most sincere respect.

Several female dragons responded one after another, kneeling down on their forelimbs and lowering their heads.

Hahaha! My lovely daughters, you don't have to be so reserved when facing your mother.

You will live a good life here from now on, and I am very much looking forward to your growth.

Tiamat's eyes kept looking at the dragons, showing a look of satisfaction.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that several dragons must have benefited from Rand just now, and they are now like this, which is far beyond the growth rate of ordinary dragons.

He also believes that when all these dragons grow up.

Each and every one of them can definitely become a super strong person who stands alone.

Maybe just like that idiot on Lathander.

Can you form a Thirty-eight Dragon Stars under God?

The old female dragon was disdainful of the god Lathander, but she was still quite envious of the power he possessed.

To be honest, the old female dragon removes herself.

There is actually a certain gap between the strength of his subordinates and Lathander.

This is a problem with the camp and Himself.

Gods from the good camp can always recruit their subordinates more easily. This is almost universal in any alien plane.

As for the old female dragon Tiamat, it is difficult to recruit strong subordinates.

Thinking back to the past, there were many outstanding giant dragons among his five-color dragon descendants, but after those dragons gained power, almost none of them looked down upon him.

Some of the strongest ones have almost reached the level of true gods.

I can’t wait to confront Him! They are almost all a bunch of treacherous descendants!

If He had those rebellious sons and grandsons to help Him seriously, little Lathander would not be taken seriously by Him, even if his concubine Shangtia was looking after him.

such a pity!

Now those rebellious sons and grandsons have already gone to alien planes and become the masters of the world.

The strong men in other worlds are basically the same. They naturally don't have much favorable impressions of an evil god like him.

Most of the villains are bosses and second-in-commands, so they can be recruited at will.

His current subordinates are still some obedient dragons from the past, who were slowly cultivated by her using divine power, divine blood and other resources obtained from other planes...

But its strength and quality, to be honest, are far inferior to those of Lathander's men.

Great Mother Tiamat, when we have strong power, we will definitely cut off the thorns and thorns for you, cut off the head of the good god, and lay it in your lair.

Several female dragons quickly expressed their stance.

Tiamat nodded repeatedly, showing a satisfied look, and began to think about how to train these dragons.

Rand on the side said at this moment:

You guys can chat slowly here first. I'll leave for a while. If there's nothing important, don't bother me.

Oh? Rand, what are you going to do?

Tiamat looked at him in surprise and said.

I feel a little empty in my body's power recently, so I'm going to absorb some of the sun's power from the sun, Rand said.

This was the goal he thought of just after the little female dragon left for the world of Io.

Since absorbing Lathander's sun and divine power, he can evolve.

Then it can naturally absorb the power of the star sun.

At that time, his primary sun body may become an intermediate sun body or even an advanced sun body.

By then, the fire energy in his body should also be greatly improved.

It can be regarded as another way to improve strength besides improving physical fitness.

Absorb the power of the sun? Didn't I tell you? Don't leave Baator Hell at will. That idiot Lathander will keep guarding us in a short time.

The old female dragon frowned.

I didn't say I was going to the outer plane. Although the one in the sky is a little smaller, it can still be considered the sun, right? Rand looked up at the sky.

Above the black blood clouds, a dark red sphere hung high in the sky, shedding blood-colored light.

Hmph, Rand! You are wrong about this. It is a blood moon, not a sun. There is no fire element on it. Are you sure you need this?


Rand was stunned and frowned slightly:

This is really beyond my expectation. It seems that I need to trouble Tiamat to send me to a plane with the sun.

No, even if I send you there, you will still be targeted by Lathander. If I don't protect you at all times, what do you think you will face?

Just stay in Baator Hell honestly.

Tiamat refused.

Rand was silent again, looking slightly depressed.

Seeing this, Tiamat couldn't help but said:

You really want the power of the sun?

That's right. I was attacked by that guy from Lathander before using the power of the sun. Although the process was not very beautiful, the ending was not bad. I absorbed part of the power of the sun, and the power of the flames was enhanced.

Rand explained.

I see, it's you as expected! Rand! Facing the power of the Sun God, you can draw strength from it and turn it into your own nutrients.

very good! I look forward to your growth more and more.

Tiamat looked satisfied.

Since you have this ability, then I will take action again and do you a small favor.

Are you willing to accompany me to the sun in another dimension? If I wait for my power to advance further, I will definitely not forget your kindness.

I don't have that much time to wander around with you, but I have other ways to get you the power of the sun. You wait here.

The old female dragon Tiamat said, opened the portal and got out directly.

After a while, when he returned again, two small suns with a diameter of about 1,500 meters appeared in his front paws!

The location where the old female dragon appeared this time was very particular, hundreds of kilometers above the sky.

The rays of the sun shone, lighting up almost the entire seven levels of hell. In the distance, groups of giant dragons and devils looked over with some discomfort.

Hundreds of kilometers below.

Except for Rand, all the other dragons felt waves of scorching heat.

The entire ground was melted by the heat, and thick smoke came out.

Several dragons screamed and ran away quickly.

Seeing this, the old female dragon lifted the two suns for about a hundred kilometers before using her divine power to fix them in the air, and then slowly landed on the ground and said:

Okay, I've got the sun you want. If you want to absorb it, just go up there.

You just ran out to fight with Lathander?

Rand was a little stunned.

Hahaha! I just borrowed two balls of fire from Him! A battle of that level is not even a warm-up! Tiamat laughed.

When he revealed his true form, his laughter shocked the other dragons dozens of kilometers away, giving them a splitting headache.

Anyway, thank you!

After Rand said that, he couldn't wait to fly towards a small sun in the sky.

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