The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 185 New Ideas


Rand was stunned and glanced around him.

Only then did he realize that after becoming a True Fierce Yang Dragon, her body temperature spread unnaturally, directly turning a kilometer radius into a high-temperature area.

Saffis, the female black dragon.

Although a bit weak.

She is still an elf at this moment, but her dragon scales have just changed into skin, and her resistance to abnormalities is still much higher than that of humans.

If she can't stand it when entering the high temperature field.

The heat in the nearby two hundred meters is estimated to be at least close to a thousand degrees!

The high temperature of this kind of regional nature is much more terrifying than the burning of ordinary flames of thousands of degrees.

The reason is that the thermal conductivity is too strong.

It's almost like throwing a person, or the female black dragon Sapphire, directly into the magma pool.

Can a black dragon of more than ten levels be able to withstand magma?

It’s okay for a short time, but certainly not for a long time!

He tried to contain the heat.

But found that it was completely impossible!

This naturally emitted high temperature has become his instinct, just like people need to eat, drink, and excrete.

This is also the instinct when the body temperature is too high and it emits terrifying heat.

Can normal people allow their body temperature to change from 37 degrees to 20 degrees? Obviously not!

If you want to restrain this, you must specially develop some suppressive spells.

However, Rand himself is not disgusted with this situation!

After all, this represents his strength!

Weak people and so on, if you can't get close, you can't get close!

Rand, he has no intention of communicating with some weak people who can't even get close!

He glanced at Safis lightly and said:

It really surprises me. I didn't expect you to come to hell. Are you uncomfortable staying in Audition? I heard that in the past ten years, you have completed the killing of thousands of people? These days, you are really living a good life.

The black dragon mother is not a good dragon, she is an outright evil dragon.

She has almost all the problems that normal evil dragons have.

Greed of money, cunning, vanity, bad temper, fornication, etc.

She never restrains herself.

Rand already knew what the Dragon Mother was and wouldn't care about it.

Anyway, this female dragon had a lot of fun and helped him earn a lot of Jintar, right?


When Sephis heard Rand's words, the whole dragon was stunned and smiled awkwardly:

Thanks to Rand for the stage you gave me! And the elf form that helped me change.

Those humans and demihumans liked my changed posture very much.

The Mother of Dragons calmly slapped Rand with a dragon fart.

Behind him, the little female dragon Fiona, the little black dragon Ed, and the other dragons also rushed over at this time. They passed the dragon mother and continued towards Rand.

At this time, the little female dragon did not forget to turn her head and look at the mother dragon, showing a mocking smile:

Saphis! My dear mother! Why did you stop here?

Can't you even withstand the temperature of this ordinary magma?

No way? No way? As an adult dragon, he won't be inferior to us teenage dragons, right? Otherwise, you should show your true form, right? In this way, maybe we can continue to get closer to Rand and give him a hug, right?

The little female dragon laughed secretly in her heart.

You old beep, you still want to flatter Rand? Get the hell out of here! It's enough for Rand to have me!

Rand's flattery can only be beaten by me!

Fiona! I am your mother!

Sapphis looked displeased and glared at the little female dragon angrily.

Bah! I will never forget the abominable things you did before! Being able to take you to hell and see Rand is a great mercy on my part.

The little female dragon bared her teeth.

The dragons on the side had no reaction at all to the relationship between mother and daughter.

After all, this can be regarded as the normal state of the five-color dragon kinship relationship.

With so many dragons, why are they so respectful to Rand? Family affection?

of course not! It's power!

Rand gave them great power! Let them know that as long as they follow him, they can gain powerful power! Climb another peak! This kind of power is worthy of their following and respect.

Okay, Safis, why did you come to hell to find me? Just tell me.

Rand was in no mood to continue talking to Saffis.

Ahem~ Rand~ I heard~ Your blood can make the dragon stronger.

Hmm... Look, you've given your blood to Fiona, Ed, and Tara, so shouldn't you give some to me too?

A flattering smile appeared on Sapphire's face.

Safis! Are you still awake? You would say such stupid things!

When I was young, you wanted to rob me of the treasure that I fought so hard for, although you later went to the Audition in the name of atonement.

But this matter is far from the point where the two parties owe nothing to each other! Rand's face darkened and he refused directly.

This... Rand... don't be so heartless. After all, I am also your mother.

It is because you are my mother that I can continue to live in this world now.

you are the first! After making me angry, I didn’t kill anyone!

Rand glared.

A long time ago, the adventurer who bullied him and the Dragon Mother when he was young sent many people to look for him when Rand captured the Black King City.

The final result was that several people died during the adventure, and several others were easily killed by Rand's men.

For Rand at that time, these guys were already a group of guys not worth mentioning.


Safis smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

You want my blood? My power? Then prove it with your actions, prove your loyalty and your worth! Rand said.

Safis finally kept his mouth shut.

When the little female dragon saw this, she smiled mockingly.

In the distance, a large number of dragons flew over again, and the one flying at the top was the old female dragon Tiamat.

He kept looking at Rand when he came to him.

After a moment he said:

Sure enough, your dragon species should be completely changed this time.

It must be because of your father, right? Although he had not fully demonstrated his high-temperature characteristics before.

But as a dragon god, I believe he still has a certain amount of restraint.

This time Lathander's divine sun has completely unleashed this potential.

very good! very good! In this way, you should have received more information from your father, right?

Tell me, what type of dragon do you belong to now? It feels a bit like Plutonium Dragon... but there is a big difference.

Tiamat did not doubt that Rand had simply devoured Lathander's divine sun to complete his evolution.

If evolution and changing races were that simple, he would have been blocking the doors of Lathander and the other two Sun Gods every day.

Then he turned all of his men into True Fiery Yang Dragons like Rand.

Able to evolve this time and before.

A lot of it was actually due to Rand's evil god body.

In addition to its extremely strong resilience and immortality, this kind of body is also extremely transformative.

It is precisely because of this that Rand can complete his transformation and evolution.

What did His Majesty Tiamat just say?

Inspired the potential of his father's bloodline?

Rand is so strong because of his father!

ah! Just like what I thought before! I must have been so beautiful that I attracted a certain Dragon God before giving birth to Rand!

But... why! Why did this dragon god want to erase my memory?

Obviously as long as you keep my memory, I am willing to serve you obediently!

Rand's father! The great Dragon God! Where are you?

Safis was surprised, happy, and a little sad at the same time.

I still don't know much about my father's memory, but in terms of my current race, I should be considered a True Fierce Sun Dragon. Rand replied.

True Fierce Sun Dragon? The True Fierce Sun Dragon that absorbed the power of the sun from Lathander and completely stimulated the power of its bloodline? The name is quite appropriate. The old female dragon nodded lightly.

“If you can get Lathander’s Sun Godhead, your strength will definitely be greatly improved.

keep it up! Rand! Until you are strong enough, let’s fight together to reach Elysium! Let those stupid good gods know that the true dragon clan is the real ruler of the Io plane!

Of course! I will kill this idiot Lathander!

Rand responded in kind.

By the way! Tiamat, I think I still need more divine suns. Please keep going.

Okay, but should you give me some more of your blood?

……no problem.

Rand nodded and pulled off the dragon scales. Drops of extremely hot, crystal ruby-like blood flowed out of his body with a temperature of at least nearly 30,000 degrees.

This scene almost made Safis salivate.

The old female dragon took away these drops of blood with a flash of her magical power and exclaimed:

What a powerful vitality! No wonder just one drop has the ability to strengthen the five-color dragon's talent.

I have received your blood. Once I distribute it, I will bring the Divine Power Sun.

After saying this, the old female dragon turned around and flew away.

The other dragons seemed to have received orders not to disturb Rand and other dragons at will, but they didn't come over to say hello. They just looked at them from a distance for a while and then flew away.

Until then.

Rand's gaze quickly shifted and came to several dragons.

To be more precise, it should be on Yakus.

Long time no see Yacus. Over the past ten years, it seems that your strength has improved a lot.

Rand looked him up and down and found that the transformed lich could completely ignore the high temperature emanating from him.

The entire skeleton body is protected by a layer of rather powerful magic power.

Thank you, Lord Toland, for being promoted to Legend not long ago.

Lich Yakus replied.

The sound shook the void and reached the ears of the dragons.

Your potential is indeed impressive. Just becoming a lich has made you a legend in just over ten years. Rand praised.

This is all thanks to the derivatives left by Mr. Rand. Those things, combined with some other things, can be made into drugs that permanently increase mental strength.

Lich Yakus explained.

That's it. Rand nodded, then smiled:

You can get as many of these things as you want! Although I have just arrived in Hell not long ago, there are a lot of them in my previous lair!

Thank you, Lord Rand, for your kindness.

By the way, this is the research result of the mages and I over the past ten years. You can take a look.

Lich Yakus said, taking out the dimensional bag from the black robe on his body, and then took out a thick leather book from it.

These items are all shining with the light of magic, ensuring that they will not be burned in the high-temperature field around Rand.

But Rand still didn't take it personally.

Instead, he used the same magic power to hold up the thick book, slowly floated it to his eyes, and observed it.

It is one thing for a thick book to be able to withstand the high temperature naturally emitted by the surrounding person under the protection of magic power, but it is another thing to be able to withstand his own real body temperature.

【Code of Truth】

The name of this book.

Rand raised his eyebrows. The name was quite interesting, but he didn't know if the spell in it was strong!

Use your mind to control it and flip through it at will.

As soon as Rand turned the first page, he couldn't help but look surprised.

[Fierce Yang Jade]?

An extremely powerful fire spell.

After the explosion, it has extremely strong impact capabilities and is extremely poisonous.

Within the explosion range, ordinary creatures will be unable to live for decades.

Isn't this an extremely powerful weapon similar to nuclear weapons on Duolan Star? Looking at the description above, it is almost the same as a real Sun Bomb.

This made him couldn't help but look at Yakus, who was as small as a small insect beneath him:

It seems that you get along well with the people from Duolan Star?


The people of Dolan Star are very strange. I thought I had nothing to communicate with them.

But the scholars among them were somewhat beyond my expectations.

Science is something that, like magic, pursues the truth of the world.

There are many similarities and commonalities between the two.

I learned a lot of knowledge from them and created many powerful spells.

The Fierce Sun Jade is like this, perfectly simulating the reaction changes of their Fierce Sun Bullets.

This is a much better spell than Dragon Flame Jade.

When using the same power, only half of the magic power will be consumed. Yakus said.

Sure enough, there is enough truth, yes! Fiona, you can also learn from it together and increase your strength. You are still too weak now and always hold me back.

Rand glanced at the young dragoness.

Okay! Of course, no problem! Hehe! With this, I can become stronger! People like Ed will never catch up with me in their lifetime! The little female dragon said happily.

The black dragon Ed on the side first curled his lips in displeasure, then his eyes lit up again and he said:

Is it just consuming magic power? Then I can use it too, right?

Sir Ed? If you were to use it, the consumption of magic power would have to be increased at least five times.

Why? Ed's face froze.

This kind of spell is created for dragons with fire energy.

Dragons with fire energy have extremely excellent energy conversion organs. This strange conversion rate is very amazing.

Didn’t you know that very early on?

Forget it, I shouldn't ask. The little black dragon was silent.

Rand continued to look, and soon he had seen them all.

At this time, his heart was full of sighs.

Lamenting the improvement of Yakus’ level.

Almost all the spells he learned before have been improved, with better casting speed and lower magic power consumption.

There are also many spells created based on the technological knowledge of Duolan Star, which are also extremely powerful.

This allowed him to see more potential in Duolan Star.

Perhaps, he should conquer more wise men from multiple blue stars and let them join forces with spellcasters to create more powerful spells.

Even if he doesn't have any talents related to awakening, he can still cast some powerful spells.

Just like when he was still in the world of Io, Rand's simulated black hole in the future!

That’s right! In the future, Rand's simulated black hole may be a spell!

In the future, will Rand conquer the world of Io and many blue stars as he thinks now, and let the wise men from both sides serve him and create stronger spells?

Thinking of this, Rand was moved.

Thanks to [Huner, Xuanxuan] for the 2254 coins and [Wu Meng Qian Kun] for the 600 coins.

Thanks for the tip.

I feel a little ashamed, the more I have, the less I have... I am just a little too tired today.

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