The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 182 Fiona meets Ed

When Rand saw it, he felt a lot more at ease.

Fortunately, this old female dragon really has some evil thoughts about his so-called 'father'!

O Tiamat! As the most powerful dragon god, you are a good match for my father. As long as you find my father, as a collaborator, I will naturally speak for you and protect your affairs with my father. It can be done.

If the two of you get together, the child you give birth to will definitely be stronger than Sarafini.

The child conceived by the two dragon gods is really something that dragons look forward to.

Rand said quietly before speaking again.


When the old female dragon heard this, she rolled her eyes and immediately laughed and said:

Rand! You are right! I have always treated you as a child!

Um! You are also my most outstanding child! I was just kidding you!

The old female dragon nodded while speaking, affirming what she said.

At the same time, he couldn't help but said:

So...when exactly did your father come to find you?

At least you have to wait until I become a god before I show up. After all, he is also very busy. Don't you think Tiamat can't wait any longer?

Hahaha! That's it! Don't worry, I have plenty of time.

By the way, tell me about your father. I am very curious about this Dragon God.

I'm afraid this won't work. My father passed down too few memories to me. He just asked me to work hard to grow up. I was originally planning to hide it all the time. Who knew that the Arcane Empire was so powerful that my father couldn't do it without taking action. It was exposed early. .

But when I continue to grow, and maybe get close to becoming a powerful being at the true god level, I will appear.

Tsk~ That's it!

Tiamat, the old female dragon, smacked her mouth in displeasure, showing disappointment.

Forget it, forget it, in that case, just go and rest. There are many caves within dozens of kilometers around here. You can find one by yourself.

There are also Ed, Tara and the others. If you are willing to find them, just find them.

Also, remember not to use plane portals randomly.

The portal connected to my plane is basically always open.

If you use it casually, you can easily be exposed again and be blocked by that idiot from Lathander during the transmission.

If I'm not around, you'll be in danger.

Of course, the portal to the world of Io will not be disturbed.

Tiamat said casually, and let Rand leave a little anxiously.

Rand nodded and didn't say much. He just grabbed the sleeping little dragon and left slowly.

But he wasn't out for long.

He felt that there seemed to be a burning gaze staring at him from behind.

Turn around and look.

Far in the sky.

A huge green dragon with a body length of five to six hundred meters was looking at him with a rather hostile look.

When Rand looked back, the green dragon bared its teeth at Rand, slowly fell to the ground, and entered Tiamat's lair.

Rand didn't even have to run over to listen.

You can all hear waves of exciting dragon roars afterwards.

Tiamat, the old female dragon, only has such a short time, so she can't wait to have sex with her dragon?

Dragon nature wins.

Tiamat, the old female dragon, is the ancestor of the five-color dragons, so she is naturally more victorious.

After every dragon is born, there are some memories about the old female dragon.

Rand's memory of this old dragon.

That is greed, evil, and winning chaos...

According to memory, the old female dragon Tiamat must have tens of thousands of men under his command.

Some of the powerful dragons in the five-color dragon clan, as well as dragons with great potential, are rarely able to escape their clutches.

It was precisely because of this that Rand did not want to follow this old dragon.

He is a green young dragon, and for the first time he is still alive. If he gives it to Tiamat, an old female dragon, will he have a chance to raise his head in the future?

By then, you will achieve the level of a true god.

Wouldn't it be true that rumors would spread throughout the abyss and hell that the famous dragon god Rand was once... Tiamat's little face?

Just thinking about it is enough to make the dragon feel cold.

As a very respectable dragon, Rand could not accept such rumors.

More than 20 kilometers away, Rand found a suitable hole and carried the little female dragon into it.

The entire cave could barely accommodate his body.

Rand didn't dislike this either. He turned around and pinched the little female dragon's head and shook it hard.


The little female dragon's whole body danced wildly, and she opened her eyes in a daze.

Ugh~ What, what's going on, my brain, my brain is so dizzy, Rand, what are you doing? Stop shaking...

The little female dragon spoke confusedly.

Rand immediately put her on the ground, and she recovered after a while.

I just... fell asleep? Strange, why did I fall asleep? Where is Tiamat? And where is that dragon cub who claims to be your child, Rand? Damn bastard!

Keep saying it's Rand's child! How dare you attack your own father! How dare you make my aunt look good! I will never forgive her!

After the little female dragon was confused for a while, she clenched her sharp dragon teeth, looking furious.

I completely forgot how I treated my mother and father before.

But immediately, Rand spit on her face.

She was confused again: Rand... what are you doing?

Shut up! That child is not my child at all! I am only thirty years old this year, and I am still an innocent teenage dragon! How can I have any children?

Damn thing! If everything has my blood in its body and is my child, then aren't you, Ed, and Tara all my children too? What nonsense!

Rand had a tigerish expression on his face, looking unhappy.

But the little female dragon was stunned for a moment, and said with a look of surprise:

You're right! If you think about it this way, I am really your child! Hmm! Change from eldest brother Rand to father Rand? I... think, this is not impossible.

After all, in terms of relationship, father and daughter are always closer than brothers and sisters.


This idiot!

Rand's dragon eyes immediately burst out with anger, and without saying a word, he pinched the little female dragon's head again and began to exert force.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!

quite a while.

The idiot rolled his eyes, fainted and fell to the side, frothing at the mouth, and his whole body was still twitching.

A few hours later.

The world of Io.

Black King City.

This is compared to when Rand left.

It seems much more prosperous.

The city wall is still tall.

But within the city, many high-rise buildings with dozens of floors have been built.

On the streets, there are flat pavements paved with cement everywhere.

In the middle of the road, there are many iron cans. These iron cans have several or more than a dozen legs. They look extremely weird, and they are constantly passing by like vehicles.

There were a large number of dragons, elves, dwarves, demi-humans, etc. coming and going on both sides.

On the street, a large group of vendors were selling.

It seemed very lively.

Somewhat like a modern city.

At this moment, two dragon men, nearly three meters tall, walked out of a restaurant with smiles and walked on the road, looking at some elves, humans and demi-humans of the opposite sex.

These people were all wearing short skirts, exposing their snow-white thighs, which looked extremely eye-catching.

A dragon man sighed somewhat:

Speaking of which, it has been more than ten years since we came to this world. We have witnessed the prosperity and rise of this slightly backward city, right?

Who would have thought that a city that looked like the Middle Ages in Europe and America more than ten years ago would develop into an almost modern city in just a dozen years?

Hey! Isn't this all our credit? Without us, how could this place develop so well?

That's not entirely true. Those dragons also contributed a lot. They were powerful and suppressed many rebellions.

Hey? Are you talking about them? They are indeed not weak in strength. They are almost legends now, right?

The potential of these guys is really strong. I heard that ordinary dragons have to be hundreds of years old to become legends, which is not like them...

Especially the one named Ed, he seems to be less than thirty, right? He has almost legendary power. The key is that he is also proficient in almost all common spells, which is quite impressive.

Marder, we have obtained the power of Rand, and we are only at level 15 now. It is getting harder and harder to improve now. I don’t know when we will become a legend!

Don't you think about whose brother Ed is?

Boss Rand! This boss is incredibly strong. Compared with him, Ed feels like a weakling!

Alas~ Boss Rand has been away from us for more than ten years. I don't know what he is doing now. Why hasn't he come back to us for so long?

They said before that they would lead us to conquer the stars and the sea and rule the world. Now the dragon has gone somewhere. Instead, our original world is about to unify the Io continent.

Huh? Did you get the news?

I heard that nearly 30% of the territory in the Central Continent has been conquered. After the combination of technology and magic, the development of Duolan Star has been too rapid.

I heard that someone has developed a Star Destroyer Cannon! One shot can destroy an asteroid. Previous experiments on the Central Continent wiped out everything within hundreds of kilometers with one shot! I heard that the power is at least an eleventh-level spell, and some even say it is almost as powerful as a twelve-level spell.

However, it consumes too much and is unethical, so it is not used much.

Tsk! This is really not good. If they unify the Central Continent, they might attack us directly. Based on the strength of Black King City alone, it is still too weak compared to the main body of Blue Star. Got it!

There are too many of them! Boss Rand walked too fast and did not absorb more companions.

That's not that fast. The Evil God is not that easy to solve. I heard that this one is still in a sealed state so far.

But its strength is so strong, I feel that if there weren't many of us Blue Star people here, the world would probably fall into the hands of that evil god.

The Central Continent is now the battlefield between us Blue Stars and that evil god.

Stop talking so much, hurry up and go to heaven and earth to be happy! The quota has been updated recently! Hehe!

Let's go together! I heard that a long time ago, all the dream demons in the Central Continent ran away. Now there are only a few places where the heaven and earth are open.

Fortunately, our Black King City is still open.

The two dragons were chattering. They were obviously not aboriginals, but players from multiple blue stars, or undead dragons infected by the evil god.

Just as they turned the corner and continued walking.

In the distant sky, a red glow suddenly appeared.

A huge red portal suddenly appeared.

This startled the two dragon players and made them alert.

After that, something even more shocking happened to them.

A huge five-color dragon with a dark red body and a body length of more than 60 meters slowly emerged from the portal.

A pair of huge eyes scanned the city below and roared with excitement.

hold head high!!!

The terrifying dragon roar instantly resounded throughout the city.

The two dragon players were shocked.

Instinctively used a detection technique developed by the multi-blue star Dana.

A series of virtual words appeared in front of the two dragon players.


【Race】Five-color dragon

[Strength Assessment]...Destiny Legend...or above...

【Danger Level】Extremely fatal!

Didi, beep... Please keep the distance between the caster and the target at least ten kilometers, otherwise your life will be in danger...

Holy crap! Legendary or above? Is it some kind of empire-level life form? This strength seems to be close to those kings of elements! Is it so terrifying? The dragons in this world are really strong!

One player was shocked.

As time goes by, players have more and more contact with this world, and the hierarchy of this world becomes clearer and clearer.

Legends are divided into ordinary legends and destiny legends, and above them are empire-level beings.

The strength assessment of the exploration technique is Destiny Legend or above.

Even if it's not an empire-level life, it's not far behind!

Even if Black King City can deal with life forms of this level, it is estimated that the entire city will be destroyed in one battle!

At this moment, the entire city's alarm system was screaming crazily.

The whining sounds kept ringing.

The entire city instantly entered a state of war preparation.

Some territorial residents immediately got into nearby sewers or underground passages.

The powerful dragons flew into the sky one by one.

But faster than them are a few five-color dragons!

Three blue dragons, two green dragons, and one black dragon.

This six-headed dragon.

Almost every head is more than thirty meters long.

They were originally huge beasts, but in front of the dark red dragon, they seemed quite small.

Ang!! Who is your Excellency? Why do you come to our Black King City? If it is a peaceful exchange, we will naturally welcome it. If you come to make trouble, we are also not afraid!

The leading blue dragon was wrapped in thunder and was extremely powerful.

She is the current leader of Black King City, the blue dragon Tarana.

A pair of dragon eyes stared closely at the sudden appearance of the dark red dragon.

Around them, other dragon-men also slowly flew over, and a dense mass of darkness surrounded the dark red dragon.

The surrounded dark red dragon was not afraid at all. Instead, he glanced around, then grinned and said:

Who am I? It's not important. What's important is that I want to have fun with you! Let's go have a fight outside the city!

The dark red dragon spoke, flapped its wings and slowly headed out of the city.

Several dragons looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of doubt in their eyes, but at the same time, they also felt that the voice of this dragon seemed familiar.

But it would be best not to fight in the city.

The dragons had no reason not to agree and slowly followed.

Flying all the way to dozens of kilometers outside the city.

Several dragons confront each other on the sea.

A few kilometers away, there is a group of dragon people.

They did not get close to help Tarana and the other dragons, but were just waiting. If the dragons on the side of Black King City were defeated, they would naturally attack the dark red dragon regardless of morality.

The group of dragon people watched silently.

Watching a battle break out between the dark red dragon and Tarana and other dragons.

During the battle, the strong dark red dragon was covered in a layer of ink-like black and ran rampant among several dragons.

Dragons like Tara did not dare to confront them head-on. They could only use magic to distance themselves and bombard the dark red dragons.

These spells fell on the dark red dragon, and the effect seemed to be extremely weak. It was almost impossible to see the opponent's evasive movements. He swallowed a series of spells, laughed wildly, and attacked fiercely.

The battle was very fierce.

Various elements continue to shine and explosions roar.

Even though the dragons were several kilometers apart, their clothes were blown by the waves of impact.

Many spells almost fell on them, forcing them to retreat for several kilometers.

These dragon people looked at it.

Suddenly something felt wrong.

Why does this dark red dragon suddenly appear and keep staring at the black dragon Ed?

Look at the black dragon Ed. He was beaten like a dog. He was in a panic and screamed again and again.

The black dragon Ed kept using spells to protect himself.

But as time went by, the dark red dragon still caught the flaw, and swept it on its belly with its tail! Screaming and spitting out a mouthful of blood, it fell towards the sea!

boom! !

Waves tens of meters high exploded on the sea surface.

The dark red dragon laughed wildly again, rushed down, and continued to pursue and fight.

Ouch! Stop! Don't fight! I, Ed, have been a dragon for decades. I have always been kind to other dragons, and I don't think I have offended any dragons!

You bastard! Why do you keep staring at me?

The distant black dragon rushed out of the sea and roared.

Hahaha! Ahahaha! Stupid Ed! Feel your own incompetence! Feel my power! This is the strength of the Red Dragon Queen!

The dark red dragon kept laughing wildly.

The red fireballs in his mouth spurted out one after another, hitting the black dragon Ed.

The black dragon tried his best to avoid most of the fireballs, but was hit by another one, wailing and dripping with blood from the explosion.

However, at this moment, he felt more and more that the appearance and voice of the dragon in front of him gradually overlapped with a certain dragon in his memory.

He immediately shouted:

Wait! You bastard! Could it be Fiona?

When the other dragons who were still attacking the dark red dragon heard this, they were all stunned. Then they kept looking at the dark red dragon and muttered:

Fiona? This is...impossible, right? How could that guy grow to this point?

Isn't she always as strong as Ed?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Fiona is just a teenage dragon now. How could she grow to such a point? Does she think she is Rand's monster?

Several female dragons shook their heads.

As a result, the dark red dragon laughed and said proudly:

Ed! As expected of my stupid brother! Sure enough! Even if your blood is of inferior quality, you will be the first to sense me!

That’s right! I'm Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne! Cheers! Everyone!

Your great Red Dragon Queen is back! Ha ha ha ha!

The dark red dragon stopped attacking, flapped its wings gently, folded its forelimbs around its chest, and looked up to the sky, laughing wildly.

It's really Fiona! How is this possible?

Fiona? How come you have grown to this point after ten years of not seeing each other? Did you eat something precious?

Damn it! You bastard! Are you staring at me and beating me as soon as you come back? What do you mean?

A group of female dragons marveled, and the black dragon Ed held his stomach and cursed, but they all flew over slowly.

In the distance, a group of dragon players heard the dragons' conversation and looked at each other with surprise.

It seems equally difficult to understand how Fiona, who was once slightly stronger than Black Dragon Ed, could become as strong as she is now?

This is not scientific at all! It’s not magic either!

Could it be that these two dragons are not siblings at all?

Their mother, who had sex with various male dragons too many times at that time, had problems getting pregnant?

Um! It's possible! A bunch of players seem to get it all.

Hahahaha! Nothing is impossible! I am the great Red Dragon Queen! How can I be compared and imagined by you weaklings!

Over the years, I have followed Rand on all the expeditions, and I have conquered more than a dozen alien planes! Can you compare with me?

The little female dragon smiled proudly and stood tall.

Damn it! Why didn't you and Rand come back to us until now? Do you know how I have lived these past ten years? Ed, the little black dragon, cursed.

How did you live? You must have embezzled a lot of Jintar, right? Without me and Rand, it's just you guys! You must have embezzled a lot, right?

The little female dragon smiled lowly and glanced at the dragons, especially Ed, who kept staring at the belly.

You! What do you mean? What kind of dragon am I? Let me tell you! How could Black King City have developed to this point if not for Tara and I's hard work over the past ten years?

We have worked so hard and you dare to frame us! When I see Rand, I will definitely complain to him! The little black dragon Ed shouted.

The other female dragons also had angry looks on their faces, and kept barking as if a cat's tail had been stepped on.

Hey! Meet Rand, right? That's just right! I'll take you to meet him!

The little female dragon said, burning the teleportation circle in the void.

Soon a huge portal opened.

Several female dragons and Ed looked at each other, and finally, at the urging of the little female dragon, they stepped into the portal.

Thanks to [Qin] for the 1500 coins and [Oh Oh] for the 100 coins.

Let me go, the starting point ranking seems to have changed. I can’t see that the weekly reward cannot be copied directly. It is too difficult to type by hand. The boss’s name and symbol may not be complete... I’m sorry...

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