Ah, help!

The rhinoceros-horned monster only had time to let out this shout before it was directly rotated by the strong wind and swept far away.

Qin Hao asked Xiao Huang to teach the two people in front of him. Naturally, Xiao Huang would not just stare at his enemies and teach him a lesson.


There was another loud roar, and without any time interval, Xiao Huang once again launched an attack that was exactly the same as before, directly covering Mr. Zhao in front of him.

Mr. Zhao saw the beautiful tiger in front of him attacking him again and again at Qin Hao's signal. His originally calm face also changed, and his eyes instantly became stern.

His whole body stood motionless, and streams of black aura energy spread out from his whole body, forming a black barrier that directly offset Xiao Huang's attack.

It seems that you are not drinking wine as a penalty. Mr. Zhao looked at Qin Hao with sinister eyes and said.

The many monsters on both sides of the road started whispering when they saw the dispute in the middle of the road.

Isn't this Mr. Zhao? It seems someone is going to be in trouble!

Yes, no matter how powerful he is, if you dare to offend Mr. Zhao, you will not end well.

The monsters in the Monster Alliance have lived here for a long time, so they naturally know what kind of person Mr. Zhao is. Although Mr. Zhao usually behaves gracefully and contentedly, looking like a leisurely young man, everyone also knows how ruthless Mr. Zhao's methods are.

After all, this monster race is very different from humans. Without some bloody methods, it is impossible to deter others.

The power behind Young Master Zhao is powerful, and this matter is well known among these monsters.

Now that they saw Qin Hao taking the initiative to provoke Mr. Zhao, they couldn't help but start to mourn Qin Hao in their hearts, as if they saw what kind of tragic end Qin Hao would soon have.

Die to me!

A sinister cold light burst out from Mr. Zhao's eyes in an instant. Along with the flow of black aura, Mr. Zhao was like a ghost, and his figure changed rapidly, making it difficult for people to understand.

Due to the rapid movement, countless black ghosts seemed to appear on the road.


With the word death uttered, Mr. Zhao's figure instantly appeared above Qin Hao's head. In mid-air, Mr. Zhao stood upside down, and a cold iron thorn appeared in his palm, directly facing him. He inserted Qin Hao's Tianling Cap.

There was a loud bang!

Just when this cold iron thorn was about to be inserted into Qin Hao's Tianling Cap, Qin Hao's whole body instantly bloomed with endless golden light, just like an Arhat showing his true form and a god descending from the mortal world. A protective shield formed by the power of gold appeared around Qin Hao, instantly covering his whole body, resisting the cold iron soldier's thorn and continuing to move forward.


Since Xiaobai's injury has not yet recovered, Qin Hao was already in a bad mood, so he said the word Go directly, waved his right arm upward, and at the same time carried a thunder and lightning chain, and thundered out.


Endless lightning flashed, and the white lightning was extremely dazzling, stinging everyone's eyes. Many monsters on both sides of the road closed their eyes, and did not dare to look at the battle on the road.

With tens of millions of volts of high-voltage electricity, this white lightning chain directly wrapped around Mr. Zhao, locking him up.

Qin Hao looked calm and unharmed. After seeing the thunder and lightning chain locking Mr. Zhao, he waved his right arm again and waved towards the house on the right side of the road.


Mr. Zhao couldn't help shouting, this thunder and lightning chain was binding him, and the high-voltage electricity was already electric, making his whole body numb and in constant pain. At this time, after being waved by Qin Hao, he was dizzy and pulled to the right side of the road at an extremely fast speed.


The lightning chain disappeared, and Mr. Zhao's entire body was thrown towards the house on the right side of the road.

Bang, bang bang sounds were heard, and Mr. Zhao's entire body hit the roof, directly penetrating the roof and then smashing downwards. Countless construction dust buried him in it.

Let's go.

Qin Hao said lightly to Xiao Huang at his feet.


A thunderous roar came from Xiao Huang's mouth, which immediately disturbed many monsters on the roadside.

The monsters who were watching the excitement on both sides of the road suddenly became astonished as if they were waking up from a dream. They watched Qin Hao and Xiao Huang go away, and then they all hurriedly left the place for fear of getting into trouble.

Xiao Huang carried Qin Hao on his back, and the two of them walked around this lively street together, but Qin Hao didn't find what he needed. All the spiritual herbs and other things that could be used to treat injuries were too much. It's low-level and not suitable for novices to use.

The sky gradually became dark, and Qin Hao also rode Xiao Huang back to the cave.


The door on this mountain, which was twenty or thirty feet tall, was opened again.

Qin Hao let Xiao Huang play alone, and then came to Xiao Bai's door. He touched the door with his palm. Qin Hao felt that the door had not been opened.

In order not to disturb Xiaobai's recovery from his injury, Qin Hao did not open the door and go in to take a look.

Within the Monster Alliance, due to Mr. Zhao's injury, there was a flurry of excitement in various places. Outside Qin Hao's cave door, many hidden people also appeared in the darkness of various mountain cols. They are all monitoring Qin Hao here.

Qin Hao has the Water God Token. Although there is no water around him now, and the function of the Water God Token to monitor a water area cannot be used, there are still some weakened functions. Through the Water God Token, he can also feel the presence of many monsters outside.

However, all the monsters outside were hiding in the dark and did not come to disturb Qin Hao. Qin Hao just let them go. When they did not disturb him, Qin Hao did not care about the things and thoughts of these weak monsters.

As seven days passed in a row, more and more hidden people were waiting outside the gate of Qin Hao's cave. These people were ordered by various forces to monitor Qin Hao.

Although the Monster Alliance is a whole, there are also many mountains in it, and various forces are intertwined. The combat power shown by Qin Hao is really astonishing, and they cannot help but ignore it.

This is because the uncle of the rhinoceros-horned monster did something secretly and did not report Qin Hao's strength truthfully. Instead, he suppressed the report as much as possible. Otherwise, the personnel from the monster alliance headquarters would have sent senior officials here. After contacting Qin Hao, how could it be the turn of these small and chaotic forces to come here to investigate and monitor.

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