I laugh at you two for being so stupid. Qin Hao said calmly while standing on the tiger's head.

You... The rhinoceros-horned monster became angry when he heard Qin Hao mocking him like this, and glared at Qin Hao.

On the other side, Mr. Zhao, a man in a suit, still pretended to be a handsome man and said to Qin Hao: Is there any misunderstanding between us?

This Mr. Zhao originally planned to vent his anger on the rhinoceros-horned monster today. Since the uncle of the rhinoceros-horned monster also has certain power in the monster alliance, after some manipulation, he made his nephew rhinoceros The horned monster was able to catch up with Mr. Zhao.

Mr. Zhao is quite powerful in the Monster Alliance, and his father is the real top leader in the Monster Alliance.

Mr. Zhao is a truly treacherous person. After he accepted the rhinoceros-horned monster as his younger brother, he found out that the rhinoceros-horned monster had been angry with Qin Hao, so he wanted to vent his anger on his younger brother's behalf. , thereby establishing a tall image in front of his younger brother, making the younger brother more loyal to him.

Then what happened today happened. Since Qin Hao first went into seclusion for three months before coming out, the plan he had set long ago was not realized until today.

This Snake Grass is of great help to any kind of monster, so Mr. Zhao used this Snake Grass as bait and set up an arena competition just to tease Qin Hao, and then Give Qin Hao a bigger blow.

Letting the enemy fall into a road of more despair step by step is a rare pleasure in Mr. Zhao's heart.

But at this time, Mr. Zhao wanted to change his mind, because he had just received news from his subordinates that Qin Hao's mount was not weak and very powerful. This matter made Mr. Zhao a little interested.

Although he learned how powerful Qin Hao was from the rhinoceros horn monster uncle, Mr. Zhao didn't care. After all, his power was also very powerful, and Mr. Zhao himself was also very powerful.

Among these monsters, it is not uncommon to be powerful, but it is very rare to have a powerful mount.

Among this monster race, few monsters are willing to serve as mounts for others. Some monsters would rather die than serve as mounts even when faced with particularly powerful people.

It can be said that among the monster races, monsters that are willing to be mounts belong to the weird category, and it is even rarer to have a particularly powerful monster among such weird ones, and it is something that can only be encountered but not sought.

Even Mr. Zhao didn't have a powerful mount. Now that he knew that Qin Hao's mount was powerful, he wanted to take it for himself.

How about we sit down and have a good chat? Mr. Zhao looked at Qin Hao and smiled leisurely.

At this time, he no longer thought about how to deal with and humiliate Qin Hao, but thought about how to take back Qin Hao's mount. Such a beautiful tiger must be very fierce if he rode it, Mr. Zhao felt in his heart Thinking like this.

Mr. Zhao's eyes flickered back and forth, thinking about strategies and ideas, although he believed that with the power he represented, he could play Qin Hao around. But he couldn't really force Qin Hao to do anything. After all, he was not the only one in this monster alliance, and Qin Hao was not weak.

Mr. Zhao can't really hurt Qin Hao, he can only give him a hard time. If Mr. Zhao wants Qin Hao's mount now, he must think of some strategies.

Get out of here!

Qin Hao faced the polite Mr. Zhao and shouted angrily. He didn't want to get involved with these boring people now. He got a fake snake plant and made Qin Hao happy in vain. Although Qin Hao was nothing The murderous devil will kill these two people because of this little thing, but if you anger him, you have to pay the price.

Qin Hao stamped his feet, indicating that Xiao Huang at his feet should teach the two people in front of him a lesson.


The colorful tiger Xiao Huang roared fiercely, and he especially liked to roar in crowded places. In this way, he can show his majesty as the Tiger King, Xiao Huang couldn't help but think so.

Because he got Qin Hao's signal, Xiao Huang worked particularly hard this time, especially when he faced the person who had beaten him, he used all his strength and roared with a thunderous roar.

This roar contains Xiao Huang's lord-level momentum, as well as a hint of Tiger King's majesty, and the manic wind blows up. This is the unique talent of tiger monsters.

As the saying goes, the dragon follows the cloud and the tiger follows the wind. As a colorful tiger, after Xiao Huang advanced to the lord-level strength, his roar could sweep up strong winds, which carried shocking damage.

Master Zhao, be careful!

The rhinoceros-horned monster shouted and stood directly in front of Mr. Zhao. He crossed his hands on his chest and looked serious about resisting the attack.

He was able to follow Mr. Zhao and become a kind of younger brother only because of his uncle's help. Otherwise, with his ordinary third-level strength, he wanted to follow Mr. Zhao. That's the thing about delusion.

In order to express himself in front of Mr. Zhao, the rhino-horned monster stood alone in front of the fierce wind. Of course, he was also very smart. This rhino-horned monster could see that Xiao Huang only had lord-level strength, and his Their strength is almost the same, so they dare to stand in front of this fierce wind alone.

In an instant, the attack was imminent, and the fierce wind, accompanied by a shocking aura, directly swept and enveloped the rhinoceros-horned monster.


Just for a moment, the rhinoceros-horned monster immediately let out a scream after being hit by the strong wind.

What the rhinoceros-horned monster didn't expect was that Xiao Huang was different from other lord-level monsters. It had absorbed a touch of Qin Hao's dragon energy, and the power of the dragon and tiger was entangled in his body, making Xiao Huang's combat power stronger than other monsters. Lord level monsters are much stronger.

The rhinoceros-horned monster didn't know why. After all, he had defeated Xiao Huang three months ago. He didn't think Xiao Huang could be that powerful, but he suffered a big disaster at this time.

If it were a serious battle, the fierce wind like that sent by Xiao Huang must not be blocked, but should be turned around and avoided. However, at this time, the rhinoceros-horned monster used its own body to resist it, and it had not yet managed to resist it. Keep Tao attacks in mind.

As a result, many scars suddenly appeared on the body of the rhinoceros-horned monster, and sizzling red blood flowed outwards. These were scars blown by the strong wind.

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