The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 315 Xiaobai comes out of seclusion

elder brother.

The formation at the door opened from the inside, and Xiao Bai's voice came out from inside.

How are you? Qin Hao stepped forward and asked after seeing Xiaobai come out of seclusion.

It's almost done. Xiaobai frowned slightly, and then continued: The mental damage is completely intact, but the physical damage is difficult to recover for a while.

When Qin Hao heard this, his eyes wrinkled slightly, he walked forward and put his palm on Xiao Bai's shoulder. A pure power of wood slowly emerged from Qin Hao's body and was instilled into Xiao Bai's body.

Xiaobai's face looked relaxed at that time, and the pure power of wood slowly flowed into the blood of her body, and a repairing power slowly repaired her body.

But Xiaobai took a step back and said, No need, brother.

The injuries in my body cannot be repaired by the power of wood.

When Qin Hao heard this, he also stopped what he was doing. When he was instilling the power of wood into Xiaobai, he had already discovered that the injuries in Xiaobai's body could not be repaired simply by relying on the power of wood.

Qin Hao and Xiao Bai's injuries were almost the same, and he was able to repair his own physical injuries with the elder's effort.

At that time, the powerful ship revealed its power, which contained the power of radiation. If you rely only on the power of wood, you can repair ordinary injuries, but you cannot recover the damage caused by the power of radiation.

Qin Hao is currently helpless to deal with the damage caused by the power of technology.

It's okay, brother. Seeing Qin Hao worried about his injury, Xiaobai took it as comfort.

I estimate that it will take another year and a half before I can fully recover.

Xiaobai didn't care about taking care of the injuries in his body. The physical quality of the monster was very strong. Even if it suffered explosive damage from technological power, it also contained powerful radiation power. However, Xiaobai's body of a giant snake, But it is getting stronger and slowly repairing the injuries in the body every minute.

If it weren't for the fact that seclusion is no longer useful, Xiaobai would have completely recovered from other ordinary injuries if he came out of seclusion.

Is Lord Qin Hao here?

Just when Qin Hao was thinking about how to help Xiaobai recover from his injury as soon as possible, there was a voice outside the door.

Qin Hao heard that this was the voice of a stranger, so he thought that this person from the Monster Alliance had never come to him before, and thought that it might be someone from the Monster Alliance who came to contact him. With a wave of his arm, the wind controller's The ability was released and the door was opened directly.

Lord Qin Hao.

A human-shaped monster walked outside the door. Due to the large number of monster races in the Monster Alliance, and in order to save energy consumption, most of these monsters are usually in a sealed state and are small in size.

Furthermore, due to the frequent wars between the Monster Alliance and human evolvers, many members of the Monster Alliance like to dress themselves up as humans and put on a human skin coat. In their eyes, this is equivalent to... Showing off his trophies.

Qin Hao often walks around in human form on weekdays, and doesn't think there's anything weird about it.

Nodding lightly, Qin Hao looked at the person in front of him with a slightly questioning look in his eyes.

I am a member of the Elders Council of the Monster Alliance. I came here specifically to invite you, Lord Qin Hao, on the order of the elders. This man said to Qin Hao with a very respectful expression. As an internal member of the Elders Council of the Monster Alliance, They were specially ordered to come to befriend Qin Hao because they discovered Qin Hao's powerful strength.

What happened between Qin Hao and Mr. Zhao on the street that day had already reached the ears of the Presbyterian Council, and that's why today's scene happened.

Although the power behind Mr. Zhao is very large and he has many tentacles in the Presbyterian Council, he cannot cover the sky with one hand. There are still many people who are not on Mr. Zhao's side and hold high positions in the Presbyterian Council.

Since the Monster Alliance is a loose and large organization, some people are needed to manage various affairs in the Monster Alliance, so the Presbyterian Council was born.

The Council of Elders is the apparent controller of this monster alliance, with the participation of many representatives of monster races. The purpose of its existence is to safeguard the interests of various monster races, but they also have a common and clear goal, to eliminate All human evolvers.

Putting aside the grievances between the Monster Alliance and the human evolvers for the time being, Qin Hao didn't want to know. What he knew was that the Presbyterian Council had great power, and these things were recorded in his jade identity token. .

Sit down and talk. Qin Hao said to the person in front of him.

Please. The man bent down and invited Qin Hao to sit down first, and then sat down around the table.

That's it. After the man sat down, he explained his purpose.

We, the Council of Elders, know that you are very powerful, Mr. Qin Hao, so we would like to invite you to do something with us.

What's up?

Our intelligence officers from the Monster Alliance discovered a secret place. According to the speculations of the Council of Elders, there are definitely many treasures there. However, the human evolvers also discovered this secret place, so we want to use your combat power to Come explore this secret place with us.

Oh. Qin Hao nodded lightly, without revealing much interest in his eyes.

Seeing that Qin Hao didn't show any expression, this person showed too much interest, so he quickly tried to persuade him.

Do you know ophiophyllum? the man said.


Yes, we know that you got a piece of snakeskin on the street that day, but that piece of snakeskin is no longer useful.

The man said with a smile that the Presbyterian Church was so powerful that it naturally knew everything that happened on the street. After inquiring, they found out that Qin Hao was interested in snake grass, so he specially took it at this time. The snakeskin tells a story.

Is there snake grass in the secret place you mentioned? Qin Hao asked. He is still very interested in snake grass. After all, this kind of spiritual grass can greatly help Xiaobai's injuries. If we could get a truly useful snake plant, Xiaobai could recover from his internal injuries as quickly as possible.


The man said categorically, then stood up, walked to Qin Hao, and whispered into his ear: Young master Zhao got the snake grass from that secret place.

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