The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 977: Settlement (three)

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Although the Blood Demon Palace is not affiliated with any of the eighteen realms of the Moro Realm, as a large individual force in the Moro Realm, the strength of this organization is well known throughout the Moro Realm.

As for the headquarters of the Blood Demon Palace, no one in the Moro Realm can really speak well. The mysterious and organized organization is generally online. They want to find the Blood Demon Palace through ordinary members of the Blood Demon Palace. Where is the difficulty?

The Gorefiend ancestors have a good reputation, and there are not many domain masters who want to bring them under their control, but the master of the Gorefiend Palace can always elaborately avoid the collections of the domain masters and grow freely. Power.

For the Blood Demon ancestor, of course, he will not be willing to play under the power of the domain master. According to the blood curse, his method is too sensitive. If the domain master is found, wait His, it is absolutely unimaginable.

After countless years of secret development, today's Blood Demon Palace is definitely among the forefront among the many idle forces in the Mo Luo world. As for the size of the Blood Demon Palace, this one is only the Blood Demon ancestor. Master Gongzhu knows.

There are millions of miles of underground space in the world, one palace after another, like a dense forest, and there is a faint connection between these palaces, connecting these palaces together.

At this moment, there are some faint energy fluctuations in some palaces that will spread from time to time, but there are people in the palace who are practicing. And more palaces seemed to be empty at the moment, and it was not known whether it had always been this way or whether the master inside was temporarily absent.

At one point, in this vast underground space with palaces, a ground near a corner suddenly moved slightly. Then, it looked very weird, but at first glance, it was from this place. The ground broke out and jumped straight out of the ground.

This World of Warcraft jumped out of the ground, but left a deep hole with a diameter of almost one meter behind it. During the talk, there was a sound of wind breaking in the hole. Then, the shape of a young man, It was flying up from the hole.

Behind the young man, a blood-devil ancestor in a blood-colored robe killed the cave immediately afterwards. The two appeared one after the other and stood in the air.

"It's finally time to breathe, the world below is going to choke me!"

The figure came out from below, Yuan Feng exhaled for a long time, enjoying the fresh breath of the outside world.

Although the space below is not small, but due to the existence of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the world below has been blocked, and even the heaven and earth aura can hardly penetrate into it.

"Is this the underground palace of the Blood Demon Palace? Yes, really nice!"

As he breathed his breath, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but glanced at the huge space in front of him, and when he saw the underground palaces one after another, his eyes flashed subconsciously with satisfaction.

According to the Gorefiend ancestors, the place they were in before was the private space of the Gorefiend ancestors, and the earth palace world now is the real headquarters of the Gorefiend Palace.

"Young Master, this is where the Blood Demon Palace is located. Every large palace has a person in the Great Destruction Realm to practice in it, but at this moment, many people are distributed in the Mo Luo world, not all of them. Everyone is here. "

The Blood Demon ancestor's gaze first looked at the weird World of Warcraft that opened the way, and then turned his head to Yuan Feng Road.

For Yuan Feng's magic pet that can produce all kinds of Warcraft, he was really surprised. Looking at Yuan Feng's magic pet, he even gave birth to a Warcraft he had never seen before. The barrier between the underground world, while surprised, he was even more amazed by Yuan Feng.

He knew how far away his private space was from the Blood Demon Palace, but this one, which had only the annihilation of World of Warcraft, opened up the channel so quickly that it was definitely born for drilling.

"It seems that few people are on standby here. Is this the old man who sent the strong men in the Blood Demon Palace?"

While listening to the report of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng's mind swept across the entire underground palace and felt the power distribution of the Blood Demon Palace at this moment.

There are many palaces, but many of them are empty. It seems that most members of the Blood Demon Palace should be dispatched now.

Speaking, he couldn't help raising his palms and glanced at the blood-stained dots in his palms. At the moment, among the dense little dots, more than thirty dots were faintly brightening. .

The blood curse as a martial arts skill, the strangeness in it is simply not conceivable by ordinary people. In fact, as long as the controller is close to the person being charged, the controller can sense the existence of the person being charged and determine the position of the other person. Of course, this is just the effect of the first level of the blood curse magic skill. At the later levels, there are more bizarre usages that Yuan Feng needs to slowly cultivate and study.

"Without concealing the lord, most members of the Blood Demon Palace have been sent by me to all parts of the Mo Luo Realm, and many of them have even entered the domain main force to undercover. These people have no use in staying in the palace. They only move. In order to make more contributions to the Blood Demon Palace. "

The Gorefiend ancestor is definitely not a cover. His own strength is not alone. In fact, his guts are stronger than his own strength.

Infiltrating the members of the Blood Demon Palace to all parts of the Mo Luo Realm, and even inserting them into the main power of the domain, it seems that he is going to lay the foundation for his future control of the Mo Luo Realm! Obviously, the existence of the blood curse magical power has made this lord's ambition swell not so great.

"It's also good, spread some power everywhere, and always control the situation to be invincible."

Nodded, Yuan Feng agreed with the other side's approach. The situation in the Blood Demon Palace is a bit special, and it is not like some ordinary forces. There will be no betrayal in this force. In this way, you can naturally magnify your courage.

"Blood old, talk about the guidelines of the Blood Demon Palace. This seems to be still a closed underground palace. How do we go out? Will it still be a hole?"

Although he has controlled the Blood Demon Palace in his hands, but honestly, he has never controlled such a powerful force as he does now. How to make good use of these people, I am afraid that he must seriously consider it. Row.

"Naturally you do n’t need to continue digging holes. There is a teleportation array in the underground palace of the Blood Demon Palace and the outside entrance. There are two guardians of the Great Destruction Realm on top. Sending people to the designated transfer points to ensure that they are foolproof. "

A safe area below the chaos in the deep space of the Blood Demon Palace, all actions are completed by teleporting the Xuan array. In this way, unless someone finds the transmission point of the Blood Demon Palace, don't even want to master the Blood Demon Palace Information.

"Master, please see, there is the teleportation mysterious array that the underground palace leads to."

Speaking, the bloodlord ancestor flicked his fingers and pointed out the location of the teleporter Xuan Zhen to Yuan Feng.

Following the instructions of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng immediately saw the small-scale teleportation array in the corner, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Is this the only entrance to the underground palace?"

Taking a look at the teleportation array, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows and continued to ask.

"Yes, if you want to enter the underground palace, there is only this entrance. Apart from this entrance, if you want to enter this underground palace, even if the domain master comes, don't even think about it."

The underground palace of the Blood Demon Palace is very tricky. If you want to make a hole from above, it is almost impossible. First, the location of the Blood Demon Palace is very deep. Second, the location of the Blood Demon Palace is not under the upper entrance. As for where it is, he is not sure.

However, it can be imagined that the upper part of the Blood Demon Palace is definitely an appalling space storm. If you do not pass through the mysterious array but open it up, you may be swept away by the space storm at the first time, and then it will be life or death. It depends on God's will.

"Very good, since it's the only way in and out, it's better to add a layer of insurance."

Frowning slightly, Yuan Feng flickered, and came directly to the place where the teleportation mystery was located, and between talking, he started to live around the teleportation mystery.

"Brush brush !!!"

Pieces of star crystals were thrown away by him, as if it was a heavy rain, and the vertical and horizontal scene of the star crystals saw the **** ancestors staring aside, for Yuan Feng's mystery The means of battle is simply admiration.

"Here, is this a mysterious array? Wouldn't it be the kind of super mysterious array you wanted?"

Yuan Feng's action at this moment is undoubtedly the arrangement of the mysterious array, but what kind of mysterious array is arranged, he naturally cannot see at this moment.

Without any worries, Yuan Feng's formation speed can be described in terms of horror. The dazzling feeling is almost like a miracle.

"Om !!!"

The time is not long. The whole space around the teleportation array is slightly shaken. Then, this space is shrouded by an indescribable mist. In this way, whether you want to enter from the outside The underground palace, or if you want to go out from the underground palace, you must first pass the level of this mysterious array.

"This time, it should be truly foolproof! From now on, this underground house is my base camp in the Moro realm !!!"

After everything was arranged, Yuan Feng smiled with satisfaction, and his foundation in the world of Mo Luo was also initially established at this moment.

ps: Needle tied in the morning, burned again in the afternoon, why not? So uncomfortable to say! !!

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