The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 978: The second layer of magic (four more)

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The first step to the world of Mo Luo, Yuan Feng was in control of the forces controlled by a strong hole in the heavenly realm, but also conquered a super strong person in the quasi-hole realm, and got a perverted magic skill such as blood curse. It can be said that this trip to the magical world was much better than he expected.

Originally, after stepping on the land of the Moro Realm, he thought that it would take him a long time to integrate into the Moro Realm, and then he tried to find a way to stand on a certain corner of the Moro Realm, and finally radiated to the entire Mo Luo world.

However, it is not difficult to stand on the heels, but if you want to form a force in the Moro Realm and make a name for yourself, it will be very difficult. As we all know, the people of the Moro Realm are very tough, and it is not at all difficult to make these guys surrender in good faith.

However, the achievement of the Blood Curse was to solve all the problems. The next thing he had to do was to find ways to grow the Blood Demon Palace and infiltrate more power into the entire Mora world, even if he could not control the Mora All the trends in the world, but at least you must contact more Mo Luo world strong and make yourself a figure in the strong circle.

Of course, is there any bigger ambition? Only he knows it.

After the blood demon ancestors got the blood curse, they had thought about dominating the magic world, and as the master of the swallowing martial arts, he realized the rare genius of the realm of the sword, and according to him, he came That said, if there is no idea at all, it may sound unrealistic.

At least, his goal should be no less than that of the Gorefiend ancestor ...

In the underground world of the Blood Demon Palace, there are one more palace group at a time. This palace is obviously much larger than other palaces, and it is located in the center of all palaces. It looks very conspicuous.

At this moment, in this newly built huge palace, Yuan Feng sits quietly on a stone bed. In front of him, there are animal skin cheats with blood curse.

There is a total of three levels of blood magic skill. The first level of magic skill is to make blood spirit, control the life and death of others, and thus absolutely conquer others.

This level of blood curse magic is the most basic part. Only after you have completed the first level of blood curse magic can you continue to practice the following magic.

The second level of blood curse magic power is to use the blood of the accused person to form a special connection between the person in charge and the person in charge. Once this connection is established, the person in charge can pass The eyes and minds of the accused learned that the situation was hundreds of millions of miles away.

It is conceivable that once this second level of divine power is practiced, then from now on, even if Yuan Feng does not leave the house or the house, as long as he controls enough people, he will always be in control of the entire Mo Luo world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the movement.

It is no exaggeration to say that the second-level realm of practicing the blood curse magic skill, even if it is not high in cultivation and strength, it can also be called the king of the magic world.

Of course, the second level of blood curse magic is not as difficult to practice as it is. If you want to practice this level of realm, ordinary warriors don't even have to think about it, even if they are strong in the heavenly realm, If you want to practice this level of magic, you can only rely on luck.

The previous Gorefiend ancestor was trying to cultivate the second-level blood curse magic skill. Unfortunately, even if he gave the Gorefiend prince more time, he could not practice successfully. In this regard, he may be dissatisfied. , But it is absolutely true.

As for the third level of blood curse magic, it can be said that it is a sublimation above the second level, and it is also where the blood curse magic is truly abnormal.

If the third level of blood curse can be practiced, then the person in charge can take over everything the accused person includes, including the ideology of the accused person, and all the means by which the accused person is proficient. Moreover, once the third level is completed, the controller can bring his own power to the accused person in a special way, and exert his powerful power and means through the accused person.

No doubt, this is definitely a perverted skill. At that time, if Yuan Feng had already achieved the realm of Dongtian, he could sit in his own Dongtian world and use the accused person to exert his power anytime, anywhere. Coming everywhere, there is no need to worry about any danger.

The realm of the three levels, one level is more abnormal than the other. Among them, the realm of the third level may be difficult to cultivate for a while, but Yuan Feng must be sure to obtain the second level of magic.

The swallowing martial arts movement, Yuan Feng did not delay for a while, almost after explaining the ancestor of the blood demon, began the second level of blood curse magic.

Cultivation of the second-level blood curse magic skill does not actually require the accused person to come before, but if the accused person is closer, it will undoubtedly be easier to cultivate.

Yuan Feng used to practice the second level of the blood curse magic power, naturally those who are ordinary congenital and dandan realm, these people's blood level is lower, the control is also less difficult, of course, this, At the second level of blood curse, the success rate is unlikely to be the same as before. This is true even for Yuan Feng.

Once the attempt fails, the blood used will be broken, and the accused person will naturally only have a dead end. I have to say that this kind of cultivation is really cruel, and it is definitely not something that a soft-hearted person can try.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng cultivates this second-level blood-cursing magical power. In a blink of an eye, it is three months. However, in three months, he is still bad for this second-level blood cursing magical power. A lot.

"Sin, sin! In three months, in my hands, I am afraid that no less than a thousand people have died, really sin."

It was another broken blood, and Yuan Feng's face couldn't help showing a touch of compassion.

During these three months, he has been practicing the second level of blood curse magic, and as of this moment, no more than a thousand Moro people have died in his hands.

Although the Moro is alien to him, how can it be said that it is a living life, and these people have no power to fight back and can only let the weak who slaughter him. For the weak Sympathy made him soften a little.

"It's a difficult blood curse magic skill, and the strangeness of my swallowing of the heavenly martial arts, even this situation appears. It seems that the difficulty of this blood curse magic skill will be above my mirror magic skill."

With a bitter smile, he shook his head, and Yuan Feng even had an urge to give up now.

They all said that they will succeed in the future. He didn't realize the meaning of this sentence before, but now he can't help but understand it.

Frankly speaking, with Yuan Feng ’s understanding and the help of the swallowing martial arts spirit, in fact, this second level of blood curse magic should not have been successful until now. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng ’s heart is really still Not hard enough, always worried that after his failure, someone will be killed because of this, which makes his practice efficiency much lower.

"Be ordinary, you must treat this practice with an ordinary mind."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng naturally knew what was wrong with him, and the next time, he adjusted his mentality on the one hand, and on the other hand, he would be able to practice the second-level blood curse skill on the other hand. Take some time to simply watch the accused's memory. If the opponent has fewer murders, he simply substitutes.

What made him feel more comforting was that after observing the memory of these Moro people, he only found out that all these Moro people are cannibalistic and do not spit out bones. It seems that there is really no Who has a reason not to kill.

In this way, the following cultivation, he became very calm.

In fact, even if these Mora people are not despicable, Yuan Feng need not think too much. This world is like this. The strong man already has the power to control the life and death of the weak man, just like him. If he is caught by the super strong man in the world of Mo Luo, will he still have to be slaughtered by others?

There is nothing wrong with having a good heart, but not everything needs to be controlled by kindness.

At the moment, looking for Chu Tianyu is not something that can be performed in a short while. Rather than rush into action, it is better to prepare carefully and plan carefully. When the preparation is almost finished, it is not too late to start the action.

He did not accidentally chop firewood workers. He knew this. Of course, the main thing is because Chu Tianyu has been in the Moro Realm for too long, whether it is death or alive. I am afraid that it has already been concluded, and it will not be due to the delay of one and a half years. Variety.

After correcting his mentality, Yuan Feng ’s efficiency is undoubtedly too much, and under this mentality, almost two months have passed. In Yuan Feng ’s palace, a cheerful laughter, Suddenly flooded the entire hall.

"Ha ha ha, it is, the second level of blood curse magic has finally become!"

The cheerful laughter spread from Yuan Feng's mouth. It took five months, but he finally practiced the second level of the blood curse. From now on, even when he is sitting at home, he can always control the outside information. You can really make mistakes in the tent, and win or lose thousands of miles away.

"Let me try the results!"

Laughter fell, Yuan Feng condensed the excitement under his heart, and then he moved his mind directly into the palm of his hand and probed into a shadow of the palm of his hand.

At the same time, in one of the palaces of the Blood Demon Palace, the cultivating Blood Demon ancestors suddenly trembled, and his face suddenly became dull. The expression was like seeing the most incredible thing.

ps: The faint **** possessed, please comfort! !! !! So uncomfortable to say! !!

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