The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 976: News of the Divine Protection Law (II)

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Eighteen realms of the Mo Luo Realm, I am afraid that each realm is extremely tyrannical. From the explanation of the blood demon ancestors, the masters of the major realms in the eighteen realms have at least a dozen law-protection levels. The strong, the strongest of them, have dozens of law guards.

The law-protecting powerhouse naturally uses Dongtianjing as the dividing line, and there are dozens of Dongtianjing strongmen under the seat of a domain master. It is very scary to listen to it.

"Eighteen realms, countless powerful Dongtian realms, the strength of this magical world is also powerful enough to make people desperate!"

After listening to the introduction of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng has already learned the general situation of the Moro Realm. At least, he has learned a strength comparison between the Moro Realm and the French Realm.

Obviously, if you look at the overall strength alone, the French Realm is bound to be stronger than the Moro Realm. This point, you can know a little by one from the number of those who have achieved great success. In addition, there is a star house in the French realm, among which there are countless strong ones, and the Moro world does not seem to have that kind of behemoth-like organization, even if it is, it is in the dark, and the strength can never be compared with the star house.

However, although in terms of overall strength, the French Realm has an absolute advantage, but if a real sword and a real gun are used, the French Realm will definitely win, but after the war, how many strong people can the French Realm have to live? Down, I'm afraid this is not easy to say.

"It seems that the French phase world wants to destroy the Mo Luo world, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go!"

With a long sigh in his heart, Yuan Feng understood that the French realm wanted to erase the Mo Luo world, and even if they were able to show some strong men undercover, I hope they are not big. At this point, the powerful men in the French realm did not seem to realize it.

"By the way, Bloody, there are a lot of law-enhancing powers in the Moro world, but Bloody has heard of a guy called Night-Night Protection?"

Leaving the long-term plan aside for a moment, Yuan Feng suddenly stared, and asked the Blood Demon ancestor.

This time he came to the world of Mo Luo, he came under the name for the undercover, but he knew best, in fact, his most direct purpose was to find Chu Tianyu. And if you want to find Chu Tianyu, naturally you have to start with the night owl protection law.

"Night owl protection method? Naturally know." Hearing Yuan Feng's question, the blood ancestor ancestor raised his eyebrows, and then answered loudly.

"Eh? Really know?" Yuan Feng suddenly overjoyed when she looked. He just asked casually, without much hope at all, but he did not expect that the retailer, the Blood Demon ancestor, really knew the existence of the Night Stalker.

"Blood old, tell me about this night owl protection method, the more detailed the better."

The situation of others can be ignored, but he must know more about this night-time protection law.

"The Night Stalker is a strong man under the main seat of the Eighteen Realms Demon Realm. This person is cruel and proficient in the magical powers of cultivating with dying breath, so he often provokes wars of all sizes. Inhaling dead gas and radon for cultivation, but the person's last appearance was about a hundred years ago, and after that, he did not show his face before the public. "

Although the Blood Demon Palace is not affiliated with any of the eighteen realms, the Blood Demon ancestors understood the information of the entire Mo Luo world by virtue of the strength of the people under their control and the loyalty of their subordinates. A lot.

Of course, what he can understand is also superficial. Some deep-level things, naturally, he cannot understand.

"Last appearance a century ago? This ..."

The Bloodlord's answer, of course, he was not very satisfied. From the answer of the other party, this night-time protection law only appeared publicly a hundred years ago. After that, I was afraid that it would disappear. As for the other party's departure to the Tianlong dynasty, I am afraid it is the secret of the Mora kingdom. It should be difficult for ordinary people to know.

"Blood old, how far away is the realm of the demon heart master you said from where we are now?"

Although he didn't find out the specific information of the protection of the nightmare, at least, he knew that the other party was a strong man under the host of the magic heart realm. As long as he knew this, he could also go to him in the realm of the magic heart realm, so Inquired about Chu Tianyu's news.

"This ......... Young Master, there are endless areas between the eighteen realms of the Moro Realm. I want to shuttle between the two realms. Based on my previous cultivation, I am afraid that it will take at least a month. And the magic heart realm is far away. I am afraid that there are seven or eight realms. Therefore, if I want to reach the magic heart realm, it will take about a year even if I was in the heyday. "

Speaking of which, there is a helpless flash of help on the face of the Blood Demon ancestor, because now he has no power in the heyday, if he wants to reach the magic heart, it is not a matter of time.

"This ... with your previous strength, it would take another year? It's too ...... hey!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng realized that the Mo Luo world was so huge, and the strong man in Dongtian Realm triple sky had to spend more than a month to move between the two realms.

Obviously, this aspect of the Mo Luo Realm cannot be compared with the French Realm. There is a teleportation mystery between the major prefectures of the French phase boundary, but there is no such teleportation mystery in the Moro Realm.

However, if you think about it, the people of the Mo Luo world are so brave and fierce. If you set up a teleportation array between them, I am afraid that a war will break out every day.

"Dongtianjing triple sky, it takes a year to hurry. At my current speed, I am afraid that I do n’t have to think about it for ten or eight years! It seems that it is really heavy to find Brother Tianyu. And far away! "

I have to say that the information this bloodslayer ancestor brought to him this time is really not good news.

"No more, blood old, let's not talk about this, let's talk about your strength, in your current situation, how soon can you return to the level of Dongtianjing?"

Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng pulled the subject back to his eyes and asked solemnly to the Blood Demon ancestor.

Now that the Blood Demon ancestor has been subdued by him, he naturally hopes that the other party will recover his strength as soon as possible. In that case, he can have a strong subordinate to control earlier.

"Without concealing the lord, my cultivation is to return to Dongtianjing. It is conservatively estimated that it will take five years, and maybe even longer."

Speaking of his own strength, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't hide it this time, and when he said the real number, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips, apparently not satisfied with the answer.

"Is it five years? It seems to be too long. Is there any way to shorten this time?"

He was in urgent need of manpower. Although it was not very long in five years, he really didn't want to wait that long.

"It's not that there aren't no solutions, but there aren't many practical ones. I'll sort them out later to see if I can find a shortcut to speed up the recovery."

It is difficult to imagine the difficulty of restoring the world of the cave. Even the **** ancestors do not know which methods are available and which methods can be put into action.

"Forget it, you study slowly, if I can help, I will find a way to help you."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng didn't feel the hesitation and the other's actions. He groaned a little, and then he said, "Blood, give the blood of all the people who are in control of the Desolation Perfection to my hands, Right now, you are not the right person to control these people. "

The Gorefiend ancestor could not recover Dongtian Realm for a while and a half, and his strength was far worse than that of him. Naturally, there was no way to control so many people in the Great Destruction Realm. However, putting control of these people into his hands is completely different.

In any case, he is already half a master who has stepped into the ranks of Dongtian Realm, and it is obviously more than enough to control some people who have completed the annihilation.

"Okay, the young master pays attention, and I will give the blood of all the people who have completed the annihilation to the young master."

The Gorefiend ancestor did not have any objections, but it was very indifferent. The time between words, he changed the handprints, and released the blood of the people who were under the control of the annihilation. Come out.

One after another the **** ghosts appeared, but Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he raised his hand, he took these blood one after another, and each time he took over one blood, it meant that he could control the blood. Master, the time is not long, the Blood Demon ancestors gave him more than a hundred bloods, that is, the current Yuan Feng has more than a hundred tyrannical subordinates in his hand, leap Became the first class of the Mo Luo world.

"Hey, give me this suit again, it will save you trouble."

After taking over all the Great Satisfactory subordinates, Yuan Feng asked for another set of blood-colored robes. In this way, as long as he puts this blood-colored robe on his body, he will then pretend to be the other person by virtue of the blood of the blood demon ancestor. Breath, you can order all your subordinates as the ancestor of the blood demon.

For this behavior of Yuan Feng, the blood ancestor ancestor did not say, but his heart was still a little speechless. Yuan Feng used his identity to sway and deceive, and after he recovered his freedom in the future, he did not know whether he would provoke a lot of enemies.

"Xue Lao, in the next time, we seem to be studying how to leave here. If I am not mistaken, without the assistance of the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid it will not be easy to leave this place!"

Having arranged everything, Yuan Feng suddenly realized that the underground palace world they were in now seemed like a closed world, and they didn't know how to leave here!

"It's a bit more trouble, but Young Master rest assured that this is the underground of the Blood Demon Palace. As long as you clear the barrier above, you can go out. And, after leaving here, I will take Young Master to take a look at the Blood Demon Palace. The young master has a more specific understanding of the Blood Demon Palace and will better control the Blood Demon Palace in the future. "

Speaking of which, the blood ancestor's heart inevitably sighed, obviously there is still some sadness.

ps: After finishing the code in the morning, I put it in the manuscript box, but the upload failed! !! !! You are late, forgive me! !! !!

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