The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 968: The reality is cruel (second more)

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After some resistance, the Blood Demon ancestors failed to escape the fate of being returned to the original shape by the Jiuqu Yellow River Array.

At the time of the Three Realms, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation has made countless strong people a mortal person, and it has been cultivated for thousands of years to become a painting cake. In this world, the power of the Jiuqu Yellow River is not diminished. In the end, it can only be drunk hatred, obediently beaten back to the realm of annihilation.

As the realm of the Blood Demon ancestor fell to annihilation, his body caved in, and immediately collapsed, and all the items that were originally included in the cave world were squeezed out at this moment and scattered all over Jiuqu among the Yellow River.

In a certain sense, the cave world of the strong cave world is somewhat similar to the nano crystal ring. Now, the cave world of the blood demon ancestor collapses, as if the nano crystal ring is broken, and the contents are nowhere. The resettlement can only be scattered with the annihilated cave sky.

What a huge collection of Dongtianjing powerful people, except for those things that have evolved from his body Dongtian, all those things that were put in by others have fallen out at this moment.

Shining crystal stars, all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, and some spirit equipment ... In short, the **** ancestor collapsed like a spree from heaven, the scene can hardly be said Spectacular.


When the realm fell, the **** ancestor rushed to attack his heart, and a blood spurted out directly, and the breath of the whole person became debilitated instantly.

"It's over, it's over!"

Feeling that his cultivation has fallen into the realm of annihilation, the ancestor of the blood demon really has the urge to hit him. At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he didn't choose to explode before. Perhaps, when he was still in the cultivation of Dongtianjing, he should choose to share everything with his opponent.

Now it's okay. He has completed his annihilation. He has no qualifications to share with the other party, and can only be slaughtered by others. As soon as he thought about it, he was spitting blood again and again, his breath was getting weaker and weaker.

"Ha ha ha, okay, finally fell to annihilation, this time, you can finally rest assured!"

The change in the matrix space was naturally felt by Yuan Feng for the first time. When it was sensed that the Blood Demon ancestor had fallen from the cave heaven threefold sky, all the way down to the Great Destruction Realm, he could no longer control the joy under his heart. , Laugh out loud.

The Blood Demon ancestor of Dong Tianjing, he is definitely not an opponent, but he can destroy the opponent who is a perfect one, and there is no threat in front of him.

"A lot of darlings, this guy's cave world is just a treasure house. Give me it !!"

Apart from excitement, Yuan Feng's gaze was on the countless babies scattered in the large array. Although it was not very clear, but only a brief glance, he found countless babies that made him salivate.

At this time, naturally, there is no time to sort out these things. With a moment of thought, he is running a large array, transferring all the treasures in it to his own Dantian space.

His Dantian space is so huge now that it's more than enough to let go of these things. In the blink of an eye, the blood ancestor's ancestor's life-long collection was transferred to him, and all his efforts were made for him.

"Swallow the sky martial spirit, come back !!!"

After converging as much as possible of the babies blasted by the Blood Demon ancestors, Yuan Feng again issued a return instruction to the Devouring Wuling, and among the Devouring Wuling at this moment, a large amount of silver-white cave power has been collected. At that scale, I don't know how many times it was larger than it was at the time of the Tianlong Dynasty.

"God help me too, and really help me. With the power of these caves, my cultivation must break through to the realm of annihilation in one fell swoop. By then, even if I am a strong man in Dongtian, I will not be afraid of it! "

Seeing that Tun Tian Wu Ling had collected so much Dongtian Power back, Yuan Feng's face was full of excitement. With so much power in the sky, he believes that he will successfully reach the realm of annihilation, and his confidence in the next trip to the Mo Luo realm will surely be better.

"The surrendered place will survive, and the survivor will die. Heaven will not kill me, but will exercise me with a stronger test! Hahaha!"

Originally, this time he was caught by Dongtian Jingqiang, he was ready to lose this life, but what he never expected was that the result of the incident had evolved to the current state. This transformation Even he couldn't believe it.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River Array, everything is the credit of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. The ancient **** array is indeed the ancient **** array of my three realms !!"

This time he was able to defeat a strong man in the cave heaven. All this can be said to be the credit of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Now, he finally understands what the strongest means is now!

"My Excellency is finally willing to speak out. My ancestor, I have fallen into the state of annihilation. Wouldn't you still like to appear?"

Just as Yuan Feng's cheerful laughter was rippling in the midst of the big battle, the **** ancestor in the space of Xuan Zhen finally calmed his writhing blood and roared with indignation.

From beginning to end, he was trapped in the Super Mysteriously, until he became a annihilator at this moment, and finally heard his enemy's voice, and he was really depressed to death.

"Ha ha ha, yes, the Blood Devil ancestor, but this time I'm really sorry!"

When the words of the Blood Demon ancestors dropped, the cheerful laughter came again, and the dark space where the Blood Demon ancestors dwelled suddenly while talking, at the same time, A young figure appeared in front of him for the first time.


Suddenly the light recovered, making the Blood Demon ancestor feel a bit uncomfortable. After a short while, he restored his visual ability. However, when he recovered his vision and saw the people in front of him, the superpower who had been in the magic circle for countless years was suddenly there, and he had no words.

"You, you ... are you not Dongtianjing?"

After being completely silent for about half a minute, the Blood Demon ancestor finally stabilized his emotions and asked Yuan Feng tremblingly.

The young man in front of him has never seen it. Of course, it doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. What's important is that from the body of the young man in front of him, he can't feel the breath of the heavenly powerhouse. This fact makes him hard to believe the scene in front of him for a long time.

"This ......... is not really Dongtianjing, and there is a distance of ten thousand miles away from Dongtianjing!"

Standing proudly in front of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng looked down at this former cave-world powerhouse, but unfortunately, the other party at this moment has been beaten back to the annihilation by the Jiuqu Yellow River. Yae's realm, for him, is no different from a small ant.

The world is so full of drama. The super-powerful man who still needed him to look up has become a small role to be slaughtered by him. This kind of change is probably unacceptable to most people.


When Yuan Feng's words came down, the blood lord's ancestor spit out blood again, and his whole body was filled with extremely unstable mood swings. Obviously, this once superpower can't accept the facts at hand.

"I ask you, this mysterious array, but you arranged it? Also, how did you mix into my underground palace?"

Trying to stabilize his mind, the Blood Demon ancestor wanted to calm himself down, but his turbulent blood and irresistible anger made him unable to keep calm at this moment. At this moment, he was just on the verge of getting into the magic.

"Hey, laughed, these nine songs of the Yellow River Array are indeed from the hands of the people. As for how I came in, you have to ask yourself?"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng also regarded the other party as a gift to him, but was very generous in answering the other party.

"Really, really you? Hey !!!"

After getting Yuan Feng's confirmation, the blood lord's ancestors were all dark before him, and almost fainted directly. The blood was fluffy, and the money didn't spit up.

He was still thinking about what level of strong man can arrange such a terrible mysterious array, but he has always been comforting himself, the opponent's strength must be above himself, and there is a super mysterious array to help His defeat is definitely not an injustice.

However, when I realized that the man in the battle array turned out to be a young man who had not yet reached the realm of cave heaven, all the psychological comforts were extinguished at this moment.

A young man who has not yet reached the cave realm has become what he is today. He really wants to find a mirror to take a look at his wolverine.

"Bloodlord, do n’t blame me. All of this is what you are looking for right now. If you did n’t catch me here suddenly, I would n’t arrange a large team to calculate you. In the final analysis, all this is You dig your own grave. "

Seeing the spitting blood from the bloodlord's ancestor, Yuan Feng shook his head, feeling slightly authentic.

Now think about it, everything that happened today seems to be in heaven, it seems that this blood ancestor is destined to be a stepping stone for him.

"I caught you here?"

The **** demon ancestor who was spitting blood, when he heard Yuan Feng's sentence, the whole person instantly became awake.

"You, you are ... ah, how is that possible, how is this possible !!!"

No matter how strong they are, the memory of the ancestors of the **** demon ancestors is certainly not good. Immediately, a flash of almost unformed memory flashed in his mind—a young man looked up to the sky outside the mansion, and then he was raised into the cave world by his hands. It was ridiculous that he was so I thought I caught a docile little sheep!


The more I thought about it, the more I felt depressed, and the more I thought about it, the more annoyed, in the end, the Blood Demon ancestor spit out blood again, and fell down directly to the bottom.

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