The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 969: Divine Skills-Blood Curse (Three)

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No one can appreciate the depression of the blood-devil ancestors, and the super-strong man in the dignified heavenly realm was actually calculated by a young man in the heavenly realm. He could not accept such a thing at all.

It is a pity that whether it can be accepted or not, the facts are already in front of us, and there can be no slight change.

During the big battle, the **** ancestor survived strong, of course, in the end he was dead or alive, it depends on Yuan Feng's mood.

After a period of stability, the Blood Demon ancestor was much calmer, because at this moment, one of the most important things in front of him is to save his life!

Although his cultivation has fallen to the realm of annihilation, but as long as he is given enough time, one day, he can return to the realm of Dongtian Realm. Therefore, at this moment, he has no time to be angry and upset. What he needs to do now is how to persuade Yuan Feng to make himself survive.

"No matter who you are, you have been deprived of everything. I hope that your network will open up and let me go."

Sitting in the midst of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, the Blood Demon ancestor looked up at Yuan Feng, his tone full of pleading.

People in the Mo Luo world never care what face or face, as long as they can survive, even if they are gimmicks? Right now, he just wants to survive, and he doesn't care about the rest.

"Give me a reason. If your reasons are good enough, then I can consider letting you go."

In the air, Yuan Feng looked behind the blood-devil ancestors indifferently, behind the hands, and looked down the road.

Up to now, he doesn't worry about the tricks of the Blood Demon ancestors. After all, the Blood Demon ancestors in the eighth stage of annihilation are nothing in his eyes. Moreover, at this moment, he did not withdraw the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Even if there was an accident, everything was still under his control.

"Let me die, this Blood Demon Palace is yours, and my men have 106 Great Destroyers who will be under your command. By then, they will be under your command."

The red cloak of the Blood Demon ancestor had been taken off by him, and it was exposed with a very thin face. If ordinary people saw his honor, I would be really scared enough. I think this is why he never shows up in front of people.

"Oh? One hundred and six Great Conquerors?"

Hearing the words of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng couldn't help but startled slightly, apparently startled by the figures spoken by the other party. One hundred and six subordinates of the Great Destruction Realm, frankly, such numbers are really scary enough.

"It sounds tempting, but how could your subordinates obey me? There is no sincerity for this reason. If there is no other reason, then I am really sorry."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand, and then a **** long knife was taken out by him and pinched in his right hand. The posture seemed to be shot at any time, and the result was the other side.

He did not use the Chixiao sword this time. Until now, the Chixiao sword is no longer needed to deal with the blood ancestors. This ordinary blood-colored sword is enough.

"and many more!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng recruit a blood-colored sword, the old demon ancestor suddenly changed his face, and he could feel that Yuan Feng was obviously not joking. If he could not give reasons to satisfy the other party, his old life, I am afraid Really lose it.

"Have you ever wanted to become the master of the Mora kingdom?"

Taking a deep breath, the Blood Demon ancestor stabilized his mind, and then suddenly facing Yuan Feng Shen channel.

"Master of the Mo Luo world? Hehe, are you making me happy? It seems you really don't want to live anymore!"

Hearing the words of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and when he was talking, he lifted up the **** sword, but he really wanted to cut it down.

"Slow, Your Excellency, listen to me!" He stood up suddenly, then the Blood Demon ancestor realized that the young man in front of him obviously did not have such good patience. Even the opportunity to speak is gone.

"Let's give you one last chance."

With a squeegee, Yuan Feng lowered the long knife, but the posture of holding the knife was obviously still in the posture of leaving the knife at any time. However, if the Gorefiend ancestors observed carefully, he would find that at the moment, there was a hint of an imperceptible smile flashing under his eyes.

The ancestor of the blood demon did not know that Yuan Feng was not a person without patience. On the contrary, Yuan Feng's patience was enough, but if he was not given some pressure, how could he obey?

"You should have just collected all my private possessions. In these private possessions, there is a black animal skin roll with red text and illustrations on it. I ask you to find out this animal skin roll."

The Blood Demon ancestor did not dare to make any further delay this time, and went straight to the topic.

"Eh? Black animal skin? Red text and illustration?" Hearing the words of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng raised his eyebrows, subconsciously sinking his mind into his own Dantian space, and began to look for the animal the other party said. Pei.

There are many things in the Blood Demon ancestors, but these things are all in Yuan Feng's Dantian space. Soon, Yuan Feng found such a black animal skin roll in the mess of various babies.


Between the thoughts, the black animal skin roll appeared in front of Yuan Feng, and after taking out the animal skin roll, Yuan Feng did not easily touch the thing directly, but rolled the animal skin with genuine energy. Hold it, and looked at it slightly.

"How does this animal hide look familiar?"

Looking up and down the animal skin roll, Yuan Feng suddenly felt that this thing looked so familiar.

"Well, yes, mirror magic!"

His eyes flickered, and then he suddenly remembered where he had seen this kind of animal skin roll. On the surface, this black animal skin roll is very similar to the mirrored magical animal skin roll he got.

"This ... is it ..."

The power of mirroring magic has long been appreciated. If this animal skin roll is really the same material as the mirror skin power, then the situation may be worth looking forward to!

"You can open it, wait until you read the above, let's go on."

Seeing Yuan Feng take out the animal skin roll, the blood demon ancestor's eyes subconsciously flashed a struggle, but eventually turned into a helplessness, shaking his head and sighing softly.

At this point, he really has no other better way. Whether he can survive or not depends on the dark animal skin.

Yuan Feng almost didn't listen to the words of the blood demon ancestor. At this moment, even if the blood demon ancestor didn't say it, he must open the animal skin roll.

"God bless, don't let me down!"

With a longing for this animal skin roll, Yuan Feng raised his hand and threw the animal skin roll into the air. When he was really angry, he rolled out the animal skin roll.

The rolled animal skin roll looks small, but after it is spread out, it is a very large animal skin. As the animal skin spreads out, some of the text above enters Yuan Feng the first time. Eyes.

"Blood Mantra? Hiss ..."

In the eyes, the four bright red characters broke into the eye for the first time, and when they saw the four large characters, Yuan Feng's heartbeat could not help but suddenly speed up.

"Mirror powers ... blood curse powers, are these two powers the same level?"

Before he looked down, the four characters on the animal skin alone made him feel shortness of breath. Dare to name it by magic, at least, this so-called blood curse magic is definitely not a common commodity.

Stabilizing his mood, Yuan Feng's eyes began to look down at the small characters beside the four big characters.

"Blood curse magic, god-level martial arts, great masters, order the world, do not dare to obey !!!"

Aside from the four big characters, a row of slightly smaller red fonts was gently read by Yuan Feng during the conversation, but when this row of small characters was read out, Yuan Feng's body trembled suddenly It is difficult to restrain the excitement.

"God-level martial arts is actually a god-level martial arts !!!"

Although there had been speculations for a long time, at this moment, when I saw this so-called God-level martial arts blood curse and magic, Yuan Feng was very excited.

After mirroring the magic skills of the martial arts, he even got another martial arts skill, blood curse and martial arts. At this moment, no one can understand the excitement in his heart.

God-level martial arts, what the word God-level means, he knows better than anyone else. After all, he himself has cultivated God-level martial arts, and he felt the taste.

Although it is not clear what the effect of this blood curse is, just the words of god-level martial arts are enough to explain everything.

"You have seen it. This is a martial arts skill. This martial art took thousands of years for my ancestors to achieve something. If you can spare my life, I will make this martial arts skill. The practice of martial arts teaches you so that you can develop this magic skill in the fastest time. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's face excitedly looking at the animal skin in front of him, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't help but feel a little happy, because he could see that Yuan Feng should be a person who knows the goods, and as long as Yuan Feng knows the goods, then he wants There is a good chance that this blood curse can be used to save lives.

"Hahaha, God-level martial arts, blood curse and magic, developed, really developed!"

For the words of the blood demon ancestor, Yuan Feng did not go to his heart at all. This time when he first came to the Moro Realm, he didn't even understand the overall situation of the Moro Realm, and God began to send surprises one after another. In this regard, he really did not know how to describe his mood.

However, one thing he knows is that soon, he will have an extra means, and his strength will surely be strengthened.

ps: Ask for a few flowers to support, it will break 200 immediately! !! !! Brothers give Liha! !! !! !!

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