The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 967: Day of the Cave (one more)

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Having grasped the ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Yuan Feng instantly changed from the one who was slaughtered by others to the one in charge of the power to kill and kill. This role change was really a little too fast.

And just when Yuan Feng was enjoying the thrill of controlling the life and death of the Dongtianjingqiang, the silver-white special energy in the large array of spaces suddenly attracted his attention in the past.

At the time of the Tianlong Dynasty, he had helped the people of the four major gates to remove the heterogeneous energy from his body. It was also with these heterogeneous energies that he cultivated himself to quickly elevate, and ultimately rely on those special energies. Makes himself become a great power in the realm of Dandan.

Therefore, he was very impressed by the strange and special energies.

Right now, when he saw these silver energies floating in the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu, the first time he thought of the strange and strange energies. Now it seems that these two energies are exactly the same thing. what!

With a little thought, he immediately figured everything out.

Obviously, those alien energies in the first place were the remaining cave powers after the night-time protection method of the Mo Luo world burned the cave sky.

"Baby, these are real babies, swallow the heavenly martial spirits, hurry up and collect more for me."

For the power of Dongtian, he has tasted the sweetness. At present, the power of Dongtian is scattered everywhere. Although most of it has been integrated into the space, there is still a lot of space in the large array. The power of the cave in the body is still dissipating outwards, and he has plenty of time to collect.

Wu Tian Wu Ling seems to have been infected by Yuan Feng, knowing that these silvery white energies are treasures, so they are collected without any ambiguity. Even some of the cavernous forces that have been integrated into the space can't wait to get it out.

Visible to the naked eye, there is more and more silver-white energy in swallowing the sky martial arts. You can see Yuan Feng's eyes light up, and saliva will flow out.

"Okay, okay, collect a lot of this power of the sky, then with these special energies, maybe I can help me break through the realm of dandan and advance to the realm of annihilation."

He has experienced the auxiliary function of Dongtian Power more than once. It is conceivable that if he can collect enough Dongtian Power this time, then it will really have to fall from Jiedan Realm to Oblivion Realm.

His heart has always been clear, if by his own efforts, it is definitely a super long process to want to reach the annihilation from Jiedan Realm.

True martial arts is different from ordinary exercises. This super martial art is very difficult to break through each of the realms. It is difficult to reach the annihilation level from the dandan realm. The difficulty is not inferior to that of ordinary martial arts. The difficulty of achieving the cave heaven.

Therefore, after reaching the great completion of the Dandan Realm, he actually didn't think about how to further the cultivation. Everything can only be allowed to go naturally.

However, nowadays, God-given opportunities have trapped him in a hole-in-the-world realm, and are still plundering the power of the other side of the cave. This situation has made him see his promotion opportunities. As long as he collects enough cavernous power, he believes he can successfully advance to annihilation.

"Jiuqu Yellow River Array, turn me around !!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng could not help but grit his teeth, and began to speed up the operation of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, striving to plunder more of the power of Dongtian from the body of the Blood Demon ancestor.

Yuan Feng started to work harder, and the Blood Demon ancestor naturally suffered from seedlings.

As the Jiuqu Yellow River Array moves faster and faster, the Blood Demon ancestor can feel it, and the speed of his cavernous power loss is twice as fast as before. Faintly, he has felt his realm in Slipped.

"Ah, why is this so, and why did God treat me this way? Now that I've got a stunt, why do you have to arrange such a crisis for me? Why !!!"

The Blood Demon ancestor was desperate. No matter how he shouted, the people in the battle array did not answer anything. Instead, he speeded up the operation speed of the battlefield. Obviously, the other party made it clear that he wanted to fight him to the end.

With the loss of the power of Dongtian, he can feel that his world of Dongtian is shrinking sharply. The original Dongtian Realm Triple Sky Realm is watching to fall into the Dongtian Realm Double Sky. If there is no way to stop Dong Tianzhi If the power is lost, then in the end, he will fall into the realm of annihilation, and leave the realm of heaven and sky for the time being.

Of course, even if all the power of Dongtian is dissipated, as long as he is alive, then with the previous experience, he can still support Dongtian again, it just takes some time.

The shrinkage of Dongtian is different from Dongtian's destruction.

Therefore, although he is very anxious and very angry now, he can only be so anxious, but he will not really do anything to burn himself.

He does n’t look like the original night owl protection method. The reason why he dared to burn the power of the cave is to open the barrier between the two worlds and get the connection of the magic world. Moreover, they burned the cave. There is hope. He made up for it with hard work, but if he burns Dongtian, he will really become a waste.

"Well !!!"

As time goes by, the Blood Demon ancestor can finally only accept his fate. Being able to calculate him in a silent way has even made use of such an appalling mysterious array. Frankly speaking, he didn't lose an injustice in this game.

Right now, his only hope was that when his realm fell below the cave heaven, the people who calculated him could leave a way for him. Of course, this possibility is really very small.

"Om !!!"

At a certain moment, the world of Dongtian of the Blood Demon ancestor suddenly shook slightly, and then, the breath of his entire body was suddenly lowered by one level. Obviously, with the great power of Dongtian being sucked away, his realm finally fell to the double heaven of Dongtian Realm.

"Do not!!!"

Feeling that his cultivation was falling into a realm, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't restrain a scream, and his heart was already bleeding.

From Dongtianjing Double Sky to Dongtianjing Triple Sky, he did not know how many years it took to cultivate, but from Dongtianjing Triple Sky to Dongtianjing Double Sky, it only took a short time In this regard, he really wanted to cry without tears.

However, for his screams, Yuan Feng will not show the slightest sympathy and tenderness.

As a person who came from the realm of law, Yuan Feng did not have a good opinion of the Moro people, and the ancestor of the blood demon now is an old vicious bloodthirsty man. How could it be sympathetic?

The movement of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is getting faster and faster. With the operation of the Array, Yuan Feng also found a situation that made him very speechless. It is actually being replenished by the energy absorbed from the body of the blood demon ancestor. According to this situation, as long as the blood demon ancestor is not drained, the entire Jiuqu Yellow River array will continue to run, basically Don't worry about the energy of those crystals being consumed.

Such a discovery, while letting Yuan Feng worry about the bold operation of the formation, he was really shocked. At this moment, he finally realized which of the three treasures he had received was the most precious one.

It now seems that if he were to choose one of the three babies, he would definitely choose the Jiuqu Yellow River Array without hesitation. Even his favorite Chixiao sword could be given up decisively.

Although the Chixiao sword is strong, he can't always use the practice of Jidanjing to hold a Chixiao sword to cut a hole in the heavenly strong one? At present, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is a strong man who can complete the cave.

"Well? Has the realm fallen? Fine!"

Although it is working hard, Yuan Feng's mind has been observing the situation of the Blood Demon ancestor. When he felt that the realm of the opponent had dropped a level obviously, and the energy fluctuations on his body had weakened a lot, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a slight arc.

"How is it enough to drop a realm? I want you to fall under the cave heaven, and then, see what waves you can make."

With a cold smile, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it, and continued to control the operation of the Xuanzhen. Of course, his vision has never left the Tian Wu Ling who is absorbing the power of the cave. At this moment, Tian Tian Wu The power of the cave in the spirit is already considerable.

"Om !!!"

Another half an hour later, the Blood Demon ancestor has completely conceded defeat, and his realm finally fell again at this moment and turned into a pitiful cave heaven.

However, Dongtianjing has two layers of sky, Dongtianjing has one layer of sky. To him, they are all the same terrible, the same heartache, the same helplessness.

The teeth are clenching. At this moment, the **** demon ancestor really wants to share with the other side. Unfortunately, such an idea hovered in his mind, but it was not implemented.

In fact, he also knew that even if Dongtian was burned, in this terrible mysterious array, he might not be able to hurt his opponent. Instead, he completely ruined his hope, and in the end it was unwise.

And while struggling with this idea, soon, the thing that made him least likely to happen finally happened.

"Om !!!"

Another tremor came from the body of the Blood Demon ancestor, and the time spent talking. The ancestor's cultivation finally fell from the cave heaven to the sky, and fell directly to the great consummation state.

"Well !!! Boom!"

As his realm fell to annihilation, his cave world finally collapsed at this moment, and as his cave world collapsed, all the items originally in his body cave sky were squeezed at this moment Come out, like raindrops, when the air drops.

ps: A flower grew yesterday? Huh! !! !! Xiaoyan feels unwell these days. She originally wanted to take a few more vacations, but she still finally got it. The text written in a bad state may be unsatisfactory! Ask for all kinds of support to help Xiaoyan get his status back! !! !!

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