The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 934: Who told you to go? (Three more seeking flowers)

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Although the Xunxue League has just been formed for a short time, they have a strong backing and their intelligence control over Montenegro is actually very detailed.

Regarding the overall strength of the Montenegro kingdom, although the Xunxue League is not clear, it can be said that it has learned about ten out of ten. Among them, Dan Xiazong is naturally no exception.

In their information, Dan Xia Zong ’s powerful Dan Jing Zong will never exceed five or six. However, until now, Dan Xia Zong ’s remaining Dan Jing Zong people are two or three. Nothing more.

However, when seeing one after another the powerful Danjie realm flew from the depths of Danxiazong, and the number of people in the talk room reached thirty, the hearts of the blood-blood alliance were almost direct. Sinking to the bottom.

What is the concept of the 30 powerful people? In the country of Montenegro, in addition to the fact that the royal family of Montenegro has this kind of heritage, only the **** alliance has the power now.

"This, how is this possible? This, is this still Danxiazong?"

"Thirty-one powerful people? Is there anything wrong? Are all those guys who collect information fools?"

"It's big, it's a bit big!"

Everyone in the blood alliance has become gloomy. At this moment, they really can't laugh anyway.

Yan Lao's eyes flashed with inexplicable light, and he regretted it this time. Originally, when he came to Danxiazong this time, he was not actually assigned, but he was eager to make a contribution, and finally volunteered and ran out to bring the team. It seems that his decision this time is really a little too reckless!

The thirty-one powerful men in front of the eyes in the first place, first of all, he absolutely did not use his own power to capture the thirty-one people to capture all the power, after all, if the thirty-one people fled, even if he is fast, It is impossible to catch everyone back one by one.

Moreover, Dan Xiazong can show such an appalling lineup at present. Fools can see that, behind this martial art, it can never be too simple.

Therefore, after seeing the thirty-one powerful Dandans before him, Yan Lao's heart has begun to retreat.

"Oh, everyone of the Xunxue League, my senior Dan Xizong, is almost here now. You can't help asking everyone to see if everyone agrees to join the Xunxue League?"

On the side of Dan Xiazong, Suzerain Muhai stood at the front of the crowd, and smiled admiring the expressions of the Bloody Alliance members, but his heart was indescribable.

At this moment, the masters of the Xunxue League were as if they had eaten a fly, their faces must be ugly and ugly, and the shock of the eyes of several people was really inexplicable in the eyes of everyone in Dan Xiazong. .

It is also a team of more than 30 people. On the side of the Blood Alliance, there are only five borders of Dandan, and the rest are innate, while on the side of Danxiazong, it is a border of Dandan. If you start, you must not think of any advantage.

"Okay, what a Danxiazong."

On the side of the Blood Alliance, the five big Danjing strongmen didn't speak up until Dan Xiazong opened his mouth, and the five of them were old, and then they looked gloomy and eccentric.

"I didn't expect that the outside world always said that Dan Xiazong's strength was ordinary. The original so-called ordinary was actually a powerful Joss, terrific, terrific!"

Yan was always astounded by the power that Dan Xiazong showed today. At this moment, he knew that the purpose of his party was impossible to achieve. After all, if it really hit, even if they could win It must also be a heavy loss.

"My Excellency is praised. I wonder if you still want me, Danxia, ​​to submit to the Blood Alliance?"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Mu Hai would not let go of this opportunity to ridicule the other side. Dan Xiazong was bullied for so long by the Blood Alliance, and today he managed to find a chance to come back. He naturally had to find his way back.

"Hmm, please don't be too happy, my strength in the blood alliance is not what you guys can imagine. Today, the old man does not have general knowledge with you, come to Japan, let's see, let's go!"

To this day, it is boring to stay again. In this case, it is better to return to the Xunxue League and report back the situation here, so that the strongmen of the Xunxue League can discuss how to deal with it.

When the old man ordered, there was naturally no objection from the crowd. Speaking of it, Dan Xiazong's strength showed that he had calmed them down. Now when I heard the old man ordered to retreat, everyone naturally was You can't ask for it.

"You guys, where are you Danxiazong? Come and talk, can you walk?"

However, just as the old man ordered to evacuate the crowd, a humming sound came suddenly from the crowd of Dan Xiazong, and with the sound of a young man, I do not know when, but it has already appeared in front of everyone.


On the Blood Alliance side, Yan Lao and the others were about to turn around. When they heard this sudden sound, they were all shocked and turned their heads subconsciously. However, when a few people turned around, everyone's eyes became dignified.

The young people in front of them seemed obviously young, but what made them feel horrified was that with their cultivation, they could not see what level the other party had reached. In other words, the young man in front of him is still above them!

The surprise was a trivial matter to them. After seeing more than thirty strong men in Danxiazong, they were worried that there would still be strong men in Danxiazong, so they wanted to evacuate quickly. Now, it seems that the evacuation is a bit late!

"What is your Excellency?"

Yan Lao's eyes were already full of annoyance. He now even regrets his intestines. It is a good day. However, he just came to this muddy water. This is good, the soft persimmon has become an iron plate. He didn't know what would happen next!

"Dammit, is the blood system's intelligence system all waste? What's to say that Danxiazong is just an ordinary force, isn't this also called an ordinary force?"

Everyone, including Yan Lao, felt angry at the information provided by the Xunxue League at this time. When they return, they must ask those guys how they investigated Dan Xizong's information.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know. Now if I ask you anything, you will say something. If you dare to say something false, hum!"

Before the crowd, Yuan Feng strolled forward. At this time, his face was not very good. His martial art was scolded and scolded by a group of people. This was of course intolerable for him.

Speaking of which, he actually already thought about it. As soon as it was dawn today, he went directly to see what the blood dragon alliance, and the so-called dragon dragon country, but did not expect that he had not waited for him to take action. The people of the Alliance actually came to the door!

Before, he deliberately made a mistake and came to the next step to see the attitude of the blood alliance. Now it seems that the blood alliance does not really need to exist.

"Boy, are you threatening me?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, in Yanxue League, Yan Lao's face became gloomy. Although he felt that Yuan Feng's cultivation was higher than them, but even if Yuan Feng was stronger, at best he was one person, and he really didn't believe that by relying on the other person alone, he could scare them five.

"Threat? It's up to you, not worthy to threaten me."

Hearing old words, Yuan Feng's eyes can't help flashing a mockery, "Old guy, I don't have time to tell you more, I ask you, this **** alliance, but colluded with that dragon country , Want to plot Montenegro? "

Yuan Feng was very polite. While asking questions, he took a step forward and looked at the **** men indifferently.

"Boy, who do you think you are? How dare you talk to the old man like this, you are looking for ..."

"Noise !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's impertinent command, he kept talking, and the middle-aged man beside him was the first to look harshly at him, and said fiercely to Yuan Feng. Obviously, this guy wants to do something at this time, so that he is valued by the old, and he can still get some benefits after going back.

However, just before the man said half of what he said, but before it was completely said, Yuan Feng on the opposite side suddenly drank and drank, and he just raised his hand casually and directly faced him. The man struck out a true match.


With Yuan Feng's true-spirited line out, the opposite man, who is full of quarantine, has not even the slightest resistance to it, but it has become a blood mist directly. Slow Slowly dissipated into space.

"Hum, I'm asking, when did you let me in?"

Killing a quadruple person with Dandan at random, Yuan Feng seemed to have done a trivial matter, and looked again at the opposite Yanao.

"Old man, are you ready to answer my question honestly now?"

Gaze looked at Yan Lao and the remaining three people who were in the state of Dan, and Yuan Feng continued with a look of indifference behind his hands.

"His ......... this !!!"

Opposite Yuan Feng, no matter it was the strongest of the few, or the other three masters who were at the same level, they felt their bodies were stiff at this moment.

A four-stranded strong man was actually and suddenly destroyed by Yuan Feng in this way. This scene was like a nightmare that stimulated their nerves. It was only at this moment that they realized that they were here. Dan Xiazong didn't come to grab the feats, but to grab the reincarnation!

ps: Where are the flowers of the brothers on the first day of July? Roar! !! Seeking! !!

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