The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 933: Petrified Blood Alliance (second more)

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The warm morning in the morning has not yet awakened Dan Xia Zong who was carnivaling all night, and the arrogant clamor was to break the tranquility of Lingcui Mountain.

Hearing the shout, Dan Xiazong's disciples were all awakened from their dreams. Everyone indulged all night last night, but no one knew what the joy of Dan Xiazong was, and now I heard the shouting outside Each one is naturally extremely nervous.

"Blood Alliance, Bloo Alliance!"

"It's over, and the Xunxue League hit the gate directly, this time it's really over!"

"Where was the gala dinner last night? Dan Xiazong has arrived in such a field, where can there be something to celebrate? It seems that the gala dinner is not a celebration, but a casual dinner!"

"It's worse. The **** alliance is arrogant and hastily shot when the royal family of Montenegro was hit hard. What am I going to do with Dan Xiazong?"

"Take away all the valuables and softness. If the situation is not good, run away !!!"

Although the quality of ordinary disciples of Danxiazong is much better than ordinary people, it is also uneven. At this moment, Danxiazong is facing a crisis. Everyone naturally has any ideas. Those who are greedy for life and fear of death, no matter where they are. Will be less.

Of course, the **** alliance has just been called at the moment, and the situation has not yet been determined. Everyone will not run away directly. After all, Dan Xiazong is also their home for a long time.

Deep in Dan Xiazong, in a spacious hall, Dan Haizong, Muhai, was sitting quietly on the futon in the hall. This is the ancestral hall of Dan Xia Zong, which enshrines some masters of Dan Xia Zong who have been seated. Before the dinner ended last night, he had already come here to share the joy with the ancestors.

The shout from outside the gate was naturally the first time he heard it. When he heard the shout, the master of Dan Xizong's eyebrows couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. If there is no smile.

"Blood Alliance, you actually called!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Mu Hai's face had no worries. If it was changed to yesterday, if the Xunxue League hit the mountain with such fanfare, he would probably be panicked for the first time. However, today's Danxiazong is not the previous soft persimmon.

"All the elders above the border with Dan, and the Yuan family and the Yun family, gather in front of the mountain gate!"

The indifferent voice centered on Muhai, spreading to the area where the strong men of Danxiazong, and the masters of the Yuan and Yun families were located. In the talking, Muhai took the lead and faced the Shanmen first. Flying in the direction.

This is the provocative come on by the Bloody League without any concealment. Obviously, this time, Dan Xiazong must let the other party know that he will provoke Dan Xiazong, but it will have to pay some price ...

At the same time, outside the gate of Danxiazong, an unusually powerful team was gathering in front of the gate of Danxiazong at this time. The disciples of Danxiazong who guarded the mountain did not know where they had gone, obviously it was this powerful team. The team was scared.

This is a team of about thirty people standing in the first row, but five men of different ages. These five men are stepping on the void, looking proud, and the middle one is The old man, who looks almost sixty years old, has an unusually large breath on his body.

"Yan Lao, Dan Danzong is really not worth your trip. The four of us, and the brothers behind us, can easily take down this Dan Xiazong and return it to the Blood Alliance intact. Hit it. "

Among the first five people, a middle-aged man near the old man was talking to the old man with a smile on his face, and this middle-aged man is obviously a master who is not weak.

"Brother Meng Li said very well, saying that old, this Danxiazong is said to be two or three people who have become a realm of Dan, and all of them are only three or four. It is really unnecessary to make such an act. Shoot it yourself! "

Another man stepped in, and the words of flattery flattered without hesitation.

"My brother Meng Li and Su Ha's brother are talking about it. However, the old man joined the Xunxue League later. Although he has grown up a few years old, he cannot stay in the alliance all day.

Hearing the flattery words of two people, the old man who was called the old man could hardly conceal a hint of pride, and then smiled lightly.

As a six-strength powerhouse, he is definitely a forefront figure in the entire territory of Montenegro. When he joined Montenegro this time, he originally felt that there was a sense of inferiority, just in time. When the Shangxue Alliance started, he joined the Xuanxue Alliance and wanted to re-establish his status.

Heishan Kingdom and Nianlong Kingdom can only end in dying sooner or later. The royal family of Heishan Kingdom is not a little bit worse than the Niaolong Kingdom's royal family. The Fanyu blood alliance cooperated with the Dragon Dragon Kingdom. At least, the land of Montenegro will no longer be controlled by the royal family of Montenegro.

"Yan Lao, since everyone is here today, I don't need to be polite with these guys like Dan Xia Zong, it is better to rush in directly. Whoever dares to kill him will not be convinced?"

Among the five people, near the edge is a rough-looking middle-aged person. At first glance, this person is a killer. He is murderous, and he has a glowing feeling.

"Brother Li Kui is right, old-fashioned, let's kill it directly. Without the support of the royal family of Montenegro, Dan Xiazong is simply vulnerable."

"Yes, kill them directly, capture what Muhai Sovereign, and those garbage elders of Dan Xiazong, go back and ask the leader for credit."

Among the people present, among the five strongest in the realm of Dandan, the weakest ones were the four-folded Dandan, the other four, three were five-folded Dandan, and the other was six-folded Dandan, even if it was thrown. The masters who are above the innate level behind them, relying on their five strengths, are enough to sweep the entire Danxia Sect.

"Hahaha, okay, since everyone thinks that they should be killed directly, let's kill them together and capture the master of Mudan Haixia."

Hearing other people's suggestions, the old man called the old man laughed loudly, and when he was talking, he waved his hand, and he gave the order to enter Lingcui Mountain.

"Oh, who is going to capture me Muhai, and this one is here, but who is going to look for me?"

However, just as the old laughter fell and the talking room was about to rush into Danxiazong with everyone, a slight laugh came from the depths of Danxiazong. The time spent talking, a middle-aged man The man was flashing and appeared in front of everyone.


The sudden laughter came naturally to make everyone present feel a little surprised, one by one, subconsciously looking at the men flying from the depths of Lingcui Mountain.

"Danxia Monarch Muhai? Really him?"

"No, doesn't it mean that Mu Hai, the master of the Danxia ancestors, only has the perfect congenial cultivation? How could he be so wrong?"

"Zhu Dan Jing Er Zhong! This guy actually has the practice of Z Dan Dan Jing Er. Is there anything wrong?"

The five great Danjingzong strong men frowned for the first time. Before they shot Danxiazong, they already knew about Danxiazong's situation. Only those who knew Danxiazong's Danjingzhuang were Two or three, as for Suzerain Muhai, he was stuck in the congenital realm, which was far away from the breakthrough.

However, from the current situation, it seems that the information they have is not very accurate!

"Hehe, everyone in the Blood League, Montenegro kindly accepted Liuer, etc., I did not expect you to collude with outsiders, disrupt my order in Montenegro, and use ingratitude to describe Seoul.

Mu Hai's body finally stood at the gate of Dan Xiazong. As soon as he stood firmly, he opened his mouth and smiled at the opposite people.

Gazes swept across the people before him, and Mu Hai's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise naturally. Obviously, he also did not expect that this time the Xunxue League had launched so many strong men against Dan Xiazong.

The five masters of Danjing, and more than thirty people with about five levels of innate borders, this force, if it is the former Dan Xiazong, I am really going to disarm and surrender.

"Well, the outside world says that Danhai Suzerain Muhai only has the innate state of cultivation, but it seems a little funny."

Of the ranks of the Blood Alliance, the most central Yan Lao naturally came out first. Originally, Mu Hai, the innate realm, was not qualified to talk to him. However, since Mu Hai is a person who lives in the Dan kingdom, then It's another matter.

Although I saw a gap between Mu Hai ’s practice and that in the information, what can we do? A small man with a double border has not reached the point where he is afraid.

"Seeing is believing, and hearing is false. The Xunxue League may have investigated a lot of information about the country of Montenegro, but there are a few more that are true, which is really hard to say!"

Mu Hai's face was quite calm, and she didn't fall into the wind at all.

"Well, it's right or wrong, it's not a problem for my blood union." Seeing Mu Hai was not afraid of them, a man beside the old man snorted coldly, and said with contempt, " Muhai, it ’s better that you come out. Now, I will give you a choice to lead the entire Danxiazong to join the Blood Alliance, otherwise, today ’s Danxiazong will not leave the dogs and dogs. "

Everyone is a smart person. They came here today to ban Dan Xiazong, so there is no need to hide.

"Relying on the Blood Alliance? Oh, how can a bandit formed by a group of Wuhe people be eligible for me to take refuge in Danxiazong? Furthermore, even if Mu Hai agrees, I am afraid that my elders in Danxiazong will not agree. Come on! "

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Mu Hai suddenly took a step back, and as he pulled back, a sound of breaking sound suddenly came. Then, in the depths of Dan Xiazong, one by one, he was speaking from the inside. Flying away.

"Hahaha, the **** of the Blood Alliance, are not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues."

"A group of Wuhe people are also worthy of me to take refuge in Dan Xiazong? It's really talkative." ...

A long howl came from the depths of Dan Xiazong. At the same time, one by one, the figures came out of the mountain gate one by one, standing beside Mu Hai, and talking time, outside the gate of Dan Xiazong But there are nearly thirty more powerful Danzi realms.


Opposite the Danxiazong Mountain Gate, the people who had a sneer-sucking **** alliance were petrified at this moment.

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