The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 935: Nothing soft (four more)

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The scene became a little quiet. On the side of Dan Xiazong, the crowd headed by the suzerain Mu Hai were silent, and the expression on his face was very calm.

Although Yuan Feng wiped out the opponent's four masters of Dandan, he was really not surprised at all. In fact, as early as the World of Warcraft turmoil, Yuan Feng's invincible image had been planted in their hearts.

Everyone does not know how strong Yuan Feng is now, but at least, they believe that with the strength of Yuan Feng, it should be no problem to kill a person who is in the fourth and fifth layers of Dan.

Of course, the people of Dan Xiazong did not think there was any problem in Yuan Feng's killing the other party, but everyone in the blood alliance was completely different.

"How could this be? How could Dan Xiazong have such a strong man?"

"Kicked the iron plate, this time really kicked the big iron plate!"

A teammate with a quarantine situation died so lightly at his side. At this moment, the four strong men in the blood alliance all became stiff.

There is a quadruple state of Dandan, and this level of cultivation is not much different from them. The other party can easily kill such a strong person, so if you want to kill them, it doesn't seem difficult!

"Run away !!! Go back for help !!!"

After a brief shock, the old voice was ringing directly in the ears of the other three, and as his voice was heard, the other three people along with him spoke without any hesitation. It was running out in four directions.

Today's events are now beyond their control. At this moment, if they are still in place, then they are really trying to die! In this case, it is better to fight hard. At that time, at least two or three should be able to survive, it is better than all died in the hands of Yuan Feng.

"Well !!!"

Each of the four big heroes has a good speed, but they are escaping their lives, and they must use their speed as much as they can, as fast as they can.

With the sound of the wind breaking, the four big powerhouses suddenly evacuated one after another and appeared directly hundreds of meters away.

Unfortunately, if they are facing ordinary strong men, they may have a little hope of escaping, but at this time facing Yuan Feng, they are destined to end in tragedy.

"Well, you still want to run away? Give me back all !!!"

Seeing the four people who escaped into the realm of fleeing, Yuan Feng didn't even move. During the talk, he drank abruptly. At the same time, his arm simply made a swipe and scratch gesture The four guys who had reached a distance of thousands of kilometers were directly bombarded back to their place as if they had hit an invisible wall.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"How can it be so strong? Why is it so strong!"

"Destined, this time!"

At the moment, the faces of the four powerful Dandan powerhouses turned pale. They never dreamed that a task that was so easy would have such a terrible change.

I knew that Dan Xiazong's bone was so hard that they wouldn't run into it. Now it's okay, let alone the bones. Now, they have become the bones of others!

The four eyes stared at the young man in front of them. Obviously, they were just caught by the other side, but how they did it, they didn't feel it at all. In this regard, in addition to endless fear, they have no other emotions.

"It seems that several of them did not want to cooperate. In this case, there is no need to ask more."

Yuan Feng's eyes swept across the four, and finally fixed on the strongest old man.

"Old guy, remember in the next life, there are some forces you can't provoke, die !!!" Smiled at Yan Lao, Yuan Feng didn't say much, suddenly raised his hand and made a fist gesture directly.


With Yuan Feng's fist, the old man on the opposite side didn't even have a word to say. It just exploded and turned into a mist of blood in an instant, just like the man in the quadruple state of Dandan.

How powerful is Yuan Feng today? In front of him, even the powerful man who had a great success in the annihilation area had nothing to do with the ground. A person who was in a state of dandan, in his eyes, was not even as good as a small ant.

"Through it all ..."

The old man was directly pinched to death between his hands, and the entire Danxia sect became a dead silence in an instant. However, after only a moment's work, a muffled sound was heard one after another.

"Let your life, your life!"

"We are wrong, we all know that we are wrong. Please forgive us, we are willing to join Dan Xia Zong, and since then we have no complaints."

"His high hand, we really know that."

One by one, including the three strongest men who have become enthusiastic, have fallen to their knees at this moment. When Yuan Feng slayed a quadruple person who killed Dan, they were so scared that they had no body. At this moment, Yuan Feng even killed the strongest talker among them. At this moment, all People are completely desperate.

I've seen powerful people, but they've never seen anything as powerful as Yuan Feng. You can pinch a six-strength strongman who is willing to take any action, and ask, what kind of cultivation is needed to achieve this?

"Well !!!"

Whether it is the three people who are in a state of Dan, or the guys who are in the innate state, at this moment they are grabbing their heads with their heads, and they are scratching their heads at Yuan Feng in horror. No one can be afraid of death, and so are they. From the current situation, it seems that their life and death are only between the thoughts of Yuan Feng.

"Fenger is really getting stronger and stronger, and he can kill such a tyrannical figure at hand. I really don't know how this boy cultivates."

On Danxiazong's side, although everyone has an estimate of Yuan Feng's strength, at this moment, when they saw Yuan Feng killing the other two people who were in Danjing, they were still shocked. a bit.

That is the strongest person in the kingdom of Dandan, and it is obviously the more powerful characters in the realm of Dandan, but this strongman is actually as small as an ant in the hands of Yuan Feng.

"Hum, I used to keep Danxiazong chickens and dogs alive, but now I want to live again? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Seeing all the people in the Xunxue League beg for mercy against their hoe, Yuan Feng's heart had no sympathy or pity. These guys are soft and scary soft bones. Before that, they wanted to destroy Dan Xiazong, but now they want to survive, which is obviously impossible.

"The Montenegro Kingdom kindly accepted you. I never thought that this was your performance. Remember in the next life, don't be ungrateful as a man, all die for me !!"

For anyone who dares to be detrimental to Dan Xiazong, he will never have the slightest softness. When he talks, he suddenly raises his hand. Suddenly, on the top of the **** alliance, there is a huge insignia. He came out, and smashed directly at the people in the blood union.

This is a first-level martial art he practiced in the beginning, but it has not been used for a long time, but I thought in my heart that it was used at will.

"Well !!!"

The huge Indian platform directly hit the people of the Black Blood Alliance, and this time, the people of the Black Blood Alliance, whether they are three guys who are in the realm of dandan, or those who are instincts for the tigers, are all captured. With ash, dissipated between heaven and earth.

He could have dealt with the issue more gently. However, given the limited time, he really didn't want to leave too much trouble. Moreover, these guys who wanted to be detrimental to Dan Xiazong did not want to let these people shine.


At Dan Xiazong's side, more than thirty powerful men who had a realm of Dan, at this moment, were suddenly shrinking their pupils, all of them were frightened by Yuan Feng's hand.

Before Yuan Feng killed two people who were in the Dan Realm, they didn't have much feeling before, but at present, Yuan Feng wiped out more than 30 people in the blood union at hand. This time, we can't allow everyone to calm down. Treated.

They were all powerful congenital warriors, and even three powerful warriors. You can see Yuan Feng's expression, just like stepping on a few small ants casually.

Originally, they still felt that they and others have been promoted to Dandan, so they can sit back and relax without fear, but now it seems that their thoughts are really how naive and how naive!


Subconsciously swallowed the mouth, the people of Dan Xiazong, and the strong members of the Yuan and Yun families, but at this time they were honestly silent, and they suddenly realized that they did n’t know when they were with them. Yuan Feng, really does not belong to the same world.

Of course, Yuan Feng didn't know about other people's thoughts at the moment, and he couldn't take these little things to heart. For him, those who have achieved great annihilation can be killed at will, not to mention the existence of these little crickets.

"Master, find someone to show me the way. I'll take a trip to the so-called blood alliance, if these guys really want to conspiracy ..."

He slayed and killed everyone who came this time, and Yuan Feng suddenly turned around, facing Mu Haidao, the master of the Danxia monarch who still had some gods behind him.

Rather than waiting for the protagonists to provoke, it would be better to kill them directly, but he really wanted to see what kind of power the so-called protagonist was, so dare to be so arrogant.

Dare to be bad for Dan Xiazong. The cost is really great. I don't know if this so-called blood alliance can afford it.

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