The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 804: Destroyed Warcraft Soldiers (1)

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In the expectation of everyone, Xiao Ba finally broke through the waterhole. I have to say that when he saw Xiao Ya who appeared again in front of him, everyone's heart shuddered.

Hundreds of meters of body, hundreds of meters of tentacles, this little eight that just appeared, is just like an island. It is conceivable that such a huge body will have What kind of power is in it.

And then, when Xiao Ba ’s huge body of several hundred meters shrank abruptly, and finally shrank to the same size as before, everyone shrank his eyes and couldn't believe the scene in front of him was true.

Any warrior with some common knowledge knows that the size of Warcraft can be enlarged by the expansion of energy, but it is difficult to make a Warcraft that is so large.

It stands to reason that Xiaoba has devoured too much energy, and his size is absolutely impossible to be compressed. But the fact is that this guy has not only shrunk, but shrunk so easily and casually.

Seeing that the original size had been restored, but the whole body was becoming more and more oily, everyone wanted to know what kind of creature this dark and vitality guy was.

Unfortunately, such a wish is certain that it cannot be satisfied, because even Yuan Feng, the owner of Xiao Ba, has no idea what kind of existence Xiao Xiao has.

"Squeak !!!"

The cheerful call was uploaded from the body of Xiao Ba, but it sounded a bit rougher than the previous voice, but the mood is still the same, and the dependence on Yuan Feng has not changed at all.

"Yi Mingjing Wuzhong, hehe, yes, yes, you guys have overpowered me again!"

Touching Xiao Ba's body affectionately, Yuan Feng can feel it. At this moment, Xiao Ba is full of explosive power all over his body, and he can feel by touching his hand. weird.

There are no scales and no bones. Xiao Ba's body can hardly think of a material. He can even feel that at this moment, even if he is raised by Xiao Ba, I'm afraid that he will use his milk hard. on. It is conservatively estimated that Xiao Ba's weight at this moment must exceed a huge mountain.

Frankly, he now wants to take out his own fire spirit sword, and try to cut a sword at Xiao Ba, because in his feelings, Xiao Ba at this moment, an ordinary attack, it is difficult to break open It's defensive now.

Just like its tentacles, it will be cut off by opponents before, but now, he believes that even if the power of the annihilation of the seven or eight is strong, it will take some effort to cut off the small tentacles.

The infusion of huge energy actually stimulated the realm of Xiaoba's cultivation. However, although the energy devoured was extremely huge, the true energy that Xiaoba can call is only the fivefold of the annihilation. Really, the rest of the energy is stored in the body in an unknown situation, and its role is obviously self-evident.

In general, apart from becoming darker and heavier, the overall situation of Xiaoba has not changed much. Of course, the biggest change must be internal. Yuan Feng can see it, and others don't have to think about it.

"The pervert guy, brother Yuan Feng, your pet of Warcraft is really the most pervert guy I have ever seen."

Among the Sword Enforcement Teams, Yan Yan, who has not spoken much at all, couldn't help but start admiring him. He rarely spoke, because there was nothing that really shocked him, but for now, this situation of Xiaoba is almost comparable Yuan Feng's realm of showing the realm of Yi Jian is even more appalling. If he can remain indifferent to this, it is a mental problem.

The others didn't say anything, but they still stared at Xiao Ba tightly. They wanted to see how the other party could shrink freely from the latter's body. Unfortunately, they obviously didn't have that ability.

"Hey guys, let everyone wait a long time. In the next time, we can continue to study our task!"

For everyone's surprise, Yuan Feng just smiled slightly and didn't explain too much. Xiao Ba didn't want to let others know too much, just like Zi Yue said, Xiao Ba's power was demonstrated. The more you have, the greater the danger for him, so don't say it if you can bury it in your heart.

"Mission? Eh, yes, everyone has a mission!"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, everyone slowly recovered their minds, and then realized that they came to Wanyu Mountain this time, and that was to get the task of finding the heaven and earth, but the delay of this month, They have experienced a lot, and they have obtained unimaginable gains, but they have taken serious matters to the side.

It is no wonder that they were originally out of Wanyu Mountain. They were one step at a time, one step at a time. In the underground world, although they experienced some unknown conditions, they did not encounter much trouble. When each one is fruitful, everyone will be very open about the tasks to be completed.

"Yuan Feng, what are you going to do next, but does Yuan Feng have any plans?"

Ziyue's gaze was withdrawn from Xiao Ba's body, and he asked indifferently to Yuan Feng. She didn't want to know too much about the situation of Xiao Ba. Right now, let's think about how to perform the task!

Speaking of, this time I met Yuan Feng and his team. This is definitely an opportunity for the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team. Maybe, for the mission that was originally impossible to complete, there will be some turning points!

"Of course I have some ideas, but they are not right. I can't guarantee them, but at least I have to try them." He didn't take Xiaoba back, so Yuan Feng let Xiaoba stay in his own way. Beside, speaking, Xiaoba ’s Xiuwei surpassed him again, and in the next battle, he could use Xiaoba ’s strength to improve the combat effectiveness.

"Haha, brother Yuan Feng, what are you going to do? Although you speak, we people, just listen to your command." The laughter chasing the wind came, but it was the voice of everyone.

Following Yuan Feng, the benefits are many. Right now, as long as Yuan Feng's decision, they will inevitably follow in the footsteps without any doubt. In this regard, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team is the same, and the Demon Moon Enforcement Team is the same.

"Everyone should feel it. Our current position should be underground in the depths of Wanyu Mountain. If I guess well, if we can go directly to it now, it should save a lot of trouble. Come on! "

He had carefully observed and perceived when everyone was practicing before. This underground space is obviously not artificially created. He believes that as long as the ground above it can be broken, they must be able to appear on the Mangshan Mountain. Somewhere, and in all likelihood, extremely deep.

In other words, the previous underground passage is definitely a shortcut to the Wan Lai Mountain.

"Go up to the ground? Uh, this ... Is it going to break the ground above? But the ground on this floor seems really thick!"

Yuan Feng's meaning is naturally understood by everyone, but they have no confidence in breaking the solid wall above.

Although their cultivation is not weak, their strength is also extremely tyrannical, but if they act improperly and cause the entire cave wall to fall down, even if they are as strong as them, I am afraid they will not be able to eat and walk around.

"Hehe, since Yuan Feng has come up with such an idea, of course there will be no way out, should I be right?"

Just when several members of the Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team were in trouble, aside, the green woman in the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team smiled slightly and took the remarks.

During this period of contact with Yuan Feng, they can feel that Yuan Feng is definitely the kind of person who does not fight unsurely. Since Yuan Feng has put forward opinions, there must be a solution.

"It's really dangerous to be hard, but it doesn't seem to be hard at the moment!" With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's gaze first glanced over the sky, then he lowered his head and looked at Xiaoba aside.

Before Xiao Ba did not go out, he really wanted to use his super sword skills to break the hole above, but to his heart, he didn't know how deep his team had reached the underground world. Above How thick is the wall of the cave. It's really bad to rush into action if it hurts everyone.

"Eh?" After seeing Yuan Feng looking at Xiao Ba, where did everyone not understand each other's meaning! Obviously, this time, it seems that it's Xiaoba's turn to show off his power again!

"Everyone rest for a while, just wait for the landing!" With a slight smile, Yuan Feng stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Ba beside him. The latter knew, and his body flickered to the side. Is to start the major project of Warcraft production.

"Woo, Xiao Ba is about to produce Warcraft. This guy has devoured the energy of astronomical figures. I don't know what kind of Warcraft can be produced."

Seeing Xiaoba's first production after promotion, everyone was staring, waiting for Xiaoba's performance. They were very curious to know how the annihilation of the five-folded Xiaoba, which consumed so much energy, could produce exactly Warcraft comes.

"Well !!!" As always, Xiao Ba's efficiency in producing Warcraft has not slowed down a bit, and the time spent in speaking was produced by a pangolin, and this reminder is not very large. Appeared, the crowd present was shocked, the eyes were full of indescribable colors.

"Obsolete Realm is really the World of Warcraft of Oblivion !!!"

Cultivation is promoted and devours endless energy. At this moment, Xiao Ba can already easily produce the annihilation Warcraft, and this scene has deeply stimulated the nerves of everyone.

"Puff puff!!!"

This is not over yet. During the time of speaking, Xiaoba's body has seven heads of the same annihilation World of Warcraft one after another. Counting the first head, it is a pangolin with eight heads of annihilation.

"Squeak !!!"

The eight-headed pantheon appeared in a heavy panic, and Xiaoba made a strange cry. Suddenly, the entire eight-headed pangolin, plus Xiaoba himself, was swept across the sky and started the mountain project.

There is a specialization in the surgery industry, and there are these beasts for excavation. Obviously, they can quickly break through the upper bounds and return to the ground of Wanyu Mountain.

However, at this moment, what kind of situation above them is waiting for them, but they are not at all clear about it.

ps: Today's five bottoms, flowers reward in place, give little smoke a little motivation! !! !!

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