The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 803: Xiao Ba's invisible metamorphosis (six more seeking flowers)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

For more than half a month, the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team has added two masters who are among the top seven players in the Destruction Realm. The strength can be improved a lot, and although the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team has not been promoted, this time it is added that for the crowd It also has extraordinary significance.

Generally speaking, everyone has learned a lot from the cultivation during the past half a month. However, after everyone has completed the cultivation, the entire deep pool of water has not consumed much energy, I am afraid that it is even 100%. One energy loss is not achieved.

This deep lake has a range of thousands of meters, and the water depth is not less than tens of meters. These energy liquids do not know how many years have accumulated. I want to absorb all of this energy, of course, it is not them. All you can do.

Everyone ended the cultivation, but only Yuan Feng's Warcraft pet still did not appear underwater. Although Xiaoba ’s cultivation is much worse than everyone present, if it comes to appetite, even if all the people are added together, I am afraid there is no way to compare with it.

Frankly speaking, calling Xiao Ba as a monster is not an exaggeration. In the Tianlong dynasty, even in the realm of law, Xiao Ba's existence can be said to be like a monster. At the time, Yunlong Hufa only felt that Xiaoba was very powerful, but he did not understand it deeply. If he was allowed to know more about Xiaoba, it would no longer be the same evaluation as that.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, a whole seven days passed, but the little eight under the water still did not show up. This situation could not help but make everyone above them feel an extraordinary shock.

"It's too perverted, what exactly is this guy? The pool of water is actually becoming more and more clear with the naked eye. Is this too exaggerated?"

Everyone looked down at the situation below, but no one felt impatient, because while everyone was waiting for Xiaoba, everyone found that this huge pool of energy, every minute Seconds seem to be changing. The feeling, like the essence of the deep pond, is slowly disappearing.

However, everyone knows that the essence of energy in the pool water will not disappear out of thin air. The reason why it will be less and less is necessarily because of the underwater Warcraft.

An annihilated World of Warcraft is even bigger than the appetite of all of them, which is really incredible and difficult to understand.

Training for so long, this is the first time they have seen such a weird pet of Warcraft. Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng's Warcraft pet is even more weird than Yuan Feng's owner.

"Yuan Feng, son, your pet of Warcraft should not be a thing in French Realm?"

Ziyue's beautiful eyes are full of radiance. She has really seen the big scenes. She wanted to participate in the original boundary war. She has followed the Ningbing protection method. It can be said that she has seen all kinds of Warcraft.

However, this time when she saw Yuan Feng's magic pet, she was really surprised by the strangeness of the latter.

"This ......... The origin of Xiao Ba is quite special, and I don't hide it. Even I don't know where this guy came from, but it should not be a thing of French realm."

Hearing Ziyue's question, Yuan Feng lingered slightly, then smiled.

Xiaoba was not false in the Tianlong dynasty. However, the initial world of the Tianlong dynasty should not give birth to such a powerful and weird World of Warcraft. For the level of World of Warcraft such as Xiaoba, I am afraid it must be at least like the French Realm Such a world can be nurtured. According to Yuan Feng's guess, there is a good chance that Xiao Ba is the object of the Mo Luo world.

Of course, this is just his guess. As for whether it is, it is not easy to say. Perhaps, the existence of Xiao Ba may involve a stronger scope, but that scope is not what he can now involve.

"The son of Yuan Feng should be careful. For such a powerful and weird Warcraft, it is best not to let outsiders know too much, otherwise, it may cause unnecessary trouble."

The more you contact, the more Zi Zi and others value Xiao Ba. And such a weird head of Warcraft, let alone them, I am afraid that even if you change the strong level of the cave heaven, they must be tempted.

The boundary between France and France is very large. In many places, even the strongest in the heavenly realm dare not set foot easily. It is conceivable that with a magical pet like Xiaoba, any dangerous place can produce an investigation Warcraft adapted to the needs of the environment for investigation. This method is simply against the sky.

She even wondered if she would tell Ning Bing the law of protection of Yuan Feng, a Warcraft pet, if the master of law protection would rob Yuan Feng of this magic pet.

I am afraid the answer is yes, and she believes that not only the ice protection method, but also any of the blue jade house protection law, or even the owner of the thirty-sixth house of the entire French Realm, I am afraid that Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft pet It is imperative.

"Uh, this ... Thank you, Captain Ziyue, for reminding me, I know."

Seeing Captain Ziyue's solemn expression, Yuan Feng suddenly woke up. He did ignore Xiao Ba's ability. Now thinking about it, even the strong man in Dongtian Heaven can do nothing about this Wanyu Mountain, but he can use Xiaoba to explore the entire Wanyu Mountain. This is Xiao The strength of eight.

Now thinking about it, Yuan Feng himself has discovered his own problem, that is, he believes in the people around him too much. Maybe, in the future, when he does something, he really can't reveal the arrogance of Xiao Ba in front of others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Om !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng was under his heart and decided that he would never reveal Xiao Ba's arrogance in the future, a slight tremor suddenly came from below the water pool, attracting everyone's attention in the past.

"There is movement, is it because Xiao Ba is breaking out of the water?" Feeling the movement, everyone looked at the water one after another, and at this moment, everyone had a feeling. At this moment, the entire deep lake, All the energy seems to be converging towards the central position, and here is exactly where Xiao Ya is.

"Well !!!"

The energy is vertical and horizontal, visible to the naked eye, and all bright lines of energy converge from all directions towards the central position. In the end, the entire pool of water has formed an energy vortex. The scene is no longer spectacular. Describeable.

"His ...... is this terrible?"

Everyone was surprised by the scene in front of them, including Yuan Feng even. Everyone knows that Xiao Ba is very bullish, but the scene in front of him is really a little too much.

"This guy ..." Yuan Feng's eyes have also narrowed slightly. Unlike other people, he and Xiao Ba have a connected mind. Others only see the appearance, but at this moment However, he saw the deep situation of the superficial phenomenon. I have to say that Xiao Ba's change at this moment, even when he saw it, could only grin, and it was difficult to express any opinions.

How to say, if he still thinks that Xiao Ba is the world of law, or something born in a world like Mo Luo Realm, then at this moment, he suddenly has some doubts.

Although he has n’t been here for a long time, he has also learned about the general situation. To be honest, a world like the French Realm may not be qualified to conceive the species of Xiaoba.

Now think about it, everything in Montenegro is weird. Perhaps, the existence of Xiaoba really needs to be studied slowly in the future.

"Buzz !!!!"

"Well !!!"

The entire pool of water was trembling slightly. At the end, a slight heartbeat came from below the pool of water. Although the sound was not loud, it was so powerful and powerful.

"Excuse me, guys, this guy is coming out."

This situation lasted for about half an hour. At present, the entire pool of water is much clearer than before. Under the influence, it seems that the water here has actually become water, and Not the kind of energy fluid before.

No one knows how much energy is consumed by Xiao Ba. In fact, this is also a value that cannot be calculated by numbers. In short, I am afraid that even this fifth of the energy pool at this moment is not left.

"Come out, finally coming out! I don't know what this guy looks like."

"Don't say it, haven't you seen Yuanfeng's brother starting to let the place? Hurry up and go and see what's better."

Feeling that Xiao Ba is about to leave the customs, everyone is full of expectations, they really want to know, after swallowing such a horrible amount of energy, what has become of Xiao Ba today.

"Om !!! Boom boom !!!"

The water trembled, and the entire water pool set off waves, slamming the walls of the surrounding caves. In a short time, the eight huge tentacles first emerged from the water, just in line with the tentacles of Xiaoba before. Than, at this moment, each of the eight tentacles of Xiaoba was hundreds of meters long and ten meters thick, just like a giant pillar.

"Wow !!!"

The tentacles appeared, and then Xiaoba ’s body appeared. Then, at this moment, Xiaoba, which was only a few meters long, turned into a behemoth that was hundreds of meters in size, like an island It arched out from under the deep pool.

"His ... this head ..."

Seeing this giant object on the water, everyone's eyes were widened, and his chin was almost shocked.

I've seen Warcraft with a large body, but it's like Xiaoba in front of them. They've seen it for the first time. You know, Xiao Ba now, just a tentacle, is even bigger than the python that had been destroyed before.

Xiao Ya is still Xiao Ya, but his body color has become completely black, with a hint of oil in the black.

"Squeak !!!"

The piercing screams did not know where it came from Xiao Ba's body, and the time spent talking, its body size shrank sharply, and eventually became the same as before, and then stopped.

ps: Six more completed, brothers give some strength to see if Xiaoyan can persist! !! !! In June, I really want to fight! !! !! Please flower! !! !!

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