The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 805: Xing Ren and Yan Long (second more)

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Regarding Xiao Ba's ability to produce the annihilation of World of Warcraft, neither of the two law enforcement teams expressed their opinions, because at this moment, they did not need to express any opinions at all, and Xiao Ba reached the current state, as if he had said everything. It is superfluous, and everyone can take it easy.

How terrifying it is to produce annihilation Warcraft. Originally, everyone only thought that Xiao Ba was able to produce some reconnaissance Warcraft, which is a good thing.

However, the annihilation of Warcraft, these are really two completely different concepts.

Is Dong Tian Jing strong enough? However, has anyone heard of the Cave Heaven Realm who can produce the Demon Warcraft? If Dongtian Jingqiang has such a means, then under each Dongtianjing protector's hand, or under the seat of each of the 36 masters of the house, I am afraid that the Jingguo is wiped out everywhere, relying on that Strength, it's not too much to swept the sky!

However, it is this kind of thing that even the cave heavenly power can't do, Yuan Feng has done it, or Yuan Feng's Warcraft pet has done it.

When seeing this scene, the people of the two law enforcement teams knew that from now on, even if Xiaoba showed the best means, there didn't seem to be any surprise!

Of course, the production of Oblivion World of Warcraft by Xiaoba is bound to consume a lot of energy. How much energy is required to produce an Oblivion World of Warcraft, such a level of World of Warcraft is probably enough to be converted into a tens of thousands of endangered Warcraft .

Fortunately, Xiao Ba swallowed up endless energy and stored it in the body one after another. This huge amount of energy, even a master like Ziyue, felt the heart tremor, showing that the energy was huge. And judging by the energy stored in Xiaoba, the annihilation of World of Warcraft is probably not that difficult.

In other words, today's Yuan Feng, if he wants, he can create a group of tens of thousands of annihilation Warcraft army in a very short time. It is conceivable that if he is really asked to make such a Warcraft Coming to the army, I am afraid that even if you are a strong defender, you will feel tremor.

Of course, Yuan Feng would not be idle to come up with such a group of Warcraft troops to trouble himself. At the moment, he does not need so many Warcraft at all. There are eight heads of piercing beasts for him to excavate the cave wall above him. It's enough.

With the assistance and command of Xiaoba, these guys are almost like eight super machines. The cave wall above them is visible to the naked eye with patches of stones and the soil is continuously falling. Down, and Yuan Feng and others all turned into spectators for a while.

Right now, they do n’t need their shots. The efficiency of these eight-headed pangolins is much higher than them. Moreover, dugpans are much safer than digging the walls themselves. If they let them dig, God knows if the entire cave wall will be straight down.

Right now, the only thing everyone needs to do is wait. Of course, this wait is obviously not too long, because after a while, the eight-headed pierced beast has completely fallen into the stone wall above, and can't even see the shadow.

Yuan Feng felt for a while, but fortunately he did not try to break the stone wall above with sword skills, otherwise, it would be shameful this time. Above the cave wall, God knows how thick it is. Anyway, the range cut out by the piercing beast is no less than several kilometers.

In other words, their position at this moment turned out to be underground space several kilometers below.

With a puppet, everyone was quietly waiting for the breath of the outside world to come in, and everyone's heart was full of curiosity and more or less anxiety.

If the above is a beautiful scenery without danger, but if it is an extremely dangerous and dangerous place, then this time is really going to be unlucky. Of course, the so-called bad luck is nothing more than returning to the same way. In this regard, everyone can fully accept it. After all, this time, they really gained too much.

Calm down, everyone is waiting for the change of the situation above. The pangolin is extremely fast. At this moment, you can only see the earth and stones falling from the top, but you can't see the shadow of the pangolin at all. .

This energy pool has little meaning to them, but there is no need to cover it up, even if it is exposed. At present, the only hope they have is that the situation above is not too bad, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble ...

Wanyu Mountain, a vast mountain forest where even the cave heavenly powerhouse can't do anything, all kinds of dangers are being staged at all times. For the heritage of the cave heavenly powerhouse, countless people are chasing every moment. With such chase of interest, of course, we must pay a sufficient price.

An elite team in the Blue Jade House constantly enters and exits the Wanyu Mountain. Some people who are very confident will stay in the Wanyu Mountain for a long time, and such a stop often means losing their soldiers.

When there is no real danger that is difficult to resist, many people feel that they are omnipotent, but when it is really difficult to solve a crisis, everything is too late.

Just like the former Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team, they are all confident, but haven't they nearly lost Yan Xueer's life? In Wanyu Mountain, it is not enough to have self-confidence and strength alone. Unfortunately, how many people in the blue jade house can realize these people?

Of course, although the danger of Wan Laoshan is terrible, it can be said that if we really have the power to cope with all crises, then everything will be a different matter.

At the extreme depths of Mount Wanyu, here is a space of turbulence, dangerous areas flashing with thunder and light everywhere, gray craters, some of which no longer erupt and have become simple furnishings, and Some are still erupting. The hot underground lava, even the strongest in the annihilation state, will be instantly melted by that lava.

At the periphery of this thunderous area, there is a hazy gray mist that stretches for some miles. The entire thunderfire area is surrounded by these mists, which seems dangerous. In fact, this thunderfire area has dispersed the mist. In fact, it is the safest place in this foggy area.

Wanli Mountain's Wanli Breathing Area, which is known to almost every strong man in the Blue Jade House, and in this Wanli Breathing Area, I don't know how many strong people have entered it and never came out again.

Regarding the danger of Wanli radon zone, only those who have actually experienced it are qualified to speak. Unfortunately, there are not many blue jade houses who can enter the Wanli radon zone and return safely.

It is said that there are not only the powerful World of Warcraft among the mountains of Wanli in the Qiongqi area, but also some artificially arranged mysterious arrays. These mysterious arrays involve many types, some are killing arrays, some are magic arrays, and the most abnormal are transmitting mysterious arrays If someone accidentally triggers Teleportation, no one knows where it will be teleported.

If it is teleported to a place full of vitality, but if it is teleported to desperation, or even into a different dimension space, then no one can survive under the cave world.

Originally, the Wanlishan gas-bearing area in Wanyu Mountain had been almost divided into forbidden areas, and few people would come here to seek excitement. But in this world, there are people who are not afraid of death. No matter how dangerous it is, there will always be people to feel it. Of course, one or two people may fall directly into it, but if there are more people, there will always be a few lucky ones.

Compared with the invisible and dangerous dangers in the radon zone, the central thunder and fire area in the radon area is more acceptable. At least, the dangers here are visible and can be prepared in advance. Be prepared.

At this moment, in this thunderous area, the two teams are quietly sitting at the entrance of a huge cave. The two teams are said to be two teams, but in fact, the size of each team It is really small and pathetic.

Two teams, each team is obviously led by one person, and each person is followed by two people. Such a combination of the two teams sits quietly outside the cave. Everyone's face seems to have a hint of black The gas was swimming, obviously all poisoned.

The six were men. The two headed by them not only looked very young, but also obviously noble. They were by no means ordinary people, and the two of them who carried each of them behind were also breathless, powerful, and fundamental. Undisguised.

The situation of the six people was obviously getting better at this time, but the black poisonous gas on their faces showed signs of slowly dissipating.

Gradually, I don't know how long it has been, the six people's faces are all about the same. Although there are still some poisonous gases that have not been completely eliminated, it is obvious that they have nothing to worry about at this time.

"Well, this guy's poison has changed again. It seems that it really takes some trouble to kill him!"

At a certain moment, the young man in white sitting on the left side of the entrance suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hey, brother Xing Ren is really terrific. Such a heavy poison has been suppressed so quickly, admire, admire!"

When the white man's voice fell, the gray man on the right side of the hole smiled slightly, his eyes slowly opened.

"Oh, is this Brother Yan Long bragging about himself? Everyone's poison is almost the same. Brother Yan Long suppressed the toxicity with me, as if everyone is still half a catty!"

Hearing the words of the gray-clad man, the white-clad man picked up the corner of his mouth, but the arrogance was unabashed. The high-minded posture can be described as arrogant.

"Haha, where does Brother Xing Ren, it seems that after so long cooperation, Brother Xing Ren still does not see much!"

The man in the gray suit also yanked the corners of his mouth and suddenly released the momentum, but he was not weaker than the other.

They are also the sons of the Dharma Protector. There is no difference between them. It is not so easy to suppress each other.

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