The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2125: Hacking (two more)

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Chapter 2125: Diversion and Robbery (Part Two)

Xiao Ba's impact on the semi-god realm and three-turn realm is basically a matter of course. After all, there are too many semi-god realms of Warcraft that it has devoured during this time, and if it was changed to some other World of Warcraft, I am afraid that Promotion has been completed.

Under the joint witness of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, soon, Xiao Ba's breath gradually became more and more stable until it finally completely calmed down and became a true demigod three-turn strong By.

"Hahaha, okay, this little guy's cultivation is going to the next city. It seems that it won't be long before it can continue to impact the stronger realm. If it can advance to the demigod five turns, it will be even stronger. The strong man is here, and I can assure you that you will be safely returned to the community. "

Seeing that Xiaoba had completed the transition from semi-god realm 2 to triple turn, Yuan Feng was simply in a good mood, and could not help laughing.

Although it is only an improvement in the realm, it is better than no improvement at all, especially Xiao Ba is a real soul for him and the entire team.

He himself is unlikely to be promoted to demigod at this time, and since that is the case, he can only find another way to start with Xiao Ba.

If Xiao Ba can reach the fifth, or even sixth, seventh turn of the semi-god realm, then he is not in a hurry to impact the realm of the semi-god realm.

"Giggle, you guys, even if Xiao Ba does not advance to the level of demigod and five turns, you must send me back to the ethnic group safely."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tian Yao Python couldn't help laughing, and obviously was in a good mood.

She already knew the horror of Xiaoba. Speaking of which actions were not completed by Xiaoba's self-destructive army? Without Xiao Ba, she would not dare to imagine what kind of ending would be.

Speaking of it, if it wasn't because she was seriously injured before, and she really needs to improve her strength, she really gave the half of Jin Yuying's body to Xiao Ba to devour.

"Hey, this ......... Rest assured, no matter if Xiao Ba can be promoted to a stronger state, we will safely return you to the Tianmon Python family."

After scratching his head, Yuan Feng realized that he had made a mistake, but it didn't hurt Daya. He would never care if he wanted to come to the demon python.

"Well, it's such a quarrelsome little guy. It seems that it is a wise choice for him to come to the beast **** world this time !!!"

Looking at Xiao Ba, who was still lying there, carefully stabilizing the new power, Yuan Feng's heart was almost fortunate.

Xiaoba was born for the beast **** world. When there is no delusion world, it is impossible for him to have such an environment for promotion. After reaching the beast **** world, he can completely improve and progress as he wants. This is Environment for the completion of Xiao Ba.

"Well? No, why doesn't it seem like something is missing ..."

Looking at Xiao Ba's stable state there, Yuan Feng's mouth kept smiling, but, looking at it, under his heart, he suddenly realized some problems, but where was the problem? It was a little bit unintelligible.

"Demon flame, do you feel anything missing?"

Scratching his head, he really didn't know where the problem was, so he scratched his head and asked the Tianmon Python aside.

"What's missing? Giggle, what's so essential, isn't it just to advance to the level of demigod three turns, and not ......... Uh ..."

When asked by Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but, half of what she said, she couldn't help but stagnate slightly, and then she couldn't say anything.


Looking at each other, the two spoke such a word almost in unison, and it was not until this moment that they finally realized what was missing! !! !!

The transition from the semi-god realm to the semi-god realm to the semi-god realm to the triple-go realm has naturally led to a robbery, but up to this moment, the small eight's robbery did not even appear, which is obviously normal. Some do not match.

"This ......... Good guy, wouldn't it be because of my mysterious array, so that the rules of heaven and earth did not find Xiao Ya's promotion?"

After a short while, Yuan Feng immediately thought of a possibility. Obviously, Xiao Ba's robbery could not be absent, and the reason why he did not appear was probably because of his Jiuqu Yellow River battle.

At this moment, they are all in the space of Xuanzhen. The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is different from the Xuanzhen of this world. It can be described as a world of its own. Here, even the rules of the world cannot be affected.

"Good guy, I didn't expect my Jiuqu Yellow River Array to be so bullish, but it was able to directly isolate even the robbery. This is really ........."

Thinking of the possibility, Yuan Feng had a feeling that he could not describe his mood at the moment.

He knew for a long time that his Jiuqu Yellow River Array was very bullish, but what he never expected was that it was just a mysterious array, and even the rules of heaven and earth were directly shielded.

This is definitely not a trivial matter. Imagine that if someone did not have absolute control to resist the transfer when he was promoted to a new realm, then he could directly hide in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and wait for his own strength. Strong enough, then going out of the mysterious array, no matter how strong the robbery is, I am afraid that he may not be able to hurt him.

"Yuan Feng, is this all your credit to Xuan Zhen?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's self-talk to himself, Tian Yao Python naturally realized immediately where the problem was. Obviously, apart from Yuan Feng's mysterious relationship, basically there would be no other possibility.

However, a mysterious formation was able to isolate the robberies of the Demigod Realm, which she had never heard of.

Yuan Feng can think of it, she can basically think of it. If this kind of mysterious array method of Yuan Feng can be popularized, then ask whether the whole world is free of delusion, or even the beast **** world. And what about death?

"Yu, Bacheng should be like this. The mysterious array I arranged is a bit special, but to my heart, I didn't even think that my mysterious array could be isolated in the case of robbery. outside."

Taking a sigh of relief, Yuan Feng also needed to adjust himself, and then slowly returned to God.

There are many magical aspects of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, but this time it surprised him a little.

"What a terrible mysterious formation, Yuan Feng, what kind of monster you are. Fortunately, I am familiar with you. If not, I am really going to leave you far away."

Obtained Yuan Feng's affirmation, the Tian Yao Python is still unbelievable. To tell the truth, she always thought she knew Yuan Feng better, but now it seems that what she knows about Yuan Feng really seems to be a small part of Yuan Feng.

"Hey, rest assured, I won't become a big monster, and you don't need to be scared away by me. Even if I am a monster, that is a monster that will protect you."

Hearing the joke of the day demon python, Yuan Feng could not help but smile, but no longer fed the magical effect of the Jiuqu Yellow River array.

"It's almost the same !!!"

A smile appeared on the face of Tianmon Python. Yuan Feng was not very expressive at times, but it was always a simple word that could touch her heartstrings. It should also be a disguised true feeling. Right!

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Xiaoba seems to be waiting for the baptism of the robbery. It seems that it is time to remove the mysterious array and let the robbery come soon."

Xiao Ba's posture at this moment was obviously waiting for the performance of the robbery. Because of this, he realized the problem of the robbery before.

And if you want Zhuanjie to discover Xiao Ba's promotion, it is undoubtedly necessary to remove the surrounding mysterious array and expose Xiao Ba to the space of the beast **** world.

Of course, it is naturally for him to do such a thing for Xiaobadu Robbery. With his current strength, Xiaoba's three-turn robbery should not be difficult.

"Okay, then you can withdraw from the team for a while, and when Xiaoba's robbery is over, let's quickly change places and let Xiaoba continue to practice and make breakthroughs."

Nodded, the Tianmon Python didn't have any opinion. Right now, they are still safe to talk about, and she also understands that Xiaoba ’s three-turn robbery is nothing to Yuanfeng at all. I want to come soon The energy passed.

"Hide it first, I will remove Xuanzhen, and, at any time, be ready to transfer, and when Xiaobadujie is over, we will quickly change to a stronghold."

He has observed the situation within a radius of ten thousand miles through the Eyeliner of Warcraft. At this moment, there is no alien species in this boundary, which is just the best time for Xiaobadujie.

"Relax, I'll do it."

With a confident smile, Tianmon Python no longer hesitated, and in a flash, his body disappeared in situ, and even Yuan Feng had a hard time finding her out of the space.

"Almost, drive me !!!!!!"

When the demon python concealed his body, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. When he raised his hand, he closed the entire mysterious array directly.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Almost just when Yuan Feng had just withdrawn from the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the thick black clouds above the sky instantly gathered from all directions, and the horrible momentum instantly turned some of the grass and trees below it into With the debris, as for some ordinary little Warcraft, naturally at this moment will also suffer.

For robbers, robberies are the test of heaven, and for those innocent and weak Warcraft, to catch up with the super powerful robberies, that is their calamity, and die in the calamity. Normal thing.

Life and death, life can only be destroyed, and life can only be alive!

"Come here, oh, this is really immediate !!!"

Seeing that the turn of the robbery was condensed at the moment when Xuanzhen was withdrawn, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help flashing a dignified color that was not easy to detect.

Anyway, this is the robbery of the beast-god realm, and it is the robbery of the semi-god realm three turn strong. At this time, he must take it seriously. After all, this is related to Xiao Ya Life is comforting.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The condensing speed of the robbery is extremely fast and the time is not long. With him and Xiaoba as the center, a large cloud of dark clouds has completed the condensation. Among the dark clouds, the lightning bolts of lightning look like anger. Dragon-like, constantly tumbling in the sea of ​​black clouds, the momentum is really amazing.

At this moment, Xiaoba seemed to feel the emergence of robbery, and his body was a little tight, but he knew that there was still a Yuanfeng standing behind him, so although his heart was tight, he didn't feel afraid. .

"Yu, there is no time to entangle you, it seems that this time must be decided quickly !!!"

Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, looked up indifferently, watching the robbery above the sky. If it is normal, he will choose to meet the baptism of the robbery again and again, because only in this way, he can give Xiaoba the most benefits.

However, today's situation is not the same as usual. If at this moment he let Xiao Bayi accept the suction of thunderstorms one after another, I am afraid that he and the Tianmon Python will not be able to get away.

"Chi Xiaojian, come out !!!"

As soon as his mind moved, Chi Xiaojian was recruited from his body for the first time. Suddenly, with a sword in his hand, he felt that the whole world was stepped on by his feet. At this moment, even the whole world , Also do not want to have any restraint on him.

"Booming !!!!!!"

At the moment when Yuan Feng took out the Chixiao sword, the sky above the clouds seemed to be affected by the qi of the sword. He added a lot of strength to the original foundation. It seems that Zhuanjie also seems to have felt Yuan Feng's thoughts, but he is about to confront Yuan Feng!

The body of the Tianmon Python appeared far away, and at this moment, she looked at Yuan Feng with anticipation as well, and wanted to know how Yuan Feng would cope with the robbery this time.

"Must be fast. It's sure to attract the attention of the powerful people when it turns into such a big movement !!!"

Tian Yao Python didn't say anything on her mouth, but she was very nervous. She was worried that Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba would take too long to cross the robbery. Once that happened, then they really had to be big. Trouble.

"Well !!!!!!"

Just when the Tianmon Python was worried, it seemed that the dark condensed clouds above the sky had completed the final condensation, and in talking, it seemed to be the first thunder that had to be lowered.

"Yu, little robberies, today, let you know the means of my Yuanfeng, open it to me !!!"

Feeling that the robbery over the sky is about to come down, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a flash of light immediately, and when he was talking, he stomped his feet sharply. At the same time, the Chixiao sword in his hand passed across. A beautiful arc.

"Om !!!!!!!!!"

A thin sword-shaped awn, which directly tore the entire space and headed straight for the sky, was almost a blink of an eye. The sword-monger entered the robbery cloud and issued a shock.


Jianmang entered the calamity cloud, it was almost a breathless time, and a horrible explosion was released from the sky. When you look again, all the calamity clouds have disappeared, and there is nothing left. under.

ps: For flowers and rewards, brothers and sisters, Xiaoyan needs everyone's support. !! !! !!

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