The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2126: The strong gathered (three)

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Chapter 2126 The Powerful Gathering (Chapter Three)

The gloomy sky was instantly restored to a clear sky, and the terrible three-turn robbery cloud was even split by Yuan Feng's sword, and everything seemed as unreal as never happened.

Under the sky, Yuan Feng still maintained the posture of holding the sword with one hand at this moment. The sword pointed obliquely to the ground, but his chest was slightly undulating. Obviously, the talented sword did not consume him much.

On his side, Xiao Ba's figure has been transformed into a human figure, and at this moment, it just absorbed the energy scattered after the cloud disappeared into the body, and opened his eyes slowly.

"Brother !!!"

When Xiao Ba opened her eyes for the first time, she saw Yuan Feng in front of her, and when she saw Yuan Feng, her face flashed with gratitude involuntarily.

Of course, it knows how to pass through three robberies. Obviously, the appropriate robberies were all wrapped by Yuan Feng, and the horrible robberies did not affect it at all. Cause.

"Yu, hey, little guy, how do you feel? Is it stronger than before?"

Breathing lightly, Yuan Feng raised her hand, and first stole her Chixiao sword, and asked Xiaoba with a smile.

The connection with Xiaoba can make him feel the basic situation of Xiaoba now. Obviously, after being promoted to the third stage of Demigod Realm, Xiaoba's strength is definitely too much. However, I am afraid that it is a lot worse than the production of Demigod Warcraft.

"Brother, I now feel that I am strong and strong, and I will produce Promise of Warcraft in the future. I can produce a large number of minutes in a minute."

Standing up, Xiaoba was indeed a little excited at the moment. As Yuan Feng said, it has been a breakthrough this time, and its strength has improved a lot, and in this way, it can at least produce more powerful Promise of Warcraft, the efficiency of producing Warcraft will also be greatly improved.

"Okay, progress is a good thing, how about it, is there any confidence to continue to impact the lower realm? Want to come to the body of the half-headed Jin Yuying, you should not start enjoying it!"

Little Eight with three turns in the semi-god realm is absolutely not enough for him. At least, he also has to make the four turns with the semi-god in the semi-god realm. In that case, it will be possible to produce a half-god Warcraft.

"It's not easy to say, but I will try hard. I want to come to a World of Warcraft with a half deity and six turns. It should help me to achieve a half deity.

After gritting his teeth, Xiao Ba is also full of expectations for the four-turned state of the demi-god realm. It is clear in his heart that the four-turned state of the demi-god realm will be completely different from the three-turn of the demi-state In between, it is basically a watershed.

Unlike human warriors, the watershed of Warcraft is three-turn and four-turn. The three-turn Warcraft can only be said to be a general top powerhouse, but once it has passed three turns and reached the level of four turns, it is complete. It's different.

The human warrior will go out of bounds when the third turn is promoted, and the strength will change dramatically. However, Warcraft will be reborn a second time when the fourth turn is promoted. It is much tougher. As for more specific changes, you can only understand when you have reached the state of four revolutions.

For Xiaoba, it is very clear what the biggest change is after it has been promoted to four turns. It believes that once it has been promoted to four turns, as long as it is given enough time, it will be a semi-god. It may not be impossible to think about it.

Therefore, not only is Yuan Feng looking forward to its promotion to four rounds, it is also looking forward to those realms.

However, it is also because of the very powerful realm that if you want to advance, it will become more and more difficult. Fortunately, it still has half a six-turn gold feather eagle, which should be able to help it succeed.


"Giggle, you two don't continue to talk here. I don't know if such a big movement will attract enemies. I think we should leave quickly."

When Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba were talking about Tianer on their own, a flash of light flashed, but it was the Tianmon Python that swept around, and suddenly they ran enough to remind them.

Tian Yao Python's face still had a deep shock at this moment, and it was clear that Yuan Feng's previous sword slashed into a robbery still caused a great impact on her.

The only suitable scene is only her audience. She feels very sorry for this. If that scene can be seen by all the Warcraft in the beast **** world, then Yuan Feng will be famous in an instant.

"It's time to leave. Let's go and find a safe place. Let's continue to grow."

Hearing the words of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng could not help but nodded, but agreed with the words of the Tianmon Python, "Xiao Ba, go back first, and when you are in a safe place, I will find an opportunity for you to continue to cultivate."

Raising Xiaoba into the body world, Yuan Feng winked at Tian Yao Python, and then the two of them smiled at each other and went straight away.

Shicai's movement is really not small. If there is a super strong in the surrounding area, I am afraid that I have already come here, so it is better to leave soon.

The entire space was restored to calmness, and it was not long after Yuan Feng and others left. A sound of space vibration suddenly resounded in this space.


With a flash of light, a man with a huge momentum on his body, but looking very rough, flashed from the depths of space.

"Interesting, I clearly felt the existence of the robbery, why is there no trace of damage here?"

The rough man's eyes swept around, and his nose sniffed softly, and when he saw the surrounding trees and grass were intact, his eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of doubt.

Before it was far away, I felt the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth here, and from its experience, it is naturally easy to feel that the energy fluctuations here are the demigods. The robbery was just that, when it was near, it was so flat that it didn't look like a robbery had happened.

I have to say that the scene in front of me, even if it does not want to understand, after all, this is a situation contrary to common sense.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Just when the rough man was in doubt, a sound of space shock came, and then a light came on, not far from the rough man.

"Well, immortal, the old man felt that someone came over here. It turned out that you guys had taken me one step, but it looks like you have nothing to gain!"

The light flashed, a middle-aged man with a gold crown and a purple-gold robe all over him, appeared in front of the rough man, and smiled at each other with a smile on his face.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out to be you, the old guy. Why, did the Zijin Clan send you this kind of goods? I really don't know what your goods are."

Seeing the appearance of the man in the golden robe, the corners of the rough man could not help but pick a little, but did not feel any surprise because of the arrival of the other party. Obviously, it should have felt the existence of the other party already.

"Huh, the unspoken guy, your devil tigers are really blind, even sending you this kind of garbage to run out and be ashamed."

Hearing the rude men ridiculed himself, the man in the golden robes did not want to be outdone, and hurriedly responded with words.

One of them is a veteran of the Zijin Marten family, and the other is a veteran of the Tianmao Tiger family. Their strengths are also half-pounded. Basically, no one is afraid of anyone.

"Why, are you trying to provoke this seat? If you don't agree, we will see the real chapter under your hands!"

"Huh, I'm afraid you won't succeed? When you lose, don't cry with me and wipe your eyes."

"Roar !!! You're looking for death !!!"

"Ah !!!!!! Who will die first !!!"


Obviously, the two strong men are violent-tempered, and in the talk, they are releasing their momentum, and they are going to fight.

The World of Warcraft has always been like this. They are not good at attacking others with words, and they can't hear themselves stigmatized by other Warcraft. The way they do it is the simplest. Fight one. As long as you fight one, nothing is needed. Having said that, the loser will naturally admit to being honest.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as the two powerful men released their momentum and saw that they were about to hit their hands, a sound of spatial shock suddenly came. Then, a slightly petite figure came from space. He jumped out of the depths and stood still a short distance from the two big men.

"Oh, it's really hilarious. I thought someone had found the trace of the sky demon python. After a long time of trouble, it turned out that the two of you old guys are here to ache."

The petite man sneered at the corners of his mouth, but he politely sneered at the two strong men, and looking at its posture, it seemed that he did not look at the two strong men in the same way.

It also felt a sense of robbery before, so it ran a long distance to take a look. I thought that I could find some clues about the Tian Yao Python, but after a long time, I saw two big men fighting.


The battle between the two powerful men has not yet begun, but the petite figures that suddenly appeared let them take up the momentum for the first time, but they all stepped back a few steps, and there was a flash of dread in their eyes. .

As for the petite figure in front of them, they are not very unfamiliar. Speaking of which, the one in front of the beast **** world is quite famous.

"It turned out that the little devil bear arrived. I never thought that the Raven Bears would send you all out. It seems that the Raven Bears are very enthusiastic about this immeasurable monument!"

"I haven't seen Brother Devil for a long time, but it looks like Brother Devil is still the same, better than ever !!!"

The two strong men almost immediately put away the former coldness, and they became very friendly in speaking, and from this performance of them, we can see that the petite figure in front of them is definitely not ordinary people or Already.

The fact is exactly the same. The little devil bear, a heterogeneous species of the Raven Bear Clan, is also one of the most terrifying veterans of the Raven Bear Clan. Once upon a time, no matter what the strongest of the ethnic groups, it would give this a bit of noodles.

As a member of the Raven Bear Clan, this little devil bear is not as strong and fierce as other Raven Bear clan. On the contrary, it is very petite from the beginning and has always been robbed by the Raven Bear Clan. And other ethnic groups are considered a stranger.

However, despite being petite, everyone knows that once the little devil bear starts to soar, it can challenge the opponent's horror existence. It is said that today the little devil bear is a strong man with six turns in the semi-god realm, but even a man with seven turns in the semi-god realm is absolutely afraid to prey on it.

Today, when they see this here, they naturally need to be extra careful.

"Hey, Tianmon Python is running around with monuments. I'm afraid any ethnic group is thinking about catching her into their own ethnic group. This is what I do for the bear family. The same is true for the purple gold marten family and the Tianmo tiger family."

The petite veteran of the Raven Bears is very real when it comes to talking. This is the common feature of the Raven Bears. They are very hard to fight, but they are the most upright, and for this reason, Raven Bears The popularity of the tribe has always been the best among the beast gods.

Regarding the little veteran of the Raven Bears tribe, the two veterans of Tian Mo Hu and Zijin Siao are uncomfortable. Speaking of which, they naturally know that the other party is right. You must know that not only these old guys have come out I am afraid that even their patriarchs, eight Chengdu have now been involved in the search for the Tianmon Python!

"Okay, do n’t bother fighting here. You ca n’t find the Tianmon Python. Even if you kill each other, no one will think how powerful you are. If you want me to say it, go to find the sky. The whereabouts of the python, say goodbye !!! "

Glancing at the two strong men, the petite robbed veteran veteran flickered and left. Obviously, it doesn't even have the idea of ​​watching hilarious.

"Well, I have something important today, and I will settle the bill with you when I have the chance."

"Hum, who's afraid of anyone? Really think you are invincible? When you finish the big thing, see if I don't step on your gold crown !!"

After the elders of the Raging Bear clan left, the elders of Zijin marten and the elder tiger of the devil did not continue their stalemate. They snorted at each other.

Obviously, the veteran of the raging bear clan came at the right time. If it was not for the other party's reminder, they might have done something wrong!

It seems that the reason why the Raven Bears have a good reputation is not their own seal. If they change to other ethnic groups, I am afraid they will never remind them so kindly!

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