The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2124: Have improved

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Chapter 2124: Ascension

The perfect combination of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python ended up killing a Super Demon Warrior with six turns in the semi-god realm. I have to say that in this case, I can't find a few in the whole beast **** world. .

Super strong with six transitions in demigod, and has practiced countless years, immersed in countless years of patriarchal existence in the realm with six transitions in demigod, no matter which super big group it is, you can say Is a pivotal big man.

However, it was such a superpower who eventually died under the joint calculation of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python.

Frankly, for this kind of results, Tianmon Python couldn't believe it for a while, but when the half of the elder Jin Yuying fell into her hands, any doubts were no longer needed. .

The next time, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python did not start the action again, but stayed in the Xuan Zhen honestly and began to rest. Of course, this mysterious array space is naturally not the previous mysterious array space. For the previous battlefield, he naturally has to hide as far as possible.

You know, there is a place where World of Warcraft with six heads and half-turned gods has been killed, and that kind of place, God knows what kind of crisis will lead to.

Yuan Feng's shot this time consumed almost all his power, and it will undoubtedly take some time to recover from such consumption. In addition, the stone torn by himself was also a life-saving treasure for him. If possible, he wanted to repair it and put it back into use as much as possible.

Speaking of which, the stone was previously controlled by the swallowing martial spirit. The swallowing martial spirit has an absolute understanding of it. Naturally, as long as it takes some time, supplemented with some special materials, at least, he should be able to put the stone傀儡 Recovery is seven or seven or eight.

Before Xiaoba had reached the level of Warcraft that could produce demigods, the existence of the stone puppet was very necessary, just like this time, if there was no stone puppet, it would be impossible for Yuan Feng to easily remove Jin Yu. Veteran Eagle killed.

Xiao Ba's task is relatively heavy. This time, he first got a half-magic three-turn magic owl, and then got a half-magic six-turn golden feather eagle. For it, this is definitely a hard time. Opportunity to sharpen your strength.

A complete three-turn magic demon is almost enough for it to advance to the semi-god realm three-turn realm. After all, this capricorn is completely and completely killed. In its body, it has what it takes to advance to the semi-god real three-turn. everything of.

As for the half-turned six-round golden feather eagle, what kind of improvement and progress this thing can bring to it is not conceivable from nothing, everything depends on the final result.

The Sky Monster Python will also make good use of the half of her golden feather eagle. For her, a veteran six-turn Warcraft will be underbelly. Although there is still a long way to go to the seven-turn half-god, but At the very least, she can make her strength more unprecedented than ever before. By then, she will be able to rank among the ranks of demigod six-turn.

Everyone has their own things to do, no matter who they are, they are crazy to improve their strength, but what Yuan Feng has done, it seems that the meaning is slightly worse.

"Yu, what kind of material is this stone tincture made of? It is so unfortunate that it can't be repaired at all!"

After spending some time restoring physical strength and energy, Yuan Feng couldn't help but start researching the stone puppet that he split into two halves, and it took several days to do one research.

However, after a few days, he reluctantly found that the material of this stone is very special. Although he has a lot of precious baby spar ore on his body, no matter what kind of spar, there is no way to put the stone.傀儡 Repaired.

"I really don't know who made such a terrible stone puppet. It seems that my stone puppet can only be kept as a memorial !!!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng knows that although he has good strength and many means, it is basically impossible to repair this stone.

"It's nothing, anyway, this thing has already played a big role. It won't be long before I want to, and Xiao Ba should be able to produce a demigod-level Warcraft. As long as Xiao Ba can produce a demigod Warcraft, then The stone is awkward.

Xiaoba is now hitting the realm. In her heart, there are so many treasures for Xiaoba to devour. The realm of the semi-god realm turning around should not be a big problem. It may even be possible to try a semi-god Five turn around.

Maybe, the state of four transitions in the semi-god realm is not enough for Xiaoba to produce the words of the world of Warcraft, but the five transitions in the semi-god realm should be almost the same.

Having said that, if Xiao Ba can be promoted to five turns in demigod, then this is also a real joy for him. You must know that he and Xiao Ba can borrow each other's power. Once Xiao Ba is promoted The fifth turn of the demigod, then he can have the power of the five turns of the demigod, and there is no doubt that he can do more.

Of course, all of the prerequisites are that Xiao Ba can be promoted to the level of demigod and five turns, and he is not very confident at this time if he can do it.

"Let's go and see the situation of Xiaoba first!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he disappeared in place, and the time between speeches came to the place where Xiao Ba was making a breakthrough.

"Buzz !!!!"

As soon as he reached the place where Xiaoba was, Yuan Feng felt a wave of energy fluctuating. He was constantly dissipating from Xiaoba's body. Obviously, the little guy at the moment was shocking. It is a state of three turns in the demigod, and it seems that it is just a very critical time.

"Ha, it's really time to come. It just happened to impact the realm of demigod three turns. It seems that this time I can witness this wonderful moment with my own eyes !!!"

What kind of eyesight Yuan Feng can see at a glance, Xiao Ba at this moment is definitely the bottleneck that is hitting the semi-god realm. Once it breaks through, then the semi-god real three turns will no longer have the slightest problem.

"I just don't know if this guy has already eaten the body of the golden feather eagle, I hope it's just the effect of that magic wand !!!"

Stepping back a few steps, Yuan Feng knew that Xiao Ba could not be disturbed at this time. Once disturbed at this time, it would be a devastating blow for Xiao Ba.

Whether it is a human warrior or a warcraft, in this very critical time, you must ensure that you are not disturbed, otherwise, the breakthrough will fail, and the life will die!

"Oh !!!!!!"

I do n’t know how long it has passed. At a certain moment, in the body of Xiao Ya, the energy fluctuations that were already very scary suddenly suddenly seemed to be boiling, and began to violently violently. At this moment, it started to grow sharply, as if suddenly being blown.

"Buzz !!!!"

As the figure continued to grow, the energy fluctuations of Xiaoba's body week became more and more amazing. Suddenly, there was a strong wind blowing in the entire mysterious space.

The transition from Demigod Realm 2 to Demigod Realm three turns is absolutely not conceivable by ordinary people. Once Xiaoba is promoted to Demigod Realm three turns, it will face another world.

"Okay, it seems that the state of the third turn will not have any problems at all !!!"

Seeing Xiao Ba's body undergo a drastic change, Yuan Feng's face was suddenly full of excitement. He knew that there would be absolutely no problem with Xiao Ba's shock this time.

Think about it too, how terrible is the qualification of Xiao Ba, and this way, how many World of Warcraft that it devoured, one or two turns, although most of its power is used to produce the Warcraft army, every time they swallow A head of Warcraft, in fact, can get some benefits from it.

To put it bluntly, the true essence of Warcraft is actually digested by it, and the real use of Warcraft is actually the most useless part of those demigods.

Right now it's devouring a half-god three-time Warcraft, and it's really normal to advance to the third half-god.


Just when Yuan Feng was excited and waiting for Xiao Ba's promotion to complete, a light flashed, but it was a cultivating Tian Yao python, which was also attracted by Xiao Ba ’s shock and movement. Feng stood beside her.

"It seems that Xiao Ba will soon be able to advance to the third turn of Demigod Realm. Our team is really getting stronger and stronger !!!"

Standing next to Yuan Feng's body, Tian Yao Python's gaze was focused on Xiao Ya's body for the first time, and he smiled with joy.

She has digested that half of Jin Yuying in this period of time, her strength is better than ever, and Xiao Ba is now going to hit success again. For them, this is simply a good thing!

"Hey, it looks like your situation is not bad, if you face the strong man like Elder Jin Yuying again, you should at least not be suppressed!"

Seeing the Tian Yao Python coming over, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance around the other person's body, and then said with a smile.

It's been a long time since he saw the Tianmon Python, but now it seems that the other party has improved his strength by at least several levels after digesting half of the golden feather eagle. Naturally, he feels happy for the other party.

"Giggle, even if the strongest one comes, I can feel relieved." With a confident smile, Tian Yao Python's heart can't help but have a sense of pride.

You know, even the Warcraft with six rotations in the demigod can be destroyed by them, what terrible thing are they?

"Om !!!!!!"

In the time between the two talking, Xiao Ba, not far away, suddenly trembled a little bit. Then, his body was surrounded by strength and released, and then its breath was Slowly became steady.

"It's done !!!"

Feeling the situation of Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng didn't have any thoughts to chat with Tian Yao Python. The first time she looked at Xiao Ba, her face was full of excitement.

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