The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2123: So come to an end

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Chapter Two Two One Hundred Twenty-Three

The elder Jin Yuying was clever by himself, thinking that he had counted all the circumstances. In the end, he still paid the price of his own cleverness.

Speaking of which, as a well-known superpower in the beast **** world, it is definitely not so easy to be destroyed. If it considers the problem more seriously and pays more attention at critical moments, there is still hope to avoid it. The final scene happened.

Unfortunately, the opponent it faces is not an ordinary person, but a super genius in the true sense. Under the opponent's calculations, it has already been doomed to a tragedy.

Of course, in order to win the super strong of the Jin Yuying family, Yuan Feng not only exhausted his strength for a while, but also put on a stone hoe. Such a dedication makes this harvest seem to be Some are less tempting. However, winning the veteran of the Golden Feather Eagle is still quite significant for their small team.

"It's dying, it's dying. This sword is really exhausting. It's just a sword, but it doesn't have the strength to make a sword again. It seems that this kind of tactics will be used in the future!"

In order to kill in one hit, he used all his strength. Frankly speaking, this is also a desperate game, because once that sword failed to kill the veteran Jin Yuying, it was unlucky that he and Sky demon python.

Fortunately, although the process is a little bit thrilling, the results are still very good. At this moment, he was finally able to sit down and breathe in peace of mind.

This is the second time he has faced such a terrible Super Warcraft powerhouse. The last time he dealt with the King of Qing, he eventually cut off half of the body of the King of Qing while showing weakness to the enemy. This allowed the other party to escape.

And this time, with the help of the Tianmon Python, he actually beheaded and killed a living Demi-God Warrior with six rotations. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Compared with a Warcraft that has a half-deity and six turns, it is not comparable at all. Especially this time, it is still a super big group such as Jin Yuying. Strong.

From now on, no matter which ethnic group's demigod six-turned strong man comes, even if he cannot treat it as ordinary Warcraft, he will not be afraid of the other party, after all, even if it is a demigod Six turns of Warcraft, he also did the right thing.

It can be said that this experience will definitely help him unimaginably to walk in the beast **** world in the future.


Almost just when Yuan Feng just took a few breaths and sat on the ground to comb through this harvest, a light flashed, but it was the Sky Demon Python that had just been hidden in the depths of the space. Humanoid, and came closer to Yuan Feng.

"End, is it over?"

The shape of the Tianmon Python flashed out from the depths of the space, but for her who witnessed everything, everything that happened in Shicai was so incredible that she could n’t even imagine .

She thought that when it was shot by Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng had shot it herself, so when she watched the stone she was penetrated by the elder Jin Yuying, her heart broke.

However, to her great surprise, the penetrated body was not Yuan Feng's at all, but a stone puppet. Later, she saw Yuan Feng using the stone puppet to make the golden feather eagle three or two times. The veteran disappeared, and until the end, she kept her mouth widened and eyes widened, and it was only then that she returned to normal.

To be frank, when Yuan Feng proposed to destroy the Golden Elder Eagle veteran, she actually did not agree to do so from the bottom of her heart. After all, with her strength and Yuan Feng's strength, it was impossible to be the other party. Opponent. However, her absolute trust in Yuan Feng eventually helped her to help Yuan Feng without hesitation.

In the battle with the veteran Jin Yuying, she was really tired and exhausted, but it is undeniable that it was the consumption of that war that made the veteran Jin Yuying's reaction become more unresponsive, and finally the Yuan Maple dies.

In short, everything is so unexpected, but in retrospect, it seems to be a necessity.

"Hey, how's it? Are you still not burdened? At this moment, we don't have to worry about being entangled with any strong members of the Jin Yuying family."

The two halves of the stone that had been destroyed were put away, and Yuan Feng also saw the appearance of the Tianmon Python at this moment, and then smiled at the other side.

This time it was really cool and crooked, killing a half-powered World of Warcraft, then for a long time, they should not need to worry about energy.

That's the old Super Warcraft with six turns of demigod. This one itself is equivalent to several ordinary demigod six turn guys, and the power of Warcraft with six turns of demigod is probably not at all. People can answer it.

"Yu, Yuan Feng, from now on, I really completely obey you."

Eyes were tightly fixed on Yuan Feng. At this moment, the sky demon python seemed to see through Yuan Feng. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng was standing here, but no matter how she looked, she felt that Yuan Feng's background is too deep and too deep, to the point where she can't even measure it.

For such a horror person, who else would she serve?

"Ha ha ha, heavy words, heavy words, isn't it just an unstoppable roadblocker? In the final analysis, it's not a big deal, it's just that I'm more powerful than me."

Yuan Feng's heart was also very relieved. With this shot, they can worry about nothing for a long time.

"Xiaoba, come here !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't say much. During the time of speaking, he drank aloud to the surroundings and greeted Xiao Ba to his side.

"Hey hey, brother, I'm here !!!"

Xiao Ba was not too far away at this moment. It had harvested such a terrible Warcraft powerhouse. Now he was constantly wondering. Now he was called by Yuan Feng. It can think of the other party more or less. Mind.

"Xiao Ba, take out the two half of the elder Jin Yuying's body and give it to the demon flame, I believe she will need this thing very much."

Speaking of which, from the beginning, Yuan Feng had no intention of swallowing the veteran of the Jin Yuying family. Although the last move was issued by him, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill the veteran of the Jin Yuying. It is the result of their collective planning.

In addition, they are a teamwork relationship, and the growth of any member of the team is actually a great help to themselves.

"I obey your brother's orders, and I will do it now."

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Xiao Ba naturally involuntarily spoke for a while, but then he replied without hesitation.

As Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft partner, he will never question every decision of Yuan Feng. Perhaps in his opinion, some decisions are not so easy to make directly, but no matter what, as long as Yuan Feng lets If you do, it will be implemented politely.


In the time of speaking, Xiao Ba was the two half of the Warcraft body that he killed himself, took out half of it directly, and received it in the hands of the Sky Demon Python.

"Hey, demon flame girl, this is from your elder brother, you have to collect it, don't be thrown away by this thing."

Taking out the half body of the elder Jin Yuying, obviously Xiao Ba was somewhat reluctant, but in general, he would never question Yuan Feng at this time.

Since Yuan Feng chose Tian Yao Python, he must not hesitate to believe that if he questioned Yuan Feng, it would really be too much.

"This this…………………"

For the baby that was delivered to his eyes, the Tianmon Python was really hesitant for a moment.

Although she did pay a lot when killing the elder Jin Yuying, but it was nothing more than a puppet for nothing. If Yuan Feng wasn't there, she would pay no more, I'm afraid it would be useless at all.

Therefore, regarding the body of the veteran of the Golden Feather Eagle, she can still hold it with or without it. Actually, if she took it, no one would say anything to her. If she did n’t take it, no one would think she was wronged .

Of course, for Yuan Feng, things are in place right now. As for how to choose the next day demon python, it is all up to the day demon python's own ideas.

"Yu, okay, since you divided this guy in half for me, then from now on, I have something to do!"

The thoughts turned, and soon, the demon python sighed, and then accepted the Warcraft body of the veteran Jin Yuying sent by Xiao Ya. No way, she really needs this thing too much now. Once she can swallow each other, then her power will definitely get a huge reminder. Why not?

The Golden Feather Eagle Warcraft veteran's body was incorporated into the body world. At this moment, she couldn't wait to take the shot right away and quickly refine and absorb the energy. In this way, she could be more confident.

Passive beatings are always the last thing everyone likes to see and experience. With this experience, it's really almost the same. She doesn't want to happen to her again.

"Demon flame, this time you consume a lot of money. The body of this half-headed golden feather eagle veteran hopes to bring you some compensation and recovery. As for the remaining half, I must let Xiao Ba also make an impact."

Without Xiaoba, he would definitely not care about a Warcraft body, but the situation is special now, but he has to think about a lot of things.

"Yes, rest assured, I will put all my energy into the right path. It won't be long before I can become stronger, and then I can help you in turn and share some tasks for you."

Knowing the envy will be reported, even if no matter how familiar, the procedures should still be unavoidable!

PS: Can't a hundred flowers really go up? I asked for help! !! !! !!

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