The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2119: Tough battle

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Chapter 2119 Difficult Battle

The momentary intention of Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python finally attracted a terrible opponent, and for them, the current opponent really made them feel the real pressure.


The super-powerful of the Jin Yuying family is obviously also a veteran character. This shot, the power of the super-powerful, is all at once, almost a face-to-face, and the demon python is It directly suppresses and does not even have the power to fight back.


The body flickered. The veteran of the Jin Yuying family was as lightning-fast as before. Before the Tianmon Python fully turned on the defense mode, its attack was already in front of the Tianmon Python.

"Hiss !!!" Jin Yuying's attack was heavy, and Yuan Feng on the side saw the opponent's claws swipe sharply, and then the Tianyue python issued a slightly painful roar When he went to see it again, there was a deeper mouth on the body of the Tianmon Python.

Yin Hong's blood shot out from the body of the Tianmon Python. At this moment, the difference in strength between the two sides was almost clear at a glance.

"This ............ fast speed, is this the superpower of the Jin Yuying family? Is this speed really too horrible?"

Not far away, Yuan Feng can be said to have witnessed the entire process, and he was really unbelievable and totally unwilling to believe everything that happened.

So far, he has encountered a lot of super strong people. Like the former King of Green, it is a very scary super existence, and it is really terrifying. Even if it takes the lead, he will only be Just abandon the other party's cultivation.

However, the strength of Qingying King is all because its foundation is deep enough. When it comes to speed, there is nothing praiseworthy about the speed of Qingying King.

However, the situation of the super veteran of the current Jin Yuying family is obviously different.

Seriously, he has never seen such a terrifying speed, that speed like lightning, for him, basically can not start.

Although he has horrible sword skills, he still has to be able to meet his opponents. If he can't even touch his opponent's side, even if he has a strong sword skills, what use is it?

"No, this is definitely not the way to go. You must think of a solution. Otherwise, the demon flame cannot be the opponent of this hairy bird."

The situation is really too obvious. In terms of the strength of the Tianmon Python, it won't take long before I am afraid that he will be defeated by the elders of the Jinyuying family. Once the Tianmon Python is defeated, he is afraid Not much better.

Therefore, at present, he must think of some ways to share some pressure for the Tian Yao Boa.

"The self-destructing army is probably useless. The strongest in this class, the self-destructiveness of Wuji Warcraft, is afraid that it is impossible to hurt it."

Today, his biggest reliance is on his self-detonation legion, but at present, the self-detonation legion has no room to play, it can be said that it is useless. You know, when his self-destructive army starts to shoot, I am afraid that the veteran of the Jin Yuying family has already hid to the side.

In the meantime, he and Tianmon Python couldn't run far. At that time, at the speed of the veteran of the Jinyuying family, it was easy and pleasant to catch up with them.

"It wo n’t work for the self-destructive army, and even harder for hard fight. In that case, it seems that it can only take some stupid measures. I just hope that the demon flame can hold it for a while and get some time for me."

With a heart in his heart, Yuan Feng knew that if he wanted to deal with the elders of the Jin Yuying family, he must take some effective measures. Of course, it is basically impossible to kill the other party. What he can do At best, it means trapping each other for the time being, and trying to get more time for him and the Sky Monster Python to escape.

"No shadow magic, hidden !!!"

Thinking about it, Yuan Feng suddenly moved her mind, but concealed her shape, and then, without hesitation, swept away into the distance to see the posture, as if she was about to escape. Of course, at this moment, he has hidden his body, which is not easy to be noticed by outsiders. Besides, the old man of the Jin Yuying family is entangled in the sky demon python, and he really has no time to take care of him.

In addition, as the Tianmon Python thinks, no one will think that the infinite monument is on the body of Yuan Feng. In anyone's mind, basically, I think that if you can win the Tianmon Python, you can get unlimited. God monument, so even if Yuan Feng is let go, everyone will never care too much.

This is also human nature. After all, no matter how good the relationship between humans and Warcraft is, there is rarely a real life and death relationship. And, after all, even if the most unlikely thing really happened, then capturing the Tian Yao Python is still the most effective way.

If the Tianmon Python really gave the immeasurable monument to others, it undoubtedly shows that her relationship with that person is very close, and how could such a person watch the Tianmon Python go to death, but Is the stomach fleeing with the infinite monument?

Therefore, although the old man of the Jinyuying family found Yuan Feng's escape, it still did not give up his mind and pursued it. Instead, he continued to attack the demon python wholeheartedly.


Jin Yuying's attack speed is too fast and too fast, almost for a short time, a lot of blood can be seen on the body of the Sky Monster Python. Fortunately, the strength of the Sky Monster Python is also very strong. Some of the wounds that are not too serious are basically recovering quickly, and even deeper wounds will not affect her much.

This one is obviously very depressing to the Tianmon Python. Her strength is not much weaker than the opponent, but due to her natural restraint and the spooky speed of the opponent, all her strengths are not. As many ways as possible have come out, such battles naturally become very difficult.

"Well !!!!!!"

At this moment, Jin Yuying was very relaxed and freehand. In the whole process, his body was basically a gust of wind. Although the attack of the Sky Monster Python was sharp, it was difficult to hurt it, and if the battle continued like this, , Then the winning side is definitely it, not the day demon python.

"Tian Yao Python, why are you doing this? Handing over the infinite monument, I will definitely not make it difficult for you."

The entire space is full of afterimages, and the extremely fast speed is to let the voice of the old man of Jin Yuying echo within a few circles, making it impossible for him to determine the position of the other party.

However, the old man of the golden feather eagle also understood that although he had an absolute advantage in the battle with the Sky Monster Python, if he wanted to win the Sky Monster Python, it would not be done in a short while. Yes, if you can save a bit of energy, then of course it can't be better.

In addition, in the world of beast gods, there are all super-groups looking for the Tianmon Python. During the previous search, it saw a lot of super existences that have not been born long ago. Now it and Tianmon Python battle, if there are other super strong running in the middle, it will definitely not be good for him.

Therefore, while fighting, it could not help but put pressure on the Tian Yao Boa, hoping that the other party could hand over the baby soon, so as not to cause unnecessary dangerous situations.

"Roar, stray-haired bird, even if I am dead, I will never give you the immeasurable monument. If you have the ability, you will kill me today. By then, the celestial python family will surely destroy your golden feather eagle. The whole family !!! Roar !!!!!!

At the moment, the demon python was roaring again and again. Of course, she could not succumb to the other party. In the final analysis, her strength is not much different from that of the opponent. If she is really convinced by the other party, then she may not be in the beast in the future. Divine World is moving!

No matter what, the immeasurable monument is not on her body at this moment, but this will make her feel better. After all, as long as the immense monument is not stolen, it is her own victory!

Moreover, she has seen Yuan Feng leave her body in hiding. She knows that Yuan Feng can never leave her without leaving her. In all likelihood, Yuan Feng should have thought of something, and as long as she can stick to it For a while, when Yuan Feng's approach worked, she and Yuan Feng still hoped to get rid of the entanglement of the Jin Yuying.

To this day, she has given everything to Yuan Feng's hands. The immortal monument is on Yuan Feng's body, and her life comfort is also on Yuan Feng's body. In short, the only person who can save her life in this world is Yuan Feng.

"Huh, it's dead, and you are so hard-mouthed. It seems that you really think you can escape the palm of this seat. In this case, I will let you see the true strength of this seat, hey !!!"

Hearing not only did it not mean to surrender, but he also spoke well to himself. The elder Jin Yuying was furious. He talked, but he groaned again, followed by a figure movement. The speed was fast. A lot.

"Brush brush !!!!!!!!!!!!"

The entire space is full of Jin Yuying's figure, but its speed has already reached a certain limit, and it has produced a substantial afterimage. If these afterimages do not have some eyesight, I'm afraid it's impossible to see clearly.

"Puff puff!!!"

One by one, the flashes of mang flashed, the time spent talking, and a few more wounds on the body of the sky demon python, and these wounds were more than the previous wounds compared to the previous ones. terror.

"Hoohoo !!! Boom !!!!!!"

When the speed of Jin Yuying's old man increased again, she was about to suppress the Tianmon Python completely until she could not fight back, and the Tianmon Python roared suddenly. Then, her body was fierce. The ground shrank, followed by a sharp rise, all of a sudden becoming larger than before.

"Hum !!! Hmm !!!!!!"

As the body grows, the giant tail of the Sky Monster Python flicks. This speed is not much faster than before, but because the body has become much larger, after the tail is thrown out, it is the whole piece directly. All the afterimages in space are swept away, and among these afterimages, there is exactly one body that is the Golden Eagle.


Being swept by the giant tail of the dread python, the figure of the old man of the golden feather eagle was like a ball that was hit by a fly, and was directly blasted into the ground by the dread python. Suddenly, the entire ground was stirred up. A cloud of smoke and dust, some tall trees, were shattered at this moment.


One tail blasted the old man with the golden feather eagle, and the Tianmon Python could not help but uttered a scream of horror. Obviously, this hit the other side, and she also made a stern breath for herself.

Since the battle began, she has been passively beaten. This time, it seems that she hit the opponent for the first time, and it looks like the effect should be good.

Speaking of it, from the beginning, the Tianmon Python was actually showing weakness to the enemy. Although her power is indeed not as good as the veteran of the Jin Yuying clan, in the final analysis, she is a demigod and six turns If you really don't even have a trace of power to fight back, it is obviously too much for you.

In fact, her idea is very simple, that is to delay the time as much as possible, and let Yuan Feng find a way for her to get away. As for the attacks of the golden feather eagle that she suffered, it was nothing but drizzle, and it was impossible for her. Cause substantial harm.

The opponent beats you a hundred times lightly, but as long as you can give the opponent a hard shot, then it is totally worth it.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Did n’t give the Tianmon Python too much time to excite, and it almost did n’t take long for her to play. A voice filled with anger rang out within a few miles. Then, Jin Yuying ’s body The shape, came out from below the ground with a boom.

"Damn, demon python, you are killing yourself !!!"

The old man, Jin Yuying, was completely furious at the moment. It really didn't expect it. After a long time in the middle of the sky, the demon python in front of him even played a trick with her, thinking it was not his opponent at all. , You can leave it alone!

Now I think about it, it is indeed a bit too naive. I would like to ask that the Tianmon Python family has always been very tyrannical. Even if many of the super-ethnic groups of their contemporaries have perished, the Tianmon Python family is still very strong. .

Of course, there can be no reason for it, in the final analysis, it is still too cunning to be a demon python family!

When this tail of the Tianmon Python swept down, it did feel that its body had suffered considerable damage, but it did not affect its ability to play. However, when it won the Tianmon Python, it had to return. In the ethnic group, I practiced patiently for a while.

"Giggle, mohair, do you think you are really strong? Today, I want to see what you can do."

Tian Yao Python is still able to laugh at this moment. For her, now is undoubtedly an opportunity to move back to momentum, before she was always hanged by the other side blindly, and now, while The other party was given a chance of her own heavy blow. She must let the other party feel her own strength and indomitable momentum.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Thinking of this in her heart, her body flew violently, and she straightened up to a higher height. At the same time, her giant tail, like a giant pillar, started to surround her. It swept frantically, and as long as her giant tail passed, it was basically the result of space fragmentation.

"Well !!!"

Jin Yuying doesn't care about the random attack of the Sky Monster Python. Although this level of attack can indeed hurt it, the attack method of the Sky Monster Python will never let it be recruited a second time. .

The previous time, because he was a little caught off guard, this was attacked by the other side, but this time, it was already prepared for it, so of course it would not let the same situation happen again.

However, although the truth is such a truth, it has to be said that the sudden outbreak of the sky demon python really made it equally incapable of performing, and some could not let go.

This is also the only thing that can't be done. The same is the six transitions in the demigod.

Fortunately, its underlying advantages are too obvious, and the defensive way under the sky demon python now obviously consumes a lot of physical energy, so just give him some time, once the power of the sky demon python becomes weak After that, it was time for it to capture each other.

Ginger is still old and spicy. How many years has it taken for Tian Yao Python to cultivate? When it comes to experience, it's impossible to match it!

It will never really kill the Tianyue python, because that will only make the Tianyue pythons and Jin Yuyings simply revenge, but it has no meaning to the Jin Yuyings.

The only real victory is the capture of the Tianmon Python, and the immortal monument on the Tianmon Python. Once you have the monument, you will be able to destroy the Tianmon Python at that time. It's worth it.

The two greats once again entered the battle. The sky monster python is completely crazy and reckless, it seems to be the same as draining himself, while the golden feather eagle accepts the gift of the sky monster python without mercy. Basically, it is intentional and effortless, waiting for the Tianmon Python to drain itself, and then it is ready to harvest ready-made.

Both of them have their own small 99. As for who can win the final victory, it depends on some external conditions.

As time goes by, the battle between the two strong men hit from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky. In short, there are traces of the battle between the two strong men everywhere, and the entire ancient jungle may be destroyed by them. Half off.

This is also the result of the convergence of the two. They don't want to attract other strong ones, but they want to not attract other strong ones. Naturally, they must keep their strength under their hands. For their existence at this level, It's easy to control the range of power.

I do n’t know how long the two powerful men have fought. Finally, visible to the naked eye, the physical strength of the Sky Demon Python is not enough, and seeing this, the old Jin Yuying ca n’t help getting excited, and the attack is getting sharper. stand up.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

However, when the old man of the golden eagle saw the hope of victory and was ready to take down the sky demon python, the eyes of the latter suddenly flashed a flash of light, and then he flew suddenly. Persecuted it directly.


After almost exhausting his full blow, Tian Yao Python said nothing. When he was in shape, he swept directly to the distance to see her posture, and he wanted to escape! !! !!

"Well !!!!!!"

Seeing that the Tianyue Python was still thinking of escaping at this time, the old man of Jin Yuying made a loud beep, and the cry was full of disapproval irony. Obviously, at this time, even if the real monster python is really inserted with wings, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the palm of its hand, and to run away like this is nothing more than a waste of her own physical strength.

"Well !!!"

In the direction of the Tianmon Python running away, it was very easy to chase it up. Seeing, Tianmon Python's figure had penetrated into a dense forest in the distance. Looking at the posture, it seemed that it could not run. Moved.

"Day demon python, today, I'd like to see where you run away !!! Hey !!!!!!"

Seeing the speed of the Tianmon Python was getting slower and slower, and eventually he escaped into the dense forest and stopped. The old elder Jin Yuying couldn't help laughing, and stopped in the dense forest where the Tianmon Python was standing, panting. In a tone, he looked at the sky demon python stunned.

"Run? Why don't you run? Can't you run very well? Then run? Hey !!!"

Seeing the Tianmon Python stop its figure, and panting heavily, the old man Jinyuying became more and more excited. He knew that he would have a great harvest right away. When he got the immeasurable monument, no matter what Zijin Marten, Tian Mo Hu, or Xiaoyue Wolf, he would have to give it a hand. Stand!

"Wait a minute, I give up !!!!!!"

When the old man of the golden feather eagle chased behind the Tianmon Python and was ready to make another shot at any time, the Tianmon Python that had just stopped suddenly lowered his head and conceded directly!

"Well? This ........."

Hearing that the Tian Yao Python suddenly confessed to lose, the old man Yu Jinying was undoubtedly shocked by the situation. It had been fighting with the opponent for so long before, but it did not feel that the opponent was the kind of person who would admit defeat. Therefore, when it was heard that the other party actually conceded, it was almost subconsciously a little hesitant.

"Om !!! Roar !!!!!!"

Just when the old man of Jin Yuying woke up for a while, the dreaded python who had just said he was about to surrender, but his body suddenly jumped up. The time between his words and his huge body was directly from Jin Yu. The eagle was surrounded, and seemed to be the same as the other.

"Well, you know you won't vote ..."

"Om !!!!!!"


When the python launched a sudden attack that day, the elder Jin Yuying could not help but laugh a long time. Obviously, it was apparent that he had been prepared for the genius of the python in the morning.

However, just before its laughter disappeared, the surrounding space was suddenly shaken, and at this time, it was fully responding to the sudden attack of the sky demon python, and when it reflected, everything around it, but It's all gone.

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