The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2118: Big trouble (six more seeking flowers)

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Chapter 2118 Big trouble (six more seeking flowers)


With a bang and a scream, the young man transformed by the Capricorn was directly blasted into the ground by a fist of the demon python, and this time, although he failed to kill his life, he was absolutely hit. .

"It's broken, I'm afraid there will be big trouble !!!"

On the day when the monster python shot instantly and blasted the young man transformed into a maggot into the ground, Yuan Feng suddenly became tense, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He just persuaded himself to persuade himself, but he forgot, why has the Tian Yao Python ever suffered such humiliation, and was so excited by the magic wand at this time, how could she continue to let the other party mad?

It was a little bit short before he could stop the reckless behavior of the Tian Yao Boa, but now it seems that it is a bit late!


The young man who was blasted into the ground by the demon python and turned into a maggot, then realized what kind of horrible existence he had caused, and at this time, it was basically not even thinking about it, it was almost exhausted With all my strength, I want to flee this place and keep my little life!

"Well, still want to run at this time? Stay with me !!!"

However, when the Capricorn thought of escaping, it was obviously impossible. Almost immediately when the other party just got out of the ground and hadn't got enough time to start, a sword-mantle was crossing it suddenly. After reaching the space, he came directly to the top of his head, and hacked down from the top of his head without any hindrance.


Yuan Feng's sword can be described as hateful, and the power of this sword can definitely be compared with the full blow of the super strong with four turns in the demigod. The left and right have already been shot, of course, it is necessary to make a quick decision and solve this big guy.

Speaking of it, if it is normal, although he and the sky demon python can also kill the three-round Warcraft of Demigod Realm, it may not be possible to seriously prepare for it. And now this big guy thinks that he is stronger than him and the sky demon python, and has always relaxed his vigilance, but he never expected to be killed by him and the sky demon python.

"Receive it !!!"

Yuan Feng's response was very fast. He split the magic wand into two halves with one sword, and he raised his hand and directly closed the body of the two halves. This time, Xiao Ba had another big meal to enjoy. . However, when he gathered up the corpse of the magical demon who turned three times in the demigod, his face was full of bitterness.

"Ah, you, you, why do you have a general knowledge of it? I'm afraid there is really a big problem!"

Turning around, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at the Tianyue Python aside and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"This guy is so abominable. It ’s hard to dispel my heart without giving it some lessons." Tian Yao Python seemed to realize at the moment that his behavior was wrong, so although his mouth was righteous, his eyes were clear. There was a flash of regret.

Obviously, she also knew that she was a little too reckless. Two billion beast head crystals were given, and she gave them. For her, it had no effect at all. Now it's better. Although the other party is destroyed, will this move cause trouble for her and Yuan Feng, but it's hard to say now!

"What's so mad? Do you think it's worthwhile to live with you and my life because of such a small character?" Putting aside his lips, Yuan Feng knew that he should wake up the other party at this time.

They are now fleeing, not actually traveling. It is conceivable that at this shot, at least the nearby strong will definitely feel the energy fluctuations here, and if there is just a super strong nearby, Then there is really big trouble!


Said by Yuan Feng like this, although the demon python intentionally refuted a few words for herself, she couldn't speak out.

Wrong is wrong, so little humiliation can't be tolerated. This is obviously not the quality of a person who is doing big things. I have to say that at this point, she can't compare with Yuan Feng.

"Forget it, this time I blame me for being too careless. I didn't find any Warcraft hidden under the stream here, so I have an inescapable responsibility."

With a sigh, Yuan Feng didn't push all the blame to Tianyue Python. Although Tianyue Python is indeed a bit overdone, in fact, he also has a great responsibility in it.

Moreover, he also knew in his heart that even if he and the demon python obediently handed over two billion beast head crystals, I am afraid that the captor may not let them leave happily, and at the end, I am afraid he will Will choose to shoot.

Whether it's Warcraft or a human warrior, in the final analysis, they are creatures that have to go in, especially in places like the beast **** world. All things are basically solved by fists.

"Not to mention so much, and I don't know if Shicai's shots have been noticed by the super strong, let's leave soon!"

Now that things have happened, even complaining is useless. In this case, it is better to think about how to solve it first. The only thing they can do now is to leave here quickly, don't wait for the trouble to come to the door, but they can't walk anymore.

"Eun, from now on, I will listen to you all."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python nodded her cleverly, apparently also realizing her mistake. From now on, she will never be as calm as this time.

"Let's go, hope our luck is better, don't be ..."

"Well, little guy, don't think about beauty there, your luck is not good, it can even be said to be quite bad, hey !!!"

Yuan Feng hopes that this incident will not have any impact. However, the world is often the case. The more you worry about what happens, the more things you worry about will come true.

No, just before Yuan Feng's voice had fallen, a strange laugh was passed from a distance, and the laughter didn't stop. A skinny old man did not know when he had appeared to him and the sky. Not far from the monster python, he looked down condescendingly.

This is an old man with bark-like skin all over his body. The whole person is like an old man with half of his feet buried in the soil. The old man described it as very bitter wormwood, but his sharp eyes were indescribable light. . Obviously, this is a real super power, and a super power stronger than the sky demon python!

"Well, I can't think of it. The one who found you first will be this seat. It seems that the immortal monument is destined to become my Jin Yuying family. Others don't want to get involved, eh! !!! "

The old man's laughter is a bit harsh, and it is not difficult to hear from his words. It turned out to be a strong man of the Jin Yuying family. It seems that it should be a horrible existence with a demigod of six turns!

"This, this ......... is over, it seems that the most worried thing is still going to happen !!!"

Yuan Feng's mouth twitched for a while, but finally sighed long. He was really afraid of what was coming, and he was worried that he and the demon python would be found by a caring person. Now it seems that his worry is really nothing at all.

"The hidden powers of the Jin Yuying family, it seems that there is really a big trouble this time."

With a bitter smile under his heart, Yuan Feng simply felt more and more depressed. Which one of the strong ones is not good, but they have encountered the people of the Jin Yuying family. You must know that the Jin Yuying family is definitely not a mess. The main problem is that the Jin Yuying family was born to the Tian Yao. The Python family is restrained, and the speed of these hairy birds is extremely fast. As a result, he and the Tianmon Python want to escape the pursuit of each other, and the difficulty is even greater.

The face of the demon python is also very dignified. She knows that this time really caused trouble. Although the old man in front of her, although she does n’t know it, she is a super power of the Jin Yuying family. I do n’t know how long it has become famous. Too! A strong person of this level will never show up easily. The reason why this time comes out should be for her.

Obviously there is no way to hide at this time. Now that we have faced it, then naturally, we have to fight hard!

Fortunately, although this old man is powerful, it is still obviously a practice of six transitions in the semi-god realm, and he has not been promoted to the seventh transition. , I am afraid that the strength of the sky demon python is a big chunk.

The same is the state of six transitions in the semi-god realm. The old man in front of me has been promoted to this state. I am afraid that it has been tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the restraint of the Jinyuying clan against the Tianmonbo clan is really a bit too serious. In general, when I met this, I almost met a strong power of the other tribe in the demigod. Big difference.

"Old man, your nose is pretty spirited. I can't think of it being discovered by you, but it's up to you. Do you really think it's impossible to take away my body?"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, the body of the Tianmon Python slowly stepped forward a few steps, provoking the old Jinyuying old man in front of him.

Now that it's time to go, at least you can't lose in momentum. Anyway, there are two of her and Yuan Feng on their side, and there is only one of them on the opposite side. In terms of quantity, they still have the advantage.

Of course, although at present, their number is still dominant, but it may not be long before their number advantage is wiped out by the other party.

"Well, courage is very commendable, but when you are in the world of beast god, I'm afraid you are not born yet!"

With a strange laugh, the old man of the Jinyuying family is not in a hurry, he thinks that he has eaten the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, as Yuan Feng was depressed, it naturally has absolute control against the Tianmon Python. After all, the Jin Yuying family was born with unimaginable coercion over snakes of Warcraft. This is carried in the bloodline and there is no way to solve it.

"Did you let me do it myself, or did you take the initiative to surrender the Infinite Monument, rest assured, as long as you surrender the Infinite Monument, then I will just say nothing and let you go. If not, the best result is you Become a cloud of history with Wuliang Shenbei, how to choose, you take care of yourself! "

The corner of the old man's mouth picked, and he was not in a hurry to let the Tianmon Python make a choice. Speaking of, since the Tianmon Python has been found by it, then no matter what the other party has to do, don't try to throw it away.

Having said that, if it is possible, this child's credit, he naturally hopes to get it by himself, and even if he wins the sky demon python, it can also control the immortal monument himself and carefully study it for a while.

Once the treasures of Wuliang Shenbei are delivered to the ethnic group, I am afraid that no one can study them privately. Therefore, it will not tell others what happened during the time before the results.

No one will disapprove too much of his credit, let alone disappoint his babies too much.

"Old man, you and I are in a state of demigod and six turns, do you think, what qualifications do you have to call this board with me? Believe it or not, I'll make you regret coming to this muddy water later."

The Sky Demon Python was indeed irritated by the other party. She just did something wrong, which led to her and Yuan Feng being discovered by the super strong. This breath was in her heart. It was really upset, and she needed to use fighting. Release it all.

Although the Jin Yuying family really has such a little coercion against the Tianmon Python family, this is nothing to her. Moreover, no one knows that her secret weapon is Yuan Feng, and no one can guess So long ago, he had given the most important things to Yuan Feng.

"Well, this trip to muddy water is really not that easy, but as long as it is profitable, what if you take some risks?"

Around the old man's body, suddenly there was a horrible force rippling away. It seems that the words have already been said about this, he must also be ready to take action!

"Okay, you are your ethnic group, and I am also my ethnic group, so today, you and I will come to a battle to defend our family group, and see if you are stronger or me stronger."

Tian Yao Python is completely happy, and she is able to figure out the old man's thoughts, and she is naturally happy to see such thoughts.

The other person thinks that she and Yuan Feng can be easily destroyed, and she likes the feeling of being despised by the other person most. If she can, she really hopes that the other person will ignore her a little more!

In addition, judging from the reaction of the other party, Yuan Feng, who seems to have retreated, is afraid that he has been ignored by the old man of Jin Yuying, and maybe he can still have an effect at a critical moment.

"Come on, either you die or I live today, I hope you don't regret what you did today, hiss !!!"

The Tian Yao Python no longer said much, and in a low-drink, it proactively ran towards the skinny old man. This time, she tried to see how strong she was, and whether the old Jin Yuying could really beat her.


The appearance of the body, the huge colorful python turned into a sharp arrow, basically, three times in the semi-god realm, even if you see a shadow is already good.

The practice of the days monster python is not a joke. Today, her speed is much faster than before. Although the Jin Yuying family has natural wings, what can they do? ?

"Hum, you can't help it. Since you have to do it, then you should blame me for being polite and killing !!! Roar !!!"

The old man of the Jin Yuying clan didn't care much at all. During the talk, he was shocked and directly restored to the image of the Jin Yuying clan, but he came first and suppressed it against the demon python.

This war is probably going to continue for a while.

PS: It hurts all over. It seems that the body is about to call the police again. Six chapters, 23,000 words, it is estimated that it is also a record of Xiaoyan. Please ask for a few flowers and a few coins to support it. Thank you everyone! !! !!

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