The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2120: Anti guest

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Chapter 2120 Mainly Against Customers

The battle between the Tian Yao Python and the veteran of the Golden Feather Eagle lasted for a full half an hour. Looking at it, the Tian Yao Python was about to be driven to death by the veteran of the Golden Feather Eagle. When the veteran thought he could win a great victory, he never imagined that the unknown danger would cover it up.

"Well !!!"

A terrifying hissing passed from Jin Yuying's mouth, but although his call this time was loud, he could only echo within a very small range. As for the outside world, no one can listen at all get.

"No, how could this happen? Xuan Zhen? It is Xuan Zhen of the human warrior !!!"

In an endless imaginary space, the veteran Jin Yuying has now turned into a humanoid shape and is screaming wildly.

Even if it wants to break its head, it never thought that this scene would appear. In the eyes, there is an imaginary world everywhere. The original dense jungle and the brook water have disappeared at this moment. As a super-powerful who has traced the beast-god world for many years, it thinks of human warriors for the first time A skill-Xuan Zhen!

"Where did the mysterious array come from? Where did the mysterious array come out? Ah! God demon python, get out of me !!!"

Feeling that there is an imaginary space all around, there is no trace at all to find, and the heart of the elder Jin Yuying could not help but feel cold.

Obviously, everything in front of me is definitely the scene of the mysterious array, and the human military warrior's mysterious array method, it has been understood as many years ago. I have to say that the human Xuan array method is unique, it is simply a magic skill, and for the human warrior Xuan array, it is also felt from the heart to feel fear.

For a long time, it will guard against the mysterious array of human warriors, but today, when encountering with the sky monster python, it did not associate the sky monster python with the mysterious array, but at this moment, it was a big problem.

"How can this be so good? Where is the mysterious array that emerges? There is obviously no human martial arts here ......... Uh ..."

The Xuan Zhen method is a unique and superbly powerful method for human warriors. Regardless of how powerful Warcraft is, there is basically no talent for the Xuan Zhen. Although the sky demon python is strong, it is absolutely impossible to arrange a mysterious array.

However, just when it first thought of a human warrior, it suddenly remembered it. It seems that not long ago, it saw a human warrior with the sky demon python with his own eyes, but for that human Young man, it doesn't pay much attention and attention at all.

"Damn, it's him, it must be him, and I will make such a mistake of neglecting the enemy !!!"

I thought of the young man next to the Tianmon Python who I saw before, and then contacted the other person suddenly disappeared, and just ran to where it is now. He knew that the mysterious array in front of him was definitely that human. There is no doubt about the arrangement of the young man.

Of course, he was caught in the mysterious array arranged by the other party. It was of course unacceptable from the bottom of his heart, but it was so far that it was useless even if he was upset.

"Zuan Xuan Zhen, just want to stop me? Open it for me !!!"

Suddenly, he stretched out his arm. Suddenly, the arm of the human warrior turned into a claw of horror of the golden feather eagle, and he severed it to the front.

"Well !!!!!!"

The horrific blow struck the space, and suddenly, all the space cracks appeared. However, although these space cracks are not very small, they have never reached the point of breaking the mysterious array.

"What? It's so tough? This, this ........."

With a full blow, even the surrounding space was not torn. Seeing this, the elder Jin Yuying suddenly changed his face and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Warcraft breaks the battle, obviously there will not be any routine at all, the only way is to break it by force, but once the strength is not enough, then the trouble can be big.

It does n’t know who arranged the mysterious array at the moment, and the person who arranged it has reached a realm of strength, but it is clear that the present mysterious array is not so easy to take off. In other words, if there is nothing unexpected, although it has found the Tian Yao Python this time, I am afraid that it will miss the other party too!

"Damn it, **** python, get out of me !!!"

Feeling that the surrounding mysterious array is not so easy to break, the veteran Jin Yuying was almost anxious and angry, and began to growl and yell, but no matter how he shouted or scolded, the response was only There was nothing but silence.

Obviously, for it, this will be a very different and huge challenge. It seems that it is still not clear whether we can get out of this challenge.

At the same time, in another space of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, Yuan Feng and the sky demon python that had restored the human form were just gathered together at this moment, and gasped heavily.

"Yes, it's dangerous. Fortunately, I've done my best to save you at the most critical time. If it's like one and a half minutes at night, I'm afraid you're really dangerous today!"

With a few breaths, Yuan Feng's heart could not help feeling a little scared. Speaking of which, thankfully, he had tried all his strengths before. This was when the Tianmon Python was about to be unable to sustain, and finally the Jiuqu Yellow River The large array was successfully arranged. If he slows down a little bit, I am afraid that this will definitely not be the case now.

What he can think of, the only one who can help to get the sky demon python is basically the mysterious array. Although the mysterious array method is very limited, the sky demon python and the enemy are fighting at the moment. In this way, it can provide him with enough time. When the sky demon python fights with people, he secretly arranges the black array. Then help the day demon python.

It seems that his previous choice was right, and he arranged such a terrible super mysterious array in the shortest time. At least, the current crisis between him and Tian Yao Python was completely lifted.

"Yue, yue, yue, it's really dangerous. If it's later, I'm really going to give up my life."

At the moment, the demon python was panting fiercely, apparently it was really expensive, and there were still some fine wounds on her body that hadn't healed, but there was nothing to prevent it.

Like Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python's heart is full of luck. Only she knows where her limits are. If Yuan Feng's mysterious array does not appear in time, they will basically not have to run.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Yuan Feng was really powerful, but she did not let her be disappointed.

Feeling the horrible mysterious array around, Tianmon Python did n’t know what to say. Although she knew that Yuan Feng had a mysterious array method, before that, she could n’t know that Yuan Feng ’s mysterious array method had reached this level To the point.

Judging from the surrounding mysterious array, this is definitely not an ordinary mysterious array, and if it is an ordinary mysterious array, I am afraid that we should be able to see the elder Jin Yuying.

"Hahaha, our lives, where is it so easy to be taken away? If you want to kill us, it depends on whether they have the strength and means."

Hearing the emotions of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng could not help but laugh loudly, and was really happy and grateful for the results now.

Others don't know, but as the owner of Xuanzhen, he knows the situation at the moment. He can feel that the Xuanzhen he laid down has already trapped the elder Jin Yuying, for a while and a half, The other party can't escape.

"Giggle, cough, okay, let's not say so much, while your mysterious array works, let's leave here quickly, don't wait until the golden feather eagle reacts, arrive At that time, we wanted to go again and couldn't get away. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python didn't think too much, but smiled fortunately, while she smiled, she could not help but cough violently, apparently she was really injured.

She has experienced such a big crisis this time, and now she is in danger of passing through it. Of course, she hopes that she can get out of danger sooner and stay away from the veteran Jin Yuying. In any case, she doesn't want to continue to be entangled with each other.

The Jin Yuying family really restrained her too much. Originally, she didn't think she would be so bad, but when it came to the end, she was really restrained by the Jin Yuying.

The thought of this meant that she wanted to leave quickly and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

"Hey, do n’t be in a hurry. This time is not the time to leave in a hurry. Speaking of which, you are seriously injured at this moment, and I am also busy with chase. Do n’t you think that at this moment we, we should Are you getting some returns from the other party? "

Breathing evenly, Yuan Feng couldn't help narrowing her eyes, and her heart began to move slowly.

For a long time, he is a master who does not suffer. Right now, he and Tianmon Python are forced to look like this by the veteran Jin Yuying. If they leave like this now, it would be too much. Cheaper each other!

There is nothing in this world that cannot be thought about. He will take a look today to see if the strong man with six turns in the demigod can bear his mysterious measures.

"Well? Yuanfeng, what do you want to do?"

When he heard Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python's face suddenly became very exciting. She knows Yuan Feng's person, and at this time she saw Yuan Feng's performance. She knew that in the next time, she really saw it!

Frankly speaking, co-authoring her ideas, if you have the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the elder Jin Yuying, it will not be easy, but now it seems that Yuan Feng and her ideas seem to have a very essential difference.

In her heart, she always treated the veteran Jin Yuying as an invincible enemy. As a result, she felt that she was a weak party. But in Yuan Feng's heart, he didn't seem to regard himself as a weak person.

"Hum, no matter what the elder Jin Yuying, now falls into my mysterious array, then everything must listen to me, no matter what, I want to make it pay for everything I do !!!"

With his eyes stunned, Yuan Feng at this moment was filled with a terrifying sorrow all over him. Apparently, the elder Jin Yuying's actions had probably made him completely angry.

Who said that the strength is not as good as the opponent, you must run away blindly and then? You know, no matter when it is, the offense is the best defense. He must use his own offense to let the elder Jin Yuying know his power. As for who is afraid of whom, he will now conclude that he is afraid of fashion. early.

"Demon flame, the next time, you will be behind me. What do you need, I will inform you the first time, this time, we said that we must do a big vote."

It is conceivable that if they can destroy a demigod and a six-turn Warcraft, then not only the strength of the sky demon python will be greatly improved and improved, his Warcraft companion Xiaoba will also be the next City, by then, their combination, the combat effectiveness will be even more impressive.

By that time, whether it is relying on the strength of the Tianmon Python or the productivity of Xiaoba, they will be more free to do whatever they want. At least, the characters with six turns in the demigod can no longer be fatal to them. Threat.

"Yu, I'll just listen to you."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Tian Yao Python felt that his heartbeat was speeding up a bit. When she was alone, she did n’t even think about it, but when she was with Yuan Feng, she could not only think about it, but even let it go. She really did n’t know about it. How to describe that mood.

But having said that, if you can really succeed, then the next journey can indeed be much easier.

ps: I wrote a little bit yesterday. I took a long break this morning, I have been working in the afternoon, and today ’s update is not very powerful, sorry everyone! !! !! At the end of the month, ask for a few flowers, thank you brothers! !! !!

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