The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2091: Appeared one after another

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Chapter 2091 Appears One after Another

After a lot of calls, after a lot of waiting, the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce finally took out the third auction item and presented it to everyone.

And just when Ruan Xinrou of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce named the third auction item, everyone present was basically scared by this treasure, regardless of whether it was human warrior or warcraft, but they were all right This so-called Dongtianfu tree has generated great interest.

Ruan Xinrou did not explain Dongtianfushu too much to everyone, because as a person who has survived and cultivated in the beast **** world for many years, the name of Dongtianfushu is really not strange, but everyone in the past I feel that this kind of treasure tree exists only in legend, and I have never really seen this tree.

According to legend, Dongtian Blessing Tree is a very rare spiritual plant bred by heaven and earth. Once this thing grows up, it can make the heaven and earth aura of tens or hundreds of miles into a spiritual fullness, and absorb such heaven and earth Reiki can naturally make the cultivation of the practitioner more effective.

In addition, Dongtianfushu can also release a very weird and clear breath. This breath can cleanse the mind and eliminate the impetuous mood of the practitioner. The rest is all good.

If the former effect is fairly average, then the latter effect is hard for anyone to resist.

Just know that whether it is a human warrior or Warcraft, long-term cultivation will make a lot of negative emotions accumulate in the heart. No one can be an exception, even if it is as powerful as Yuan Feng, it must be There will be such negative emotions.

As long as it is in the deep place, it can make these negative emotions disappear and make the practice easier. Just think about it, and you can feel the horror of the effect of the hole.

Take Yuan Feng, for example, if he can make all his negative emotions disappear, then he can definitely try to impact the demigod, and there is definitely a great chance of success.

This is the effect of Dongtianfushu, powerful and mysterious.

Having said that, the small tree in front of me is obviously just a seedling of the dongtianfu tree. If you want to say the effect, I am afraid that it is still a little worse, and I want to make this thing play its due effect, I am afraid it needs to grow Some will do.

"Well, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Even this kind of baby can get it. It seems that it was a pity to miss the body of the unicorn, before. If you can get this baby, the unicorn What ’s so good about your body? Girl, how do you want to sell this thing? "

Just as Ruan Xinrou said the name of the third auction item, the people present were all shocked and shocked. Among the crowd, the strong man of the Zijin Marten family who had previously auctioned could not help but stand up first. , Asked with anticipation.

Originally, the Zijin people were still secretly annoyed that they had missed the body of the unicorn, but now they feel that they have not wasted money on the body of the unicorn, which is absolutely correct.

It doesn't matter if the other major ethnic groups are human warriors, but they haven't spoken, but they can tell from the expressions of these people. At this moment, they are obviously very concerned about this issue.

Since it is something that everyone agrees on, now it depends on how much the base price of this thing is. As for who will end up in the end, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

"You, how precious Dongtian Fushu is, the little girl won't say much here anymore, and everyone who wants to come should be more clear than me."

Ruan Xinrou did not intend to introduce Dongtianfushu too much. As she said, there should be no one who does not know Dongtianfushu, and those who do not know are not eligible to participate in the auction. Come in. So, she really didn't need to waste time introducing those ordinary people.

"Considering that this blissful tree is still a seedling, it is not easy to cultivate it. The minimum price set by the God Chamber of Commerce for this tree is 60 billion beast head crystals, everyone, please bid !!!!

Ruan Xinrou's gaze turned slightly, and between the words he gave a number that calmed down the whole scene. Once such a number came out, it basically made countless people directly cancel the idea of ​​competition, but it was pure. Become among the lively camp.

Sixty billion beast head crystals, this is obviously an unimaginable horrible price. However, if you buy a cave tree with such a price, it looks like it really does not lose a bit.

Speaking of which, the reason why the Shenji Chamber of Commerce set such a price is actually the result of comprehensive consideration. Under normal circumstances, of course, the value of Dongtianfushu is much more than that, but the Dongtianfushu in front of him is too young to be able to feed, but he still has to say two things.

Don't think that this kind of heaven and earth treasure is very good to serve. In fact, if you can't choose a good place for this kind of baby, then it will be difficult to grow well. Moreover, even if it can survive, the growth cycle of this thing is really too long.

To put it bluntly, no matter who buys this thing back, in a short time, it is very difficult to obtain substantial benefits, and just to cultivate the growth of this heavenly tree, it must be a very horrible investment .

In fact, the pricing of the God of Heaven Chamber of Commerce by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is not actually 60 billion beasthead crystals. In the eyes of the strong **** Chamber of Commerce, the price of 50 billion beasthead crystals is already very high As for the price of 60 billion beast head crystals, it is the result of Ruan Xinrou's temporary modification.

Ruan Xinrou as the host of the last auction, she is qualified to make a decision based on the actual situation at the scene. From her observations, the super-big Mac, 60 billion beast head crystals who came to the exchange today There is absolutely no problem with the reserve price.

"Dongtian Fushu and other babies only took the reserve price of 60 billion beast head crystals? Too few, it is simply an insult to these heaven and earth spirits. My family of purple gold marten bids 65 billion beast head crystals, and more Five hundred purple ginseng. "

The first to bargain is still the family of Zijin Marten. After missing the previous auction item, they have an inevitable posture for this second piece of the cave tree.

They also know that it is not easy to cultivate the seedlings of Dongtianfu, but these are not the problems. The Zijin marten family has a rich heritage, and it has to be passed down for countless years. They can fully afford the cost of cultivating the **** tree, and they can also wait for the day when the **** tree produces results.

Therefore, in the view of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, it is a terrible defect, but in their eyes, it is not a big deal.

Of course, such ideas are basically applicable to many of the large groups of Warcraft present. They have a long tradition and are not in a hurry to harvest, or in other words, their vision is actually long-term.

"Well, it sounds so good, but it only adds 5 billion beast head crystals, which is just laughing and generous. My devil and tiger family bids 70 billion beast head crystals, plus 600 yangyang grass."

Just when the price of the Zijin Marten family had just dropped, the previous rival Tian Mo Hu family immediately followed the price of 5 billion beast head crystals and raised the number of Lingzhi.

"Well? Are you looking for any difference? Okay, since the Devil Tigers want to be stubborn, this seat is with you: 75 billion beast head crystals and 700 purple snow ginseng."

The Zijin Marten family did not show weakness, and almost immediately bid too high again. It seems that this time they really put down their capital.

"Ninety billion beast head crystals, a thousand moonwolf stones !!!"

However, at the time when the Zijin Marten and the Tian Mo Hu started to fight the price, a very indifferent voice was passed slowly from the crowd, and as the voice spread, the original face was still stunned. The strong members of the colored purple marten family and the devil tiger family changed their looks almost instantaneously, and then they looked at each other in the direction of the sound, but they started to ruffle their lips, and they did not continue to shout. .

"Nine billion beast head crystals? One thousand moon wolf stones? Hiss, it is the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, and the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is here too !!!"

"Good guy, you do n’t have to do it. One shot is so horrible. Ninety billion beast head crystals suddenly increase the price by 15 billion? Also, a thousand moonwolves are worth tens of billions. Beast head crystal? "

"Yu, Moon Wolf Stone, that's a high-grade spar baby that can only be produced by Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, good guy, it seems that this exchange meeting really attracted a lot of super big groups!"

"There is a lot of excitement here, Zijin Marten, Tian De Mo Hu, Jin Yuying, and now there are Xiaoyue Wolf wolves appearing. I don't know how many super big groups will appear at today's auction."

"Well, there is no need for more. The Xiaoyue Wolf family alone is enough. The strength and heritage of the Xiaoyue Wolf family are better than other groups, and the human warrior group cannot be compared. If they really want to win this third lot, I'm afraid no one can really grab it. "

With the appearance of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, today's auction has reached a new height in an instant.

Everyone knows that the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves are not comparable to the ordinary super-large groups. Even the Zijin Marten and the Tianmohu tribes basically dared not continue to raise prices after the Xiaoyue Wolf wolves opened their mouths.

It's not that these two groups are really afraid of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, but, in terms of the bottom line, they are really not as good as the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Right now, the Xiaoyue Wolf clan shouts 90 billion beast head crystals, plus The price of a thousand moonwolf stones, even if they are intentionally inserted, they have no such energy.

Of course, shouting out the price of more than 90 billion beast head crystals, they are not impossible, except that the face of the Xiaoyue wolf clan is still to be given. Moreover, the auction is now up, it seems that there is still Two more precious babies are to be auctioned, and once the Xiaoyue Wolf family shoots this one, then the next two pieces should not be photographed by the other.

Therefore, after some measurement, the two major ethnic groups are both looking and gaining, but they are no longer competing with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan.

Zijin Marten and Tian Mo Hu are not arguing, then other ethnic groups with comparable strengths will certainly not stand up at this time and be disappointed with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. For a while, everyone was suffocating and no one shouted again price.

The three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan are indifferent at this moment. For them, it is a very cost-effective price to shoot a blissful tree at such a price. Speaking of them, even if other ethnic groups dare to compete with them, they will definitely compare any opponent.

"Hehe, a friend here is bidding 90 billion beast head crystals, a thousand moon wolf stones, but there are still people who pay a higher price? If not, then this cave tree is owned by this son Now. "

Ruan Xinrou's gaze shifted slightly, but the bottom of his eyes shone with joy that was hard to conceal.

She actually got the news long ago. The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan will also appear in the auction this time, and now I see that the Xiaoyue Wolf clan finally made a shot, and she still shouted such a terrible price as soon as she shot it. In response, she Of course I am happy.

You know, the seedlings of a celestial bliss tree are, to the strong of the Chamber of Commerce of God, that it is definitely worth so many resources.

In addition, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce has obtained the Dongtian Fushu this time. I am afraid that this is not the only one. The little guy is actually only eliminated by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. It can exchange such a treasure for so many resources. , God Machine Chamber of Commerce is simply making a lot of money.

Of course, these are just the thoughts in Ruan Xinrou's mind. Obviously, these ideas cannot be said to let others know.

After Ruan Xinrou's words came down, the entire auction scene was silent for a while, but no one shouted a price higher than that of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Obviously, such a price has basically reached its limit. Everyone, there really aren't many that can surpass it.

"It seems that no one has paid a higher price. In this case ..."

Seeing that no one continued to bid, Ruan Xinrou could not help but look right, it was to announce the final result.

However, at this moment, a voice that was very familiar to all present was ringing again.

"Giggle, wait a minute, I am very tempted by such a precious treasure tree, so I will also try, 110 billion beast head crystals."

The coquettish laughter sounded in everyone's ears, and then, a number that made everyone present was trembling, was passed into everyone's ears, and whoever hears such a number is strong The heart beat vigorously a few times, and then they looked at the people who opened their eyes.

"Uh ... is she again?"

After everyone looked at the opening person, everyone found out that it wasn't the others who shouted the price this time, it was the bidder of the first auction item, the masked woman who could not see the appearance!

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